By xoxo_annie_exo

1.6M 37.3K 12.9K

What if there was a school for the magicals, in Korea? Park Sarang is suddenly transferring to Park Cha... More

introductions and characters
New Powers
D.O~ Park Chan Jae High
Kai~ developing feelings
Chen~ The Past Inside Him
Chen ~ the past inside him [ part 2 ]
Chen ~ the past inside him [ part 3 ]
$uho ~ shopping
Sehun ~ bubble tea café
Sehun ~ trouble ahead
Tao ~ halloween
Tao ~ Costumes
Lay ~ Halloween
Baekhyun ~ Lights out
Kris ~ Fighting the enemy
Kris ~ The Monster
Hyun Woo ~ The Past
Hyo Ra ~ My so-called Brother
Luhan ~ Hurt
Luhan ~ Story Time
Xiumin ~ Frost
Xiumin ~ Caught
Chanyeol to the Rescue
Chanyeol ~ Dessert & Idols
D.O - @maecah10
Chanyeol & Luhan
Lee Hyunwoo ~ Revenge ?
Hyo Ra ~ All Messed Up
Minhyuk ~ Red Light
Sarang ~ Captain Hook & Hanboks
Sarang Special: Wake Up Call
Sarang ~ Dangerous Charmspeak
Sarang ~ Missing Person
The Change
You Reap What You Sow
The Unknown Truth Revealed
Hopeless ; He's Back
Scarlet Diamondé
Beginning of Chaos
Tree of Life
His Façade
The Blonde Wolf Awakes
The Wolves Bark - Her Comeback
The Black Pearl
Kris ~ The Dragons
Sehun ~ Who?
Sehun & Baekhyun ~ Fire
The Start of a New Journey
Planet of Peace
Q & A
Hyde & Jekyll
Fanfiction Revamp
Lost & Found
The Seal
KaiSoo ~ Suffocate
Lay ~ Hide & Seek
Right Back
Pre-War Chant
# tagged
Breaking News ; Announcement
and so it begins. . .
battle cry × xiumin
recap + not a chapter
run × luhan
blood shed × kris
defense × suho
wounded × lay

$uho ~ shopping [part 2]

35.8K 771 96
By xoxo_annie_exo


"You look cute." He said. I blushed at his complement, and thought that it matched with my outfit today. I was wearing a creme colored oversized sweater with black jeans and combat boots. My long hair was let down; I straightened it in the morning.

"Oh! How about this one????" I said, pointing to a cream colored Domo SnapBack. "That looks nice." Suho commented. "Try it on!!!" I said excitedly.

Suho puts the SnapBack on, and it looks PERFECT on him!!! He looks so adorable too. Like an adorable boyfriend type of look.



I take a glance at Suho, whose looking at his watch. "Hey Sarang-ah, it's already 11:53 so how 'bout we head to the food court to find something to eat?" Suho asked me.

"Sure. Let's just drag the other members if we find them along the way," I said. "Ok Kaja!" Suho said happily.

It's been a few minutes after Suho bought his disguise, [ a cream colored Domo SnapBack and aviators ] and had bought me a white Hello Kitty beanie and Hello Kitty bow tie glasses.

I wanted to pay for my own things, let alone treat Suho for what he wants, but every time he insists to pay for both of us. Even for my new $48 floral hightop/wedge sneakers that I wanted really badly.

But Suho made a small compromise with me; he told me to treat him later on. Which made me feel less guilty that Suho has bought almost everything I wanted ever since we stepped into the mall.

Which reminds me, I'm gonna buy some new outfits later. I'm craving oversized sweaters and jeggings this week.

"Sarang-ah, what do you want to eat?" Suho asked me while I eyed the many food stands. [ whatever you call those food stores in the mall idk the correct term for it sorry~ ]

A ramen store caught my eye, and I started dragging Suho with me. "Ramen huh?" Suho said. "Yup. I love my ramen!" I said excitedly.

Five minutes of waiting later, Suho and I were holding our trays of hot delish Ramen. We looked around the food court for some tables, but most of them were taken. I spot someone waving at me, and I realize that it's Lay gege.

"Sarang mei mei! Over here!" Lay ge pointed at a huge table. "Coming gege!" I yelled back, even though it was super noisy on the food court. Suho and I made our way to the table, setting our trays down on the table and sitting down in relief.

One thing. If you're ever shopping, don't go during lunch time if your gonna buy so many things ok? Just wait until the afternoon. It's better. Trust me.

"Took you guys long enough." D.O said, scoffing and crossing his arms.

"Well I'm sorry Kyungsoo. I'm a girl and I need my things." I replied.

"What do you possibly need?!" D.O asked, slightly mad. "I'm already tired, and it's already been an hour!" he added.

"It's only been 1 hour and 30 minutes dongsaeng. Calm down." Xiumin said between mouthfuls of what I think is hanwu and rice.

