Sweet Shop | Seventeen

By xkenta_

82.7K 2.7K 561

Trying to keep you entertained with oneshots of the SVT boys! More

Accents (Vernon/Hansol)
Playing with Fire (ATLA!au) (Wonwoo)
School Reunion (Mingyu)
Welcome to Woozi's Blog! (Woozi/Jihoon)
A Midsummer Night's Sweetness (Hiphop Team x Reader)
Movie Night (Hoshi)
Christmas Shopping (Dino)
Accidentally Neighbours (Mingyu)
Partners (Joshua/Jisoo)
Maid Madness (Jun/Junhui)
The Popular Kid (Jeonghan)
Tied Together (S.Coups/Seungcheol)
Class is in Session (Woozi/Jihoon)
Don't Love You No More (S.Coups/Seungcheol)
Rose Among the Thorns (Jeonghan)
Third Time's the Charm (Jeonghan)
Third Time's the Charm (Seungkwan ver.)
Drink Away (Jun)
Don't Cry Over Spilled Coffee (Wonwoo)
Runaway (Wonwoo)
Aviophobia (S.Coups/Seungcheol)
Shut Up and Kiss Me (Vernon/Hansol)
Mirror Mirror (Mingyu)
Maybe In Our Next Lifetime (Hoshi/Soonyoung)
Scraped (Mingyu)
Scored (Vernon/Hansol)
A/N | Update

Red String of Fate (S.Coups/Seungcheol and Joshua/Jisoo)

2.1K 100 45
By xkenta_

6th February 2016, 2:00pm

"What're you doing, love?" Seungcheol slipped his arms around Mina's waist. "A letter just came in, and I was about to read it. Until you interrupted me. Rude." Mina scrunched up her face, and attempted to wriggle her way out of Seungcheol's grasp. "Isn't that from your best friend? You should probably read it, y'know." He smiled, kissing the top of her head. "Of course I'll read it, but I haven't heard from her for so long. It's been about a year since she moved to America. Speaking of which, didn't Joshua say he sees her at his workplace often?"

"Yeah, we probably should give her a call or something. Isn't a letter outdated though?" A frown on Seungcheol's face marred his features, and Mina sighed. "She probably doesn't want to directly contact us. It's something sensitive. By the way, Cheol. It says 'to Mina and Seungcheol', so sit here with me."

"Let's read it together.

16th March 1996, 3:00pm

You ran through the grassy field, trying to escape the clutches of your friend. At a young age, you were gifted with the ability to see the 'red threads of fate', the sole thing that bound soulmates together. Of course, with that ability, you could change destined soulmates too. Of course, you were able to cheat a little with it. Knowing which direction he was coming from, the five year old you giggled and ran off again.

"Come on, I'm tired of chasing you. How do you always find out where I am before I can even see you?" The black haired boy huffed, before folding his arms and frowning. You stepped out of your hiding place, tackling him. He let out a grunt, before collasping to the ground. "I caught you!" You laughed, hugging him tightly. "Yeah, yeah, you got me." The two of you decided to lie down on the grassy patch, and talked about kid things.

"Next time, when we grow up, let's get married, okay?" The seven year old next to you clasped your hand in his. You nodded, kissing his cheek.

"We're soulmates, after all."

3rd January 2015, 10:00am

"It's been ages, Mina!" You ran forward, hugging her tightly. "I know, I'm sorry it's been so long!" You and Mina had both just finished your university studies, Mina having studied for five years in Japan, while you remained in Korea for your three years of study. She was older than you by two years, so the two of you ended up with a graduation certificate at the same time. "So Mina, did you bring your special someone with you?" You wriggled your eyebrows, arm slung around her shoulder. "Of course! I know this is sudden and all, but I already told you about the wedding, right? Everything else has been settled but the dresses.. But I want you to be my maid of honour!"

