Leave it to Fate

Par alexannam16

6.2K 349 24

Emma Swan wasn't always a feared pirate, she was a noble sailor and was one with the sea until one tragic nig... Plus

Leave it to Fate
New Addition
Below Deck
Mist Haven
The Tragedy
Deadly Confrontations
Sweet Revenge
Truth Revealed
News at Dawn
Emma's Dream
New Life
New Adventures
Love Conquers All
New Relationship
Past Confrontations
The Hidden Truth
Wedding Day


271 16 0
Par alexannam16

It's been almost two weeks since we left Garrington and I had my encounter with Walsh. It was so funny how he wanted to betray me again and how he thought that by threatening me I was going to surrender myself. That only gave me strength to continue. On the other hand, I'm really surprised that Liam is getting along with me crew. Even at dinner he mixes well with the other men, Robin not so much. Robin is so reversed and doesn't talk, well when I'm there that is. It's funny how Liam has been trying to talk to me and see if I would break and pour my heart to him but I've seen it all and this wasn't the first time someone tries to get close to me. I know how it is and Im going to teach him a lesson for doing that to his captain. Don't get me wrong he is handsome and when I look at him I don't know I get a sense that I lose myself and that I cannot tolerate. I was going to test Robin and Liam's ability to sword fight. Sure anyone can hold a gun, point and shoot but to yield a sword that's another thing. I'm standing there on the quarter deck and I stand my ground. "Hoist the sails men." Everyone turns and gives me a weird look. "Why don't we show our new recruits what we like to do for fun around here men." Everyone nods and they start to take out their swords. I walk down and I get two swords. I hand a sword to Liam then to Robin. "There are still many more things you have to learn before becoming a pirate but one is to be able to not only yield a sword but to be able to win a duel." They both gave me a shocked looked and I smirked. I stood by the stairs. "Ok Luke how about you go against Robin and see what he's got." Luke bows. "With pleasure captain." I smile. Everyone backs away from the center of the deck to watch them duel. I can see the look of horror Robin had on his face and I was enjoying it. They started to duel and they went at it but of course Luke bested him and Robin was flat on his back with the sword by his neck. I got up and smirked. "You need a lot of work Robin; you have horrible foot work." He nodded. "Remember this is not to impress me but it might just save your life when someone's trying to kill you or you might just save the life of your fellow mate." Everyone nods. I look at Liam and smile. "It's Liam's turn." Liam walks to the center and gives me a smirk. I laugh and say "yo Pete I think Mr. Johnson here needs a lesson or two on how not to defy the captain." He walks to the center and laughs. "I will make you dance pretty boy." I smiled and walked back to my place. The duel went on and Liam was beating Pete. I was surprised. He knows how to yield the sword and had excellent foot work. He had very good form, too good. In a matter of minutes Pete was laying flat on the deck. Everyone gasped as he pointed the sword towards Pete's neck. Pete was just as good as me but I was a bit faster than him. Everyone was just gasping and murmuring. I laughed and took out my sword. "It seems that someone has won the right to duel with the captain." Everyone gasped and cheered. "Take your stance" I say as he stood his ground. He smiled and that annoyed me. I was trying to concentrate and not let him get to me but it wasn't working. I swing and he dodges. Everyone gasped. He's good I thought in my mind. We continued to duel and I could not beat him. He took a step back as I stabbed. He then blocked it and I cut through his sleeve. Everyone gasped. He laughed. "Missed." I was getting frustrated then I go in to stab and he grabs my sword and holds me close to him. He held my hands together which made me drop the sword, everyone gasped. I couldn't help but be attracted to his eyes. We were just there staring at each other. "It seems that I won my beautiful captain." I smirked. "Who says it's over?" I push him away and I kick his legs down and he's laying flat on his back. He grunts and I smile. Everyone started to cheer as I got my sword and placed in on his neck. "Good job mate you have fought well" and I hand him the grip of the sword and he grabs it and gets up. Everyone continued to cheer. I went and grabbed my sword and sheath it. I was honestly surprised that he nearly bested me. He had way too good form, his teacher must have been a good pirate. "Ok gents' dinner time so go on below and enjoy dinner." Everyone nods. Mr. Fitz walks by and I grab his arm. "Are my things ready?" He nods. "Aye captain just as you ordered." "Great, now go enjoy dinner." He nods and wanders off. "Liam come over here." He nods and walks over to me. "Yes captain" he says and stands there. "Follow me." He gives me a weird look as I'm walking away. I look back and he's still standing there. "Really Liam when someone says follow me it's because that person wants you to follow them." He shakes his head and half smiles. "Apologies my dear captain." I smiled at the sound of that. We walked into my cabin and I closed the door and locked it. I place the box on the bed and he gives me a weird look. "What's this" he asks in a confused tone. "Open it, it's a gift." He lifts his eyebrow and half smiles. "And to what do I owe this nice gesture to?" "First of all well for being here and well to apologize for ripping your shirt and..." I couldn't believe myself I was getting nervous. He was smiling and I couldn't contain myself and I blushed. "What did I say you do not question the captain's orders, it's a gift nothing more." He laughs and opens it. "You want me to wear this?" I nod. "Yeah I think it's time you wear leather don't you think; I'm tired of the clothes you're wearing anyways you look like a prince or something so why not wear this to give you the actual feel of a pirate." He laughs. "So what you want me to change right now?" "By all means, go for it." He laughs and then I turn around. "I'll give the gentleman his privacy." He walks over to the other side of the cabin and starts to change. I couldn't help myself and I looked back and I got a glimpse of him without a shirt. I laughed and said to myself what the hell are you doing Emma. I had to snap out of it, I couldn't let this man get the best of me. That's what he wants. As my mind is wandering I lose my train of thought because I heard him coming my way. "You done?" "Yes." I turn around. I was in awe. He actually looked good. He looked so handsome. I laughed as I looked at him. "Here let me help you with the shirt and vest." He smiled and I walk over to him. I unbutton