Buckley's Rowdy Ranch: Cam...

By CaptainCrunch

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*COMPLETED* Welcome to Buckley's Ranch, full of sexy cowboys and all kinds of trouble! Lord 'ave mercy! Jessi... More

Chapter One: New Beginnings,Old Wounds
Chapter Two: Waiting For A Sign
Chapter Three: You Wait Your Turn, Smart Ass
Chapter Four: Bonding with Susanne, Defending Cam
Chapter Five: That's All I Ask, Ladies
Chapter Six: Nightmares, Whiskey & Drunk Cam
Chapter Seven: Cam's Dream, My Misfortune
Chapter Eight: Lace Teddies & Throwing Fists
Chapter Ten: I'm All Yours, Cam
Chapter Eleven: The Buckley Ball Part 1
Chapter Twelve: The Buckley Ball Part 2
Chapter Thirteen: Both To Blame
Chapter Fourteen: Teapot Dance
Chapter Fifteen: The Breaking Of Two Hearts
Chapter Sixteen: The Truth About Jessie
Chapter Seventeen: Epiphany You Overdue Bitch
Chapter Eighteen: Happily Ever After?
SEQUAL IS UP!!!!!!!!!

Chapter Nine: Breakfast & Flowers

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By CaptainCrunch

*Jessie’s POV*

“What am I—what am I doing?! You’re the one who just made a scene, you’re the one who dragged me away – quite rudely I might add!—and you ask me what I’m doing?!” I yelled at Cam, jabbing my finger into his chest.

The point of my finger ached, and that only added to my rising anger.

“I asked you what you’re doing with James Malcavoy. Now answer me.” He ordered, ignoring my jabs as he leaned in closer.

“N-no!” my heart was beating so fast from his proximity, my mouth suddenly felt dry. Cam raised an eyebrow, leaned in close enough that I could feel his hot breath on my face.

“Jessie, I’m not going to ask again—”

“Cam, I’m not going to say no again. Now get off of me.” I breathed, shoving against his chest. He barely moved, and I had to grit my teeth from swearing at him.

“As your boss I forbid you from ever talkin’ to him again. Or you will be fired.” Cam threatned me, and I felt my hand twitch. He can’t fucking do that!

“It’s not like I’m going to ever again, he’s a friggin creep. Now move out of my GOD DAMNED WAY!” I screamed at him, he flinched from the shockingly loud cry and stepped back.

“Alright, but this better be the last I hear of you and that bastard together. Understand? Good, now get in my car.” Cam’s tone was one a fool would be to argue with.

“I’d rather walk.” Bending down I picked up the heavy grocery bags, tightening my hands around the environmentally friendly material they were made out of.

“Don’t argue with me, Jessie. Now get in my fucking car!” he snapped, wrapping an arm around my waist tight but gentle as he dragged me into the passenger seat.

I kicked at his knees and tried to pry his arm off me, feeling a bit light headed.

I wasn’t scared of Cam, not as if he were going to hit. But afraid of what he’s making me feel. Despite my pleading, I liked that he was here with me, trying to get my attention.

But I’m still pretty pissed off at him.

“Control freak!” I yelled at him, the damn asshole even buckled me up. I gritted my teeth as I stared out the window, ignoring the smiling bastard.

“So how was your day? Jessie.” He said cheerily, as if we were a god damned couple. As if he didn’t ruin my morning.

“You hungry?” he asked, I kept my eyes to the window so I wouldn’t see his face.

“Did you eat anythin’ when you left the ranch? I can stop by and get us some breakfast.” He offered, at the sound of breakfast I perked up and swivelled around to glare at him.

“Fine. But I won’t talk to you.” I said coldly, returning back to peering out the window. From the corner of my eye I could see Cam shrugging, then leaned down to turn the dial for the radio.

Some country song started playing and Cam started strumming his fingers on the steering wheel with every beat.

Cam glanced at me all of a sudden when I stared out through the windshield.

“Stop staring at me like that.” I ordered, well snapped at him was more like it. He only looked at me curiously, narrowing his eyes slightly as the sun’s rays hit his eyes.

“Like what?” he asked curiously, tilting his head towards me.

“Like you’re trying to memorize my face.” I glanced at him, swallowing a little at what I saw in his eyes.

It was admiration. . . I didn’t want to feel moved by him, because I knew he wouldn’t treat me as an equal. All men were like that.

“Perceptive. Don’t see that much in people now a days.” He smiled, and I held back a gasp of surprise. He smiled! Cam actually smiled! And it didn’t have any sarcasm or a warning, or even a fake smile. It was just a genuine smile.

