The Wolf That Turns Into a Fox

By animeloki

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Falice is a member of the wolf pack the "Light Moon Pack" when she turned 13 she was supposed to shift into h... More

The Beginning Of Falice
Chap. 1 Mate ???
Chap. 2 No.. Falice!!!
Chap. 3 New surroundings and Friends
Chap. 4 Understanding
Chap. 5 Help Wanted!!!
Chap. 6 Contract
Chap. 7 Transformation
Chap. 8 Getting Use To It
Chap. 9 Night Attack
Chap. 10 I Promise
Chap.11 New name and Enrollment
Chap.12 Soushi Old Master
Chap. 13 Games and Worries
Chapter. 14 School
Chapter. 15 A Growing Friendship
Chapter 16. Secrets and Marks
Chapter. 17 Patience is running out
Chapter. 19 Pointless Stops
Chapter. 20 Bedroom Roommate

Chapter. 18 The Journey begins now

71 1 0
By animeloki


Another update. Sorry for the wait School Work been at me lately.

May the story continue . . . . .


(Thursday Morning)

Soushi Pov.

My chest it hurts. Why?

Confused about my sudden pains coming from my chest I slowly open my eyes. But when I do I could only see darkness.

Where am I?

I look around . . . but I couldn't see anything. What is going on? The last thing I remember was picking up Miss Ririchiyo from her late night job.

Miss Ririchiyo!

I quickly sit up but as I do my chest pains worsens. Not caring for my condition at the moment I stand up. But as I do the pain in my chest increases as I move.

When I successfully get out of bed. I realize that I can't see my surroundings. Having no other choice I stick out my arms upfront to make sure I don't bump into anything. But before I can even take a step forward a door opens wide open, lighting up this dark place. As the light shines out even more I put an arm over my eyes. The sudden brightness hurting my eyes.

Once the room shines even more letting me eyes adjust, I'm about to remove my arm out of my face when a small warm hand collapse into my own.

"Soushi what are you doing? Your injuries haven't healed yet" a worry voice asks. Moving my arms away from my face am surprised but mostly revealed to see Miss Ririchiyo standing safe and sound infront of me.

Realizing I haven't answered her I clear my throat, "I was just about to go look for you, am glad that your alright" I smile feeling happy to have her here.

Her worried expression soon turns into an irritated look, "What do you mean you were going to go look for me!" She demands.

Instead of reeling back like I should have . . . . . . I couldn't help but smile even more at her cute little out burst.

"Your injured right now your supposed to stay in bed" she scolds at me still giving me those narrowed shaped eyebrows that's slowly forming on her face. But even with all thoughs wrinkles I cant help but think its cute.

"Am sorry to have cause any sort of distrace to you Miss Ririchiyo" I bow my head down apologizing suddenly feeling ashamed. Seeing how disrespectful it is to not look in her eyes when am apologizing I lift my head a bit enough to see her eyes. So I could see while I explain myself. "But . . ." I say in a pain voice. "Not knowing the well being of Miss Ririchiyo caused me to sorrow in pain far worse than this simple injury" I whimper giving her my sad puppy dog eyes.

Knowing she'll given in she averts her gaze. "S-soushi you don't have to worry about me" she shifts a bit most likely uncomfortable under my intense puppy dog gaze.

I know she's a bit nervous right now but I couldn't just let her comment go by. Still looking at her, I collapsed my hands with hers pulling her hands towards me. She stumbles a bit at the sudden action. She turns towards me but as she does, I don't give her the chance to speak. "Your my number one priority in this world, I wouldn't forgive myself if something bad would had happened to you" My grip on her small hands tighten more.

I could see she's at loss for words. She was like that when I first told her that in the parking lot when we were escaping the Clawxsters.

As we both stare at each other for a few more seconds, I saw something flash in her eyes. I couldn't really see what it was but I know it's something.

