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Chapter 14


Though it has been a few days since then, the questions never left Sulli’s mind…Why did Minho leave the Art’s club for LUCEAT?

The past days, Minho’s assignment was always out of the office so never had the chance to ask…she would not ask even if he’s around anyway. Though she’s dying to know why…she would still not initiate the conversation. Chansung is right…people might misinterpret…besides…whatever Minho’s reason was…it’s all in the past…

Yet still…it’s bugging her…

Minho just got in then. He seems to be tired. He sat on his chair a few feet from Sulli. But Sull can see when he leaned on the backrest of the chair and closed his eyes…maybe he hasn’t slept yet.

And then the door opened. And the senior manager came in.

“Hmmm…announcement?” asked Taeyeon who is sitting just beside Sulli. Key just on Taeyeon’s other side.

“I don’t know anyone who resigned recently though.” Said Key

“Everyone, gather here, I have a couple of announcements.” Said the senior manager

“A couple…not just one…what can it be…” Taeyeon is curious. “I hope that’s an increase.”

“You’re talking nonsense.” Said Key

“All right, the first announcement is that Mr. Chansung Hwang who is the manager/editor of Cluster 3 will be transferred as manager of cluster/group 1. He will be replaced by Mr. Kangta who all of you know is the manager/editor of Cluster 1. They will just switch assignments to broaden their experience.” Said the senior manager

“Hmm….this has never hanppened before….” Said Taeyeon

Why would they switch teams? Sulli is curious.


Does it mean…he was serious?!

 “If I’m no longer your Boss, will you already look at me as a man?”


Sulli closed her eyes to control the confusion and desperation inside her. When she opened her eyes, she saw Minho looking straight at her.

Why? What does he want?

“The second announcement for the day is starting today, Miss Suzy Bae has resigned from Seoul’s Hub. She’s going to pursue other interest. We are wishing her all the best. We will not be replacing her since we just got Miss Sulli. But this is just to let you know.” Said the senior manager

“Wow…did you know that?” asked Taeyeon

“Suzy was never closed to anyone besides Minho. Who would’ve thought she’s resigning?” asked Key

Sulli saw Minho standing up…he must be affected by this…Suzy was his partner…

Sulli took her phone and went out of the room.

“Mom…yes thi si Sulli.” Said Sulli while over the phone “Umm…I need to confirm something…about Suzy…did she finally accept handling Dad’s business?”

“Yes, Sulli, she went here the other day to say that she’s now ready to take on your Dad’s business.” Said Sulli’s Mom on the other line “Why are you asking?”

“She….left the magazine company…that’s why I wanted to confirm.” Said Sulli

If Minho learns her family is the reason Suzy resigned…will he hate her more? Sulli took a deep breath.

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