Can't Resist You (h.s)

By caitie_00

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When Caitlin starts at University, all she is looking forward to is finishing her degree in Psychology, and t... More

Chapter 1: First Day
Chapter 2: Jerk
Chapter 3: Neighbours
Chapter 4: Sunburnt
Chapter 5: Evolution
Chapter 6: The Cake
Chapter 7: The Last Day
Chapter 8: Sexy Sweet and Sour
Chapter 9: Sneak
Chapter 10: Never Have I Ever
Chapter 11: A Proper Lady
Chapter 12: Spiked
Chapter 13: Recovering
Chapter 14: Sunsets and Beaches
Chapter 15: The Truth
Chapter 16: Out of Hand
Chapter 18: 21st
Chapter 19: Chocolate and D&M's
Chapter 20: Surfing
Chapter 21: The Plan - Part I
Chapter 22: The Plan - Part II
Chapter 23: The Aftermath Unplanned
Chapter 24: She did what?

Chapter 17: Secrets

62 2 3
By caitie_00

I wake to an arm across my bare stomach, my shirt having ridden up to my chest. I look across at Jason, in a deep sleep making soft snoring noises. I contemplate laying here for a little while longer, but my need to pee limits my choices.

I slowly remove his arm from its position and am glad when he doesn't wake. I lift my feet over the edge and walk to the door, looking back before I open and close the door behind me. The light nearly blinds me as I step into the hallway, sun rushing in from every direction. It's pitch black in my room because the blinds are shut, I just assumed it was dark out here too.

I go to the toilet and flush with the lid down to not wake however many people are still here from last night. I open the door and see someone standing just outside and I jump back, whacking my hand on the door as I do so.

I hear Danielle's laugh as she says: "Chill it's just me."

"Ow you made me hit my hand. Look, there's already a bruise!" I extend my arm out to show her my hand as she inspects.

"I don't see nothing." She lies and I scowl. "Wait for me in the kitchen."

"Why?" I ask as she walks into the toilet after me.

"Because you have to tell me what happened with you last night." She calls from behind the closed door. I sigh as the memories of last night come flooding back as if it were a dream. I walk into the kitchen and pour myself a glass of cold water, contemplating how to start the explanation of the sequence of events that took place last night.

"Okay hit me." She instructs, sitting down on the stool across from me as I lean my elbows on the table, spinning the glass in my fingertips.

"Okay so the professor was just locking up and stuff when I got to him, and then Harry came to hand his in so I got out of there. I went the back way to avoid him, when bloody John shows up." I explain.


"The one who caused all this mess with the drink." I look up and she nods her head in realisation, a cue for me to continue. "You better remember his name from now on because I'm sick of explaining who he is. Anyway, so he was apparently angry about the whole situation and that-"

"Like in his note? Well, guessing it's his note." She adds.

"I guess. Yeah. Well he um, like, pinned me against the wall and stuff-"

"And stuff? What did he do?" She asks, concern evident in her tone. I lift up my sleeve and show her the dressing and the bruises on my wrist.

"He didn't really do much, this is just a bit of a deep cut and bruises from the wall, Harry was there before he could do anything."

"Are you alright? Did you get hurt anywhere else?"

"No, I don't think so." I say, taking a quick inspection of my body. "I'm alright, I don't think he'll be bothering me again." I tell her.

"He didn't nearly kill him again did he?" She interrogates further.

"No, he wanted to though. I wouldn't let that happen again." I pull my sleeve back down over my wrist.

"Thank god nothing else happened." She says, standing up and wrapping her arms around me. "I mean I'm prepared to kill any bitch that hurts you." She tells me and I laugh.

"I'm in one piece, I'm all good."

"Just one thing though." She adds, pulling out of the hug as a smirk appears on her face. "Harry was there, again, to save you, am I right?" She clarifies.

Again? I think back to the night at the club where he took me through the back to get me fixed up, when he helped me with Chloe up the stairs, which wasn't really saving me all that much, but I couldn't have done it otherwise. How he completely ruined John's face for a period of time because of what happened to me. He really is always there, like when I used to think he was following me around everywhere. Maybe he is. I almost laugh at the thought.

"I guess." I shrug. "I swear he follows me." I joke.

"I think he definitely has a thing for you." She points out, and I don't think I could muster a more disgusted look.

"Are you kidding me? I'm like 99% sure he hates me as much as I absolutely hate him." I clarify, widening my eyes at her conclusion from all of that.

