My Alpha Mate (An Riren Fanfi...

By Ereri4life-MyLevi

464K 16.6K 11.3K

'WB' ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ After I placed the tray down I was able to get a wiff of his sent, it was a musky smell... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8 part 1
chapter 8 part 2
chapter 9
chapter 10
Best conversation EVER
chapter 11
baby names
The winner
Chapter 13
starting up again
chapter 14
Chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
author note
Decision plus short story
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
help: mates and names.
new book.

Chapter 12

15.5K 620 486
By Ereri4life-MyLevi


This is a very important chapter okay.

Picture NOT mine.

Recap of where we left off :

"Eren's awake" she says bluntly.

"Doesn't bother me" I say but inside I was happy. I was glad he was alive but I wasn't going to tell anyone. Azai was definitely happy. Jumping around in joy.

"Don't say that. We've been having less attacks because of him. He's been so useful"

"Yeah yeah now leave me be"

"Fine" she storms off.

********** 10 weeks later **********


It's been 10 weeks since my little cutting incident and in that short time of ten weeks, my stomach has grown so much. Since I'm supposed to give birth in 3 weeks.

Also for the past 10 weeks I haven't seen Alpha Rivaille once. I bet he's avoiding me, though I bet he doesn't want to ever see me again.

But if that was true than why did he save me. It's making me so confused. I don't know what to think anymore.

"Eren, Eren, Eren, EREN" Mikasa yells.

"Ah wah, what is it?" I ask.

"Have you finally figured out a name"

"Nori, it's a girls and boys name" I state. (I search up if it was a boys or girls name and it turns out it's both)

"That's a nice name Eren" Armin comments.

Hanji then brust into the room. "Armin take Eren to his room and lock him in it then to the Alphas office. Mikasa was need you on the front lines"

"W-whats going on Hanji" I ask.

"The rogues... the rogues are attacking" she says breathlessly.

"Armin take Eren to his room now" Mikasa orders.

"Okay on it" Armin starts to lead me to my room.

"Wait but there must be something I can do" I yell out.

"There is, go to your room and stay there" Hanji yells back.

That's when I notice all the pack members running up and down the hallways in chaos.

"Hanji wasn't lying was she" I whisper.

"Guess not. Now hurry up. We got to get you to your room"

"Armin, I'm pregnant, your not gonna see me run any faster than this sheesh"


We finally made it to my room and I sit down on my bed as Armin leaves without a goodbye and locks me in. This really sucks.

I'm stuck here doing nothing when I should be doing something. How long will this last.

Seconds turned into minutes and minutes turned into an hour. And in that hour I spent the whole time in this room.

I loved this room so very much but not right now. I wanted to get out. Plus with the baby kicking and moving is becoming a pain.

Not only that but I bet Alpha Rivaille is out there fighting. What if he gets hurt or worse dies. What if the pack gets killed.

Then the rogues would search the pack house, find me, then kill me. I huged my plume belly and cried.

All I wanted right now I wanted to be in the arms of my mate. But that would never happen any way. My mate hates me.

Barloc whimpers at my thoughts of not being able to see him in the past ten weeks. My tears fall harder.

There was a sudden bang and I screamed. I just alerted who ever was outside my door of my presence.

"There's some one in here" A buff voice specks.

"Brake down the door" Another says.

I quickly got up and ran to the bathroom. I locked the bathroom door and sat in the shower and closed the curtain and sobbed.

There was a loud bang of the door being kicked open. Have my fears come ture. Is everyone else dead. Are they here to kill me.

There footsteps could be heard as they searched through my room. Not only that but this god damn baby decides to kick me and I gasp in pain.

"You hear that" I voice spoke.

"Yeah it came from the bathroom"

They started kicking at the bathroom door after checking if it was locked. Why can't this just be a horrible dream?

The door came crashing down and I started to shake in fear. I pulled my knees up and brought them as close to me as my belly would let me and huged them.

