The Eye of the Snake [Draco M...

By Failed_and_Forgotten

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[COMPLETED] A Mudblood at first glance, Missy set foot on her journey in hogwarts along with her two best fri... More

oo1: Gnomes Will Take Your Tongue
oo2: Prefect
oo3: Hogwarts Express
oo4: The Slytherin Mudblood
oo5: Something's Up
oo6: Belief of Fear
oo7: Broom Closet Misery
oo8: Flying Books
oo9: A Nightmare in the Closet
o1o: Quidditch Mishaps
o11: Don't Make Me Go To Sleep
o12: Haunting of the Past
o14: The Most Cunning Witch of Them All
o15: The Start of a New Story
o16: Bludger to the Side, Fist to the Face
o17: Dumbledore's Army and the Slytherin Prefect
o18: Don't Count the Miles
o19: Pug Faced Parkinson
o2o: Already Falling
o21: Don't Call This Love
o22: Start the Car and take Me Home
o23: The Rafters of St. Peter's School
o24: Melissa Skylar Stephenson
o25: The Iceleve Sisters
o26: Christmas Treasures
o27: Number Twelve Grimmauld Place
o28: Beautiful Torture
o29: Head of Records
o3o: Arms
o31: Blacked Out Files
o32: So Long As You're Mine
o33: She Wolf
o34: Horrors of Halloweens Past
o35: Forever and Almost Always
o36: My Mother's Breath
o37: Yellow Eyed Dragon
o38: Odyssey
o39: A Mother's Love
o4o: In The Aftermath
o41: Momma Bear
o42: Tell Me And I'll Kill Her
o43: Sound Resolution
o44: The Catalyst
o45: Until the Bitter End
o46: Fading into the Veil [FINAL]

o13: Sitting Here Like I Knew I Shouldn't

207 8 1
By Failed_and_Forgotten

The girls’ lavatory on the second floor was empty—mainly due to the fact that Moaning Myrtle resided there most of the time—except for three Slytherin girls getting ready for their first trip of the year to Hogsmeade. Cassie was sitting on the sink, with Ayanna standing in front of her, yanking at the girl’s red velvet hair. Ayanna’s head jerked back every time Cassie would pull.

“Are you just pulling my hair for fun?” Ayanna snapped as she turned around to glare at Cassie.

“No, but that’s a good idea,” said Cassie with a smirk and pulled Ayanna’s hair. Melissa shook her head at the two, laughing as Ayanna hit Cassie in the head with the brush she was using to torture her with. Melissa carefully smoothed out her sundress before looking back in the mirror. Cassie and Ayanna had managed to stop arguing and were smirking wildly at Melissa, who’d yet to notice. She turned to face them and took a step back when she saw them staring.

“What?” she asked slowly.

“You look so adorable,” said Ayanna with a wide smile.

“Yeah, for Draco,” Cassie said with a snicker.

“Shut it, Cassandra,” Melissa snapped and the smirk soon faded from Cassie’s face and was rapidly replaced with an icy glare. She smirked, satisfied with wiping the look off of Cassie’s face.

“You seeing Blaise?” Ayanna asked Cassie.

“Only if he can catch her,” Melissa said with a laugh and Cassie shook her head.

“You done with him?” Ayanna asked curiously.

“Of course, it’s been a week, Yani,” Melissa said, still laughing at her own jokes.

“Oh you’re just so full of it today, Missy,” Cassie retorted as she crossed her arms and glared at her friend. There was a depressing sigh and the girls began to look around the deserted bathroom. Melissa walked over to a stall and opened it slowly to see a ghostly apparition for a young pale, acne-ridden, brunette girl. Myrtle looked at Melissa and sneered viciously—and Melissa quickly took a couple steps back.

“Hello Myrtle,” Melissa said, watching the ghost carefully as though she were going to be attacked.

“Nasty Slytherin girls always in my bathroom,” she echoed and hovered into the air.

“Alright, nice talk,” Melissa said and walked back over to her friends.

“I’m in Ravenclaw.” Ayanna chimed in, offended that.

“Can’t you leave,” snapped Myrtle hovering barely an inch over the girls.

“I hate it when she does this.” Melissa said and quickly moved out from under her. Cassie placed her hands on her hips firmly, and glared up at the ghost with venom in her eyes.

“Myrtle go away or,” Cassie started to say.

“Or what? You’ll kill me. Well I’ve already tired and then remembered I’m already dead.” She said in a gloomy tone with another echoing sigh.

“Oh, oh, that’s not right.” Melissa said shaking her head; Ayanna’s eyes were wide watching the sad ghost. “That’s… yes, that’s where I draw the line,” Melissa said and picked up her bag, gathering all her items quickly. “C’mon, let’s go and leave Myrtle to her… whatever it is she does,” said Melissa, shaking her head, and walked out of the bathroom while holding Ayanna’s hand. As the bathroom door shut Cassie started yelling angrily at the ghost girl. There was a high pitched scream and an explosion from the bathroom; the sound of porcelain hitting the walls. Melissa quickly ran back into the bathroom to see multiple toilets overflowing and one completely blown away.