"You don't even have to ask, Mina! You know I'd do it for you." You were glad that Mina had found a guy she really loved, and as Mina raised her hand for a highfive, you stopped short. "Wait, Mina, where's your fiancé?" You raised your eyebrows, and she laughed. "I can't believe you didn't notice him. Seungcheol, come here!"

As Mina's fiancé walked into your line of vision, you noticed one thing.

His red thread wasn't connected to Mina's.

10th January 2015, 9:00am

"Do you think this dress is okay?" Holding up a beautiful, white gown that was laced with faux pearls, Mina smiled. "I think it looks beautiful, Mina. Why don't you try it on for Seungcheol to see?" You shoved her into the dressing room, and she snorted. Smile dropping off your face, you contemplated how to go around telling Mina that Seungcheol wasn't her destined one.

Mina knew about this special power of yours, but never asked if she and Seungcheol were suited for each other. Mina and Seungcheol had been dating for nearly five years, since they met in university overseas. The two were attached to the hip, and you wanted to get Mina alone when you told her. Her wedding was in a month, and if you didn't tell her, you were worried she would regret her decision.

"Could you come help me with this dress?" Mina called out to you, and you took a deep breath in. Now's the perfect time to tell her the truth. You turned to see Seungcheol browsing a catalogue for tuxedos, smiling to himself, clearly amused. Pushing the dressing room's door gently, you walked in, shutting the door behind you. "Mina, the dress?" Mina's back was facing you, and you reached out for the zipper. "You've been quiet these past few days. Is there something you want to tell me? I've known you since you were in diapers." She breathed in, as you yanked the zipper upwards.

"Mina.. You love Seungcheol, don't you?" You let go of the zipper, having finished helping Mina with her dress. "Who wouldn't?" Letting a grin spread across her face, Mina let out a laugh. "Just tell me."

"Mina, you and Seungcheol.. Aren't soulmates." You looked away, not wanting to meet her eyes when she found out the truth. Mina folded her arms, and let out a sigh. "Well, I'm not too surprised by that. Some girl in Japan was insisting we weren't soulmates, when we went to a carnival, I believe? She was like you, she could see the red threads. She told me if I didn't break up with Seungcheol, I'd regret it, and would lose something. It's been three years since then, and I've lost nothing. I'm not worried at all." Mina chuckled, reaching up to tuck a loose strand of hair behind her ear. "What I'm trying to say is.."

"I don't care if we're not soulmates. I'd do anything to make him stay mine."

21st February 2015, 7:00am

"You look beautiful, Mina." Her mother gushed, clearly pleased at your makeup skills. Mina opted to forgo the professional makeup artist, and asked you to do her makeup. "I can trust you with anything," she said. "You always look out for me, and for my best." You did a good job, and everyone was extremely pleased. Her other bridesmaids were squealing with excitement, and you stood to the side, not able to do anything but put on a practised smile.

I won't cry. Not on Mina's special day.

"Hey, Mina. Seungcheol told me you should wear this necklace." Seungcheol's best man, Joshua Hong, handed a red, velvety box to Mina. She opened it, gasping, and asked one of her bridesmaids to put it on for her. It had a stunning sapphire pendant, one that reflected Seungcheol's more than obvious wealth. The wedding itself was spectacular, his and Mina's parents having forked out a huge sum of money to make this wedding the best one possible. Joshua flashed you a small smile, and left the room as quickly as he came.

You'd met Joshua during the trial runs of the wedding, and he was really a gentleman, as Seungcheol had promised. Following one of Seungcheol's family traditions, the bridesmaids and groomsmen had to walk down the aisle together, arms linked. The same tradition applied to the maid of honour and the best man. As a result, you'd spent more time linking arms with Joshua Hong than you thought you would. Of course, Seungcheol and Mina had tried to set you up with Joshua, but the two of you had shied away from each other. There was more than one reason, but you didn't want to tell any of the three.

Joshua was Mina's soulmate.