He should do it more often. It looked amazing on his incredibly handsome face.

“Mmm hmm. . .are we close yet? All this arguing made me hungry.” i rubbed my stomach lightly, trying to ignore the small pangs of hunger that went through me.

“Keep yo’ panties on, we’re here.” He said, rolling the steering wheel around as he parked the car in one of the few free spots left.

I left the groceries in his car, grabbing my hand bag. Cam actually walked over to my door and opened it, smirking at me. I gave him a dirty look then I turned my back on him, climbing over to the driver’s seat and getting out from that side.

Cam shot me a small glare but said nothing as we walked together up to the café. Already there were quite a few people outside, pausing from their eating as they watched Cam and I enter.

I blushed and pretended as if I didn’t have a dozen male eyes on me, I heard Cam lightly growl as he placed a hand on the small on my back, a possessive move I was sure he did.

Hand off, I mouthed to him. He only shook his head and pressed him -self closer to my side, and right behind us I could hear people trying to be inconspicuous as they murmured.

Cam found an empty table to the side, I quickly sat down before he had the Gaul to pull it out for me. I settled back in the cherry brown wood chair, picking up the menu.

Pretty soon a shocked blonde waitress walked up to us, asking for our orders. She had the nerve to flirt with Cam right in front of me.

“What can I get you, Cam.” His name on her lips was like an ugly caress, I tightened my grip on each side on the cardboard menu.

“Uh. . .already had breakfast so I’ll just have some bacon and eggs.” He ordered thoughtfully, ignoring her seductive looks.

“Anything else I can get for you, Cam. Anything at all?” she whispered to him, trying to sound sexy. I wanted to get up and slap the shit out of her packed on make -up face.

“Orange juice.” I choked on my laugh, trying to fake cough to hide my giggles. The waitress turned to me and glared, flipping back her blonde hair.

“And you?” she asked rudely, a sneer on her ugly face. I raised an eye brow at her and smiled as if nothing had happened.

“Scrambled eggs and hash browns, with orange juice.” I smiled at her, she humped and strutted away. Her walk was one that demanded attention, but I noticed that everyone’s eyes were on our table.

I cleared my throat, pushing the red hair out of my face.

“Place has pretty good food. You’ll like it, Jessie.” Cam said to me, then he glanced around the café, then suddenly everyone’s eyes had somewhere else to be.

The café was a nice place, brown walls with violet flower vines painted on. There was a flat screen hooked up, it was above in the centre so everyone could see.

Cam sighed, and I reluctantly brought my attention back to him.

“How long are you plannin’ to ignore me?” he asked, sounding a bit drained. I decided to throw him a bone and smiled at him, to which he reluctantly smiled back.

The food came soon after that, and thankfully it was a different waitress.

I bit into my food, moaning a little. Cam glanced at me, that admiring look never left his eyes as he smirked at me.


I was back on the ranch, catching up on my chores. Thankfully, most of the crap was cleaned up from the barn and I had finished most of my chores, all I had to do was groom the horses and collect the chicken eggs.

So now I was in the horses barn, gently brushing down a white horse. It neighed and nudged its head into the air. I giggled and kept on brushing, following Tyler’s earlier instructions.

And speak of the devil, in came Tyler shirtless with leather black chaps over his light blue jeans. I stared at his chest, nicely toned six pack. . .

“How you doin’ there Jessie?” he asked, setting a few nicely set haystacks down next to me. The horse neighed, bending it’s head down to chew on the hay.

“How many times do you have to feed horses a day?” I asked, hanging the brush up on the wall.

“Let’see, about three times a day but in small quantaties. Too much food for a horse is bad for the digestion.” Tyler answered, lifting his Stetson up as he scratched his head in thinkning. He looked down at the horse and gently petted its head, a soft smile on his face.

“You really love animals.” I smiled at him, hiking up the sleeves of my shirt I bent down to pick up a haystack.

“Course I do, I think horses are actually man’s best friend, when you learn how to tame ‘em.” Tyler agreed, still stroking the horse’s head softly.

My knees started to shake from the weight of it, holy crap hay is heavy! I started to grunt in protest as the haystack was about to slip out of my hands.

“Easy there.” Tyler grinned, hoisting up the hay with me. He nudged his head to me in the direction of the closest horse stall and we began walking towards it.

“Shit! You didn’t tell me it was that god damned heavy!” I seethed at him, rubbing my already aching hands. Not to be a diva or anything, but my arms were seriously hurting from just that one stack.

