The Darkness of Kuoh Academy

By Ash_The_Reaper

151K 1.8K 813

A new sacred gear, a eternal fight. The new host is going to have to not only get used to his life as the hos... More

Info and character Bio
The date, a start of new life and..... Devils!?
Sacred gears? The supernatural? A new face? Oh great
A new friend, and a new voice, and traning will start. Finally!
Traning and a friend in need (im so soooorrryyy)
Bonus chapter 1: getting to know a new friend
First fight! Saving our friend!
Bonus Chapter 2: Time with the new devil
Down Time? Nah, Fight
Sports and a wacko search! Wait...wacko?
A Phoenix appears, and the Kyoto visit
Kyoto, Powell hunting. What could go wrong
Powells help
Home at last... But no resting yet!
Back on the daily grind (Beginning of DxD New)
An old face! The Church duo arrives!
An Alliance is Made!
The Search, And The Encounter.
Boss Fight! The New Brotherhood!
Pool Time, Fun in the...Oh Crap
Bonus Chapter 3: The Request for Sirzechs
4th of July special (non-cannon unless you want to think it is to main story)
A Fallens help, how could this go wrong?
Day 1: Start Traning!! The Dragons meet!
Day 2: Parent meeting, a Maou, and a date!
Day 3: A New Friend!
Day 4: The Awaited Battle! Rivio vs the Darkness!
The Otherworld
The Castle & The Meeting
Freedom of the Soul
Summer Vacation!!!!
The Darkenss and The Bael
Party Crashers
Arc of the New Brotherhood: The Abduction
Arc of The New Brotherhood: Shades of Trust
Arc of the New Brotherhood: Eye of the Storm
Arc of the New Brotherhood: Climax
Arc of The New Brotherhood: Breakdown the Beast
Arc of The New Brotherhood: Will of Humanity
Arc of The New Brotherhood: End and Epilouge
Waking up, School, Experiments, you know the normal stuff
Bonus Chapter 4: Maou Sentai Satan Rangers!
Rivio's Troubles
The Rating Game! Rias vs. Sona Begins!
Halloween Special
Rias vs. Sona! (Part 1)
Rias vs Sona! (Part 2)

Waking up, school, you know the "normal" stuff on the first day

20.9K 172 98
By Ash_The_Reaper

"Death" "kill" "all alone" "worthless" they keep going, the voices, the images. All I see is the body's of the dead. Why do I see this? This eternal darkness, it envelopes me every night. Why!? Stay away! LEAVE ME ALONE!

*Beep beep beep beep* my eyes shoot open and I sit up as fast as a rocket. It's the same nightmare, why doesn't it change for once? Why can't I have a I don't know, good happy dream? That would be nice. I get up and move to my closet seeing my school uniform, it's the first year I'm going to Kuoh with my big brother. I'm nervous, there will be new people there and they may judge me like everyone else has. "Rivio! Get up! You'll be late for school! Get your brother up to so you have time to eat breakfast!" I hear Kaasan call to me from downstairs. I open my door and go to Issei's room. I knock twice with no response so I enter to see him sleeping with a lewd expression.

   I walk over and poke his face a bit not getting any type of response. Man, he's really into this one isn't he? When will he stop being so perverted, it makes him seem like a bad person even though he's not. "Aniki, it's time to get up. We have school you pervert." No reply to that either? Well then, it may be a dirty trick but it will get him out of bed. "Aniki! If you don't get up now your going to miss it! There's a group of girls running around with there oppai showing!" As I thought like a dog for a bone he shoots up with a very pervy smile. "Oppai!? Where!?" He looks to me only getting a head shake of denial. "Sorry, but there's none here."

    He slumps over a bit, with a gloomy look. "That's the fifth time this month. Why do you use such a cruel trick on me, your older brother?" "Well it is time for school, you needed to get up." At this he quickly gets his energy back. "Oh ya! Today's the day my ototo is going to school with me! You'll love it there, new friends, clubs and plus" he leans in a bit with the same pervy smile "so much oppai!" I stare blankly at the last one, he knows I don't care for such things. He's been trying to "show me the glory of oppai" as he says but I don't really see it like he does. Maybe I just have more respect for others privacy. "Aniki why do you have to be such a pervert? You would be much more popular if you weren't you know."

    He's been doing this for a while, even before I went to Kuoh. He shakes his head at my comment, "Oppai is justice! Nothing is more important!" Great, when he gets like this I've learned its best to leave him alone. "Whatever you say aniki, just hurry and get dressed we don't want to be late." I leave the room to get dressed in mine, after a few minutes we both walk out at the same time in the same uniform. We walk down stairs and sit to eat but then I see a clock, hm were about to be late it seems.... OH CRAP WERE ABOUT TO BE LATE!! "Aniki! We need to hurry and go now! We're going to be late if we don't!" He looks at the clock and sees what I mean, joining me in freaking out. We hurry and eat then dash out the door to school.