I couldn't help but think it may be something to do with her strange behavior lately. The only conclusion I could think is that maybe she's hiding something from me. The bond we share may be weak now but I could feel something, something that makes me feel uneasy and I know she's been feeling this way for a while now.


Before she can say anything more she gets cut off when Zange and everyone enters the room.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Ririchiyo Pov.

I sign in relief when Zange and everyone else enters the room.

"Soushi"~ Zange says in a child like voice. "What are you doing standing up in bed" he questions.

I look away from them afraid to make eye contact with him.

Am still feeling a bit flustered on what Soushi just told me.

I know many girls my age would be flattered or be overjoyed with hearing those words. But am not like the other girls. . . . . as much as I like to believe I haven't really change. The outsider appearance I might have but not the me from the inside.

Being a werewolf . . . . well 'a use to be werewolf' I still have a mate who I didn't cut ties with when I decided to leave so that missing my other half 'thing'.

I've recently been missing the whole mate thing for a while now. I try and ignore these feelings as best as I can, I even do work and try get my mind of things but no matter what I do somehow my mind and heart wonder off and start thinking about him under my own free will.

And the worst part is that sometimes I feel like going back, back to him. And do the whole mate thing. Like follow him like some lost puppy and have his pupps.

But then I snap back to reality reminding myself he's not worth it. The only thing keeping me from returning to him is everyone here that I have seem to become close too. Especially Soushi who gave me new strength to fight and move forward and not dwell on the past. But right now hearing this 'Your my number one priority in this world' and 'I wouldn't forgive myself if something bad should happen to me' has shocked me. I mean I never thought someone like Soushi would care about someone like me. It's confusing me right now, the only person I knew who may have these answers to my questions is Serena and Zange.

But seeing how it's those two I don't think I'll get my answers any time soon. I would ask Serena but I don't think she'll get why a girl my age wouldn't understand these sorts of things. And considering how noisy and imitating Serena will be I think I'll wait for my answer.

The other person who I'll never ever ask this sort of help is Zange. And knowing him he'll gladly peek into my thoughts and then not tell me.

"Ririchiyo!" I hear my name being called out. I look up and see everyone staring at me. "Hu?" I ask a bit embarrassed.

Watanuki signs irritatingly, "Zange here was asking you that if you want to cancel the trip?" He asks.

I look back at Soushi to see him laying in bed with his eyes closed. "No you guys go, I'll stay and take care of Soushi"

Just as Nobora was about to protest Zange steps in. "Oh . . . I see" he starts his voice becoming a little too low giving off a mischievous smile. "You want to stay here alone with him . . . . and do some naughty things hu?" Before I can do or say anything Watanuki does it for me. "What!" He asks surprised turns to face me. Really?!


"Go Ririchiyo!" Karuta suddenly cheers. No Karuta don't, don't encourage him!

But before I knew it my face starts to burn up. "W-what n-no" I slutter. That's not what I meant when I suggested to stay behind.

"Ririchiyo is it true?" Nobora asks. "Do you really want to do . . . . that?" My eyes widden. What now it's her saying that.


Can't she tell Zange is only trying to tease me. I can't believe it, she's actually believing him. I mean she should know by now that he loves playing tricks on me, and making a fool out of me.

"Oh Ririchiyo . . ." Renshou signs out. "I thought I knew you better" he gives me a disappointed look before shaking his head. "Me feels lonley"

What! Now it's Renshou! . . . . . . wait a moment take that back . . . . . . he's the only few people who I believe would believe any word Zange would say out loud about others.

"You can't fool me Chiyo-Tan"~ Zange voice pipes in.

"I have the hundred demon eyes I can see everything. . . . even your disarable thoughts" he smirks out the last part.

A blush immediately starts to form in my face. I quickly turn my head away so nobody else could see my flushed face. Damm you Zange, I'll get you back.

"See if you can" He suddenly whispers in my ear right beside me. How did he get here? But more importantly.

