Par Mahogany4

41.8K 1K 108

Sulli has been living for her career. She doesn't care about her lovelife...all she thinks about is journalis... Plus

Year 2005
Mr. Fallen from a Tree
Minho's Room
Spring Painting
Year 2011
From the Window
Miss I am Wonderful
Liver Operation
Haunting Painting
The One that Got Away
Make Up
Truth Revealed
Back Then
High school Mess
Opponent's move
Stockroom Sizzle
Hidden Paintings

To distract him

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Par Mahogany4

Chapter 18

To distract him

The gunman was caught. Sohee is safe. Sulli is safe…

Minho was brought to the hospital…

Sulli is waiting outside the room… The officers told her there is nothing to worry about and the wound is nothing fatal…but still…the blood from Minho earlier was too much….

When the door opened, Minho walked out.

“Shouldn’t you lie down and stay here the hospital for the night?” asked Sulli, worry still in her voice

“I’m fine, Sulli. I just need to rest. I can rest better in the hotel than here.” said Minho

“Umm..ok…but…” Sulli is still worried.

They went back to the Hotel. Sulli assisted Minho to his bed and went to buy food for both of them.  Minho tried to lift his right arm but he is in pain. Sulli took the spoon and fed Minho.

Being shot on the shoulder…is not bad…not bad at all…

Minho smiled as Sulli is feeding him.

“What? You can still smile after everything?” asked Sulli

Sulli is feeling tired after everything..and her worry over Minho’s shoulder is not subsiding.

Minho noticed some strands of Sulli’s hair falling on Sulli’s face. Minho reached them by his uninjured shoulder and tucked them behind Sulli’s ear.

The gentleness of the gesture sent warm tingling feeling inside Sulli. She almost lost herself in the feeling and closed her eyes. But she was able to pull herself into reality when she almost dropped the bowl of porridge.

The way Sulli closed her eyes and leaned on his hand…made Minho’s heart swell…

Minho took the bowl from Sulli’s hand and placed it on the besise table. Minho held  Sulli’s hand and pulled her closer to him until Sulli is almost lying on top of him.

Sulli’s heart is beating fast…her throat…suddenly dry…Minho’s face…is just an inch from hers.

Sulli closed her eyes. She can feel Minho’s every breath…

Minho leaned closer and touched Sulli’s cheek with his lips.

Sulli can feel the warmth…the heat.

And then Minho whispered on Sulli’s ear.

“Don’t make me lose myself Sulli…” said Minho “I’m near my limit.”

Sulli’s eyes widen…

Sulli moved away towards the end of the bed.

Minho closed his eyes…

That was close.

Sulli can still feel the heat on her cheek…

“Umm…I think you need to sleep.” Said Sulli

Sulli moved towards the door but Minho halted her.

“Don’t leave me Sulli…I’m not sure I can sleep…just stay…You can sit over there…” Minho pointed to the chair by the window…far from his reach.

Sulli sat on the chair…

“Talk to me Sulli.” Said Minho while his eyes is closed.

The way those words felt made Sulli fan herself.

“umm…about what?” asked Sulli

“Just anything you think of.” Said Minho

“Hmm…anything...” Sulli is trying to think…

“All right…can I ask something that’s…awkward and might get a bit personal?” asked Sulli

“Hmm…yes.” Said Minho

“Ok…Let's see....Umm....why did you choose LUCEAT over the Art’s club during the high school senior year?” asked Sulli

Minho’s eyes is closed…but he can’t help but smile…

So she learned about it..

How much did she learn?

Minho took a deep breath.

“I don’t know if you heard it that day that you visited Taemin and I was there…I asked Taemin why he chose LUCEAT over Art’s Club. He said LUCEAT was his way for his art to finally communicate to people…to make them act…to push people to make a change…I was in denial then…but a few weeks before that, I realized the same thing when I saw the school asking the science building drainage to be cleaned. It was because of the editorial we created…my drawing…and your article.” Said Minho

Sulli remembered everything.

