House of Anubis: The Grail of...

By cherrypepsii_

14.8K 224 34

For three years, the first and original Sibuna have been solving mysteries and finding ancient Egyptian artfi... More

House of Family/House of Death
House of Attics/House of Sneaks
House of Conversations/House of Feelings
House of Trouble/House of Breakups
House of Yearbooks/House of Faints
House of Emergency/House of Business
Author's Note
House of Visits/House of Questions
House of Sibuna/House of Surprises
House of Auditions/House of Tutors
House of Deals/House of Shadows
Author's Note #2
House of Trades/House of Planners
House of Dates/House of Grails
House of Parks/House of Theives
House of Answers/House of Time
House of Labor, Pt. 1/House of Cowardice
House of Labor, Pt. 2/House of Ages
House of Labor, Pt. 3/House of Babies
House of Members/House of Returns
House of Weather/House of Lock-Ins
House of Kisses/House of Distractions
House of Secrets/House of Trophies
House of Covers/House of Plays
House of Discovery/House of Rivals
House of Playoffs/House of Warnings
House of Cheaters/House of Calls
House of Accidents/House of Proof
House of Sign-Up/House of Cameras
House of Gran/House of Coughs
House of Preparation/House of Realization
House of Meetings/House of Baking
House of Tests/House of Allergies
House of Easiness/House of Cats
House of Deletion/House Ingredients
House of Wrong/House of Brothers
House of Punches/House of Maps
Author's Note #3
House of Anger/House of Babysitters
House of Forgiveness/House of Snorers
House of Letters/House of Overhear
House of Sabotage/House of Corners
House of Election/House of Saviors
House of Generations, Pt. 1/House of Lures
House of Generations, Pt. 2/House of Deceit
House of Generations, Pt. 3/House of Masks
House of Generations, Pt. 4/House of Shoves
House of Generations, Pt. 5/House of Endings

House of Initiation/House of Bluff

112 1 0
By cherrypepsii_

Leslie was on the phone with her mother.

"Fiona was that bad?" Amber giggled.

"Yes. Good thing I didn't have to do any real work."

"So, how's Sibuna going?" Amber asked.

"It's really going great!"

"Has my daughter got a boyfriend?" Amber asked.

"What makes you ask that question?" Leslie wondered.

"The sound of your voice, it's changed."

"I don't want to talk about my love life, Mum." Leslie played with the pencil next to her, thinking of Robert.

"You're right. Let's get back to Sibuna." Amber responded.

"So, any tips?"

"First things first. Have you done the initiation yet?"



"Well, we kind of just welcomed each other into the group. Does that count?"

"Have I taught you nothing over the past fifteen years?"

"Well, I've been lied to for the past fifteen years. There was nothing to teach." Leslie muttered.

"Sweetie, me and your father apologized like, a million times."

"No, it's okay, really. So, how do I do this initiation?"


Arielle, August, Jax, Riley, Robert, Sarah, and Rhys met up in the foyer.

"You guys got the same text?" Sarah asked.

Robert pulled out his phone. "Meet in the clearing." He read.

"Leslie must be the one who sent it, she's the only person not here." Arielle suggested.

"Or something bad must've happened." They all ran out.


Duncan was working on his shoots for basketball. He was in the school gym.

He shot the ball, but yet, he missed.

He grumbled.

"Hey, Campbell." The coach walked in. "Coach Thomas?" Duncan wiped the sweat off his forehead.

"It's afterschool. Shouldn't you be...anywhere but school?"

"Yeah, but I have to put in final grades for this semester. What are you doing here? You should be at your house."

"Janitors told me I could stay as long as I want," Duncan pulled out keys, "as long as I locked up for them."

"Ah." Coach Thomas nodded.

Duncan tried to shoot again, but he missed.

"What's up with your game, Duncan?"

"Um..." Duncan stared into space. "It's because of...a girl."

"What? Campbell, you took an oath! Balls before beauty. Bros before h-"

"Okay, coach." Duncan nodded.

"Look, kiddo." Coach Thomas leaned down. "If a girl is what making you off your game, you gotta fix whatever is that happened between you two."

Duncan nodded.


Sibuna finally made it to the clearing. "Where is Leslie?" Sarah asked.

"Right here." Leslie stepped out from behind a tree, and took out a lighter.

She stepped towards the bin.

"Leslie, what are you doing?" Rhys wondered. "The initiation."

"Initiation for..." Jax raised his eyebrows.

Leslie took out a bag of things. She lit the wood inside the bin on fire. She took out a stuffed bear first.

"Uncle Doritos?!" Sarah yelled. "Wha-?"

Leslie tossed it in the fire.

"The initiation has to require the sacrifice of something you hold dear, according to my mother. Uncle Doritos has been with you since you were a child."

Sarah sighed. She shrugged, and did the Sibuna signal. "I, Sarah Rutter, being of sound and mind, promise to protect the secrets of my fellow club members: Rhys Lewis, Leslie Lewis, Robert Rutter, Jax Clarke, Riley Miller, Arielle Clarke, and August Campbell."

She took out a bracelet. It said August's. "Leslie, that's my bracelet!" Arielle yelled.

"It has to be something you hold dear, Arielle, I'm sorry." She dropped it in the fire.

"You kept it?" August asked. She glared at him. "To remind never to trust someone like you ever again." She walked away from him and stood beside Riley.

"I, Arielle Clarke, being of sound and mind, promise to protect the secrets of Anubis House, and stand by my fellow club members."

August huffed. Leslie took out a rugby ball. "Hey, hey, hey!" August yelled. Before he could grab it away from her, Leslie threw it in the fire. "That was my last reminder of sports."

"Oh please, you have Duncan. Say the words." August groaned. "I, August Campbell, being of sound and mind, promise to protect the secrets of Anubis House, and stand by my fellow club members."

It went on for the rest of them.

"These are our sacred vows. Let no man or woman tear them asunder. Sibuna!" Sarah giggled. "Sibuna!"

"Okay, before we depart, I have something to say. As original founder of Sibuna, you know, naming it and all, I hereby declare Sarah Rutter the leader of Sibuna."


"Well, duh! You're the Chosen One."

Sarah smiled. "I guess I'm the leader. And starting as leader, Robert and I need to tell you guys something when we get back to the house. It's big."


As soon as Sibuna got back to the house, Charles was waiting at the door for them. "Woah, Charles. You surprised us." Jax looked at what was in his arms.

"How did you get him?" Charles was holding Shadow, the alive cat, in his hands. "I heard him meowing in your room. Please tell me why you had the idea to bring a cat into my house?!"

"Look, he was a stray. Jax couldn't just leave him outside, he took him in." August explained.

"On the contrary, he should have left him outside. For he will have a far worse fate than starving to death." Charles stated.

Jax gulped, but kept his head high. "You're bluffing."

"You really think so?" Charles took out his keys, and unlocked the door to the cellar. He put the cat down there.

"I don't bluff."

Another chapter for ya! It was longer than I expected it to be, but, that's okay!

What will Charles do to Shadow?


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