Miss I am Wonderful

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Chapter 9

Miss I am Wonderful

Sulli went to meet the chairman.

“I’m sorry if I went here very late.” Said Sulli

“That’s fine Sulli. You look good. I’m glad to see you again.” Said the chairman

“I can’t believe I’m here in Top Hill again. It’s a refreshing feeling to be back.” Said Sulli

“I’m glad you feel that way.” Said the Chariman

“Chairman, I will accept your offer to be LUCEAT’s adviser…however…I have work at Seoul’s Hub. I may not be here as frequent as other advisers.” Said Sulli

“That’s fine. By the end of the day, I just need someone to oversee those kids…I just feel they lost their eagerness for excellence for the school paper. It’s like they don’t make an effort anymore. I feel bad that all the effort of the older years are going to waste. You pioneered the achievements of LUCEAT. So I know you’ll be perfect for the role.” said the chairman

“I did some mistakes in the past though. And there are a lot of people who hated me.” Said Sulli

“But that should not hold you down.” Said the chairman. “People learn from their mistakes…and then they grow up.”


It was a long night. Minho could not sleep…

Minho sat up from his bed. It’s late and he needs to report to office early tomorrow since Chansung wants to talk to him.

Minho went to the other room, he grabbed his brush and started painting.


Sulli woke up early the next day. It’s a long day ahead. It’s her first day at work. She needs to report to her Boss. She needs to start learning what he wants her to do soon. It’s good to know that Key has been working in that company for 2 years now. Key hasn’t changed much. That thought made Sulli chuckle.

Luna and Key are still the same as 7 years ago.

Sulli entered the Seoul’s Hub building. Good thing she was given temporary ID yesterday. She was able to find the room where she was introduced yesterday. But Key seems to be not in yet…and even Chansung is nowhere to be found.

“Hi…you’re Sulli right?” asked Taeyeon

“Umm..yes.” said Sulli Smiling at Taeyeon

“I’m Taeyeon.” Taeyeon stretched her hand for a shake and Sulli gladly took it. Hmm… This Sulli seems to be the shy but not snob type...

“Glad to know you.” said Sulli “Can you help me please? I’m looking for Mr. Hwang but I can’t seem to find him.”

“Oh..his office is just beside this room on the left.” Said Teayeon

“Oh really? Thank you, I’ll go there then. Thanks!” said Sulli

Sulli went out of the room

“Is she really an extremely excellent imported writer? She seems to be the shy smiley type.” said Taeyeon

“I can tell you now that your first impression is extremely wrong.” Said a voice from the door behind Taeyeon.

“Key, how long have you been there?” asked Taeyeon


Sulli went in Chansung Office.

“I’m glad you’re early. I will give you your first assignment. I need you to write about c chef who’s making news right now. He’s Korean but he’s been acclaimed worldwide. I want you to write an article about him. Details are in the folder.” Said Chansung

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