Sibuna Sacrifice // House of...

By PumpkynMonster

23.3K 748 3.9K

Sibuna thought the mysteries would stop when they reached college, but when is a mystery really over? New stu... More

small explanation
i || house of college
ii || house of classes
iii || house of watches
v || house of reuniting
vi || house of misplace
vii || house of plans
viii || house of lies
ix || house of collapse
x || house of theft
xi || house of journeys
xii || house of trouble
xiii || house of progress
xiv || house of night missions
xv || house of recruiting
xvi || house of decipher
xvii || house of fake
xviii || house of spies
xix || house of questions
xx || house of requests
xxi || house of sepulchre
xxii || house of decorating
xxiii || house of lizards
a/n (important)
a/n (what i've changed)
xxiv || house of ropes
xxv || house of chasm
xxvi || house of nightmares
xxvii || house of traps
xxviii || house of disruptions
xxix || house of combinations
xxx || house of euler's constant
xxxi || house of arguments
xxxii || house of excuses
xxxiii || house of history
xxxiv || house of release
xxxv || house of advancing
xxxvi || house of friendship
xxxvii || house of invites
xxxviii || house of books
xxxix || house of curiosity
xl || house of sacrifice
xli || house of discovery
xlii || house of endings
xliii || house of alternate endings

iv || house of fire

751 27 45
By PumpkynMonster

"Okay," Said Patricia opening their door, and walking in, letting Fabian and Eddie in after her. "So we are not entirely sure, but we think we have something that could be related to... Sibuna."

"I told you we should be safe, Fabian!" Eddie said to Fabian immediately, "I was right to ask the biology teacher about that!"

"Oh, because I really think that there in another man in a tank," Fabian rolled his eyes.

"You never know, what I did could have been helpful," Argued Eddie.

"Along with stupid," Fabian added, muttering under his breath.

"Hey, you can never be too safe!" Stated Eddie, hearing what Fabian said.

"Guys!" Mara shouted, to break up to their arguing.

"Oh, right," Murmured Eddie apologetically, turning to face Mara.

"So what is all this then?" Fabian asked.

"The package I got yesterday," Mara began, "It had this in it," She then showed the watch and paper.

"Well this, um... Brings back... Memories" Eddie stuttered.

"Yeah," Fabian murmured, agreeing.

"So, you guys in?" Patricia asked.

"Yeah," Fabian nodded.

"I... I don't know," Eddie replied unsurely and sorrowfully.

"Come on, Eddie," Mara pleaded, "We could do with your help."

"If he doesn't want to help, his choice," Stated Patricia quickly, "Bye, Eddie!"

"Patricia!" Mara said sternly, "No Eddie, please stay and help."

"Ugh..." Patricia rolled her eyes.

"You're going to have to count me out of this one," Eddie said, before leaving the room, and slowly closing the door behind him.

"Well done," Mara spoke sarcastically, looking to Patricia.

"His choice," Patricia stated, side smiling.


"Okay," Said Lavender on the phone

There was then some muttering from the other end before Lavender said "I'll see you soon," and then hung up.

"Hi," Eddie spoke, sitting down on the sofa opposite Lavender, "By the way thanks for asking if I was okay the other day" He smiled gratefully

"That's okay," She smiled, "So, um... How are you?"

"Alright," Eddie nodded unsurely.

"Only alright?" She questioned, trying to continue the conversation to the best of her ability.

"Just things on my mind," Eddie replied.

"Patricia?" She asked, curious.

"Nah, not really," Eddie answered as blankly as possible, he didn't want to reveal anything about Sibuna to Lavender.

"Ahh, err... Anything I can help with?" She asked, wanting to know what was going on.

"I don't think so," Eddie murmured.

"Oh, okay, well I hope that you sort it out."

"Thanks," Eddie muttered.


"So who are these from?" Fabian questioned, tossing the watch between his hands.

"No idea, maybe if we work out what these hieroglyphics mean, it will give us some kind of idea," Mara suggested.

"Yeah," Agreed Fabian, nodding.

"Think you'll be able to work this out, Hieroglyphic Guy?" Mara smiled, looking at him.

"I'll try my best," Fabian smiled at Mara's name calling, taking the paper, and looking at the hieroglyphics.

"What shall I do?" Patricia asked.

"Help me look for something about the watch on the Internet?" Mara suggested.

"Do you really think the Internet will have anything?" Patricia asked.

"Never know," Mara shrugged.

"Fine," Patricia huffed, getting her laptop, and opening it, before proceeding to type.


"What do I do with the sausages?" Charlie asked as he helped Fleur with the dinner.

"You just need to put them in the frying pan, thank you," Fleur instructed.

"Okay," He nodded, dumping them in there and letting them sizzled.

"Hey," Said Lavender, walking over to Charlie, she was determined to gain people's trust.

"Hi,' He looked up at her.

"Need any help there?" She offered, before picking up a fish slice.

"Yeah, actually, could you get the others here for dinner?" He requested.

"Oh... Erm... Sure," Lavender murmured, placing the fish slice down, before walking out the room.


Lavender walked up the stairs and into Mara and Patricia's room. They all immediately hid their things and shut the screens on their laptops.

