Lost Boys Mother, Peter Pans...

By Unbreakable_Vow

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Bailee Darling lived off her Grandmas stories. She dreamed of going to Neverland with Peter Pan and hanging... More

Lost Boys Mother, Peter Pans Lover.
Chapter 1- What To Do...
Chapter 2- Jordan!
Chapter 3-On Our Way.
Chapter 4- Mermaid Lagoon.
Chapter 5-The Feelings That We Share.
Chapter 6-Take One For The Plan.
Chapter 7- TENSION!
Chapter 8-The 'Talk.'
Chapter 9-That Moment Were You And Your Boyfriend Are Locked In The Bathroom.
Chapter 10-Mermaid Problems.
Chapter 13-The Break Up.
Chapter 14-Meeting James.
Chapter 15-The Perv, The Traitor and the Victim.
Chapter 16-The Beginning Of The End... Unless She Can Save Him.
Chapter 17-The Fairies.
Chapter 18- The Forgetful.
Chapter 19-Yet His Mind Leaves Out the Main Part.
Chapter 18- Banished.
Chapter 19- The Stupid Decision.
Chapter 20- The Beginning of the End.
Chapter 21- Finding Someone... Or Something.
Chapter 22- Zachariah
Chapter 23- The Big, Fat, Ugly Mistake.
Chapter 24- Cheater Cheater, Keep or Ditch Her.

Chapter 11-Purple Haired Mermaid.

2K 40 1
By Unbreakable_Vow


I didnt feel comfortable leaving Bailee by herself, but if she said it was ok.

All the mermaids lead me to Tink, but I could only see one.

"Hey, where are the rest of the Mermaids?" I asked.

"Oh, well, there swimming under water. The water cooler under there, they'll be up in a little bit." She said with a big smile. I just shrugged.

Soon, all the Mermaids came back up and smiled and waved. I waved back.

Soon, we came up to a dark area, but there was a golden glow in one of the holes in a big rock.

"Tink!" I said happily, and flew over to her.

She jumped up and smiled widely before flying over to me.

We collided and she hugged my cheek. 

I laughed and pulled her off and crossed my legs.

"Where have you been Tink? Me, the Lost Boys, and Bailee were worried about you." I said.

She was happy, until I mentioned Bailee's name. She kicked the air and turned around, sticking her nose in the air and crossing her arms.

I put ona confused expression, "Do you not like Bailee, Tink?"

I saw the back of her head shake back and forth.

"Why Tink? I like her, the Lost Boys like her. Why dont you."

She flew over to my face, and I backed my head up a little.

She started throwing her hands around and kicking the air.

I grabbed onto her wings and held her arms length out.

"Tink! Calm down! Now tell me, why dont you like Bailee?"

She crossed her arms, and talked, which sounded like little bells, but I've known her long enought to understand what shes saying.

I looked at her with anger, "Now, dont say that about Bailee! What did she ever do to you!"

Tink looked at me with a surprised look, Ive never yelled at her like this before, and I dont feel bad.

She talked again, trowing her hands up.

I pulled my eyebrows together as she turned around, again sticking her nose in the air and crossing her arms.

"How could you say that?" I asked, leaning a little closer to her.

She turned her head, and with a smile, she talked.

"But, Bailees so nice to everyone."

She talked again..

"Fine! Then your band from Neverland, until I say you can come back!" I yelled, I uncrossed my legs and put my hands in fist, and placed them on my hips.

Tink turned red and flew over to my face, yelling at me.

"Well then dont talk bad about Bailee!"

She yelled again, and then flew off. I stood there, frozen.. Did she just say what I think she did?


I coughed up water and rubbed my eyes, pushing the hair out of them. I looked around.

"A cave?" I asked myself.

I walked around the cave, trying to find and exit.

When I didnt, I sat down, and put my head in my hands and cried.

"Aww.. Dont cry." I heard someone say.

I snapped my head up, and looked towards the voice.

There was a purple haired Mermaid, one ive never seen before.

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