“Cassie,” Melissa exclaimed as Cassie grabbed her things and ran quickly out of the bathroom, slipping a little on the water. On the way out of the lavatory, Cassie grabbed onto Melissa’s hand and quickly bolted down the corridor—Melissa grabbing Ayanna as they ran past.

“She’s barking mad.” Cassie exclaimed as they walked out into the courtyard where students were gathering.

“Well you taunted her,” Ayanna said as though it were obvious.

“Everyone does,” Cassie said nonchalantly with a shrug.

The sound of rattling carriages filled with light breeze and students buzzed in excitement. Carriages lined up in front of the school and students filled them quickly, pushing people out of the way. Cassie stepped into the carriage, then Ayanna, and Melissa stepped in last, looking back at the students before shutting the door, scanning the crowd for Draco.

“Calm down, Missy,” Cassie said, leaning back in her seat with a smirk. “He won’t stand you up.”

“He might, you never know.” Ayanna said and Melissa looked at her, jaw dropped from the insult. “Oh, but he won’t,” she said quickly, her face flushing red. “‘Cause you’re so pretty,” said Ayanna, pinching Melissa’s cheeks lightly. Cassie laughed hysterically and Melissa shook her head, staring out the window.

The village of Hogsmeade soon came into view. Sun was shining brightly down on the quaint little town. Zonko’s Joke Shop already had half of the Hogwarts students in it, crowding the door. There was a long line outside of Honeydukes, a couple Slytherins brutishly cutting in front of everyone to get into the sweetshop. The girls stepped out of the carriage and smiled at the village, relieved to finally be there.

“I have to go find Luna.” Ayanna said with a fierce nod. “We have a uhm…thing.” She said and trotted off quickly.

“You go have fun with Draco,” Cassie said ushering Melissa off towards the Three Broomsticks, her eyes following a handsome Ravenclaw that walked past them. “And I’m going to have fun with that.” Cassie said and hurried after the boy, yelling at him. Melissa took a deep breath and headed to the Three Broomsticks. On the way there she flattened her dress, made sure her boots were clean, and played with her hair. The Three Broomsticks was packed with people and students as it normally was. Melissa sat at a booth in the back and twirled her wand around waiting for Draco to show up. Every time she heard the creak of the door she’d look up like a child waiting for Santa Claus. The door slowly creaked open and she glanced up to see Draco entering a smile went across her face and she sat up a little straighter. However, the smile soon faded from her face as Crabbe and Goyle came in shortly after him. Melissa rolled her eyes and started mumbling bitterly to herself. Draco sat down next to her and his two oafs sat across from them. Her face flushed bright red and hot as she gathered her things—Draco ordering drinks.

“Where’re you going?” he asked once he realized Melissa was gathering her bag.

“You are so thick!” she said quietly as to not make a scene.

“Excuse me,” he snapped angrily.

“You—are—thick.” She said slowly, emphasizing her words.

“How dare you,” he snapped his face turning red. “You filthy mudblood.” He hissed and Melissa froze as she got up, her heart stopping. She slowly turned around and looked at him indifferently.

“I can’t believe you just said that to me.” She said in a whisper. She walked out of the Three Broomsticks quickly and aimlessly wandered Hogsmeade, wishing she knew where Ayanna or Cassie was. After buying a chocolate frog at Honeydukes Melissa made her way to the Shrieking Shack. It was quiet and seldom was someone else there. She stopped at the fence and sat down on a stump.

“Scared to get any closer?” someone said in a Irish brogue and Melissa jumped, falling off of the stump. She moaned a little, having landed on a rock. Burly arms went under her skinny arms and hoisted her back to her feet.

“Thanks,” she said timidly and turned around to see Derek Houston, a sixth year Slytherin boy that she’d seen around the common room every now and again. He was tall and hefty, with sleek black hair and bright brown eyes.

“And no I’m not scared.” She defended quickly, turning back to the shack, biting the head off of the chocolate frog.

“Then c’mon,” he said with a charming smile and headed towards the shack. Melissa watched him as though he was crazy and with a look around to see if anyone was there she took off after him.

“They say it’s haunted.” He said jokingly as they almost reached the door of the Shrieking Shack. Melissa shook her head and threw the half eaten chocolate frog on the ground as they reached the door.

“Or maybe a werewolf lived here,” said Melissa was a snicker and Derek looked at her confused. “It’s funny, trust me,” she said with a nod and walked into the shack, looking around cautiously.

“So you and Malfoy seeing each other?” Derek mused, looking down at her. Melissa looked up at him quickly, a puzzled look playing across her face.

“No,” she retorted quickly. “He’s an ass.” She said bitterly, glaring at the thought of him.

