The Wolf That Turns Into a Fox

By animeloki

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Falice is a member of the wolf pack the "Light Moon Pack" when she turned 13 she was supposed to shift into h... More

The Beginning Of Falice
Chap. 1 Mate ???
Chap. 2 No.. Falice!!!
Chap. 3 New surroundings and Friends
Chap. 4 Understanding
Chap. 5 Help Wanted!!!
Chap. 6 Contract
Chap. 7 Transformation
Chap. 8 Getting Use To It
Chap. 9 Night Attack
Chap. 10 I Promise
Chap.11 New name and Enrollment
Chap.12 Soushi Old Master
Chap. 13 Games and Worries
Chapter. 14 School
Chapter. 15 A Growing Friendship
Chapter 16. Secrets and Marks
Chapter. 17 Patience is running out
Chapter. 18 The Journey begins now
Chapter. 20 Bedroom Roommate

Chapter. 19 Pointless Stops

71 1 0
By animeloki


Another Update. This will be the little drama their having in their way to the mountains. Hope you like it ✌😎

May the story continue . . . . . . .


Ririchiyo Pov.

We've been in this RV for 5 hours straight and yet were not even close to our destination.

I know it supposed to take the whole day to get their but I didn't know it was going to be this boring to wait.

Okay okay

I know, when you hear the word car trip it isn't always fun but, when you live with people like Soushi and everyone you would think nothing normal will be going on in this trip. Which lately, am starting to think it can be a lie, and that this trip will actual go smoothly.

The only bazzair thing that has happen so far in this trip is Zange suddenly poping out in a middle of my conversation with Soushi and seeing for the first 30 mins Zange getting all cuddly towards Soushi- who by the way didn't seem bothered at all. Even when Zange pulled him towards him.

Not that am jealous or anything but just hearing this 'hug me tighter' and 'I feel something moving', cant these two perverts go into one of the rooms. I mean their are rooms in this RV. Use them.

"Ririchiyo" I hear Nobora call out from the other side of the door.

Since Zange and Soushi were having some kind of moment- That I can't even describe. I decided to go to one of the rooms and rest a bit, even though it's going to take us hours to get to the mountains. I just wanted to get away from them as far away as I can.

I don't think I can handle much perverted comments especially if it's  coming from Zange. I mean he keep hitting on Soushies right in front of me acting like if an not even their.

Their another reason why I decide to stay in one of the rooms. During their flirting moments, I suddenly felt pain coming from my stomach and into my chest. I use to handle them well for a few minutes before I can drink the Lovoxi but lately these pain attacks are hurting more than usual. I know am not imagining this but these pains have been increasing more and more each day. The other thing that's strange is that it doesn't come out 3 or 5 times a day. No, instead it comes out once a day.

You would think it has gotten better but no, the pain comes out all at once invading my body from head to toe.

It's becoming a nuisance to me, I sometimes have to lay in bed because of how much energy it take for me to recover. It's been going on like this since last week on Wednesday.

I still drink the Lovoxi but am getting worried if what Kagerou told me will be true, of unleashing all this pain I have been submitting at once. I know I said I'll handle it . . . . . but to be honest am scared . . . . . . scared that if it becomes unbearable I might die from it. My body isn't as strong as it used to be. So the chances of me dieing are pretty high. And if soon the Lovoxi will stop working I'll be in big trouble.

Not for my health, but from the disappointment I'll cause to Soushi because I've been keeping this from him and that I've only talked to  Kagerou about it. Who he doesn't seem to fond of even though he doesn't say it.

As I keep thinking about this I don't notice the door being open until I hear a Creak.

"Ririchiyo are you alseep?" Nobora asks stepping into the room. Oh I almost forgot about her. I sit up straight and turn towards the door.

"Oh your awake" she comments looking at me as she enters the room.

"Yeah, sorry I didn't answer you" I apologize. "I was lost in my own thoughts" I chuckle.

I see her coming near me signing. Oh no this should be 'good'.

"Ririchiyo is everything okay, these past few weeks I've been noticing you looking much paler than usual" Just great she noticed.

"You've also seem weak like you don't have any strength to do things anymore"

"No no am fine their nothing to worry about" I smile. But in reality I have been feeling more tired than usual. I don't know how much more I can take of this.