"You probably love him down under as well. There's a thin line between love and hate." She claims.

"I have a boyfriend." I remind her, as if it's an excuse for everything. I've always believed the love hate thing. I usually start warming to things or people after I hate them for a while. But I feel like that doesn't apply to this situation at all whatsoever.

"That's right, you do have a boyfriend." A voice carries from the archway of the kitchen. I quickly turn around and see Jason with one hand on his hip and the scraping the hair from his forehead. His boxers sit low on his hips and he's shirtless, tattoos on full display. I find tattoos incredibly sexy, especially on Jason. I awkwardly cough and look at Danielle as a smirk forms on her lips.

"Morning, my lovely boyfriend." I smile, completely trying to love it up to dispel the ideas forming in his head of the possibilities of our conversation.

"Should I be worried?" He walks into the kitchen looking back and forth between Nell and I.

"Not at all." I smile, as he walks up and places his hands on my hips, kissing my lips softly.

"Good, I wouldn't want to have to start showing off to another guy, especially with how lucky I am." He smiles, kissing my cheek, making a trail down my neck.

"Better watch out." Danielle chimes in, and I glare at her before she disappears.

"What is she talking about?" He whispers against my neck.

"I have no idea." I reply, which isn't completely untrue. He lifts his head up to question me and I silence him by planting my lips back on his.

*Two days later*

I walk into my criminology class to see a different professor. Short, stubby, old and white. Literally the complete opposite of Professor Armstrong. I find my usual seat, and instinctively look up in Harry's direction, to find him not there. I take my seat, Chloe not having shown up yet either, and wait impatiently for this new professor to start talking and for my classes to be over and done with for the day.

"Hey girl," I hear Chloe's voice, snapping me out of what must have been a daydream that's already left my mind.


"I've had this guy before, he had no idea what he's talking about, apparently he's actually trained in this area, but I think he just bribed his way in to be honest." She admits, making me smile.


The class is over and Harry didn't show up, and I can't help but wonder if it had anything to do with Friday night. The John thing and with suddenly getting out of the car and leaving without saying anything. Not that I really expected, or wanted for that matter, a goodbye. It was just strange and so abrupt.

I walk to my usual stop which is the Annex Cafe', and have to pass the back of the building where John attacked me. I look at the same spot on the wall and surprisingly don't see a mark. I can't help but shudder at the thought of it, and I find myself wanting to avoid that direct area at all costs.

I order my Chai Latte' and Danielle's coffee and they're ready almost straight away. I've learned that if I manage to get here straight away there's less people for some reason.

I walk out the shop and meet Danielle just outside.

"Hey how was lit?" I ask.

"Eh, same same. New paper due on Thursday which is great." She sarcastically comments. "How about you? Any action from Harry?" I shoot her a glare and roll my eyes.

"We had a different prof, he was clueless. And Harry wasn't even there." I tell her.

"Ahh, planning where his new "random bump in" scene with you will take place." She wiggles her eyebrows as she speaks.

"Oh my god stop." I complain, taking a sip of my drink. "You honestly don't know how wrong you are."

"Hey I was thinking, you should report what happened on Friday to the school board." She suggests. We sit down at one of the tables and she gets her laptop out and places it on the table.

"I thought of that, but what would they do? If anything it'd probably make him even more angry with this whole situation." I sigh, watching Nell thin her lips in realisation. "You know I was willing to let the whole thing go as just a one-time party experience that I'd be more careful of next time, I had no idea it would stem to something this huge." I frown, watching as people walk past, so caught up in their own little worlds. My life seems to be so exhausting right now, I wish I could swap lives with someone. Although everyone probably has some other little problem going on in their lives.

"Well like, I just hate this fucking John guy so much. He deserves like, expulsion or something."

I laugh lightly at her comment. "I'm pretty sure you can't get expelled."

"I know, but he shouldn't just get away with it, with any of it." She fumes, widening her eyes and looking down at the table before looking at passer-byes like she usually does when she's really angry.

"Well I haven't seen him around at all, when he's not looking for me, so if he stops acting like an insane idiot then I'm pretty sure it'll be fine from there on." I assure her, partially hoping to assure myself.

"It took two weeks of silence before he did anything after the note." She points out.

"True." I sigh, thinking back to the note outside the window. Jason doesn't know about any of this, and part of me feels bad but if he knew, well I don't exactly know what would happen, but I feel like I can't tell him. "Can we please talk about something else?" I ask her.