They pulled the curtain open in one swift move. I pushed myself up against the wall in attempt to get away from them.

"Well hello there Eren"


There was a quite soft knock on the door indercating me that it wasn't just pack member but Petra.

"Come in"

"It's just me, I've got something important to tell you" she whispers.

"What's is it" I ask.

"You know how you asked Alpha Smith to send us some of his wolves and they arrived yesterday" she says slowly.

Where is she going with this? Did one of them attack her? No, Alpha Smith's wolves are well behaved wolves.

"Yeah, and?"

"It turns out one of them is my mate... so I'm braking up with you to be with him"

The whole time she said that, she was looking down at her feet. She didnt want to look at me.

"Oh... I'm happy for you" actually I wasn't. Now who's gonna give birth to my pups.

Well there is my mate but he's an omega and a boy. Omegas are weak and I'm not gay.

"Y-you are. I. I just thought you'd be more. I don't know. Mad" she shutters as she finally looks at me.

"I would have done the same" I was going to.

"Of course you would" she mumbles.

"And why wouldn't I, I told you many times before I would plus why would I chose you over my mate" It's kinda a lie. But that's how I felt before Eren showed up.

Now I don't know what to think. Should I reject him. But I bet he'll go kill himself. Or should I accept him but he's male and an omega.

"Because you love me" her face shows one of anger.

I scoff. "Like what your doing"

She goes to say something but shuts her mouth and huffs before storming out of my office.

Did she really think I would chose her over my mate yet she wouldn't do the same.

Though I haven't accepted my mate but I won't be doing that anytime soon.

My door suddenly brust open as a panicked pack member rushes in. He hunches over, placing his hands on his knees as he catches his breath.

"The rogues... their attacking" he breaths out.

I quickly send a message to all the pack members and call for a meeting.

It didn't take long for my Beta, Mike, Hanji and Armin. I was told he was a very intelligent boy.

"Anyone know why they are attacking?" I ask.

"I don't know. It's not like their normal attacks, their actually trying to reach the pack house" Mike response.

"Like their after something" Hanji adds.

"They could be after Eren" Armin says.

"Why would they be after an omega" I say with disgust but my wolf was worried.

"I read some interesting stuff about omegas and well... their not what we think they are"

"What?" I was confused but Mike and Hanji seem really interested.

"Well omegas are a sign that the bloodline is becoming stronger. But for it to become stronger, it has to weaken first. Therefore you have omegas and Eren's father is the Alpha of shiganshina pack.

It's rear for Alphas to give birth to omegas but their so much more special. Their offspring will be so much more stronger especially Eren's.

His mother was the second born to an Alpha, a strong Alpha and his father is from a strong Alpha bloodline.

You may be humanity's strongest Alpha but Eren's children, even if their father was weak, they'll still be able to bet you" Armin rants.

"Is that omega really that special" I ask, my voice soft and quite.

"Yes" he reply.

"Fuck it" I shout and slam my fist agasint the table.

"What's wrong?" Hanji ask.

"I'm a fucking fool" I yell at her.

"What did you do?" She asks again.

"That omega... he's my fucken mate"

"And what's so wrong about that?" Mike asks.

"I may or may not have said some pretty nasty stuff to him, plus he's a male"

"No one care if you have a male mate... plus why would you do that?" Hanji yells the last part.

"Because I wanted to do what's right for the pack. I didn't think he could produce strong pups"

"I can't believe you just said that. You shouldn't want him because you think he'll give you strong pups. You should want him because he's your mate"

For the second time today I member brust through my door an into my office.

"Their retreating... but one of the rooms have been trashed, it seems they have kidnapped someone"

"Who?" I ask.


Levi: it's about time me and that bitch broke up.

Eren: don't say that she's nice.

Levi: she's a slut who loves trees"

Eren: your so mean.

If you have any questions about this book or any of my books or anything about me or anything in general I do have a book where you can ask questions.

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