"Um... Dinner is ready," She told them, confused and suspicious.

"Oh, thank you, Lavender," Mara politely smiled.

"And maybe knock next time," Patricia rudely added.

"Sure," Lavender nodded apologetically, before leaving.

"You don't change do you," Mara laughed, looking to Patricia and rolling her eyes.

"Oh, so you want her to find our about this," Patricia replied sarcastically.


"Hey," Lavender spoke, sitting next to Eddie at the dinner table.

"Hey," He replied.

"Do you know what is going on with Mara, Patricia and Fabian?" She asked, curiously.

"Um..." Said hesitated, "I didn't know something was going on with them," He decided on saying, he wasn't participating with Sibuna, but he didn't want to spread their secret.

"I just walked into their room, and they immediately started acting really suspicious?" She told him.

"Probably just... uh..." Stuttered Eddie, as he decided what lie to tell her, "College stress."

"Maybe... I suppose..." She smiled, assuming that Eddie was acting weird because he knew that something was up.

"Oh, so there's two now?" Patricia asked sternly, looking at Eddie, after walking into the dining room.

"What?" He asked, confused.

"The girl on your phone and Lavender," She stated.

"Yacker, that was nothing," Eddie told her, getting rather defensive.

"Nothing was it?" Patricia snapped.

"Yes, you have to believe me," Eddie told her.

"And why should I do that, I've heard this story more than enough times," Patricia rose her tone, "I don't know why I ever trusted you in the first place," She then picked up a jug of squash that was on the table, and walked over to Eddie.

"Patricia!" Mara tried to stop her.

"What's-" Charlie began to ask, before begin interrupted.

"Just shield yourself, Mate," Jerome told him, with his plate already covering his face.

Patricia then poured the liquid over Eddie's head slowly, as he sarcastically muttered, "Great."

"As I said before," Jerome started, "The complicated world of Williamson."

"I'd shut your face if I were you," Patricia stated, angrily.

"Yeah, before you get a shower too," Fabian laughed, Patricia glaring at him, then he shut up.

"Whats going on in here?" Asked Fleur, bringing the food through.

"You have a rat staying in your house," Patricia hissed, glaring at Eddie.

"Okay..." Fleur muttered, confused, before placing some plates on the table.

"I think I'll skip dinner thanks," Eddie stated sternly, glaring at Patricia, before walking out and heading to the showers.

"You really need to come up with a new way to get back at people," Mara laughed.

"Whatever," Patricia rolled her eyes, before sitting down and beginning to eat her dinner.


"I think I've seen this symbol before," Fabian said to Mara, pointing to a symbol on the hieroglyphic sheet, as they both sat on Mara's bed, looking at Fabian's laptop.

Patricia was the other side of the room, looking at the watch and her laptop.

"Really, where?" Mara asked, suddenly getting a burst of excitement.

Fabian paused, "...In the cellar of Anubis," He finally spoke, laying the hieroglyphic sheet on the bed.

"Anubis?" She asked, her excitement level dramatically dropping.

"Yep, I have a feeling that being there will give us some clues,"

"Even if we were to go and visit Anubis House, we can't just go and wonder around the cellar," Mara spoke, logically.

Fabian bit his lip, and thought, he had no ideas- nothing.

"Any ideas?" Mara asked, placing her hand on Fabian's.

"No, well not yet, I'll think of something though," Fabian replied, reassuringly.

"Maybe Patricia could come up with a way?" Mara suggested.

"Worth a shot," Fabian said.

"Patricia," Mara called her over.

"Yeah?" She asked, standing up, and walking over to them.

"We think... That we need to go back to Anubis..." Fabian hesitated.

"Anubis? How will we do that?" Patricia questioned.

"We were hoping that would have an idea..." Mara said.

"There is, um... one way I can think of..." Patricia stuttered, after thinking for a few seconds.

"Go on," Mara encouraged.

"Eddie could, possibly, persuade his dad, and... after the tragic fire, he will have to let us back," Patricia suggested.

"What fire?" Fabian asked, suddenly getting worried.

"That, my friend, is yet to come," Smirked Patricia.

"If you are saying that you are going to set the college on fire, then you need to reconsider," Mara told her logically, "And Eddie would never go along with that idea."

"Of course he will," Said Patricia, "Fabian, go talk to him."

"Why me?" Fabian asked.

"Because I'm not talking to that weasel," Patricia stated.

"Fine," Fabian huffed, rolling his eyes, then standing up, "But there will be no fire, okay?"

"We'll see," Patricia smirked.

Fabian then glared at Patricia, then walked out the room.

"Oh hello, Fabian," Said Fleur, once he walked out into the hall, "Get to bed please."

"Hide the things," Mara quickly said, hearing Fleur outside. Patricia and Mara then both hid the watch and the hieroglyphics in the box and closed the lids of their laptops.

"Bed? But I need to-" Fabian argued, before being cut off.

"Whatever you need to do, you can do it in the morning," Fleur told him, "Now, bed please."

"Fine," Huffed Fabian reluctantly.


"Hey, Eddie?" Fabian knocked on Eddie and Jerome's door in the morning.