I noticed that most of the EXO members has already arrived, eating whatever they liked. Team Sexy was currently missing. But they were all crowding around Xiumin, trying to steal his beef.

"Yah! That's mine, not yours!!!!" Xiumin said loudly. "So? Sharing is caring hyung!" Chanyeol said. "Well I'm not caring when it comes to food so back off!!!" Xiumin said, pushing Chanyeol far from his beloved beef.

"I want some!!!" Tao yelled, who was followed by Luhan, Sehun, Baekhyun, and Lay. Apparently, they were too lazy to wait in line for the precious beef. "Hey why are you guys eating my cousins?!" Baekhyun gasped.

"Well you eat your own kind too Baekhyun so shut up!" Xiumin yelled. "Why can't you all just get off your lazy butts and buy MORE?! You guys will be more happy with MORE hanwu right?" Xiumin explained. "But I don't wanna~~~" Luhan whined.

"Just go buy some!!!" Xiumin yelled. "We don't wanna! Just share hyung! I'll pay you back~~" Sehun said, trying to reason with Xiumin. "Call! Treat me to something later ok Sehuna?" Xiumin said happily before continuing to eat his lunch.

{ Boys will be boys, especially EXO. And when it comes to food } you thought.

"Hey guys! What did I miss?" Kai asked, sitting down in front of you. Team Sexy has finally arrived, with Kris holding multiple bags of.... stuff. Shoes, clothes, plushies, video games, and was that cologne?

"Nothing much." you said, followed by the slurp of noodles. The ramen was soooo delicious and heavenly like. I mentally thanked God for inventing Ramen.

"Hey Sam." Kris greeted me. "Hey Kris." I replied. "ANYONE MISSED MEEEE?!!! Chen yelled with a happy face.
[ (->(≧∇≦) <-) this face.] Chanyeol replied with a joking 'No', which made Chen mad, [from the looks of his face.]

In the end, every member decided to get some food for themselves, and not bother Xiumin anymore, since he finished the hanwu.

I sat back in my chair, holding my hand to my stomach. I was full. Really full. I need to work out again. Off to shopping~ but later.

I waited patiently for EXO to finish their lunch, so I can have someone to accompany me when I would go shopping again. Also to calm my full stomach.

"Suho you done?" I asked the leader who was rubbing his stomach. "Yea I'm done. Wanna go now?" he asked. I nodded my head quickly, which made him laugh and ruffle my hair.

"Yah! Why are you touching my beloved woman?!" Chanyeol yelled in jealousy, suddenly pointing at the leader. "Who says that she's your woman?" Suho shot back.

"Ladies, ladies! Let's not fight for a cute pair of shoes kay? You're both beautiful without them." you said sarcastically. The young and older ones snickered at the giant, making him embarrassed.

"She got you good Channie!" Baekhyun said, slapping Chanyeol's back. "Hyung!!!" Chanyeol pouted.

"Let's go~~" you said, standing and grabbing your bags. Your movements caused most of the members look up from their food, looking at you in confusion.

"Girl shopping." you said, and EXO just nodded their heads, getting what you mean. "Suho-ah, Kaja!" you said excitedly. "I wanna come too!!" Chanyeol said, making a beeline towards you.

"Yah you're supposed to be in our team Yeol!!" Baekhyun yelled at the traitor. "Sorry hyung! Were leaving. Bye~~~" Chanyeol said, dragging you away by crossing his elbows with yours. [you know that elbow thing couples do when they walk.] The leader followed you and the giant, wherever you were leading them.

You had a few stores that you wanted to go to, and your first stop was Forever 21.

Yes, Korea has Forever 21. You just need to look for it.

[A/N: I'm not so sure about the Forever 21 thing tho... ಠ_ಠ ]

You went inside quickly, wanting to explore the clothing store. There were so many things that caught your eye, and you knew you wanted that comfy looking sweater that had donut print. If you bought it, then you could tease D.O that his name sounds like D.Onuts.

{Ooo! That Unicorn sweatshirt! Lay gege would be so happy to see me wearing that! Omg! that light blue ombré sweater and comfy cropped sweater is sooooo what I need!!!} you thought, looking for all of those sweaters your size.

{Hmm... I'll buy some sweatpants later at Victoria's Secret. But Suho and Yeollie are here.... ಠ_ಠ}

You turn around to find the leader talking to the giant, who you think were criticizing the clothes. You quickly grabbed the sweaters you've been eyeing and quickly run to the register to pay.

"Thank you, that'll be $45,000 won please." the sales girl said, giving you your receipt. You quickly take out your wallet to pay, and you successfully gave your money to the cashier without Suho actually paying for you.

You grab your bag, shove the receipt in and you run to Suho and Chanyeol, who haven't budged from their spot.

"Done?" Suho asked, surprised. "Yup! I m a quick shopper." you explained, watching Chanyeol and Suho heads bob up and down like a bobble head toy.

