Lost Boys Mother, Peter Pans...

By Unbreakable_Vow

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Bailee Darling lived off her Grandmas stories. She dreamed of going to Neverland with Peter Pan and hanging... More

Lost Boys Mother, Peter Pans Lover.
Chapter 1- What To Do...
Chapter 2- Jordan!
Chapter 3-On Our Way.
Chapter 4- Mermaid Lagoon.
Chapter 5-The Feelings That We Share.
Chapter 6-Take One For The Plan.
Chapter 7- TENSION!
Chapter 8-The 'Talk.'
Chapter 9-That Moment Were You And Your Boyfriend Are Locked In The Bathroom.
Chapter 10-Mermaid Problems.
Chapter 11-Purple Haired Mermaid.
Chapter 13-The Break Up.
Chapter 15-The Perv, The Traitor and the Victim.
Chapter 16-The Beginning Of The End... Unless She Can Save Him.
Chapter 17-The Fairies.
Chapter 18- The Forgetful.
Chapter 19-Yet His Mind Leaves Out the Main Part.
Chapter 18- Banished.
Chapter 19- The Stupid Decision.
Chapter 20- The Beginning of the End.
Chapter 21- Finding Someone... Or Something.
Chapter 22- Zachariah
Chapter 23- The Big, Fat, Ugly Mistake.
Chapter 24- Cheater Cheater, Keep or Ditch Her.

Chapter 14-Meeting James.

2K 39 1
By Unbreakable_Vow

Bailee ran off into the forest,angry at herself.

She ran into a small clearing with a big rock in the center.

Bailee ran over to the rock and kneeled down next to it, putting her hands on it and resting her head on her hands.

She cried into her arms a few minutes, before she felt something on her shoulder.

"Gah!" She screamed and jumped up on the rock.

"Wow wow wow Im sorry! I sorry!" Said a males voice.

Bailee looked at the mystery person, "Who are you!? What are you?"

The guy chuckled, "My name is James. And Im human."

Bailee looked james over, "Ok, James. How did you get here?" 

James shrugged,"I was celebrating my brothers 15th birthday when a fairy popped up and took me here."

Bailee chuckled in disbelief, "Really? What was her name?" 

James looked at her like she was crazy, "I dont know!!! She came in, did what she had to do, and then we left! And we got here, she flew off somewhere else. So I have been running around here all day, freaking out cause I dont know whats going on!" James yelled, taking in a big gulp of breathe afterwards.

Bailee laughed, "Ok ok."

James looked her up and down, "How did you get here?"

Bailee put a stray piece of hair behind her ear and sat down on the rock. James came and sat beside her.

"Well..." She began, and then started in on the story.

"Wow.." James said. "Thats alot."

Bailee chuckled and wiped away a tear.

"So thats why you were crying? Because of Peter Pan?" James asked.

Bailee shook her head no, "I was crying because I'm stuiped."

James shook his head over-dramaticly.

"Your not stuiped. It was his fault after all."

"Ya.." Bailee said, not agreeing with him.


Peter watching Bailee run away. After what she said, about how she didnt love him anymore, he couldnt go after her.

A couple tears rolled down Peters face as he slowly turned and headed back to his hide-out.

He walked up to the tree and flew inside by the top.

He silently went into his room and sat down on his nicely made bed.

He laid his head dow on his pillow and turned to lay on his side, facing his wall.

He couldnt believe. How could someone he loved so much, not love him? 

She didnt mean it.. She was mad. Mad at him...

A small pinch pained his heart. Maybe she didnt mean it!

"I haft to find her." Peter whispered to him self.

He jumped up and flew out of hide out at blinding speed. How could he leave her out here by herself? If she were to get hurt, Peter would blame himself for it.


"You know.. Your very pretty Bailee." James said, looking at Bailee.

Bailee looked away and blushed, "Thanks.."

She looked around the forest, straining to see something, well, someone.

She wished Peter would come looking for her, she started to feel uncomfortable around James.

"Your eyes are pretty.. And your hairs shiny. Even in the dark." James continued.

Bailee gave hima look like he had three heads, "Ya. Thanks."

"And I love you sm-" "BAILEE!"

Bailee shot up off her rock, "Peter!?"

Peter flew into the clearing and looked towards Bailee.

He smiled widely when Bailee ran at a fool sprint towards him.

He opened his arms as Bailee hit his chest hard.

"Peter im sorry! I didnt mean it! I was mad! And I agree, I dont want to get married either! I want to wait too. Can you forgive me?!?!?" She sobbed into the his neck.

"Of course I'll forgive you Bailee." Peter said, kissing the top of her head.

"So this is the famouse Peter Pan." James said, stepping towards them.

Peter snapped his head up at James, "Who are you?" 

