Lost Boys Mother, Peter Pans...

By Unbreakable_Vow

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Bailee Darling lived off her Grandmas stories. She dreamed of going to Neverland with Peter Pan and hanging... More

Lost Boys Mother, Peter Pans Lover.
Chapter 1- What To Do...
Chapter 2- Jordan!
Chapter 3-On Our Way.
Chapter 4- Mermaid Lagoon.
Chapter 5-The Feelings That We Share.
Chapter 6-Take One For The Plan.
Chapter 7- TENSION!
Chapter 8-The 'Talk.'
Chapter 9-That Moment Were You And Your Boyfriend Are Locked In The Bathroom.
Chapter 10-Mermaid Problems.
Chapter 11-Purple Haired Mermaid.
Chapter 13-The Break Up.
Chapter 14-Meeting James.
Chapter 15-The Perv, The Traitor and the Victim.
Chapter 16-The Beginning Of The End... Unless She Can Save Him.
Chapter 18- The Forgetful.
Chapter 19-Yet His Mind Leaves Out the Main Part.
Chapter 18- Banished.
Chapter 19- The Stupid Decision.
Chapter 20- The Beginning of the End.
Chapter 21- Finding Someone... Or Something.
Chapter 22- Zachariah
Chapter 23- The Big, Fat, Ugly Mistake.
Chapter 24- Cheater Cheater, Keep or Ditch Her.

Chapter 17-The Fairies.

1.7K 34 1
By Unbreakable_Vow

"Not good. Not good. Not good. Not good.." Bailee kept saying as she put here ear against Peters chest, and she heard the thumping of his heart, she let out a breath that she didnt know she was holding.

"Thank god." She said as she opened the First Aid Kit.

She quickly went threw it and pulled out some guaze and some wet wipes.

She hurried up and removed the bandages around Peter, and tried not to puke at the sight.

A hole, right above his belly button, overflowing with blood.

Bailee put a hand over her mouth to try and calm herself down. And when that didnt work, she thought that nothing was going to, so she got back to her work.

She opened on of the wet wips and started to wipe away all the blood around Peters wound.

When it was all cleaned up, she started to unravel some gauze, when she heard foot steps enter the room.

Scared, she jumped up to see who had entered, and it was the Lost Boys.

She let out a breath of relief, but the Lost Boys held theres.

They looked at Bailee, Bailee's bloody ands, then he bloody clothes, then Peter, who was laying on there bed uncounsois, with blood already started to cover his stomach again.

"What are you doing to Peter?" The Fox yelled as Bailee turned back around and started to open up another wet wipe.

"Im trying to fix his wound..." She said, and then carefully getting the blood off again.

"You need any help?" Asked the bear, stepping into view from the back.

"No." Said Bailee quietly, just wanting everyone to go away so she can work with out all the eyes watching her.

She started to put gauze on him, and then she taped them on.

"There." She said, standing up.

The Lost Boys ran over to Peters side, all teary eye'd.

"Peter? Hey Peter!" The Bear started to yell.

Bailee walked over to him, "Hes uncoincuss.. He cant he-" "LOOK!" Said the two racoons, inturrupting Bailee.

Bailee snapped her head over to look at Peter, and then at his fresh gauze. Well. They weren't really fresh now, because a dot of blood in the middle continued to grow.

"Damn." She said, and went over to put some pressure on it. And all it did was make things worst.

"DANG IT!" She yelled in frustration jumping away from Peter and stomping her foot around.

"Do something Bailee!" The Lost Boys yelled, as the blood started to again, overflow on Peters stomach.

Bailee pulled her hair, "I dont know! I dont know what to do!" She said, kneeling down and trying her best not to cry in front of the Lost Boys.

"The Faireys!" The raccoons yelled.

"Ya.. The Faireys are good with things like this! Dont worry Bailee, well fix Peter. Come on guys!" Said the fox, moitioning for everybody to follow him.

Bailee watched them leave, wishing that she could do something to help. She walked on her knee's over to Peters uncouncouss body, and laid her head down on Peters pillw and started to play with his hair.

"Im sorry." She whispered, "Im sorry I cant do anything."

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