Wow, now I realize why ranching was so difficult.

“Sorry ‘bout that, Jessie. Trust me, you’ll get used to it.” Tyler chuckled, setting down in front of the horse.

I muttered a few words under my breath, I guess Tyler heard so he turned around and gave me the puppy eyes.

“C’mon Jessie, don’t be mad.” I humphed and stomped off to a different direction. Tyler trailed behind me.

“Aw, please ma’am. I’m mighty sorry.” Tyler took off his Stetson and held it in front of him with both hands, giving me an innocent look.

“You didn’t even do anything wrong, Tyler.” I sighed, looking down at the ground as I kicked a few pieces of left over hay.

“Not intentionally maybe, but I didn’t warn you how heavy hay stacks are. Now you’re arms are probably sorer than a naughty child’s bare bottom after a spankin’.” Tyler

I giggled, shaking my heaf.

“I guess you’ve had a few experiences with spankings, ay Tyler?” I asked him, picking up a water bucket and a sponge.

“Not really, I mean when Cam was younger he’d get a spankin’ fromn our grand momma. She wasn’t gentle with our bare asses either, let me tell ya.” He chuckled, bending down to grab another stack.

“Cam got spanked? Ha ha.” I chuckled along with me, thinking I better met their grand -mother soon.

I gently started wiping away the dirt and mud off a black horse with warm water, admiring the pretty colour as it shined in the light.

We had to clean the horses as soon as they came back from a ride, because if the horse got any cuts then mud and other stuff could seriously infect the horses. Though we had to walk them around a bot to just get their heart rates down before giving them water.

The shiny black horse neighed, and I think it was more of a pleasured neigh. I giggled as it butted its head against the sponge, demanding for a cool down wipe.

“So Ty, you gotta date for the Buckley Ball yet?” I asked out of the blue, wondering what type of girl Tyler would be interested in.

“No, not yet. Why? Thinkin’ of askin’ me, Jessie?” he winked at me and I felt my face immediately heat up.

“NO! I was just wondering!” I said truthfully, though I admired Tyler I wasn’t interested in him in that way!

“Relax, you’re like a little sister to me.” He said lazily, grabbing another haystack. I could see the veins in his arms pop out from underneath his skin, his muscles bunching up.

Well that’s a relief.

“Hey, Jessie. Susanne’s been lookin’ for ya, she said she’ll see ya at supper since you’re busy. Ty have you seen the leather brown saddle?” Marcus greeted, smiling at me before he walked off in random directions peering his head in through the horse stalls.

“Yeah, it’s in ‘Ol Buck’s stall.” Tyler said after a moment of thinking, resting his hand on one of the horse’s stalls gate, leaning.

Marcus nodded and hurriedly walked out of the horse’s barn with a farewell wave.

*Dinner Time*

After almost another two hours of grooming and feeding the horses, I walked beside Marcus and Tyler, stretching out my tired body. Perry had joined me and Tyler a while ago, stretching out his sure to be sore musceles.

“Whatta ya think ma’s cookin’ up?” Tyler asked, patting his rumbling belly.

“Hopefully she’s made thick beef ribs.” Perry sighed in longing, tying up his loose hair.

“Mmm I hope she’s made mash potatoes and steak, lord knows how hungry I am!” Marcus guessed, pulling off his Stetson as he walked into the kitchen.

The brothers gave each other a pointed look as they saw a plate of cookies next to their mother, and nodded to each other.

Perry walked over and gave Mary a kiss on the cheek, sneaking a cookie off the plate as she was distracted. Tyler and Marcus quickly snuck up to them, stealing a cookie as well.

“Pear Pear, Marc and Ty. Sweeties sit down. Dinner’s almost ready. Put that cookie back or I’m cutting off your baby producers.” She smiled at them, a little too sweetly. Marcus and Tyler immediately put the cookie back, looking frightened.

Jack laughed and walked up to Mary, wrapping his arms around her waist.

“I love how you threaten our boys.” Jack smiled, kissing her neck.

The three brothers groaned in disgust, putting their Stetson’s over their eyes.

“Aww, aren’t you sweet, Jack honey. Put the cookie back or I’ll cut yours off as well.” I laughed at the happy, teasing couple. Nothing could get passed Mama Buckley.

“Jessie, dear would you like a cookie?” Mary asked me, grabbing the plate and held it out to me. I nodded quickly and picked up a chocolate chip cookie, delighted by the taste.

Yum, Mary’s cookies were the greatest I’ve ever had!

