Make Up

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Chapter 16

Make Up

Sulli and Minho reached an apartment.

The place….is far from luxurious…it’s clear that the people in this area are not the rich population of Busan.

“This is the house.” Said Sulli

Minho pulled Sulli behind him and knocked. Sulli is a bit surprised at the gesture…It’s comforting…but at the same time..she’s not used to it…

She has never relied on a man the past 7 years…the feeling of these simple acts…is weird…

An Ahjumma opened the door.

“Hi we are looking for Miss Sohee, is she home?” asked Minho

“Who are you?” asked the Ahjumma

“We’re from the beauty pageant she registered on? We are here to take a quick interview with her and also some photos.” Said Minho

Wow…he lied just like that…

“It’s late…” said the Ahjumma

“Oh we’re sorry…We just got back from Seoul to get contracts from TV stations for the pageant.” Said Minho

Is he a novel writer? What is he pretending to do?

“Really? It will be on TV?” asked the Ahjumma

“Oh yes…But we are on tight deadline. We need to have Sohee’s details soon or she’ll not make it to the trailer for the pageant.” Said Minho

“Oh..ok…come in.” said the Ahjumma a bit excitedly

Wow…that worked pretty well….Sulli is impressed.

Minho and Sulli went in.

“She needs to put on make-up first right?” asked Ahjumma “since you are going to take photos.”

Well…that’s what Minho forgot…women need to be beautiful if they are going to show up on TV and photos.

This will take…a while.

“But Mom…I don’t know how to put make up.” said Sohee

“I’ll do your make up.” said Sulli

Sulli took out her bag. She doesn’t use make up that much, but she carries it with her in case she needs to use  it.

Sulli sat in front of Sohee

Minho just stood there waiting…Sulli’s eyes concentrating at Sohee’s face…working diligently…reminds Minho of that time when Sulli was working on an article in his room at the top of the science building back in high school. It was the night they had to work together for the semi-final’s issue…that’s when he realized that Miss- I-am-Wonderful is actually a hard worker…

Sulli tucked her hair behind her ear…

Ah…She’s really concentrating.

Minho lifted the camera and took a picture of Sulli…

“Wow…you’re pretty talented.” Said the Ahjumma

“This is the only form of Art my hands are capable of doing.” Said Sulli

Sohee looked at the Mirror, once she’s happy about how she looks, Minho took shots…they need to keep the pretense.

Sulli started the questions.

“One of our colleges told us your payment to join the pageant wasn’t sent to you yet.” Said Sulli

Now it’s Minho’s turn to pay attention.

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