She doesn't say anything more after a few moments, "Okay then I won't say anymore" She says before grabing both my arms and placing them in her chest. "But I want you to know that you can always count on me okay" I smile while nodding. Nobora can be so understanding.



I freeze when I realized what is actually happening. I look down at my hands and I realized Nobora has put them too close to her breasts. "A Nob-ora can yo-u let go-o of my-y hand no-w" I squeaky. I could feel my face burning up from this.

"Why? am just trying to relax you" I gulp knowing this is bad.

"N-Norb-ora" I struggle to talk more as I feel her pushing my hands even closer to her cleavage.

But before she can make them go any further I head the RV beeper go off. The noise being so loud Nobora thankfully let go of my hands to cover her ear, as did I. Thank you Renshou.




"Enough Already We Heard You!" Nobora yells over the noise. Which made me cover my ears even more. After a few seconds the noise came to a stop.

"Idiot" Nobora mumbles before turning towards me. "Come on let's go to the front" she walks to me pulling me up in the process.

Confused I ask, "Why? Is something going on"

"Were going to stop in the next gas station, The idiot is just informing us that were a few minutes away from it" she explains. "Am sick of being cooped up in this RV" she adds.

"Come on" she pulls me. Already at the door pulling me at full force. I guess she really does hate being in a car.

Once we're in the front we stand behind Renshou already spotting a gas station up ahead. Finally I can move. The gas station look pretty old and dangerous but I'll take my chances.

Once Renshou parks the RV we all rush out happy to be free from the car ride.

"Hay guys" Renshou calls out to all of us. "I gotta go and get some supplies for the rest of the journey" Renshou informs us.

"You mean the snacks you brought and ate them all by yourself" Nobora asks.

Renshou knowing he got caught shrugged his shoulder, "What . . am a growing boy" he defends.

"Ugh, just hurry up" Nobora says rolling her eyes at him.

As he's about to walk Soushi walks up to him. "Will you need some assistance?" Soushi ask.

"Yeah thanks man" Renshou says walking towards the convenience store.

As they go inside everyone else seems to be enjoying getting out of the RV for bit.

Feeling the fresh snowy air I stretch my arms out, "Ahhh... this is nice" I say. But I couldn't enjoy for long when suddenly a ball of snow hits me right in the face.

I hear laughing from a distance.

I turn to the direction the noise is coming from, whipping the snow off my face in the process. "You" I growl. I should have know it was him.

Zange stops laughing for second and looks at me before continuing laughing. Oh I see he thinks he can just get away from it. I grab a chunk of snow in my hands making it into a perfect shaped ball before throwing it on his face. Making him stop laughing brutally. Taking this chance I through him another on that lands in the same spot were I throw the last snow ball.

Ha let's see if you like it.

I look up at his face and once I do I couldn't help but let out the giggles that were coming out of me. Zange who always has an evilish look. Right now has this dumbfounded look having his mouth open too. Wow this is a first.

After a few more mins of laughing I turn took look at him. "What?" I ask innocently.

Coming out of his trance he gives me an evil look. "I understand" he chuckles. "You wanna play hu?" He asks.

"No, not really"

"But I see you do so let's play" I challenge.

I could see from the corner of my eye that everyone else seems to be backing off. Good I don't want to hit them accidentally.

"Ready" I start.

"Get set" he continues.

"Go" We both say at once. Before we start throwing each other snowballs.

"Shit I miss" I mumble. As I see Zange dodge my snowball. "Here some more" Nobora says handing me a dozen snowballs.

During the first 5 mins of the game Nobora manage to slip in the game helping me create these snowballs. I was having a hard time making them because of the constant snowballs Zange would throw at me. It turns out their are a pile of snowballs in his side of the field.

Since Nobora power evolve snow and ice helping me making them isn't a hard job for her.

You see Nobora power are much more stronger than regular ice and snow so these snowballs aren't just ordinary snowballs actually just holding one feels like you are caring a 6 pound rock. And these snowballs she's making are small like the size of a baseball. I would hate to be hit with one of these if I were Zange.

But am not him, so I won't mind.

I turn away from the fight and grab even more snowballs from Nobora but when I turn around he's not their anymore. Hu? Where is he? I keep looking around careful not to show myself too much.