[ pervy-ish chapter coming up... ]

You three exit the large store, and you look at the hanging signs to find your next destination: Victoria's Secret. No you weren't buying undies and bras. That'd be embarrassing. You simply wanted sweatpants. Just sweatpants.

You walked in front, searching for the famous women underwear store. Chanyeol and Suho tagged along behind you, following you like bored puppies.

There it was... So now... How to tell the guys about this... you were befuddled on asking the guys to go inside. You didn't want them to be.... umm... pervy.

"Suho, Chanyeollie. You guys can sit and talk while I go somewhere ok? I won't be long!" you said loud enough for them to hear.

"Ok sweetie!!!" Chanyeol yelled in that loud manly voice of his. "Be safe!" Suho yelled. "I will, don't worry!" you yelled back.

When the guys weren't looking, you quickly dashed into the store. You looked around and found what you wanted. You took a few pairs of comfy sweatpants and went to pay for them.

"Hey hyung! What the heck are you doing?!" a voice yelled.

{ that voice sounds familiar.... } you thought. Was it one of the EXO members? you didn't know. And so you sneaked around to find the voice's owner. It turns out that Team Panda was just outside the store, looking in wonder.

"Eww hyung's perverted!!!!Sehuna, you're too innocent to see this!!!" Tao yelled, covering Sehun's eyes. "Says you Tao hyung. You're looking at it while your covering my eyes." Sehun mumbled. "Well I'm just thinking that she might be in here. You know, she might need her... uh... girl stuff." Lay said, entering the store.

{great. when I don't want someone to see me, they just have to don't they?} I thought as I quickly hid behind clothing racks.

Tao and Sehun were fighting, and Lay was looking around.

But btw just saying, it's VICTORIA'S SECRET.


A store full of women underwear. And I suggest that guys DON'T go in.

From the corners of my eye, Team Sexy has also arrived. "Hey Kris ge!" Tao yelled. "Oh hey hyung." Sehun said to the group.

"Huang Zi Tao and Oh Sehun. What are you two doing in front of this store? Explain yourselves. And where's Lay? Don't tell me he wandered off again." Kris said.

"Uh Lay hyung's IN the store." Sehun stated, pointing into the store. "Why did he go in there?" Chen asked. "Where's Suho hyung and Chanyeol hyung?" Kai asked, staring at the store.

"Hyung stop staring! It's disgusting!" Sehun said, pointing at a mesmerized Kai. "We should get Kai out of here." Kris said, pulling Kai away. "Wait for meeee!" Chen yelled, running after them.

Your heart then skipped a beat. You were so into their conversation that you nearly jumped into the air as someone poked you. You turn around to see Lay, smiling and waving at you.

"Hi mei mei. What are you doing here?" he asked. "Nothing. I should pay for these now. Go wait outside with the others." you said.

"Ok. Oh and Suho and Chanyeol are both outside." Lay said. "Yea I know gege." you said.

you quickly paid, and as you exited the store, all the teams have arrived. They were standing in front of the store, looking in awe. you face palmed yourself, and you reminded yourself not to come to this store with a bunch of hot guys. Even Suho and Kris were looking, but they were trying to resist it.

"Ok guys. Show's over!" you yelled, making EXO break their stares at the store. They all looked at you and back at the store, and back at you.

You started walking away, and you looked back. They weren't budging. It's like they were hypnotized. By bras.

"You 12 pervs. Ok I'm leaving now," you yelled.

"Come on guys. Hyung! Let's go! Xiumin-ah, what kind of hyung are you, influencing the kids?!" Suho shouted to Kris and Xiumin.

"Ok let's go guys. I'll buy you guys something at the café later." Kris said, dragging Tao with him. "I want bubble tea!!!" Sehun yelled happily, dragging Luhan.

"Food!!! Let's go Chen-ah!" Xiumin said, doing the same as Hunhan. "Yahhhhh!!! Baekhyun-ah Kaja!" Chanyeol said happily.

wow. it seems like Suho's distraction plan works well on the members. I should do that next time. Gomawo Suho-ah.

Speaking of next time, there were a lot of onlookers that were watching EXO walk away cooly I suppose. And most of them were excited high school girls that saw 12 handsome guys like a jackpot. They were staring at EXO like hungry wolves.

There's gonna be some action later on, so I better act fast. So... I kinda... um... revealed my secret. I made time freeze for the humans, and Tao looked back to see what I did.

"Hurry! The girls might chase you, you know. Let's go." I said quickly. Using my special time control powers that I've mastered at home, I made time regular for the EXO members.

"Hey Sarang-ah. Good job on the time control." Suho said, flashing a bright smile at me.


medium-ish chapter? well yea when it comes to shopping, count on Suho! Haha not really. He's such a kind leader, treating his members to almost 3 meals a day.

I'm hungry. ಠ_ಠ <- I like using this face a lot. it just amuses me.

ok bye bye my beeyootiful reader! (・◇・)/~~~


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