“Anyone could have told you that princess,” said Derek with a laugh and Melissa glared at him. They’d barely begun to talk and he was already calling her princess.

“I have to go.” She said sternly and left the shrieking shack, Derek followed close behind.

“I didn’t mean it in a bad way.” He exclaimed as they reached the village again, students still walking around and having a lovely time. Melissa glared in envy at them all. Her plans had not gone as she planned and she hadn’t been wise enough to make a plan B.

“I honestly don’t care.” Melissa said frankly, heading back to the Three Broomstick for a mug of butterbeer, a much need butterbeer. As she walked in she saw, out of the corner of her eye, Draco still sitting in a booth with Crabbe and Goyle, but now Pansy was slinking closer and closer to him. Her breathing hardened a little and she walked over to the bar as though she hadn’t noticed him. His grey cold eyes watched her carefully and glare when Derek walked in after her, sitting rather closely next to her.

“Butterbeer, please,” she said politely with a fake kind smile.

“Two,” Derek added in and dropped the coin on the bar for her drink as well.

“I can pay for my own drink.” Melissa said proudly, looking straight ahead at the mirror behind the bar, glancing occasionally at the Slytherin gang in the back.

“That’s quaint and all but me mum taught me to be a gentle man.” He said with a sure nod. Their butterbeers came and Melissa took a small sip, getting some of the warm froth on her lip.

“You have some,” Derek said pointing to his upper lip and Melissa wiped her face, but missed the froth. Derek laughed and wiped it off with a delightful laugh and charming wide smile.

“Houston,” a cold voice and they turned around to see Draco.

“It’s How-ston,” Derek said, clarifying and sounding irritated. Melissa drank the rest of her butterbeer and ordered another two for herself, ignoring the boys. The two started lightly bickering and Melissa downed another two butterbeers, getting a small buzz in her head.

“May I borrow Penbrooke for a moment,” Draco asked in a mocking civility.

“No, you may not borrow her,” Melissa said, slurring only the lightest, but enough for Draco to notice. “Youuu called her a mudblood.” She said and gave him a glare. “She’s not a mudblood; you made her find that out her first night in the castle.” She said and turned back around in the stool. “Bloody oaf,” she mumbled bitterly and downed another butterbeer.

“Thirsty?” Derek asked, shaking his head. Melissa ordered yet another butterbeer and gave the man behind the counter money for all the drinks she ordered.

“Penbrooke, can you just,” Draco snapped, annoyed, and grabbed her arm. Melissa pulled it away and drank her last mug of butterbeer before standing up, swaying a little.

“No, I can’t just,” she said and headed to the door.

“Lemme walk you back to the castle,” Derek said getting to his feet.

“No, no,” she said and walked out of the Three Broomsticks, singing drunkenly and happily, swaying just slightly.

“Well, how’d it go?” a chirper voice asked and Melissa turned around too quickly, almost falling over.

“How’d what go?” she asked, blinking just a little too much.

“The date,” Cassie said, knowing that something wasn’t quite right.

“Huh?” Melissa said sarcastically. “Oh, the one that Malfoy brought Crabbe and Goyle too?” she asked and started to head to where the carriages were, and stumbled, Cassie grabbing her quickly.

“Have you been drinking?” Cassie asked and smelled her friend. Melissa smirked and nodded her head. “Oh bloody hell, you know you can’t do that,” Cassie said and set Melissa on a bench. “How many?” she asked and Melissa started to count on one hand and then grabbed Cassie to use another hand. “You have another hand,” Cassie said bluntly and shook her head. She headed into the Three Broomsticks and walked over to Draco’s table, grabbed his arm and pulled him forcefully to a corner.

“How many drinks did she have?” Cassie asked, almost as if she didn’t want to know the answer.

“I lost track.” Draco said plainly.

“You’re a moron.” Cassie said as she crossed her arms.

“Pardon me,” Draco said, offended once more.

“She asked you here, not them,” said Cassie and Draco looked at her waiting for more explanation. “She asked you on a date you troll.” She snapped, now annoyed with him as much as he was with her. Draco’s expression dropped and he looked at her as though nothing had happened. “You’re a prat, Draco Malfoy. I know you fancy her! I see the way,” Cassie said.

“Shut your mouth,” Draco hissed violently, scaring Cassie.

“You’re pathetic,” hissed Cassie back and walked out of the place, her face slowly turning red. Derek was sitting beside Melissa with a smile that melted Cassie’s heart almost instantly and the warmth of her face faded.

“Hello Derek,” Cassie said flirtatiously with a smirk.

“Is she gonna be alrigh’?” Derek asked, looking at Melissa with a hint of concern. Cassie sneered a little in jealous at his attention to Melissa and not her.

“Yeah, she’ll be fine.” Cassie said dismissively. “Come with me for a moment, I want to show you something.” She said, linking his large arm with her petit one and walking off with him.

“Well that was just rude,” Melissa said to herself and headed to the carriages, not wanting to waste another moment in the village.

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