"Hello am over here" Zange taunts from above me. What how did h-
Oh. Right he got help from Renshou.

"Hay!" I yell at him getting frustrated now. You see unlike Zange I received help without asking. When Renshou came out of the store he quickly called Renshou over and ask him for help. He was about to refuse but with Zange being Zange and Renshou being himself it didn't take long for him to change is mind.

As Renshou float around the air in his One-tenth hectare cotton (Ittan-momen for short) Youkai form caring Zange in his back. I smirk when I finally see Renshou coming to a stop floating in mid air. Realizing their not gonna be moving anytime soon I take this as my chance to throw him a few  snowball, but as I do I miss again when Renshou suddenly moves to the left dodging my snowballs. "Nobora its not working" I sign. Ahhh.... I should have know they were just 'acting' ignorant, but then again they always do.

I turn to look at Nobora only to see her having one of her smiles- evil smiles . . . . .  like she has an idea that won't be good. "Here" she says holding out her hand. Confused as to what she planning I comply and grab her hand only to be pulled into her chest. "What are y-" I couldn't finish my sentence when suddenly it's starts getting cold. What . . . . what's happening? Squished between her breasts I managed to pull back and bit only to see snow flakes starting to float all around us. That's when it hit me. Oh no now I know what she planning. Once I see ice forming around us I knew my guess was correct.

"Ririchiyo can you go over their" She asks pointing behind her. I look up at her but the only thing I see is something flash in her eyes, I do as I say afraid to disobey her.

"Nobora!" Renshou calls out. As I walk behind her Renshou suddenly appear at her side. "Don't you think your going a little to far on this game" Renshou says still floating at the side of her.

After a few seconds of silence she turn to him. "Hu?" She asks. "Of course not, I still need to pay him back " she says that last part in a deep voice.

"What did Zange do to you?" Renshou ask scratching his 'head' thinking, what Zange could have done to have gotten her so mad.

Even as Renshou was talking to Nobora, Nobora still had ice forming all around us getting even colder by the second. "What . . . .you ask?" She suddenly asks looking piss. Oh no.

"I'll tell you why, He wanted to leave my darling Ririchiyo with that pervert" She claims.

Pervert? When was Soushi imaged that way.

"Nobora, clam down" he calls out again. Once he saying those words to her the snow flakes in the sky freeze kind of like time has stopped. We both turn to look at her unmoving. Thinking it was safe Renshou let out a sign a of relief but the sign was cut short when the snow flakes started to move infront of Nobora. Like being sucker in, forming into an ice sword. Pointing directly at . . . .  Zange.

Finally understanding the situation Zange let's out beats of sweat as he says, "Wa-wait a minute N-Norb-ora let's t-talk about th-this" he slutter out.

In a whiny but serious look she yells out a 'no' before going at it aiming at him. Everyone ran to Zange but as the ice blade came closer to Zange we knew it was to late, but before it could have reach one more centimeter at his face the ice suddenly breaks into tiny little pieces making it shine with the sunset light.

Nobody moved for a bit but when we did we sign. "Haa.... that was a close one" I mumble to myself. But when I look up I see everyone facing Nobora with shocked faces. Confused for their reaction I turn around and when I do my mouth falls open.

I can't believe this, I don't know which to think it's either he's brave or just plain stupid. Everyone seemed to still be in shocked but not Nobora when she suddenly grabs Kagerou from the neck lifting him up a few inches from the ground.

Looking pissed then ever I hear Nobora most monstrosities voice ever say, "You just won yourself a deathwish"

He sure did.

You see Nobora doesn't seem to be to fond on guys, especially guys like Kagerou. The reason why am telling you this is because when Nobora was close to finishing Zange off. This stupid guy, Kagerou decided to mess with Nobora. So when she was distracted with Zange, Kagerou took that chance to grab both of Nobora breast giving it little squeeze. And this idiot just had to add a comment, "These are my type of breasts" with his most perverted look and running nose.

"Oh so you wanna die today hu"

"HAHA. . . . This is fun! Kagerou shouts looking joyful in his moments of death. Just shut up! Kagerou.

Even though I know Kagerou deserves what ever punishment Nobora has in mind. I know he's not gonna survive this, by how purple his face is turning.

