Sweet Shop | Seventeen

Por xkenta_

82.6K 2.7K 561

Trying to keep you entertained with oneshots of the SVT boys! Más

Accents (Vernon/Hansol)
Playing with Fire (ATLA!au) (Wonwoo)
School Reunion (Mingyu)
Welcome to Woozi's Blog! (Woozi/Jihoon)
A Midsummer Night's Sweetness (Hiphop Team x Reader)
Movie Night (Hoshi)
Christmas Shopping (Dino)
Accidentally Neighbours (Mingyu)
Partners (Joshua/Jisoo)
Maid Madness (Jun/Junhui)
The Popular Kid (Jeonghan)
Tied Together (S.Coups/Seungcheol)
Class is in Session (Woozi/Jihoon)
Don't Love You No More (S.Coups/Seungcheol)
Rose Among the Thorns (Jeonghan)
Third Time's the Charm (Jeonghan)
Third Time's the Charm (Seungkwan ver.)
Drink Away (Jun)
Don't Cry Over Spilled Coffee (Wonwoo)
Runaway (Wonwoo)
Aviophobia (S.Coups/Seungcheol)
Shut Up and Kiss Me (Vernon/Hansol)
Mirror Mirror (Mingyu)
Red String of Fate (S.Coups/Seungcheol and Joshua/Jisoo)
Maybe In Our Next Lifetime (Hoshi/Soonyoung)
Scored (Vernon/Hansol)
A/N | Update

Scraped (Mingyu)

2.2K 85 20
Por xkenta_

"Okay, yeah, I know! I'll be careful this time, promise!" You yelled over to your mom, as you got on your bike. "No more accidents, please!" Your mom sighed out, exasperated. "It'll be the fifth time this month! Knocking over our poor neighbour's son, Chan, was plenty enough!" Rolling your eyes, you placed your right foot on the right pedal of your bike. "Oh, yes, mom. How could I ever forget the two hour lecture you gave me. Besides, it's not my fault they can't hear me ringing my bell!" Groaning, you set off before your mom could nag at you again.

It really wasn't your fault. You'd been ringing your bell, but Chan had his earpieces plugged in and was dancing. He pretty much took up the whole street, and you tried your best to avoid him, but you collided with Lee Chan. He'd come home with a couple of bruises, and a scratch on his hand. His mother had this grudge against you now, and you swore she glared at you every time you passed her house on the way to school.

You also made the mistake of crashing into Hansol Choi, better known as Vernon. He was your school's kingka, basically. The girls that were watching him from across the road has rushed over to help him up, dragging him away before you could apologize. You came home with a lot of bruises that day, those girls were really relentless. You could have sworn you saw Lee Chan's mother smirking as you walked past, bruised, pushing your bike.

Not to mention Choi Seungcheol, and Jeon Wonwoo. Now that did not do any wonders for your reputation in school. These three were in the school's popular clique. All the girls fawned over them, and the boys rolled their eyes when the popular ones appeared in the hallways. You'd run over three of the thirteen most popular boys, and not to mention the cutest ones. Thankfully you had your best friend, who you swore was a guardian angel sent from Heaven, to protect you.

No one in your neighbourhood, or your close friends, really understood how much you loved riding your bike. It was something you did often, when you needed alone time, or you were upset.

Project partner didn't show up? Ride bike. After finishing the project.

Got caught in the rain? Ride bike. When it's not raining.

Got an F on your test? Ride bike. After studying.

This was pretty much your only constant source of entertainment and relaxation, and everyone wanted you to stop doing it. They kept saying you were really gonna knock down someone important to you eventually, and you, being ignorant, did not listen.

So there you were, riding your bike as usual. Making sure to ring your bell on the way, you headed to the park. After cycling around for an hour or two, you decided to head back home, your head cleared of any feelings of anger or sadness. It wasn't too dark outside, but you were pretty sure there'd be some idiot who'd have his earpieces in, or headphones on. On your way home, you saw a puppy dash out, and swerved to avoid it.

But of course, you'd crash right into the person near you. Pulling yourself out of the mess, you stood your bike up, and put the bike stand down. "I'm so sorry, are you okay?" You recognized the uniform, it was a kid from your school. Great, more room for rumours about you. You reached your hand out to help the said kid up, and as he faced you, you nearly gasped out loud.

It was Kim Mingyu.

The cutest guy in school. (At least in your opinion.)

He was groaning, clutching his knee. "Do you, by any chance, happen to have a bandage? I think I scraped my knee falling for you. No, I don't mean it romantically. I mean it literally."

