Forbidden (A Luke Castellan L...

By WriterManiac1

405K 12.3K 2.3K

Avery Hawkins had been orphaned nearly her whole life. But when things started to look normal for her, everyt... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Contest!! *CLOSED*
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 34
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Author Note
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Author Note
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 92

Chapter 92

1.7K 38 30
By WriterManiac1

Avery's POV

Hades palace was absolutely huge and surprisingly beautiful. It was scary, with skeletons in the walls, but even with them the palace was beautiful with gems and jewels. Dark obsidian made most of the walls with grey marble on the floor. Everything was made to perfection and was absolutely huge.

Spirits in white dresses or toga's rushed around the palace, all having a certain destination in mind. When we first entered, two female spirits stood to the side of Persephone, right behind her. Her handmaidens I guessed. They both walked with their hands clasped in front of them and their eyes straight ahead.

"Almost there." Persephone smiled. "Now I must warn you, my husband has quite a temper. Please remember to be respectful, and follow my example when we enter. And please, don't show weapons at all. My husband isn't as understanding as I am." She glared at Thalia, obviously speaking to her directly. Thalia glared right on back.

We paused at two enormous doors, completely black with silver spikes on them. Two servants opened the doors before we walked inside the throne room of Hades.

If I thought the palace itself was beautiful, the throne room was absolutely gorgeous! I had always pictured the Underworld as dark and gloomy but the palace was the small bit of light in the darkness. Everything about the throne room made your eyes widen in wonder.

Hades sat on the tallest throne to the left, a second smaller throne to his side. He was lounging on the throne, sitting back in it while speaking to someone at his feet. The spirit was kneeling, their face pressed to the ground, begging for something, but Hades wouldn't have it because he would cut them off each time, his voice booming through the walls.

As I expected, Hades had dark black hair with eyes so dark, they seemed black. He wore a crown and dark black robes with souls that swirled in them, moaning. It made me shiver, wondering what they did to be trapped there, but I moved my eyes onward. He had a skull ring on his right hand, another ring on his middle finger, and his wedding ring on his left hand. He was pale but not in the sickly way. In fact, he was very muscular and had a glint in his eyes that was either of a madman or a genius.

The spirit at Hades feet was still blabbing away, and Hades was obviously bored with trying to argue with the stubborn spirit. He had his chin rested on his hand and rolled his eyes as the spirit continued to speak. He glanced up then straightened when he saw us, or more likely Persephone. His whole appearance seemed to brighten, and a look of pure love and adoration crossed his face. I was surprised to see something on the God of Death, but it really showed how much he cared for his wife.

"Leave us." Hades commanded looking at the spirit at his feet, his voice hardening.

"But your Grace-"

Hades glared so fiercely and harshly at the spirit that he stopped talking immediately, which was quite an accomplishment, and bowed deeply before scurrying away.

Bringing his attention to us, Hades smiled looking at Persephone before a frown of realization came to his face as he looked down at the three of us.

Luke, Thalia and I all bowed lowly, just as the spirit did to show respect. Persephone bowed as well, not as low, but that was expected since Hades was her equal. She straightened and took her place at her throne, the two spirits following then going at her side.

"Rise." Hades commanded but when we looked up, he wasn't looking at us but instead looking at Persephone and holding her hand. Finally he looked over at us, the brightness in his eyes diminishing.

Thalia was the first to stand, Luke and I getting to our feet slowly.

"Speak your business." Hades told us in an annoyed tone that made me want to bolt.

Being the leader of the quest, Thalia spoke, "My father, has- has sent us to retrieve the sword of Peleus."

"And you just assume that I have taken it." He frowned, his eyes narrowed.

She swallowed, "I-"

"Of course I do have it, but of course I am the first person he suspects to have taken something." Hades voice rose with each word.

"Lord Zeus is worried-"

"That I'm going to try to take him over? Yes I guessed that much." Hades snarled. "Zeus doesn't realize what power this sword has, he's so obsessed with his own power he doesn't realize that other powers are stirring. He doesn't understand that I am the only one who takes my job seriously! That I am the one that is protecting all of us! But his pathetic paranoia is blinding him from what I am truly doing!"

Everyone gave each other looks before turning back to Hades. "And what exactly are you truly doing, Lord Hades?" Thalia asked.

HIs eyes narrowed down at her and I took a step back. Even if his gaze wasn't pointed in my direction, it had enough flames or rage to make anyone feel uneasy.

"And waste my time with a mortal? Pha I think not." He sat back on his chair, gripping his arm rests tightly.