21st February 2015, 8:00am

"Are you ready, Mina?" Joshua entered the room again, and she nodded. Once again, Joshua disappeared back into the crowd of guests that came for the wedding. Mina shooed her bridesmaids away, telling them to take care of other matters. Her father was waiting outside, waiting for the ceremony to start. Mina grabbed your shoulders, and locked eyes with you. "I need a favour, and this is really important to me." Nodding, you braced yourself.

"I want you to cut my thread and tie it to Seungcheol's."

21st February 2015, 9:00am

The procession was over, and you were seated next to Joshua for the ceremony. The signing of the marriage certificate was taking place, and you smiled bitterly. Mina was finally getting married to her true love, as she always wished. Her mother was wiping away tears, and so was Seungcheol's mother. You, on the other hand, were holding a special pair of scissors in your hand. These were not ordinary, as the holder could cut red threads with these. The scissors were invisible and untouchable to those who could not see the threads.

It was not an easy task Mina had presented you with. Firstly, the pang of hurt that would come after cutting the thread, the guilt that you had taken Mina away from her soulmate. Secondly, you were seated in the front of the crowd. It was nearly impossible that someone wouldn't notice what you were doing, especially if there was another person who could see the threads. You assumed that if there were any, a highly unlikely occurrence, they would either raise an objection, or have prior knowledge about the situation.

Lastly, Joshua was right next to you. You doubted he was able to see the way you could, but he would notice any form of motion. You'd have to be careful with your timing. Fiddling with your earring, you dropped it in between yourself and Joshua. Reaching down to pick up your earring, you grabbed onto Mina and Joshua's thread. Neither Joshua nor Mina would be able to feel you tugging at their thread of fate. Joshua looked concerned, but after gesturing to him it was just your earring, he visibly relaxed.

As Mina and Seungcheol pronounced their vows, and Seungcheol lifted up the veil, you turned away. You had a final job to do for the day, and you could be finally be free.

Mina, I love you so much. I wish you knew how painful this was for me. You're so lucky, getting what you want.

Letting out what could possibly be your thousandth sigh for the day, you lifted the scissors and cut Mina and Joshua's red thread that bound them together. Lifting the scissors one more time, you made the final cut.

I'm sorry I couldn't keep my promise, soulmate.

You cut the thread that bound you to Seungcheol.

18th April 2015, 8:00pm

"Are you sure you want to take up this job, honey?" Your mom looked at you, concern filling her eyes. She was one of the people who knew about your special power. In fact, she passed it onto you. "You know why I'm going, mom. It's better for me, if I stay any longer, they'll keep asking me why I'm so busy, and it's as hard as it is." Patting her shoulder, you let a grimace cross your face. "I love you, dear. If you need anything, please come home, or at least call me, okay?" You nodded, and picked up your hand carry.

You had other things to do, other places to see, instead of moping around at home. You were lucky your parents were rich too, which is how you met Mina. Yours, and Mina's family, owned a popular fashion chain store, automatically giving you a high status, and access to a large sum of money every month. A job opportunity arose in America, and you gladly lunged for it. Your parents were skeptical, but after your mom heard your reasons, she persuaded your father.

Heading towards the check-in point, you turned to wave to your family for the last time.

27th April 2015, 10:00am

You were adjusting to your new job, and had begun typing out some datasheets your company needed. Things like these were easy for you, your parents having previously taught you how to do so when you were still in university. Sipping on your iced coffee, you heaved a sigh of relief. It was good to finally be away from Mina, Seungcheol, and their pestering. In fact, you'd only just sent them an email, telling them you'd moved to the United States without anyone else knowing.

"Hey, new kid!" A sharp voice called out to you, and you lifted up your head. "Yes?" You smiled brightly, and a female co-worker of yours signalled to you. "The boss wants to see you, it's your first day, isn't it?" You nodded, "Yeah, I was lucky to get a position here." She laughed, and waved you off. "You'd better go see him quick. I'm Dahyun, by the way! Let's grab lunch together, aight?"

Heading towards your boss' room, you knocked on the door. Pushing it open, you were greeted by a familiar face.