A few minutes later, you rushed back to Mingyu's side, a brown paper bag in your hand. "Hey, I got the cleaning solution, some gauze, q-tips, and bandages to go on top." You had helped him move to the bench a few steps away, and parked your bike next to him. Taking out the cleaning solution, you dripped some onto the q-tip you were holding. "This is going to sting." You'd barely touched the q-tip to Mingyu's knee, and he started clenching the bench's handle tightly, eyes squeezed shut. He really isn't very manly, is he.. Sighing, you continued to clean his wound, despite his constant protests.

"Mingyu, if you don't shut up and stop asking me not to clean your wound, I'm going to pour the whole bottle of solution on your knee." Mingyu covered his eyes, and braced himself. You were trying to be as gentle as possible, but the cleaning solution did sting, after all. A few minutes later, you were done. Covering the wound with gauze, you stuck bandages on top. "It's not a severe wound, you should be fine after a couple of days. Sorry that it's at your kneecap though."

Standing up, you handed him the brown bag, and it's remaining contents. "I'm sure you'll be fine, it's not like you can't walk or anything." Kicking up the bike stand, you began pushing your bike on the path back home. "Wait!" Mingyu called out for you, and you turned your head. "It.. It really hurts. Could you come back for me, please?" How could you say no to those puppy eyes? Promising to come back later, you left for home.

"Mom, I'm heading out again, see you!" Rushing out the house, you headed back to where you'd left Mingyu. It was getting dark, but you still helped him home. He'd found it comfortable to attach his left arm around your waist, apparently. The other one was holding your left hand. Upon reaching his house, he knocked on the door. "Yo, Coups! Let me in!" Mingyu yelled, one of his arms still around your waist. To your surprise, Choi Seungcheol opened the door. "Yo, Mingyu, I told you not to call me that-"

He froze up when he saw you. "Don't tell me, you ran him over too?" Seungcheol raised an eyebrow at you, and you sighed. "I was trying not to run over a puppy, and I ran over this one instead." You motioned to Mingyu, who seemed extremely comfortable snuggling up to you. Seungcheol shook his head, but let you in. "Where to, Mingyu?" Mingyu stretched his arm out for the couch, and you set him down. He took out the brown bag you'd given him from his school bag, and handed it to Seungcheol. "She got me medicine."

Seungcheol groaned, and patted Mingyu's head. "Is it just me, or do you have a very bad habit of running into us? Like, literally?" You shrugged, "Sometimes you guys have your earpieces in, and no matter how many times I ring my bike bell, you guys never notice. Also, you all move very suddenly.." Mingyu crossed his arms, "That is actually very true."

"Guys, we got the pizza you asked for-" Vernon stopped short when he saw you sitting on the couch, and Mingyu sitting right next to you. "Whoa, dude. Are you guys, like, dating or something?" You made a face, and shook your head. "No, I'm not dating Mingyu." Mingyu frowned, clearly insulted. "Hey! You should be honoured to even have people think I like you!" Rolling your eyes, you muttered. "Watch out, I'm running you over with my bike again next time." Mingyu covered his face, and whined. "No, thanks."

"What's with all the commotion, guys." Wonwoo walked in, rubbing his eyes. "Oh, the bike girl is here. What'd you do this time?" You waved to Wonwoo, and shrugged. "I ran over Mingyu this time." Wonwoo shook his head, but patted yours. "Hasn't anyone told you bike riding is bad for everyone near you on the streets?" You nodded. "I don't exactly care, I really like riding my bike."

"Anyway, it's getting late. I gotta go home. See you." Standing up, you headed to the door to put your shoes on. "Hey, you might as well stay for dinner." Vernon spoke up, and you shook your head. "Mom's probably worried like nuts. I kinda ran out on her to get Mingyu back home." Wonwoo laughed, and took your phone out from your pocket. "Call her, and tell her. I'm sure she wouldn't mind if you spent time with us."

"Yeah, mom. I did run over someone again. And no, I helped him bandage up his leg. No mom, he's not mad at me like Chan's mom is. Yes, mom. They asked me to stay for dinner. Four of the guys I ran over. I'll be fine. Okay, love you. Bye." Pressing the lock button on your phone, you sat down next to Mingyu. "She said it's cool as long as you guys don't mind." Wonwoo grinned, and crawled into the space next to you. "And we don't."

Mingyu glared at Wonwoo, something you didn't notice. Vernon was distracting you as he came out of the kitchen, putting plates down on the table. "By the way, we live together, the four of us. We thought it'd be cool, and none of our parents minded." Wonwoo said, as he snuggled up to you. "Mm, that's cool." You didn't really care that Wonwoo was clutching onto your arm, hugging it. But Mingyu sure did.

