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Chapter  6


Hara can’t bear it anymore. Minho…seems to be paying too much attention to that girl….And Hara can’t bear it…That girl already took Teamin from her…and just when she’s able to let Taemin go…here she is taking her Minho too!

Hara saw Sulli near the LUCEAT’s building laughing with some of her members. Anger overtook Hara. Hara rushed to Sulli and pulled Sulli’s hair.

“You are a girl who doesn’t deserve them!” said Hara

Everyone is stunned. Sulli tried to pull away but Hara has a strong grip on her hair. Sulli was also able to pull Hara’s hair.

“Stop pulling my hair! I did nothing wrong!” said Sulli

“You took Taemin and now Minho too?!” shouted Hara “You don’t deserve any artist. You are selfish! SELFISH!”

Sulli fought hard.


Luna met Minho at the back of the school.

“Wow…you finished this all in just a few hours…wow….” Said Luna

“Do you think that’ll pass her taste?” asked Minho

“Sulli knows Art more than me…but these are really good…” said Luna

Minho noticed people running to the same direction…There seems to be a chaos behind Luna.

“What’s up with the people?” asked Minho

Luna saw where the people are gathering…LUCEAT!

“Sulli…” Luna ran towards LUCEAT

Minho followed her


Minho saw Hara fighting with Sulli. Key was pulling Sulli away from Hara. Minho jumped into the scene and pulled Hara away from Sulli.

“Stop it Hara!” said Minho

“No Minho…I can’t let her get away with this! I can’t let her just go about getting artists from us!” said Hara

“I said I didn’t! Taemin went to me I did not force him! So stop talking nonsense!” said Sulli

“You think you’ll get what you want just because your Dad is a stockholder.” Said Hara

“Hara stop it.” Said Minho

Sulli had it with this violent woman.

“Yes! My Dad is a stockholder! And yes! I can get whatever I want in this University whether you like it or not! So stop this nonsense or I might use that power to make you shut up and wag your tail.” Said Sulli

Sulli saw the anger that rose in Minho’s eyes upon her words to Hara. But she doesn’t care anymore…she’s too hurt to even care. If he loves Hara and so be it!

Sulli pulled away from Key and walked away.


 Sulli wants to cut her tongue. Anger made her say those words about using her power over Hara…she promised not  to do that anymore…But the girl pushed her to the limit!

“Sulli!” called Luna

Sulli is walking by the gate from the outside.

“Hurry! The Art’s club office is on fire!” said Luna

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