     After running for what seemed like forever we reach the gates to Kuoh academy. Good, we made it right on time. "Issei! We got great news for ya man!" Oh no, it's them. Matsuda and Motohama come running and hitting into aniki. There his pervy friends, aniki has told me stories of them, how Motohama is able to get a girls three sizes just by looking. I tune out of the conversation looking around, I see a lot of people, mostly girls but that makes sense seeing as this was a all girls school before. Then my eyes land on one person in particular, and for some reason I'm not able to look away. She has a black cat hair pin with said hair being Snow White, she had yellow eyes and if I was to be blunt she was short.

     Why can't I take my eyes off her? Am I starting to blush!? Crap I need to look away now but I can't! Then IT happened, in a flash all the scenery changed into a hellish landscape, dead rotting trees and...oh my god! The people around me, everything was on a pike in the air! W-what is this!? "R-rivio" I hear someone gurgle out. I turn and...aniki!! "W-why? Why would you do this? I'm your aniki, why would you kill me?" I try to speak but when I open my mouth nothing comes out. Please make this stop! Anyone, please help me save him! Then everything warps and changes again. I'm in some weird boiler type room. "Hmhmhmhmhm, what a mysterious little host. You wanted some way to stop looking did you not? How ungrateful." I look around, doing a complete 360 seeing nothing in the room with me. "Who's there? What do you want?" I hear footsteps and chuckles as I start to back up a bit shacking. The reason? Something started to twist in the shadows, forming a figure.

    I bump into the wall behind me finally still shacking. "What are you?" It stops completely in its tracks, glowing yellow eyes looking at me. It feels like there burning into my soul. "What am I? WHAT AM I!? I AM THE THING THAT EVERYONE FEARS! I WHO WAS FORCED AWAY BY GOD TO MAKE YOU HUMANS! WHAT I WANT IS TO HAVE MY VENGEANCE!! YOU SHALL HELP ME THROUGH THIS, IT IS NOW YOUR FATE TO DO SO LIKE ALL THOSE BEFORE YOU!" It starts to gather darkness and shadows around it, growing in size as it does. What the hell?!!? What is this thing!? It leans in next to me, as if wanting only me to hear it's words "Now, WAKE UP!"

   Everything became a blur, twisting and changing till I felt something. A hand shaking my shoulder. I turn to see aniki with a worried expression on his face. "Hey Riv, you ok? You've been standing there staring for a while now." I quickly nod after processing his words. "Ok then, hey the guys were just saying how they found a new peep hole, maybe that will get your mind off of things?" I shake my head no, "I told you aniki, I'm never joining your pervy activities." With that he shrugs with a "your loss" expression and walks away with the two other pervs.

   Now that I'm alone I can think. What the actual hell was that? I have never had this happen before, so why now? Wait... I've heard that voice before, in my dreams, my nightmares. Was that just a daydream then? I've only heard that voice in my sleep so it makes sense a bit. But what ever the was evil. The purist evil I've ever seen, heard or felt. I need to stop thinking on this, I turn to where the girl from before was to see that she, along with everyone actually, were gone. I start to walk in a direction I think is right when I here some high pitched screams. What the heck? Is aniki and his friends peeping already?

I listen carefully and realize that it's not girls emitting those high pitched screams but-*CRASH!*. "Crap we got to get out of here!" "Run man run!" "Hey you assholes get back here! Don't leave me behind!" "Sorry man but everybody for themselves!" "We'll remember your sacrifice!"-aniki and his friends. Ouch, they ran right into me! It hurt really badly, aniki is still on me! "Gref urf mhe" I try to say "get off me" but it's muffled. Aniki looks around frantically when he spots something that makes him pale. Then I hear this frightening thing, "Hyoudou!" it's the angry voice of a girl, that one word was said with so much hate.

Aniki moves a bit, finally allowing me room to look around. There the kendo club it looks like. I know because there all holding kendo sticks about ready to tear aniki a new one. "You peeping pervert! When will you learn your lesson?" Aniki stands up only to end up back on his butt. I finally take in a breath of fresh air, I couldn't breath that whole time! Stupid aniki! "I'm sorry! I have learned my lesson, please forgive me!" He shakes as he begs for the angry girls forgiveness, he's really going to get it. Wait she said that he hasn't learned his lesson, has this happened before? That's just sad, he must be a masochist or something. That's when the lead kendo girl sees me.

"Who's he?" She asks pointing to me. Aniki looks to me and I swear I see a light bulb turn on above his head. "Ahh! Rivio, what are you doing here my young ototo? Why aren't you in class?" He gasps and brings me into his side whispering "play along" and holds me closer. This is weird on a new level. "Did you forget your class number? I'm sorry you have had to wander the campus with no help. I would show you to your room like a good aniki but it seems I can't, unless these nice girls will allow me to help my little brother!" He's really pushing this act, I'm surprised he's pushing it so hard.