So before Nobora can add any pressure to her hands on Kagerou neck I fall down to the floor making a big 'thumbing' noise.

I look to Nobora to see if she noticed anything when she doesn't. I yell out loud, "Ahhhh.... Nobora help me!"

That seemed to grab her attention as she throws a half passed out Kagerou to the ground. As she runs to me at top speed. "Ririchiyo what happened?" She pulling me towards her.

"It's my stomach it hurts" I complain.

"Oh my poor Ririchiyo, let's go to the bus" she says. "Renshou come down here!" She orders as Renshou still in his Youkai form comes to us.

"What is it?" He asks.

"Take Ririchiyo in your back her stomach hurt" she says as she's already putting me in his back.

Once she adjust me to his back I lay down a bit.

"Hold on" he warns me as he starts flying towards the bus. As we're a few metters away from Nobora, Renshou says, "Nice job, I though we were going to have to fight, to calm down Nobora"

"Naaa... don't mention it, plus if we would have stayed longer here we won't make it into the mountains until sun down, and that's dangerous"

Once inside he gently lays me down on the room I took earlier and Flys off. Just as he left Nobora barges in. "Are you okay?"

I smile at how worried she is, not because I think is funny but how much she cares for me, "I'll be fine"

"Okay if you need me, call me okay" She says as she closes the door behind her. Well this was exciting, I guess.

"Hurry up and pick that pervert!" I can hear Nobora yell.

"Why me!?" I hear Watanuki complain all of a sudden. "Why can't Renshou do it?"

"Renshou went back inside to help Soushi since he's been taking long" I hear her reply before I hear a loud smack.

Not bothering to check what happened, I shift in bed and lay down comfortably. Hmmmm..... this isn't so bad.

No more than a minute passed before the door is once again swing wide open only this time it's Soushi.

"Soushi are you okay?" I ask as I sit up straight. As he walks closer to me I can see him looking a bit stiff. "Did Master Kagerou do something to to you, against your will?" He asks. He seems clam. But from the sound of his voice he doesn't.

I chuckle at bit to lighten up the mood, "No he didn't but thanks for asking" I can see this seemed to calm him down by the way his stiff posture loosen a bit, but still having that stiff postition. "If he ever does you'll be the first to know"

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During the ride since the gas station it's been kind of rowdy. Kagerou woke up 2 hours after that knock out he got from Nobora. But once Nobora saw him she knock him out again. I guess she hasn't forgotten what he did to her. Not that I blame her.

As for Zange he got safe from Nobora Raf if it weren't for Kagerou, Zange would have been on his place. But besides that we have been taking stops ever now and then like when it was 12 pm lunch time we stopped on a near by diner. And then another one around 1:30 the guys clam that their growing boys that they need their energy and stuff.

If it weren't for Karuta who loves to eat Nobora wouldn't have complied with them. But I guess their right they are growing boys even though they don't act like it.

But besides that nothing much has happened. Renshou said that were almost their which I am happy for. I can't wait to go out and explore the mountains. Soushi saw how happy and excited I was about the trip that he gave me a brochure about the place. Since I told him I have never been their and was curious about the place. From what I've read about it in the brochure that its a pretty popular place and that they have an indore hot springs. Through cabins and main building of the place are separated. What makes the place popular is that it's spread out around the area so their isn't really a main main building the builds am talking about have spas, hot springs, and other fun stuff. Nobora already decided that were going their tomorrow. So plans for the trip are slowly being planed out.

But what I really want to try when we get their is snowboarding. It's a fun sport that I have heard people talk about it before in my old school. They would talk about competition they use to enter and win. But what I really listen when my class mates use to talk is the techniques and skills you use when you snowboard. I told myself if I ever get the chance to snowboard I'll take it.

But all that will have to wait until tomorrow. We still need 5 more hours to go. Meaning were getting closer which is good since it's almost time for the sun to go down. And its dangerous for them to be out at the night.


Hello Reader,

In this chapter I wanted you guys to see the how things are going in their travel. You know see the way they interact with each other. I want to give other characters a chance to appear more. I feel like it's a duty of mine to write more about these characters. Since I didn't talk much about them when I first introduced them. But I will make up for it. In these upcoming chapter.
       Thanks again for reading, and I hope you'll keep reading.


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