I take a few steps back before I face him again, "Stop looking at my thoughts!" I screech. I can't think of anything when am around him literally.

My breathing suddenly comes out huffing. Realizing I have been screaming most of the time I calm my breathing down. "Okay, okay that's enough let's stop teasing Ririchiyo" Renshou says patting my shoulder. I sign out in relief. Thank you.

He keeps patting my shoulder as he says, "You know Ririchiyo doesn't like to be tease especially around her boyfriend over their" he points to Soushi who's still lying down.

Another heat of waves make its way to my cheeks. "Okay enough!" I shout. Irritated by their teasing.

"Shh. . . . Please Ririchiyo" Zange shush me. "He's trying to sleep"

I open my mouth ready to lash out at him but when I hear a small snore coming from Soushi I close up my mouth. Zange is really asking for it.

As the voices in the room quiets down, I hear Soushi steady breathing singling he's asleep. Good thing, he's been through a lot in the last 24 hours and he deserves some rest. Seeing as we're still in his room I call everyone out, "Come on let's go" I start pushing everyone outside. They seemed to understand so quickly but quietly everyone walks out of Soushi room. As everyone steps out me being last I look back on more time at Soushi sleeping face before I close the door behind me.

As we stand outside the hallway I clear my throat, "So . . . ." I start. "Should we discuss the trip in the launch?" I suggest.

"Great idea Chiyo-Tan" he nods his head in approval before turning around marching to the launch room. "Everyone follow me" he hollers behind him. Signing we walk right behind him.

When we get to the launch room everyone took their seats in the round tables.

It seems strange but am mostly revealed that they havent asked me about the incident with the Clawxsters. Not even Watanuki who like to talk before thinking. I was actually mentally prepared to answer any questions they had about last night. It's not like I could have keep it a secret from them.

When Kagerou came to the rescue like a knight and shinning armor. Which is what he likes to think of himself. He helped me get the car started and drove us to the mansion-which is the complex. While I was in the back seat trying my best to supress the blood that was coming out of that claw mark. I had to hear Kagerou stupid remarks about how pitiful Soushi is in protecting me. Or how stupid he was to get himself severely injured. I wasn't in the mood to hear him so I 'accidentally' punched him in the stomach. Obviously I wasn't going to hit him in the face.

Not that I care about his looks it's just I know he needs his vision to see along with his face. So the only place I could think about hitting him was the stomach. Since I lost my Werewolf genes am not as strong as I use to be so the hit wasn't really that bad. But bad enough to hurt, plus he's a Youkai so his Youkai abilities help him not feel much pain.

After our little 'fight' Kagerou rushed us home and took us straight to the infirmary room. That bad part about all this is that we had to pass through the Launch room where usually everyone hangs around. So everyone was really startled but mostly worried about Soushi conditions. Even if we were to be able to pass by everyone they would have still smelled the blood in the air.

No. If your thinking they are vampires let me stop you right their. But I can't really blame your for thinking that way I also at first thought that too but when they explained to me how they can smell. It was all cleared out. The reason why they can smell blood is because of how strong a blood of a Youkai can smell. It's one of the reasons a Pureblooded Youkai can spot them when night falls.

It's the reason why when Kagerou and I came in and went straight to the infirmary they seemed tense and alerted, they kinda look like they were expecting some kind of attack.

So while I stayed in the room with Soushi. Kagerou went upstairs and explain the situation as best as he could considering I didn't say much when he asked about it. The only thing that was important to me in that moment was Soushi well being. And it still is until he fully eecovers.

I can't helped but feel responsible for Soushi injuries. I should have ran like Soushi told me but I knew I couldn't. Even if I wasn't much help much to my dismay, what kind of partner what it make me if I left Soushi alone. It wasn't just two they were like four of them. And we still don't know why?they attacked us.

From what I heard, is that full blooded Youkai like to hunt down those who have blooded Youkai in them. It's what everyone has.