"You have a younger brother? He must be as perverted as you then." Wow, judge with out knowing why don't ya? "Yep! He's my little ototo, and no he's not like me. May I be a good big brother and help him around?" She intensely stares at him, so intense that he starts to sweat bullets under her gaze. After a bit of this she nods her head yes. "You can do that Hyoudou. But this better be the last time this ever happens." He breaths a sigh of relief, then begins to try walking away with me. But he is stopped by the leader grabbing ahold of his collar. "Oh don't think you can walk away so easily, we said you can do you brotherly duties, that just means we'll need to make your punishment faster then normal." With that she pulls him back into the center of them all and they start beating him senseless.
----------------POV Change----------------------
It was about 5 minutes. But in those 5 minutes was levels of unimaginable pain. "There, now go do your job as a brother." With that the kendo club walked away. I feel something poking me and openly eye to see Rivio is doing it. "Are you dead aniki? You better not be, you still need to show me to my class." He has that joking tone to his voice, grrr why you little! I slowly stand up to poke him in the side causing him to recoil. "Hey, I tried and it somewhat worked. Now before I do anything I need to find those traitors." I get up and walk around a bit with Riv behind me. That's when I hear a small "psst" from the bush next to me. I peak in to see them! "You bastards! You left me behind, again!" I sit down in front of them as they make up excuses. "At least you got to see some nip." "I didn't get to see any nip! I didn't see anything! You two hogged the peep hole the entire time!" That's when I feel it, the feeling of being watched. I look up to

Above us leaning out of the window is a red hairs girl. "Who was that?" I ask and get my answer from Motohama "Rias Gremory, 36 24 36, she's the president of the occult research club. People say that she's from Northern Europe."
-----------------------POV Change---------------
"Who was that boy?" I ask as I sit down to resume the chess game. "Hm? What boy?" "The one sitting in the middle." Akeno takes a second to think when she says "Well, he's a second year in class 2-B, if memory serves right his name is Issei Hyoudou, why do you ask?" I move over to the chess board to make my move. "Just wondering, checkmate." I stand up to walk towards the shower as I remember a face I never saw before with them. "There was another boy, he was being dragged by Hyoudou, who was he?" That's when the door was opened to have Koneko walk in and sit down. "His name apparently is Rivio. He's the pervs younger brother." She says in her monotone voice. "President, he has something in him. I felt it earlier, it was a very dark presence." I nod to her remembering that feeling. "Yes, I know. I felt it to, let's keep an eye on him just in case, think you can take this one?" I ask getting a nod from Koneko as I ready for my shower.
-------------------------POV Change-------------
     Well it's official, weird day. I have just gotten off the phone with aniki, but before that lets play through my day from the point I left him and his pervy friends from under that old building. It started off normal went into my class after finding it and introduced myself to the class. Normal so far but high normal meter from earlier. I sit down and see that white hairs girl from earlier, I seem to have caught her...staring at me? Is there something on my face? Well after a bit the bell rang and I started for home when aniki called. "Rivio! Your never going to believe it! Guess what happened!" I was confused, he sounded excited.

    "Uhh, you left your perverted ways behind and have come to the normal side?" I am treated with a round of silence to my question, what? He said to guess after all. "Ok so that a no, then I got nothing what is it?" I hear some laughter and then the excitement leaks back into his voice "I got a girlfriend! The best part is she asked me!" "Your right, I can't believe it." Hmhm, I may be a bit cruel but that's the way I joke. In fact I'm happy he found someone, I just hope it's not some messed up prank on him. "Oh shut up you, we're going out on Sunday, and I'm a bit...nervous, so I was wandering if maybe possibly hopefully you can come along? Like stealthy sneaking while making sure I don't screw up?" I trip a bit in my walk, is he seriously asking me to spy on his date? I'm not some weird person who likes watching two teenagers be lovey dovey with each other.

   "I don't know aniki, won't that be weird?" "Oh please please please please! I may screw up and scare her off with my pervertedness! This may be the only chance at a girlfriend I will get so pleeeeaaaaase!" I sigh, he's so dramatic. Though he isn't lying, it would be different if he wasn't so perverted but that's not changing anytime soon it seems. "Ok, just for you. But only this once, I'm not going to be that one weirdo who follows his older brother and his girlfriend around town while they shop or watch a movie." I hear a happy yes from the other end.

   "Thank you thank you thank you!! Ok I'll see you at home Riv, your the best." "I know I am, see you then." I continue walking but I can't shake this weird feeling. It's like someone is following me, watching as if they were spying for someone. I stop and do 180, looking behind me at the park. "Hello? Anyone there?" I hear a rustle in the bush, crap is someone following me?! What have I done for them to do that!? I slowly step over to the bush, expecting a person. I quickly open them, only for a squirrel to scamper away. "*phew* for a second there I thought someone was trying to mug me or something." I chuckle a bit at my paranoia, as I turn again and start walking for home. Not seeing the yellow eyes that were next to the bush I had open.   
    Well that's the first chapter to The Darkness of Kuoh. The idea is to fit at least half of an anime episode into these chapters as well as adding the gore and hellish nature of the Darkness form both games. The other idea is that the oc will not have a harem but just one love interest which is Koneko, though this can change if you so want it just comment if yes or no to harem for oc and who all should be in it besides Koneko. Well, I believe we have done something a little good here, feedback is appreciated very much and as always we don't own any concept used here except for Rivio. Credit is to the creators of these amazing works. Thank you for reading, we hope to see you again till then, have a wonderful day.
                                                      -The Butler

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