Spirit(s) of Chaos

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     Sagittarius' pov

'Come on, Taurus!' I yelled after my big brother, but he didn't response and from his beating footsteps getting softer, I made up he was a lot faster than me and Libra. 'Let him go his way,' Libra said next to me, although I couldn't see his face due to the box in front of it. 'It's tough, for all of us. He'll get over this. Eventually.'

'I hope so too,' I sighed and stumbled onto the third floor. 'Man, we have to do something about this no-railings-thing. I think this won't be going well for ever, if you know what I mean.'

'Yeah, I know what you mean,' my brother said and I could hear the smile in his voice. At least he was able to take my responses normally, instead of threatening to break my bones.

A few more steps and we'd made it to the top floor without stumbling and falling down the stairs, something I feared more than all right now, except for the fact Taurus could be waiting upstairs and push us down. He didn't stand right there, but a few meters further and talking to –

I tried to grab Libra's arms with one of my hand, but I failed horribly. The carton box, balancing on my arms, slipped right through them and collapsed on the ground with such loud sounds, I thought it might sound a bit like the noises we heard yesterday, right before we entered the flat. Libra turned around fast as the light, a shocked but not an angry look placed in his eyes. However, when Taurus turned around, he first showed a bit of confusion, but that soon turned to a firing anger. Loads of books, papers, pencils, some headphones and a charger now lay on the ground in front of me, and I nervously chuckled to break the silence after the sounds.

'Eh... oops?'

Libra sighed, put down the box he was carrying and quickly gathered the stuff on the floor to put them back in the box. 'Paying attention isn't one of your stronger sides, now is it?' he said, slightly irritated. He turned back around and only then seemed to realize the thing I wanted to tell him.

Right in front of us stood a girl, with short hair and curious eyes. She was holding a broken chair, one similar to the ones outside, I noticed. Her eyes gazed from me to Libra, to Taurus and back to me. Either she was nervous and she didn't show it, or she really didn't want to talk, because the silence took forever to me. Those five seconds seemed five minutes, until she finally turned her head to the apartment next to them, and I saw it was number 25, right next to ours.

'Gemstone? Could you... get out here, please? I think we've got new neighbors...' she asked with a raised voice, and not even a second later, another girl walked out. She was a bit taller than the girl we'd seen, with longer hair in a messy tail and her eyes weren't just curious, they had something energetic in them.

Without a single doubt, she made it clear she was a bit better in handling social situations like these, starting with the sentence: 'Yay, new neighbors! I've been waiting forever for some new people to come here!'

She smiled widely, before quickly continuing her talk. 'My name's Gemini, but you can also call me Gem, if you want, I don't care. Don't call me Gemstone, though, Pisces does it all the time and I don't know why, because it's annoying and it doesn't suit me, but anyway, I'm talking too much again. Did Pisces introduce herself yet? I suppose she didn't, so; this is Pisces –'

She gestured over at the girl next to her, who cracked up a small smile and waved to us, while Gemini kept talking.

'– and you guys are clearly new here, because I don't know you, and if I don't know you it means no one here knows you, because I'm always the first to meet everyone new. Don't doubt it; Pisces here can recall sometimes, like when we met Aquarius and Cap, remember? That was a fun time, right?' 'Maybe you should calm down,' the girl, of whom we now knew her name was Pisces, said, to which Gemini nodded.

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