“How come Jessie gets a cookie?!” Tyler asked, outraged.

“Because I like her.” Mary didn’t even blink as she smiled at him.

“Does that mean you don’t like us?!” Marcus cried, fake collapsing in a chair beside Tyler.

“No I don’t.” Mary joked, and that set off the brothers.

“Lord have mercy!” Marcus yelled up at the ceiling. He had his hands thrown up in the air, as if her were slapping the air back and forth.

“Lord oh lord!” Perry cried in mourning, fake panicking. He was shaking his head back and forth.

“Mama don’t love us!” Tyler wailed at his brothers, and then all three brothers took off their Stetson’s and waved them in the air in a mourning manner, still wailing.

I laughed along with Jack and Mary at their sons ridiculous wails, trying not to choke on my cookie.

“Jessie!” Susanne attacked me with a bear hug, a smile on her extremely beautiful face. Then she looked at her brothers and gave them a what the fuck look.

“Why are those idiots wailing?” she asked me, trying not to laugh at the funny show.

“Mama don’t love us!” Tyler yelled at Susanne, hopping up to shake her by the shoulders.

Mary and Jack had tears down their eyes as they laughed, Marcus and Perry had gotten up and stood around Susanne, waving their Stetson’s up as they wailed at her.

“Mmmfkfd erbagerdik!” Perry cried, making untraceable words as he faked cried.

“Hmmaniverk minoplagurk!” Marcus cried along, and both brothers looked at each other.

“Erkerderk!” they agreed, and this time I collapsed to the floor, with tears streaming down my face.

These brothers were so god damned funny!!!!

“Get off me you damn weirdo!” Susanne cried, trying to stop Tyler’s lunatic shaking of her shoulders.

Then the brothers stopped, and looked at each other before laughing their heads off.

“Erkerderk!” Tyler laughed, his body shaking violently as his brothers hooted along.

“Bwahaha! It was so hard not to crack up!” Perry clutched his ribs, his Stetson had been thrown back as he laughed.

“Hahahaha!” Marcus wheezed, brusquely waving his white Stetson back and forth in front of him, trying to get some air.

After we had all quietened down, we had just realized that Cam was standing in the doorway, laughing his arse off at his younger brothers.

Mary had made Steak, with mash potatoes and a big pile of fried potato chips. She even made raspberry slushies, with a hint of mint in them.

The food was too good to be true, Mary was truly a brilliant cook.

“So Jessie, you ready for tomorrow?” Susanne asked me, taking a long swig of the raspberry slushie.

I quickly swallowed the steak bite I had in my mouth.

“Why? What’s tomorrow?” I asked, thinking back to see if I had anything planned.

“Why, it’s the Sunday dinner tomorrow, with Mrs Whitham and her family. Remember?” She grinned at me, shoving a few pieces of fried potato chips into her mouth.

“Oh right, Tucker will be coming along.” I winked at her, Susanne’s eyes bulged as her face flamed red.

As if on que, the Buckley brothers stopped eating and turned to face Susanne slowly.

“Why you turnin’ red as blood, Susanne? Somebody have a crush?” Tyler asked her.

“Tucker Whitham? She likes Tucker Whitham?!” Marcus asked increduosly, looking at his parents.

“No more going out!” Perry seethed, pointing his finger at Susanne.

“Oh, my. Tucker? That boy has certainly filled out some.” Mary sighed, spoonin’ in some mashed potatoes into her mouth.

Jack turned to his wife quickly.

“You find him to your likin’?” he asked his wife worriedly, for a big muscly macho man he really cared for his wife.

“NO! Too young, young enough to be my son! Besides, I like me a bigger man, who’s well endowed.” She winked at Jack, and I saw her discretely put a hand on his upper thigh. Jack gave her a seductive smile.

Immediately the whole table caught on to her cheeky flirting, and groaned in disgust. I winced, trying to get the picture of Mary and Jack making passionate love.


After dinner, I sluggishly walked up to my room, and stood frozen in the doorway.

All over my room, were different kinds of flowers. Everywhere, bouqets of random flowers that must have cost a fortune.

And right in front of some red roses, was a card planted firmly against the silky red petals.

A woman as beautiful as you shouldn’t be ignoring a man as handsome as me, C.



Cam did all of this for me?

But why so many flowers?

*Authors Note*

Yay, it’s a long chapter! I had to bring back the Buckley brothers, I just missed them. Ooooh photo at the side are the ones in Jessie’s room.

Vote and comment about what you thought about the chapter!

Bye y’all.

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