"Please Lord Hades," Luke stepped forwards. "We need the sword. Is there anything that we can do to make you give it to us?"

It looked like Hades was going to yell at him but he stopped and i could practically hear the gears in his brain turn. He turned to Persephone, his voice gentle again. "My dear, would you mind excusing us for a moment?"

She narrowed her eyes skeptically. "I am rather fond of these kids, Hades. Will you not kill them?"

He gave us each another look, scowling. "I'll try my best."

Probably knowing that was the best answer she could get, she grinned and kissed his cheek before standing and leaving. "Good luck children."

We all gave a small bow in respect and thanks when she left before we turned to Hades. I swallowed. I had a feeling Hades wasn't going to be so kind - and that carried a lot of weight - with Persephone gone.

"There is one thing," Hades finally spoke, not tearing his eyes off of where his wife had left until she was sure that she was gone. He looked back at us. "Persephone's birthday is coming soon and-"

"Gods have birthday's?" I interrupted, not being able to help myself. The thought just seemed too odd.

Obviously not enjoying being interrupted, he glowered at me and i shrunk in place at his stare. "Yes, we do. Now her birthday is coming and i would like to get her something special. There is a flower-"

Luke raised an eyebrow. "You want us to get her a flower?"

Hades face nearly turned red from being interrupted again. "Let me finish!" He hissed glaring at us until he was sure we were finished. "It was her most prized possession, took her years to finally make it to perfection and one of you missiely godlings took it to give to his own wife." Thalia opened her mouth, probably to ask why she didn't just take it back, but he raised his hand. "Please," He begged, rubbing his temples, "Every time one of you speak it just makes me want to throw you to Cerberus that much more and for Persephone's sake, i don't wish to do that today." I thought it was a good idea not to mention that Cerberus probably wouldn't eat us so i kept quiet. "The reason she didn't just take it back? Or perhaps grow a new one? It was the only of its kind, and she doesn't remember how she made it to perfection. I wish for you to retrieve me the original flower, after time they started to ruin it with your terrible mortal insanities, so i want the original, the one that has not been tampered with. The godling - curse him to Tartarus - protected it with a spell thanks to Hermes." He glared at Luke as if it was his fault before he continued. "Only a mortal can retrieve the object, i have never had anyone stupid enough to enter my realm so i guess you'll have to do. Retrieve me this flower and i shall over you a trade with the sword. Persephone will be most grateful to me and you shall have your wretched sword. Do we have a deal?"

Thalia looked at us, wanting to confirm but i shook my head. "It's not our choice. It's yours"

She turned back to Hades and gave a stiff nod. "We'll take your deal. Where is this flower?"

A sly grin came to his face and i suddenly got the uneasy feeling this wasn't going to be as easy for us as he acted like. "In the United Kingdom. It's called the Red Middlemist Camellia. Once the wife's husband passed, she sold it to the museum for millions because it was the only of it's kind. Shows how much she appreciated the thing."

"Woah wait a second, we have to take it from a museum?" Luke stepped forwards. "If they catch us for that we'll be-"

"Put in jail most likely," Hades agreed then smiled sinisterly. "But you've already agreed to the deal. To show how generous i am, i shall provide you with a ride there but you shall have to find your way back. Watch for the hidden trap, good luck"

Thalia titled her head, "Hidden- AH!"

Before she could finish, a dark cold mist curler around us and we were thrown through a portal; Shadow Travel.

We didn't actually move, we all just stood there yelling because it felt like we were on a rollercoaster, wind moving all around us and our stomachs feeling like they had feel left behind. When we apparently made it to our destination, we were spit back out and fell face first towards the ground, thankfully catching ourselves on our hands and knees, breathing heavily.

"Everyone okay?" Luke panted, sitting back on his knees.

I felt fine, a little nauseous, but apparently Thalia didn't feel as good as me because she looked a little green and covered her mouth with her hand. "I'm going to be sick!" She ran over to the bushes and threw up while Luke and i winced.

Shrugging my bag off, I pulled out my water and handed it to her when she stumbled back to us. "Here." She took it gratefully and rinsed out her mouth, spitting some out at the ground before taking a real drink of it.

Thalia swallowed then wiped her mouth, handing the bottle back to me. "So what now then?"

Looking to Luke and Thalia, I blinked. "Well....I guess we find the flower."

Thalia scowled. "Great."  


A/N: Bre here! We will be doing the contest and the YouTube channel but don't expect it to be really soon. First we need to figure out how to record the two of us on different computers and we are still thinking of things for the contest. Haha might take awhile unless you guys could help us out. ;) Anyway, here's an update. Hope you guys like it!

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