Uncovering the Truth

By Ukume279

71K 2.7K 1.3K

The new school year at Domino High brings with it so much more than just homework. A quiet and mysterious new... More

New Student
So Mysterious
Stage Makeup
Cast List
Horror Movie Marathon
Physical Changes
A Little Swim
Shocking Rehearsal
Forced Transformation
Motorcycle Recovery
Lost in Nature
Of Magic and Revenge
Opening Night
Winter Formal
Freak Out
Break In
We Messed Up
Don't Fight It
Ocean Escape
Going North
It Worked
Panama Canal
Caribbean Clan
Sweat It Out
Mental Abilities
Trouble in the Indian Ocean
Crimson Waters
Gathering and Strategizing
Unexpected Allies
Chaos Reigns Supreme
Bath Party


826 44 21
By Ukume279

A/N: I truly hope you like this chapter. I hope it's not too dull. Please vote and comment. Thank you :)


*Mind Links*

"Yugi!" Yami's crimson tail propelled him through the ocean waves as fast as he could go; unable to keep up with the petite siren. "Yugi! Slow down!" His pleas fell on deaf ears. His heart pounded furiously in his chest, his breath coming in short gasps,

*Yugi, please slow down. I can't swim that fast,* the crimson eyed siren tried to reach the amethyst eyed youth using their mind link.

The youth paused awaiting for Yami to catch up with him. Large amethyst orbs met crimson as Yami reached his doppelganger panting and desperate to catch his breath.

*Aibou what is the rush? Where are we going?* Yami asked gasping for air.

*The Pacific Ocean clan. They are the last clan we need to unite the siren population. I'm afraid we don't have as much time as I originally thought,* Yugi sounded soft and distant through their mind link.

*Why do you think that?* Yami asked, his tan hands ghosting over Yugi's bare shoulders.

*I had another vision. The harpies are massing much faster than I thought they would. We need to finish this treaty and gather all of the clans together,* Yugi's features were solemn.

"Are you certain of this?" Yami's baritone voice reverberated throughout Yugi's lithe body sending chills down his spine.

"Yes," Yugi whispered, "We need to get them to agree to the treaty as soon as possible and bring the clans together."


Amethyst and crimson blinked in utter astonishment. They had never seen so many sirens. The Pacific Ocean off the coast of Chile and Peru was littered with sirens. They payed the tri-colored doppelgangers little mind as they swam here and there.

*This must be the siren equivalent of a city,* Yugi's observed the bustling underwater frenzy in sheer fascination.

*I wonder if that is the same palace that my mother mentioned in her letter,* Yami pointed towards a large beautiful castle made from abalone pearl and other precious gems. Yugi's mouth fell open taking in the beautiful palace resting at the bottom of the ocean.

*That is gorgeous,* the petite siren gaped, "have you ever seen anything so beautiful?"

"Yes. You." Yami smiled at Yugi placing a kiss in his cheek. Yugi's face lit up as he blushed from the top of his head to the tip of his fin.

Yugi cleared his throat, "Um, I think we should start at the palace."

"I agree. After you, Aibou," Yami waved his hand forward indicating that he would follow the petite siren.

They swam into the abalone palace arriving in the middle of what appeared to be a throne room, "I don't recognize you two. What clan do you come from?" A siren with broad muscular shoulders and spiky blonde hair sat on the throne; his green fin swaying idly from side to side.

"Greetings. Are you possibly the king?" Yami asked arching an elegant ebony eyebrow.

The siren laughed, "You must be freshly transformed. We have not had a king in ages. I am the reigning monarch but I am not officially the king. Why do you ask?"

The tri-colored sirens swam closer to the monarch, "My name is Yami. He is Yugi. We are here to complete the treaty and bring the siren clans together."

The monarch rubbed his chin with a calloused hand, "What makes you think we need you? We are doing quite well on our own without the other clans. We don't need them and we don't need you. Whoever you are."

"Actually, you do," Yugi responded, his eyes rising to meet the blonde's dark jade irises.

The blonde threw his head back in a hearty laugh, "Who are you to just show up randomly out of nowhere and say we need your help? That is ludicrous!"

"The Sirens of Legend," Yami's grunted narrowing his eyes at the monarch occupying the throne.