three of his buttons from his shirt and I buttoned all of his buttons from his vest. As he was doing this I could just feel his gaze on me. "I would appreciate if you wouldn't look at me like that Mr. Johnson." He laughs. "As the captain orders." I laugh and continued to fix the vest. I fixed his collar and as I had my arms up by his face he was just staring at me. I then fixed his shirt again and I placed my hand on his chest. "There." He looked down and smiled. I was there just staring at him and I could feel him leaning closer to me. I closed my eyes and thought to myself am I actually going to kiss him? I back off and I walk over to my desk and I gave him a sheath. "Here you've earned it Liam." He smiles. "Thanks captain." "Don't get used to this I'm only being nice because you almost bested me at the duel." He laughs and walks over to me. "I think I bested you fair and square." He keeps walking towards me and I keep backing away and I hit the wall. He puts his hand over me and places it against the wall. I look up at him and smirk. "Fine you bested me fair and square but of course I'm the captain and what I say goes." He smiles in a very flirtatious way. "As the captain orders." I push him away and he laughs. "Now go eat and have fun with your fellow mates." He nods and walks out the door and closes it. I go and lock it and I caught myself smiling like crazy. As I was folding his old clothes I suddenly felt weird. I ignored it and I put the clothes inside the box and I put the box under my bed. Was I honestly attracted to this man I had only known for what like twelve days but then again I've been close to him practically every hour of every day. I pass by the mirror and I looked happy and that's when in the mirror the image of my people appeared. The happiness I was feeling a second ago disappeared and all I felt was anger and rage. I screamed and I punched the mirror. Glass was scattered everywhere and I was overflowing in tears. I missed them so much. I see my bloody hand and I just started to shake. I was in extreme pain both physically and emotionally that I just fell to the floor. I hated myself so much for allowing all this to happen to me. As I'm laying on the floor Mr. Fitz comes bursting through the door and he gasps and locks the door. "Captain" he screams and runs over to me. "What on earth did you do this time?" He starts to dry my tears and he looks at the mirror and glass shards everywhere. "I see." I nod. He stands me up and starts to shake off the glass shards from my clothes and then takes my clothes off and puts them to the side and I was left in nothing but my undershirt and shorts. He picks me up and places me on the bed. He looks at my hand and gasps. "My dear captain you can't keep doing stuff like this we can't lose you." I nodded. "I'll be back with water and stuff to clean up the wound." I nod as he walks away. I've known Mr. Fitz since I was a young girl. He was a friend of the family and I see him almost as a father figure. He always takes care of me and puts up with my mood swings and my every demand. He actually took care of me after the horrible incident and of course he's a doctor. He's the only one I will ever allow to see me in this state. He's my only true confidant well after the tragedy he became the only person in the whole world that I could trust. He walks in and closes the door and walks over and sits by my side. He brings a bowl of warm water and starts to clean the wound. "So tell me my dear what happened that made you hit the mirror?" I sighed and groaned. "It's the same thing Mr. Fitz I saw them there when they died and I was on this side powerless not being able to stop it." "Emma you know that it wasn't your fault that they died, it was out of your hands and where you were at there would have been no way you would have been able to reach both of them in time" he says as he pours rum on my wound. I screamed in pain. "Oh hell that hurts." "Sorry captain." I smiled. "I know but I should have tried something but no." He finished cleaning it and he brought some cloth and wrapped my hand up. He gets up and he's washing the other bloody cloths. "So did Liam like the clothes?" I get up and back up against the wall while still sitting on the bed. He goes and gets a broom and dustpan and starts to sweep up all the glass shards that were on the floor. "Well he liked it." He smiled and so did I. "Yeah I saw him and he looked good." I couldn't help but blush. That's when my smile fades. He throws the shards out the window. "Sorry fishes." I couldn't help but laugh. Then my smile fades again. "See Mr. Fitz once I start to feel happy that anger comes up." He sits down at the edge of the bed and sighs. "I think it's because you're attracted to Liam and the thought of being with him makes you happy and when you get that feeling, you suppress it by letting your other feelings of rage and revenge reign over it." I scoff. "No I just think it's a reminder of what's important to me right now and it's to find those people and make them pay." He sighs. "As you say captain but deep down you know I'm right." He gets up and gathers all the things. "Well my captain I hope you rest, see you in the morning." "Thanks again for everything Mr. Fitz." He nods and walks out the door and closes it behind him. I sighed and kept thinking of what he said. Maybe I was attracted to him but then again what happened when I fell for someone that fast, he betrayed me and yes that man was Walsh. I have to be strong and not let my emotions cloud my judgment but I don't know why but when I'm alone with Liam I just become this weird and nervous girl. I mean it's different than what I felt with Walsh but it just bugs me that he has that effect on me. I mean shoot I don't know anything about him, what if he gets allies on my ship and they do a mutiny and they maroon me somewhere or worse make me walk my own bloody plank. I shake my head and said to myself ok Emma you need to stop with all this. I'll flirt but that's it, I won't let it escalate to more not until I know of his roots. My mind wandered off and that's when I remembered the duel. He has good foot work and that signature move there's only one person who I've seen them use that trick. It's weird because back when I was but a youngster I remember my father a fine sailor was fighting a pirate and he used that move. Maybe Liam is his son. Oh what was his name, that's right Jack Harrison. I was mesmerized by him but of course my father bested him but after that day I never heard from him and I don't really recall his face because it was so long ago. I tried to ease my mind and thought to myself that I needed a couple of restful hours. I laid back down and I blew out the candle and I closed my eyes and tried to get some sleep.

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