“I realized then that Taemin was right…I liked the feeling when my art affects people that way…I like it when my art is able to communicate that way.” Said Minho

Ahh….so that was the reason…it make sense…

“Is that also why you became a photojournalist?” asked Sulli

“Hmm…yeah…I enjoyed the year I was in LUCEAT… realized that I find fulfillment in what I did then. So I decided that I want to learn it professionally. So I took communication in college.” Said Minho

Sulli nodded…

Minho Yawned.

“That was the same for me…” said Sulli “Even when I was in the US, I still know in my heart that what I did in LUCEAT was what I really wanted to do moving forward…so when I got to college, it wasn’t hard to choose Mass communication as my major.” Said Sulli

“There was one more reason why I wanted to do LUCEAT.” Said Minho

There was another reason?

Minho Yawned again.

Sulli is curious…but Minho needs to rest.

Sulli stood up and went to the door.

“Hmm..go ahead and sleep. Let’s talk again next time.”  Said Sulli

As Suli is turning the knob to leave, Minho spoke up.

“I…wanted to be around Luna and Key…I thought you’d get in touch with them..sooner or ...later…so I waited in LUCEAT…” said Minho

Sulli gripped the door knob…or else her knees will give way…

What did…he just say…what does …he mean?

“You…why?” Sulli asked

But Minho did not answer…he was... asleep…

Sulli went out of the room immediately and went to her room.

“I…wanted to be around Luna and Key…I thought you’d get in touch with them..sooner or ...later…so I waited in LUCEAT…”

Did he…want to get in touch with her…when she left?

But why would he want to?

It was clear before she left that he hated her…right?

Sulli is confused…Why? Why is it so hard to understand that man?


Sulli saw all of Minho’s pictures…even during the stressful moments, he was still able to get good photos…he seems to be like an investigator…

“Wow…” was all Sulli could say.

“Yeah..I’m pretty satisfied too.” Said Minho looking at his PC.

“I also wrote the article already.” said Sulli “I sent it to Boss Kangta earlier.”

“Good…I’m sending this now to him.” Said Minho

“Is your shoulder better?” asked Sulli

“It’s still not easy to move…but I can manage.” Said Minho

Sulli just nodded…did Minho remember what he said just before he fell asleep last night?

When Minho sent the email, he stood up.

“We need to check out of the hotel.” Said Minho “Then let’s eat lunch.”

Sulli nodded. It seems…he doesn’t remember.


Minho and Sulli went to a restaurant…But Minho told Sulli to go ahead since he needs to go buy pain killer medicine in the nearby shop. When Sulli got in. She saw Hara…Oh no…in Busan?!  Will L and Suzy be here too?!

Sulli went out of the restaurant and saw Minho coming Sulli ran towards Minho and saw Susy and L walking the other side of the street behind Minho. No….


Sulli pulled Minho behind a post.

“What?” asked Minho

“Umm…I…don’t like Italian food.” Said Sulli

“I thought you just said you’re craving for Italian food that’s why we came here?” asked Minho

“I….changed my mind…” said Sulli

Sulli could see L and Suzy crossing  the street…no…they’re coming closer.

Minho noticed Sulli looking sideways. Hmm…What is she anxious about?

Sulli noticed Minho looking sideways too.

No way. I need to distract him…

Out of desperation, Sulli lifted herself on tiptoe and kissed Minho

On the lips.

Minho’s eyes widen in shock…

It’s obvious that Sulli is not an experienced Kisser…Her like a child kissing her father. So why is she doing this suddenly?

Minho saw L and Suzy walking passed their side.

So that’s the reason why…His partner is trying to protect him.

When Sulli felt like L and Suzy already entered the restaurant, she moved her lips from Minho’s.

Did she really think she can just pull away like that?

Minho pulled Sulli back reversing their position. Minho pinned Sulli to the post. His lips on Sulli’s.

Sulli is surprised by the action…

What’s happening....

This time, Minho did not just allow it to be a simple kiss…he deepened it.

It sent weakening waves on Sulli’s mind and heart…her knees…wobbling…

Minho lifted Sulli and wrapped his arms around Sulli’s back to straighten her.