"Oh, Peter! This is James, he just got here today. A fairy came and picked him up." Bailee said.

"Really." Peter said, lifting an eyebrow upPeter was glaring at James, and James was glaring at Peter.

"Umm. Guys.. Im really tired.. Can we go to the hide out?" I asked Peter, pulling on his long shirt thing.

He looked down at me, and it looked like he just realized I was there, before he shook his head and smiled, "Oh, yes! Lets go. Nice meeting you James. I wish you luck out here on your own." Peter said.

He threw me on his back (piggy back ride.) And jumped into the air.

"Uhm. Peter." I said, poking his ear.

"Yes Bailee?" He asked.

I sighed, "We cant leave him out here." 

Peter snorted, "yes we can." He said in a little whisper, he clearly didnt want me to hear his little comment.

"No we cant! Would you leave me out here by myself at night?" I said.

That seemed to strike a nerve, "I would never! Thats why I came looking for you!" 

I flinch at the loudness of his voice, "Calm down Peter.. I just feel bad for leaving James."

Peter sighed and stopped in mid-air. 

"Fine." He said, flying back over to James.

I kissed his cheek, "Thank you." I felt him shrug and saw his cheeks turn red.

I smiled and laid my head on his shoulder.. Soon we arrived in the small clearing and foun James sitting on the rock, cleaning his finger nails.

"James!" I yelled, jumping off Peters back.

James turned his head to look at me and a HUGE smile came across his face. 

"Bailee! I knew you'd come back for me!" 

I looked at him wierd, "Im just kidding." He said, chuckling.

I nodded slowly while Peter came over and wrapped his arm around my waste.

James glared at his arm before snapping his head up to Peter, "Why did you come back?" James snapped.

I cleared my throat, catching James attensuion, "I wanted to come back and get you because I didnt want you out here by yourself at night... So you can stay with us, but tomorow we well take youhome." I said.

James smiled at me, and I felt Peter squeeze my waiste, "Sounds good beautiful." James said with a wink.

I mentaly gagged and looked at Peter.

I thought he was going to explode. His face was red, his arm kept tightining around my waiste, and his glare was fatal.

"We should probuly leave. I want to get some sleep before the sun comes up." I said yawning and turning around to walk.

I walked atleast two full steps before Peter picked me up bridal style. I stared at him confusd for a minute before shrugging and resting my head against his chest, listening to his heart beat.

Iput a hand over my heart and smiled widely when I realized that our heats beat the same.

My eyes started to get heavy and dry. I kept blinking to try and get them moist again.

I kept my eyes closed after awhile, aggravated. And before I knew it I was fast asleep in Peters arms.


I looked down at Bailee and saw her blinking rapidly before finally closing her eyes.

I smiled down at her sleeping form before turning my gaze to glare at James, who was staring at Bailee.

"Can you stop staring at her?" I asked him.

"Why? You scared Im going to steal her from you?" James asked with a smirk.

Huh... I never thought about that... But I didnt haft to. Bailee would never dump me for James... I dont haft to worry about this. Infact. Im going to stop thinking about it right........... NOW.

I stared foward and tried to clear my mind of the thoughts. I just couldnt picture Bailee ditching me for James.

I looked down at Bailee sleeping in my arms. She sighed in her sleep and cuddled againse my chest.

Her head left a tingly feeling that went throughout my whole body.

I imagin James taking my place.. Him having Bailee in his arms, feeling the tingly feelings and love.

"No." I said outloud.

"No?" James repeated.

"You well not lay a finger on her. I dont want you looking at her, touching her, or even thinking of her." I said, stopping and turning to glare at him.

He chuckled, "You dont scare me." 

I growled and began to walk foward.

We came to the hideout and I pulled a lever, opening a hidden door.

I walked inside, Bailee safetly in my arms and James behind me, looking up at the pond in aw.

We got into the main living area and like always, the Lost Boys were scattered everywhere.

"You can sleep on that bed, and if I where you, I wouldnt wake any of the Lost Boys." I said, walking into my room.

I laid Bailee gently and covered her up, I crawled in beside and was getting comfortable before she shot straight up, "PETER!!!!!!!!" She yelled.

I shot up and looked at her in the dark, "What!? Bailee! Im right here Bailee! Whats wrong!?" I said, grabbing her shoulders.

She turned to me and smiled, before hugging me. I stared down at her and then slowly hugged her back, "Im so happy your ok." She said.

I gave her a confused look before she laid down, taking me with her.

Her breathing got even and she laid her head on my chest.

It took me awhile to get used to the feeling, but when I did I couldnt be happier. I knew she would never pick James over me. Im not sure why I was so worried before.

"Goodnight Bailee. I love you." I said, kissing her forhead and thenclosing my own eyes.

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