"Don't be ridiculous. The Sirens of Legend are just a myth. A bedtime story passed down throughout the ages. Look, I will allow you to remain in the lower city for a few days to rest. Then you need to be on your way back to whatever clan you came from."

"We didn't come from a clan! Don't you understand? The harpies are mobilizing! They will wipe us out if we do not unite!" Yugi growled; his cheeks turning pink out of frustration.

"You both need to go see..what do the humans call them?..." the monarch tapped his forefinger to his lips losing himself deep in thought.

"A psychiatrist," a brunet woman whispered to the monarch.

"Yes! That is it! You both need to see a psychiatrist," the monarch smirked.

"What is your name?" Yami's silky baritone voice taking on a commanding edge.

The monarch struggled to stop his laughter long enough to give his name, "Malachite."

"Malachite..do you have any friends? Any family? Any children?" Yugi's eyebrows furrowed as he focused on the siren seated on the throne.

"Of course I do. This lovely siren next to me," he waved his hand at the beautiful brunet woman to his left, "is my wife Halette and we have a one year old daughter."

Yugi's eyes turned a dark amethyst color; lowering his voice to add a sense of urgency, "Imagine your one year old and your wife being torn apart limb from limb by a group of harpies. Their blood tainting the ocean a crimson as deep as Yami's eyes. Would you be willing to sign the treaty and unite with the other clans to prevent that?" Halette gasped, the woman physically shaken by the graphic image Yugi depicted for them.

"What if they are telling the truth Malachite?" She swam closer to her husband grasping onto his firm bicep.

Malachite's jade eyes focused on the tri-colored sirens, "How do you know this?"

"I saw it in a vision," Yugi sighed.

"You saw my wife and daughter's death?" Malachite rose from the throne.

"No. I saw the harpies attacking us. I had a vision of the war between harpies and sirens. They are gathering as we speak," Yugi corrected.

"You are an oracle then?" Malachite arched a bleach blonde eyebrow.

"Yes, Yugi is an oracle. His visions have never failed. We are the Sirens of Legend and we are here to help," Yami's baritone voice rang out through the throne room of the palace.

"The Sirens of Legend are said to be more powerful than any other siren. What abilities do you each have?" Malachite asked, his curiosity getting the better of him. Yami listed off both his abilities as well as Yugi's. Malachite sat back down in the throne listening to the crimson eyed siren with his jaw dangling open. Halette reached over the arm of the throne to close Malachite's mouth.

Malachite threw a small throwing knife which landed in Yami's lower chest piercing his toned torso. He winced as he glanced down at the hilt sticking out of his chest. He glared at the stuck up monarch, "By Ra! Why does everyone want to stab me? Yes, I heal! So what! That does not give everyone the license to use me as target practice nor as a pin cushion" Yami growled in frustration pulling the throwing knife out of his torso. A few droplets of blood escaped through the open wound before Yami's tanned skin pulled itself back over the wound closing the hole and leaving behind flawless skin.

"Holy hell!" Malachite exclaimed jumping out of the throne and circling the crimson eyed siren eyeing the lack of a knife wound on the perfectly toned torso, "That is amazing! And you can mind control?"

Yugi nodded; his amethyst eyes taking on a bright glow, "You want to see my ability? I will show you first hand."

Malachite turned in circles, swaying his hips and dancing to a beat no one could hear. He grabbed a sheer golden cloth that draped the wall for decoration. He danced with it rubbing his rear on it before turning in circles with it; the fabric flowing freely around him as he glided around the throne room. He moved the fabric in front of him before slowly moving it away. He wrapped the material around his wife before the siren turned and shook his rear at her. Halette burst into fits of giggles.

"He is a horrible dancer normally, this isn't half bad. Nice work, Yugi!" she smiled at the petite siren. Yugi blinked; the glow fading from his eyes as he released Malachite.

"That was so strange. I could see and feel myself moving, but I was not in control at all," the blonde commented rubbing his hand on the back of his hair; a bright blush forming.

"Do you believe us now?" Yami asked.

"Yes. Let us get to work on the treaty," Malachite smiled sheepishly; feeling quite foolish for putting the Sirens of Legend through such hell.

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