Minho’s breath on her mouth…his heat…his taste…everything….is like poison invading her mind..her heart…everything she has…

Minho then kissed Sulli’s cheek..up to her temple and then her forehead.

“That’s…how you kiss… someone.”  Said Minho breathless

Sulli’s mind is still floating…her eyes…still clouded…

Minho’s mind is going crazy…he only wanted to tease her and teach her a lesson that she shouldn’t do that just to protect him…but in the’s him who learned his lesson…

Touching Sulli…as he should have lerned last…dangerous…

He has to be more cautious.

Sulli slowly went back to reality…She saw her hands on Minho’s chest…gripping Minho’s shirt…

Sulli closed her eyes…oh no…what just happened?

Sulli took her hands away.

“I think I…crumpled… your shirt.” Said Sulli her breath…suddenly too short each time she tries to breathe…

Sulli looked a the floor…She suddenly can’t look at’s her fault…she started it…

But it was too much for her to handle…Why did kissing him the only thing that came up her mind earlier…there can be other ways to distract a person right? Why didn’t any of those pop up earlier?!

Minho took a step away from Sulli.

“C’mon, we need to take lunch.” Said Minho

Huh? He can brush it off just like that?!

Suli suddenly looked up to Minho…he doesn’t even looked flushed…is he used to kissing women?

“How many confessions did you receive in your life?” asked Sulli

“Huh? Not that many…around 10…or more, I guess…in highschool…around 5? On my senior year in highschool I got…3? In College I got…more.”

Sulli remembered her conversation with Minho. Right…women fall on their knees for him…he’s an expert in this kinds of situation…while she…is an amateur…

That was her first kiss…to be just brushed off like that…Sulli is suddenly down…

Minho noticed Sulli looking frozen still leaning on the post.

It’s taking her this long to recover from the kiss…he gets that…his blood is still boiling too..but doesn’t she know how to pretend like she’s not that affected? Is this even her first time?

Her..first time…could it be…

“The guy in college…He…never kissed you?” asked Minho

Sulli looked up. And then shook her head.

Minho brushed his hair with his hand.

“Have you…ever been…kissed…well aside from a few seconds ago?” asked Minho

Sulli just stared at Minho.

Minho suddenly felt like he has won the WORLD! He is the KING!

He is Sulli’s first kiss?!

Minho laughed. It made Sulli irritated.

“What’s funny?! Is it so funny to have not been kissed until your 26?” asked Sulli  with anger in her voice

“No…that’s not what I’m laughing about.” Said Minho

“Then what’s funny?” asked Sulli

“It’s joy…I’m laughing of Joy…to know that I’m your first kiss Sulli.” Said Minho

That made Sulli blush. Heat crawling up her cheek. 

“Sulli? Minho?” called someone from behind Minho

When they both looked at who’s calling they saw Hara.

“Hey, you’re both here.” said Hara

“Yeah.” Said Minho

“This is a coincidence.” Said Hara “L and Suzy are inside…but it seems they are not here for my same purpose so I’m supposed to just go on my own..but I saw you…”

“Where are you going Hara?” asked Sulli

“I’m going to visit Lee Joon.” Said Hara

“Lee Joon lives in Busan now.” Explained Minho

Lee Joon…He lost his masterpiece in that fire…What happened to him after that…

“Let’s visit him Minho.” Said Hara

“Go ahead Minho. I can just go around the city.” Said Sulli

“You’re not coming with us?” asked Hara “I don’t think Lee Joon would mind.” Said Hara

“Sulli and I has to finish the work we came here for.” Said Minho “You should probably ask L to accompany you.”

“L he…said he doesn’t want to go.” Said Hara

Why? Won’t he be excited to see Lee Joon?!

“I can’t leave Sulli alone.” Said Minho

“Then please come with us Sulli…” said Hara.

Minho…I’m really all right alone…thought Sulli

Sulli took a  deep breath…she’ll just leave if it turns out bitterly…

“All right.” Said Sulli


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