They only come out at night or in dark places. So they usually come out around 6:30 when the sun goes down. But the strangest things for them is that Youkai like to be alone so it was a surprise to hear that it was a whole package of them which is really really rare to see.

I wanted to ask questions about the Youkai's since their different spices and stuff but I know now isn't the right time.

Lost in thought, I noticed a hand being waved infront of me. "Hello . . . anyone their" Snaping back to reality I softly push away Nobora hand.

I look up at Nobora who's looks taller than usual, probably wearing heels today. "Am sorry what was that?" I ask. "I wasn't paying attention" I smile sheepishly.

"Ririchiyo are you feeling okay you've been spacing out a lot" Nobora asks with a worry face.

"Yeah am fine just tired", I wave her off. She studies me for a bit but soon she steps back and offer me a gentle smile, she probably figure out why am like this. It's no mystery.

Hearing a loud clap we all turn our attention too Zange who's now standing in a table.

"Okay everyone, listen up" he yells. "If your wondering if we're still going to the trip my answer is yes" Wow even in situations like these he still wants to go and have fun.

"We already paid all expenses for the trip it would be a waist to not go, plus will be visiting Nobora home town" at hearing this I turn too look at her.

"You live in the mountains?" I ask.

She gives a dark glare at Zange before giving me a sweet smile, "Of course not this dimwit here, forgot that I actually live in the north pole"

My eyes widden, "Did you just say the North Pole?"

"Yes, but back to businesses what do you mean where still going!" she demands turning her attention back to Zange. "Do you really plan to leave Ririchiyo and Soushi behind Alone?!" Is that what your worried about? Sign. And here I thought it was for Soushi condition.

Zange starts giggling at Nobora expression who's faces looks all crunched up looking as if she eat something sour when she wants to give an irradiated expression.

But soon the giggling stop when Nobora shows off one of her scary faces. Zange clearing his through the continues. I can't really blame him since he does look scary. "Of course not" Zange shakes his head as to Nobora earlier question. "I found an RV that's big enough for all of us and it has rooms so Soushi could rest on one of them so we won't have any trouble traveling"

"But won't Soushi still feel weak, to travel" I ask stepping in.

"Actually no with the blood flowing inside of us, us Youkais we tend to heal faster so, he'll be alright by Saturday" Watanuki informs. Looking irritated more than usual. He actually been like this since he found out Soushi collapsed in the middle of the battle. He said that hurt his pride which is stupid since he wasn't the one fighting those beast all by himself. "Plus he's my rival, I wouldn't pick a weak rival to compete against me" he adds. I roll my eyes at the last part same old Watanuki. But besides that I couldn't help but feel more revealed that Soushi is going to be okay.

"So does everyone agree to the plan?" Zange asks.

Even nods agreeing with his plan. Seeing as their isn't going to be any trouble I agreed also.

Finally a break in the cold winter mountains.


5:00 am

Today's the day will be heading to the mountains. Yesterday Karuta, Watanuki and I didn't go to school. If your thinking that we ditched or anything else no we did not.

On Thursday we decided to do all our test a day early. We knew we be busy packing for the trip on weekend so we did it a day early. Am glad we did though, if we hadn't done our test than, I wouldn't have been able to take care of Soushi.

Yesterday Soushi seemed better than i though he would, even his injuries seem better their almost healed. But I shouldn't be surprised he did once get shot in his hand when he block the bullet from those robbers. Now it's all better and healed their isn't even a scare.


So here I am standing at the side of the RV with my luggage in hand. I knew it's too early to be going on a trip but Zange told us the trips gonna take a while and we won't to be their before sundown. So we all agreed to wake up at 3am-the earliest I ever awoken.

What Zange said was true this RV he rented for the trip his huge it's the biggest one I have ever seen. So their no doubt that their will be rooms right here inside. I can't wait to go inside. Well until the guys get here. They sure are taking their sweet time. We agreed to come out here at 5am sharp but it's 5:10 they should have been here by now.