27th April 2015, 12:00pm

"You're friends with Mr. Hong?" Dahyun's eyes widened, and she gave you a sly smile. "Yeah, we met at a friend's wedding, and stuff." "Come on, give me the details!" She nudged you, and you gave her a weird stare. "It's nothing special, I was the maid of honour, and he was the best man."

Nodding, she sighed. "Pity, you both look great together. Scrunching up your face, you replied, "Joshua's soulmate isn't me." Dahyun raised an eyebrow, "You mean.. You can see them too?" Your eyes widened, and you clasped Dahyun's hands in yours. "The red threads?"

Her eyes lit up. "Yes, the red threads! I finally found someone else who can see them!" Finally, you'd met someone other than your mother who could see them. What were the odds, anyway? Dahyun's smile dropped, and she gripped onto your hands. "Since you can see then, I've been meaning to ask you this question for a while."

"Why is your string cut?"

27th April 2015, 12:30pm

You'd explained the whole story to Dahyun, from meeting Seungcheol when you were younger, to meeting Mina, and watching the two fall in love. She breathed in deeply, and tilted her head. "So you cut yours and Mr. Hong's strings? Did you ever think of tying your loose end to his, or?" You shook your head, "It would have felt so wrong. I already disconnected him from his soulmate, and I didn't want to give him a forced ending with me." Dahyun patted your hand, and she smiled. "Too bad, really. I wish you'd fall for him, and he'd fall for you. Maybe you should tell him what happened during the wedding, then? He deserves to know, yes?"

"He'd fire me, and then some." You laughed, and Dahyun smiled. "He's understanding, Mr. Hong. He'd probably get upset, but he wouldn't do anything too drastic, anyway. He's not the overall in-charge of this place, so rest assured your position isn't at stake. Maybe an increased workload, but nothing else."

"Sometimes, the truth is better than nothing, no?"

15th May 2015, 10:00am

It'd been a while since you were working at the company, and nothing could be better. You had long forgotten Mina and Seungcheol, and Dahyun was your new best friend. Joshua served to be a great boss, though he often came by to disturb you. Dahyun suspected it was more than work related matters, but you shrugged it off as Joshua checking to see if you actually did work. Dahyun's suspicions were seemingly confirmed when Joshua came to work one day, smiling to himself. "He smiles, but never like that! Only if he's really happy!" She hissed into your ear, and you had the grace to blush.

"I know he's got something for you, and I'm sure everyone else at the office knows too! He comes to eat with us and stuff, and, and!" Dahyun smacked your arm, giving you a smile, and turned back to her desk. You were confused, but understood why shortly after. Joshua tapped your shoulder, requesting for you to come to his office. Dahyun gave you an encouraging smile, as you followed in Joshua's steps towards his office.

He gestured for you to sit in front of him, across his desk. "This is quite embarrassing, but I wanted to ask if you.. Well, wanted to have lunch with me. By lunch with me, I mean.. Just the two of us." He bit his lower lip, and rubbed the nape of his neck. "I'd.. Love to, Joshua. Come and call me at my desk when you're ready to go?" You flashed him a smile, and he turned beet red. "Sure, see you later then." He smiled back at you, rather shy.

You rushed back to tell Dahyun that her suspicions were right.

15th May 2015, 1:00pm

"Sorry I called you rather late, this hour is better for eating." Joshua smiled, walking alongside you. "Also, it'd be strange if our co-workers saw us, right? They'd suspect, and well.." You leaned in front of him and laughed, "Josh, are you embarrassed to be seen with me?" "No! That's not what I meant at all, I just.." He flushed a bright pink, and you reached out for his hand. "It's okay, Joshua. Let them assume whatever they want to. I know your intentions are good." Your hand in his, the two of you continued your stroll to a nearby café that Joshua deemed the 'best in L.A.'