He hugged your other arm, and glared at Wonwoo again. Seungcheol noticed what was going on, and rolled his eyes. "Young love." Vernon snorted, nearly dropping a plate. "You're not exactly that old, remember when you had a crush on-" Seungcheol dove for Vernon, just as he put the last plate on the table. "Shut up, she doesn't need to know." He hissed, covering Vernon's mouth.

Wonwoo shrugged, still clinging onto your arm. "You don't mind, do you?" "Nah, I don't mind." You were trapped between two of the cutest guys in school. Mind? Hell no you didn't. Mingyu swatted Wonwoo's arm, and he grunted. "Stop being a jealous prick, Mingyu." Wonwoo's intentions were pretty clear to Mingyu at this point of time, and you were gracefully pretending to ignore what the two of them were doing.

"Come and eat, guys." You bounced off the couch at Vernon's words. "Food? Hell yes, I'm so down." You sat down next to Vernon, and grinned. "You like this one too, I take it?" You pointed to the pizza with your favourite topping. "Nah, I don't. Mingyu likes that one, but the rest of us don't. So we always have to order a special one for him. We never finish, so you go ahead and eat up." Taking a slice of pizza from another box, Vernon began chewing on it. "Here you go." Seungcheol placed a slice on your plate, and you smiled at him. "Thanks."

"Can I feed you?" Wonwoo leaned over the table, and reached for the slice on your plate. Mingyu yanked him back, and Wonwoo crashed into his chair. "Stop it." He hissed, before ripping at the pizza with his canines. You picked up your piece and started eating, while Vernon and Seungcheol were constantly adding to your plate. Wonwoo and Mingyu filled the table discussion with bad jokes, and Vernon said in the future if he became a star, he'd tell a fan that she blew him away.

Soon enough, all five of you were stuffed, and you ended up back on the couch, groaning. "That was some darn good pizza." Mingyu sat next to your head, and lifted it up. "Here." He placed a pillow on his lap, and put your head down. "Thanks, Mingyu."

"Aren't you supposed to go back soon? It's getting pretty late." Wonwoo smiled at you from above, and you sat up. "That's right, I probably should go." Vernon sighed, "Darn, it was fun joking around with you. Come visit our place again sometime soon, yeah?" Nodding, you slid your socks on, and wore your shoes. "Since it's late, one of the guys can walk you home." Seungcheol smiled, before giving the three remaining guys a look. Wonwoo was about to stand to leave with you, but Mingyu beat him to it. "See you guys later."

"Wonwoo, you douchebag. You know Mingyu likes her!" Seungcheol slapped his arm, and Wonwoo laughed. "You've liked her before too, Seungcheol. Mingyu won't make moves on girls he likes unless he has competition." Vernon nodded at Wonwoo's words. "You have a point. Besides, she's pretty attractive in her own way, I guess. Especially when she runs over you."

The three laughed, and Wonwoo smiled. "I really hope he doesn't let this opportunity go to waste. Remember when he got mad at us for getting run over and talking to her?" Vernon snorted, and nodded. "He didn't talk to whoever got knocked down for a week. And he'd glare at us from a distance." Seungcheol laughed, "He would. At least he's finally getting the girl of his dreams for once."

On your way home, you and Mingyu were talking about various things you had in common, like basketball. You promised to play a game with him and the rest of the guys sometime. He was really funny, and you had to admit that was very attractive in a guy. You'd wondered why you'd never talked to him before. Right. Fangirls. Soon enough, you could see your house in the distance, and smiled. Finally, you could go home and sleep.

"Hey, I'm sorry about running you over with my bike." You smiled sheepishly, rubbing the nape of your neck, and Mingyu shook his head. "You could make it up to me, I guess. Do me a favour, or something of the sort." You gave him a weird look, but shrugged. "Sure, how can I help?"

"Would it be strange of me to ask if you'd give me a kiss?"

You stopped abruptly in your tracks. "What?"

Mingyu leaned forward, and pressed his lips to yours. "I got one." He smiled, pulling you towards your front door before your brain could process what was going on. "Thanks for taking care of my wound today, and for spending time with me and the guys. I appreciate it, and I hope you'll spend more time with me in the future." His cheeks were tinted pink, and he wasn't looking directly at you. "I'd love to, Kim Mingyu." You tiptoed and kissed his cheek. "Maybe, I'll see you tomorrow?" Mingyu's eyes lit up, and he handed you his phone. "Give me your number." You handed him your phone, and he keyed it in.

He'd saved himself as "Handsome Giant". Well, he wasn't wrong.

"Hey, do you know the cops' number?" You stared at Mingyu, and waved your hand in front of his face. "Are you okay? Doesn't everyone know this?" He laughed, holding your hands in his.

"I need to report a robbery. Someone stole my heart, and I think I'm looking right at them."

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