"If they don't come out here will leave" Nobora scowls. I don't blame her we have been planning this trip for months and we're wasting time by standing here.

But in know she serious, "Hay let's just wait here for a few more mins okay" I try and calm her down.

"Okay" she signs. "But if their not here in 5 mins were leaving" At least I tried.

"Hello!" A voice screams out. We turn our attention to the guys who are coming out of the entrance door. "I see you girls are ready to go"

Oh no. "Of course we are, unlike you men we tend to be on time" Nobora sneers. "What took you so long" she finally demands.

"Oh sorry darlings we slept in late so we've just woken up" Renshou yawns out stretching his arms out.

Bad answer. "What!" Nobora yells out. Before I can turn around I hear a loud slap.

But when I do I see Renshou faced down on the floor twitching a bit. "Am sorry" he slutter out. "Darling" I hear Zange calls out. "Are you okay"

Still twitching he says, "Ya am fine"

"Come on let's go!" Nobora yells out already inside looking at us through one of the windows. "Or I'll leave you guys behind" she warns.

I guess that's our cue. Quickly but carefully one by one we stacked our luggage into the side of the RV. Once everything is put away we went inside.

"Woah" I couldn't help but mumble out. This place is amazing.

"I know right" Zange smirks. I couldn't care less if am complementing him. This RV is huge and it looks like it does have rooms. Considering it has a long hallway with 2 doors at each side.

"How much did it cost?" I couldn't help but ask. I feel bad since I didn't pay for the RV expenses. "Trust me you don't want to know" hmm... that doesn't help.

"Well all aboard everyone" Renshou calls out. "I'll be your driver for the day so please take your seats and enjoy the ride" Still looking around amazed I didn't hear Renshou warning until the car starts moving. I slip under my feet when the car makes a quick turn I move my hands foward ready for an empact but before I hit the floor I feel arms being wrapped around my waist.

"Careful their" Looking up I see Soushi giving off his usual smile. "Please take a seat"

The car still moving it was a bit hard to move but I managed to sit infront of Soushi. The seats in the RV face each other so it's no problem. I think.

Looking at him now he seems even better, "I see your feeling better" I commented on his looks.

Nodding he says, "Yes am feeling much better" he bows his head as he says the next part, "Thank you for the care you gave me yesterday"

I move foward once am close enough to him I push him foward. "If you want to thank me you can by looking at me in the eye"

He looks up looking surprised, "Yes am sorry"

"You don't have to apologize" I giggle.

"Okay everyone listen up, listen up" I hear Renshou voice in the speakers that are installed in the RV. "The weather reports have reported that the trail from where we will be going will be snowy especially in this time of year, so the car ride will get bumpy" he informs use.

Looking at Soushi I ask,"Will you be okay?" He gives me a confuse look, "The car ride"

"Oh yes, you don't have to worry about that" I he gives me a reassuring smile. But I've seen how he fools people with his smile, so just in case I'll keep an eye on him.

"Okay, but until I see that your hundred percent okay I will not let you leave my site" I move foward to me giving him a serious look.

"Oh Ririchiyo. . . . " Zange appears infront of us making me stubble back in my seat. "I see your getting all dominated towards my Sou-Tan" he says snuggling more closer towards Soushi.

"Shut up" I mumble averting my gaze from their 'moment'.

"Are you jealous?" He tease.

I give him a 'are you serious' look before looking away and to the window. Renshou was right the rode to the mountains is getting snowy, even though we're hours away from it.

"Sou-Tan you can touch me their if you want" I hear Zange whisper. "Don't mind Chiyo-Tan"

Oh brother. Do I really have to be here?


Sorry for the wait hope you like this chapter.

I want to introduce you more to these characters since it's more about Ririchiyo and Soushi. Am trying to give more chances for the other characters to get some spot light. It'll be boring if it were just those too.

Thank you for reading, see you in the next chapter😆

Next chapter will be updated soon


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