Sitting opposite him, the two of you picked up the menu, deciding what to order. After choosing a red ham sandwich and a caramel macchiato, you handed the menu to the waiter, who smiled brightly at you and Joshua. "So, how's everything been?" Joshua smiled sheepishly, and you laughed. "It's been pretty awkward, but then I moved out here. It's been a lot better since." "Can I assume I've had a part in it?" Joshua wriggles his eyebrows, and you laugh more. He's such a sweetheart, funny to boot.

The two of you talk the rest of the afternoon away, nearly forgetting about going back to work.

15th May 2015, 2:30pm

"Thanks for lunch, Joshua. You really didn't have to pay for the meal." You stepped into the elevator as Joshua pressed the button. "It was nothing, really. It was the least I could do for, well.. Such a pretty lady." He looked almost bashful, but you knew that cheeky smile of his. "Funny, Josh. Stop fooling around, let's go." Joshua laughed, as the two of you watched the elevator doors close.

"Too bad, I'm not kidding."

15th May 2015, 2:32pm

"Oh my God, guys, get a room!"

15th May 2015, 2:35pm

"No regrets?" Joshua took your hand in his. "Definitely no regrets."

15th May 2015, 2:45pm

"Did you really have to make out in the elevator?" Dahyun hissed into your ear, noticing you'd finally come back from your.. make out session with Joshua. "Who knew our resident church oppa would have done that." She snickers, as you blush a bright red. "You're lucky I caught you, and not anyone else. Or you could say bye to your reputation." Dahyun patted your hand, and went back to her desk.

Right after Joshua had admitted you were pretty, somehow the two of you ended up kissing each other, not even noticing you'd reached your designated floor. Dahyun happened to be waiting right outside the lift, and shrieked.

Just a little.

30th June 2015, 11:00am

You and Joshua had been dating for a little over a month, with only Dahyun, and Joshua's other friends knowing. You hadn't bothered telling Seungcheol and Mina, the two were too busy with their married life to bother contacting you after a while, anyway. Dahyun hated to remind you, but she had to poke you at least once a week. She had said, "Joshua deserves to know what happened back then. He really does. Don't forget."

You hated to be the one who had to break it to him. Falling in love with Joshua was easy, but how could you tell him the truth? That you took him away from his soulmate and let her get married off to his best friend? He'd probably hate you, and get you fired. Even if it was your parents' company. Even though you didn't want to, telling each other the truth in a relationship was the right thing to do, wasn't it? Having planned to meet up with Joshua in the evening at your house, you decided to break the news to him, a few months too late.

30th June 2015, 8:00pm

"Sorry I'm late, babe. I had to finish up some last minute work that Nayeon was struggling with, and-" You cut him off, shoving him lightly. "It's okay, Josh. Have you eaten? I made some food for you to eat, it's on the table." Joshua gave you a tight hug, then picked up his bag. "I'll get changed first, these work clothes are pretty stuffy." After pressing a kiss to your forehead, Joshua left for the toilet. Clenching your fists tightly, you headed to the kitchen to get a bowl of rice for yourself, and one for Joshua.

Joshua came back five minutes later, and sat down at the table. "I'm not eating until you tell me what's wrong. From the way you asked me this morning to meet you at your house, to the way you're sitting across me now, it screams that something's up." Joshua smiled softly, reaching across the table to take your hand in his. "You know you can tell me anything, right?" Rubbing circles onto the back of your hand with his thumb, Joshua sighed deeply.

"Joshua, I.. I can see things." You inhaled, trying not to cry. "Go on, babe, it's okay." Joshua patted your hand with his free one. "I can see these things called the 'Red Strings of Fate', and I can manipulate them as I want." Noticing the visible change in his face, you bit your lip. "And I've done you so wrong, Joshua. I did the most despicable thing that I could have possibly done."

"I separated you from your soulmate."

"You know Seungcheol, right? His wife.. Mina. She's the one who's hand you should have been holding. The one who you should be holding close everyday, and the one you should be kissing." You bursted into tears at this point, and Joshua could only lean back, completely dumbfounded. "Mina.. Is my soulmate?" Shaking your head, you continued. "I've taken her away from you, she's Seungcheol's now. I.. I tied their strings together when she asked me to." Pausing to wipe your eyes with a tissue, you landed the final blow.

