My Alpha Mate in One Direction

By xStranger_Strangerx

644K 12.2K 1K

Cris is a normal 18 year old girl. Well as normal as a 18 year old werewolf can be anyway. She was a huge fan... More

my alpha mate in one direction
chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 13 part 2
Chapter 14
A/N again
Chapter 15
Help plz
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Another One?
New Story Winner

Chapter 26

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By xStranger_Strangerx

Chapter 26


     I wobbled into the hospital with unshed tears in my eyes and feeling like a whale. I mean come on! I know werewolves mature really fast but I feel extremely fat right now! I kept thinking back to what Harry had said back in the parking lot. I never knew his love for me went that deep. I couldn't wipe the smile off my face even if I tried.

     We walked up to the front desk and was able to get into a room without the wait. A nurse let me sit in a wheelchair and Harry wheeled me to the ultra sound room and he helped me onto the bed. The nurse left saying the doctor would see us in a minute.

     I laid on the cold bed holding Harry's hand. His free hand was rubbing small circles on my stomach. I smiled at him and he smiled back. Then we felt something on my stomach. Harry and I both jumped a bit before grinning like fools.

     "Did you feel that?" I whispered. He only nodded staring at my tummy.

     "He just kicked, didn't he?" he asked.

     I nodded. "I think so." He smiled bigger and he leaned down to kiss my stomach.

     "Hey little guy." he spoke to our unborn pup. "It's your daddy here. I just want you to know that your mother and I love you so, so much. Your mother is the most beautiful woman I have ever met and she is also the kindest. You will have the best mommy in the world. Now me on the other hand, well, we'll just have to wait and see."

     He kissed my stomach until Doc showed up. "Alpha, Luna." he bowed his head in respect. "I just wanna say congratulations on you guys' first pup."

     "Thanks Doc." I said. Harry pressed a few more kisses to my stomach before straightening and standing up.

     "Now, why don't we find out the gender of your baby." Doc said. He went over to the machine that was next to the bed and turned it on. When he started lifting my shirt up, Harry let out a small warning growl. I only rolled my eyes. Doc chuckled and continued. He pulled my shirt over my stomach and grabbed a bottle with gel in it. "Now this might be a little cold."

     He put some on my tummy and darn right it was cold! Dang......

     After a few seconds he put the wand thingy on my tummy and started to move it around. He smiled. "Ah here we go. I found him."

     Harry and I looked at the screen and sure enough there was a small little thing in the middle of the screen. I smiled and let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding. "Do you know what it is?" Harry asked.

     "Well let's see." After a few more moments Doc smiled and looked back at us. "Congratulations. You're having a-"

     "Wait!" I cut him off. "I wanna be surprised."

     Doc nodded. "And you Alpha?"

     "Well I would like to know."

     "Alright. Come with me out into the hall and I can tell you." Harry nodded and they went outside the room. I didn't want to know the gender quite yet, so I didn't listen. I just sat there drumming my fingers on my large tummy.

     Harry came back in with the Doc close behind him.


     A baby girl. We're gonna have a baby girl. I could see her already.

     She would have her mother's hair and my eyes. She would probably take after Cris mostly, I just hope she has my eyes. If we decide to have a son I want him to have her eyes.

     A baby girl. She is definitely going to be a daddy's girl I can tell you that. She will have me wrapped around her little finger, much like her mother already does.

     I walked back into the room with Doc with a large smile on my face. I smiled at Cris and she smiled back. I sat next to her on the bed and held her hand. "You're sure you don't wanna know what we're having?" I asked teasingly. She nodded. "You're absolutely positive?" I whispered in her ear.

     She sighed and said, "Oh I can't take it. What is it? A boy or a girl?" she asked.

     I pulled back and smiled softly at her. "It's a girl. We're gonna have a baby girl." I whispered with tears in my eyes.

     She smiled brightly and wrapped her arms around my neck bringing me closer to her. I cried softly in her hair, but they were tears of joy, not sorrow. We finally get to have a family. And I will never let that b*****d take my family away from me. Not him. Not anyone. No matter what I will protect my family.

*********Epic time jump to a few days before she's due*********:-p**********


     "Okay it's official." I said looking into a full sized mirror. "I'm fat as heck." I said. Harry chuckled from his spot on the bed. Right now we're sitting in our room, him lying on his back while I look at how fat I've gotten. "Well I'm glad to see you find this funny." I grumbled sending him a glare. He smirked in return and got up from the bed and walked over to me. He turned me around so I was facing him.

     "To think, in only a few short days, we will have a beautiful baby girl in our arms."  he whispered rubbing my tummy. He did that often and every time he did she would kick. "Oh, and by they way, you are not fat. Just pregnant."

     I rolled my eyes and stuck my tongue out at him. He smirked again and pecked me one the lips. These past few weeks have been pretty uneventful. No one has heard from Stan at all but that doesn't mean security has gone down. If anything it's tripled. I can't even go to the bathroom now without Harry or a guard standing outside the door. And when I want some alone time, I can go outside on the porch for like an hour before they make me come back in and even then someone's watching me. By now I've grown used to it so it doesn't bother me as much as it used to.

     "Harry I'm hungry." I whined.

     He chuckled again. "What do you want this time?"

     "I want- Ah!" I screamed clutching at my stomach and bending over slightly.

     "Cris! What's wrong?" Harry asked worriedly.

     "Nothing. She's just kicking hard today. I'll be- Ahhhhh!" I screamed again. Then I felt something drip down my legs. "Harry." I whispered shakily. "I think my water just broke."

     Harry's eyes widened before he swiftly and gently picked me up and carried me to the car. He put me in the passenger's seat and got into the driver's side before zooming off to the hospital.

     When we got there he got out and gently got me out of the car. "Ahhhhhh!!!!!!" I screamed as another contraction hit. They were getting more frequent by the minute. Harry burst through the doors.

     "Help! I think she's having a baby!" He yelled. Nurses came running up to us. There was a bed that they had him put me on. They raced me down to the delivery room and got Doc. He came running in putting his gloves on.

     "Alright, when I say push, push as hard as you can alright?" Doc rushed. "1. 2. 3. Push!"

     "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed. This went on for about 10 more minutes before the peaceful sound of a baby's cry rang through the quiet room. I rested against the pillows panting heavily. Harry came to sit beside me with our baby wrapped up in a pretty pink blanket.

     "Look Cris. It's our pup." Harry whispered.

     "Let me hold her." I panted. Harry gently handed her to me and I got my first look at me baby girl. My daughter. She had dark hair like Harry's and her eyes were like his too. I let her wrap on of her fingers around my finger and she squeezed lightly. She still continued to cry loudly. "Shh little one. Hush now. Mommy's here. I'm right here." I whispered cradling her in my arms. My eyelids started to drop and i found it hard to keep my eyes open.

     "Go to bed Crystal. You did a good job." Harry whispered kissing my temple. "I love you. You'll never even begin to know how much."

     "I love you too." i whispered before letting the darkness win against the light.


They finally had their baby! AWWWWWWWW! I honestly loved writing this chapter and the last one. Actually i love writing this book period. I love writing and all you guys encouraged me to keep going even when i honestly thought my story sucked. But you guys proved me wrong and I'm thankful. Any way....

I need baby names! I don't know what to name her. The winner of the baby naming contest will have the next chappy dedicated to them. This one is dedicated to JadeDallison and everyone else who commented on my last chappy! YAY! Thnx! and good luck!











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