"Hey, Dude," Eddie said, opening the door.

"Uh... Can I talk to you, please... privately," Fabian asked.

"Sure," Spoke Eddie, stepping out of the room, and closing to door behind him.

"Look, we need a favour," Fabian started.

"Who's 'we'?"Eddie asked.

"Me, Mara and uh... Patricia," He hesitated.

"Forget it," Eddie stated, beginning to walk off.

Fabian grabbed his wrist, stopping him, "You don't even know what we want."

"Fine," Eddie huffed reluctantly, "What is it?"

"Look, we need to get back to Anubis house. We need you to call you Dad and-" Fabian said, before being cut off by a fire alarm.

"Wha- What- Whats happening?" Eddie asked, confused and panicked.

"Patricia," Fabian groaned, "Patricia!" He repeated, this time shouting, and running up the stairs, to see a bunch of smoke in his face.


"Wow, you are so clever," Mara said sarcastically to Patricia, as they stood in their room, trapped behind a wall of fire.

"I guess I didn't really think it through," Mumbled Patricia.

"You don't say," Mara rolled her eyes, panicking, "What do we do now?"

"Erm..." Patricia stuttered, rapidly trying to think of something.

"What is going on?" Eddie asked, bounding up the stairs.

"Wh- Wh- What happened?" Fabian asked as he came to the door frame.

"I started a fire, okay," Patricia shouted, "I was wrong, whatever. Just help!" She panicked.

"Yacker?" Said Eddie, joining Fabian at the door.

"Oh, great," Patricia mumbled sarcastically, rolling her eyes.

"I'll get the fire extinguisher," Eddie panicked, rushing off.

"Why Patricia? Why?" Fabian asked, panic in his voice.

"I wasn't thinking straight okay, Fabian," She breathed heavily.

Suddenly a massive flame flew towards Fabian, blocking the door, and his view to Patricia and Mara. The fire began to trail downstairs, to where Fleur was hurrying everyone outside the house.


"Where are Mara, Patricia, Fabian and Eddie?" Fleur asked once outside. She was looking down at a piece of paper, a checklist, making sure that everyone was outside and away from the fire, where they'd be in danger.

Everyone shrugged, looking around.

Fleur looked around outside, panicking and breathing very heavily.


Eddie ran with the fire extinguisher in his hand, he skidded when he got to the stairs seeing that it was blocked by fire. He then used the fire extinguisher, to make his way up the stairs, "Fabian!" He shouted, from half way up

Fabian looked down at Eddie, fear spread across his face.

"Can you catch?" He asked.

"Erm..." Fabian stuttered.

"Come on, Fabian," Said Eddie, as he chucked the fire extinguisher to him, over the wall of fire separating them.

Fabian stumbled trying to catch it and just about succeeded. He then rushed over to the door of Mara and Patricia and used it to put out the fire before him. He then saved them by putting out the fire.

"Thank you!" Said Mara breathed heavily, running up and tightly hugging Fabian.

"Don't be so stupid again, Patricia," Fabian told her as he released from hugging Mara.

"Watch your mouth and I'll consider it," Patricia answered, still breathing very heavily.

"Some people never change," Fabian murmured under his breath.

"Woah!" Said Mara looking at the damage that the fire had caused.

"We should go," Suggested Fabian.

"Thank you, Eddie" Thanked Mara gratefully, hugging him, once she got to the bottom of the stairs.

"Yeah, thanks, Dude," Said Fabian, patting his shoulder.


Mara and Fabian then walked outside and apologised to Fleur for staying in their room, saying nothing about how Patricia started the fire.

"Where are Eddie and Patricia?" Fleur asked.

"Inside," Muttered Fabian.

"We need to get them out of there, it isn't safe," Fleur panicked.

"It's fine," Said Fabian, "We, um... Put the fire out."


"Thanks, I suppose," Patricia said to Eddie, as she reached the bottom of the destroyed, burnt stairs.

"No problem" Eddie replied, "Look, Patricia, I'm really sorry about everyth-" He began to apologise.

"Don't even try," Said Patricia, budging past him, and exiting the building.

"That was so close," Said Mara, relieved, as Patricia joined her and Fabian.

"Just a bit," Patricia stated.

"Guys," Shouted Eddie, running over to Fabian, Mara and Patricia.

"What is it?" Patricia asked, annoyed.

"Patricia, don't you think you should be more grateful, I mean he practically saved your life."

"Yeah, right after he broke it," Snapped Patricia.

"What did you need, Eddie?" Asked Fabian, stopping the argument.

"I'm sorry about earlier," He said, glancing away from Patricia, and towards Fabian, "I'll help you get to Anubis."

"Wait, so you're in?" Fabian asked, raising up his right hand to his eye, grinning hopefully.

Eddie and Mara then rose their hands too. Everyone then looked at Patricia.

"Fine," She mumbled, raising her hand.

"Sibuna!" They all chanted in unison.


[Hey. So Sibuna are back together after a big fire. But not everything is all happy. 

What will the hieroglyphics read?

Will Eddie managed to get Anubis house back?

Find out in the next chapter, I'll update soon. Byeee ^_^]

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