"I took my soulmate away from myself too."

30th June 2015, 8:15pm

Joshua remained silent for a while, then sharply inhaled. "You're saying Mina asked you to make her and Seungcheol soulmates, even if they weren't destined for each other?" Nodding, you answered him. "It's possible to confuse love for false attraction when your soulmate isn't around, and the four of us never had the chance to spend time together with our soulmates. That's why." The tears had stopped, since you'd cried them all out.

Joshua stood up, and your heart stopped. This was it, your fears were being lived out. He was going to leave you, and walk out your life. Looking down at your fingers, you could only fiddle with them.

"I don't care."

"What?" Your head shot up, locking eyes with Joshua. "If Mina was going to cut me off in the first place, then I don't care. You said you cut my string, didn't you? Who did you tie it to, then?" Joshua had his poker face on, one that was rarely seen. "I didn't tie it to anyone else's. Especially not mine. I refused to force you to see me as your soulmate when I'd been so cruel to you." "I see, so you cut your own in the process too." You could only nod.

"Then, could you tie it to mine?"

6th February 2016, 2:30pm

Dear Mina and Seungcheol,

It's been ages since I've even sent a message to the two of you.

I hope you're doing well,

Seungcheol, I hope you're taking care of my Mina.

Mina, I hope you're very happy.

I, too, have found my own happiness.

Seungcheol, Mina, you'd know him as Joshua Hong.

We're working together, and currently sharing a house.

You'd be so proud, Mina.

The reason I'm writing this to let you know the truth,

About what happened a year ago.

Mina, you'd remember what our conversation was before the wedding ceremony.

What I didn't tell you was who my soulmate was.

He's the man standing behind you, reading the letter.

Yes, I sacrificed my own soulmate,

So you could have your own happiness.

You didn't know, don't blame yourself.

Seungcheol, make sure you're there for Mina.

She's going to cry while reading this.

I needed to let you know,

I don't hate either of you.

Sure, I distanced myself, because who could see their soulmate run off?

With their best friend, nonetheless?

I'm sorry for not telling you earlier, Mina.

I wanted you to be happy.

I know you're happy with Seungcheol.

Seungcheol, I know you're happy with Mina.

I'm pretty sure the two of you would have defied the laws of fate,

And ended up together anyway.

I'm proud of you both.

With love,

Your best friend

16th August 2016, 4:00pm

"Mom, I'd like to introduce you to Joshua Hong. He works for you and dad, and he's my boyfriend now." You were clutching Joshua's hand in yours, as he bowed to your parents. "It's nice to see you again, Sir, and Madam." Your parents smiled brightly, and your mom was so excited. "Honey, can I speak to you privately?" Nodding, you left the room with your mom, leaving the two men to themselves.

"Your string is tied again, honey! I can't believe you defied the laws of fate and went ahead with it. Joshua is so lucky." You shook your head, smiling at your mother. "I'm the lucky one. I explained to Joshua what happened during the wedding, and he was completely understanding. I'm so lucky to have Joshua as my boyfriend." Your mother simply laughed, and patted your shoulder.

"Remember when you were five, and you played with a little boy every week or so?" "Mm, what about him?" A twinkle was visible in your mother's eyes, as she spoke fondly of old times. "I remember one day the two of you came back, and claimed you were soulmates. I'd laughed it off with his mother, having told her you and him weren't fated, and she only said it was a pity. You didn't understand what the red strings were yet, though you could see them. The two strings of yours and the boy's were never connected." Turning to take her leave, she waved her hand dismissively. "It's unbelievable, really."

"That you and that little boy's strings are connected now."

16th March 2000, 3:01pm

"Mm! We're soulmates! Nothing can separate us now, Joshua! Not even fate itself!"

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