"Spencer Reid, he's just getting better and better with each Criminal Minds epi-"

"Hold on, let's talk about you and Louis." I cut in, a smile creeping it's way to my face. She rolls her eyes at my words. "When are you two going to hurry up and get together? Or more importantly, when the hell is he going to ask you out?" I push.

"Okay we're just close friends, I mean he's really cool and stuff but-"

"Oh shut up don't give me that bullshit. Do you like him or not?" I ask straight up.

"We're friends, I can't ruin that."

"Danielle Jane Eaton. It's a simple question. Do you have any sort of non-friendship feelings for Louis. And there's no point lying to me." I say sternly looking her in the eye as she sits there silently.

"Well.... Alright whatever, I think I have feelings for Louis." She admits.

"Then ask him out!" I yell.

"Caitlin shh." She quietens me as she looks around us at the people at tables in close proximity.

"He needs to make a move because I don't how he couldn't like you, so you should say something."

"But what if he doesn't actually have any feelings for me? That would ruin the friendship altogether. I'm just going to wait for anything to happen." She tells me, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear as she takes a sip of her coffee.

"You are difficult." I sigh. "You two are honestly like perfect for each other though. I'm longing the final day something happens between you two." I tell her honestly. "He seems like a nice guy, not a heart breaker." I smile and she just laughs. My mind suddenly reels back to Harry again, and all the times he's suddenly popped up at the right time. "I feel like I need to thank him or repay him." I blurt.

"Louis? What? Who?" Danielle looks at me confused and I realise half of that conversation took place in my head.

"Harry. Like you said he always seems to be "saving" me. Like should I thank him or something?"

"If you want to." She comments. "But then on the other hand what if he actually was a crazy axe-murdering stalker following you around all this time waiting for you to come around."

"Damn that's likely."

"You never know." She shrugs, sarcasm thick in her tone.

"I should get you to tell Louis to tell him that maybe, I don't want to really say it to his face." I complain with a disgusted look, "but then maybe nah, I'll just leave it."

"I don't think you even needed my input there to be honest." She admits amusedly, hiding her smile behind her coffee cup. She looks down at her laptop and starts typing profusely, making me think of my own study time.

"I should probably start studying before my next class shouldn't I?" I groan, looking down at my bag hoping she'll say no,

"Yes, you should."


I walk towards the car and see Danielle in the passengers seat, looking down at her phone as she waits for me to arrive at the car.

I walk up to the window and slam my hand on it, failing to scare her as she slowly looks up and smiles.

"Didn't feel like driving today?" I ask, opening the door as I take my place in the drivers seat. Usually every Monday she drives because she finishes just before me.

"Eh didn't feel like it today. Do you think you could drop me off at Louis'?" She asks, and my eyebrows raise.

"Ooooh I'd be glad to." I smirk.

"Shut up. Just because I maybe kind of have feelings for him doesn't change anything." She attempts to assure me.

"'Maybe kind of have feelings for him' shut up you lying hoe. You full on wanna fuck this guy into oblivion I know it." I tell her, hearing a high-pitched laugh in return.

"Okay that completely escalated from my answer when you asked me before." She says, astounded. I smile to myself as I pull out of the car park and onto the main road.

I remember the night of the party and attempt to follow the way we drove. I see the familiar mansion-like house in the middle of the street and pull up in the driveway.

"I keep forgetting to ask him this, is he like extremely rich or something? Like what did he do to land him this bloody big house?" I inspect the house that seems so much bigger and intimidating than it did that night.

"He's the owner of a record company in Sydney." She explains. "Plus I'm pretty sure his parents are pretty packed." She opens the car door and hops out.

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do." I add before she shuts the door, and she shoots me a glare. I beep the horn as she walks in front of the car and she jumps about 3 feet high in the air. I lose it laughing and she just sticks the rude finger up at me before laughing as she continues up the driveway.

I pull up in the driveway and get out the car, hearing Carlen bark from the back. I walk through their yard and open the gate to the dog's area.

"Helloo." I talk to the dog as he runs towards me and jumps up on my knees reaching for my boost juice. "No, that's not for you Carlen." I lift my arm up as he continues to jump at a low height. "Lucky you're so adorable."

I stand up and knock on the back door to their apartment and wait for someone to answer.

"Come in!" I hear Jason call, and open the door to see him washing the dishes.

"Ahh what a rare sight." I tease with a smirk, making him roll his eyes.

"Ha ha."

Carlen shoots in after me and runs around my feet as I walk through the house, placing my keys on the kitchen bench.

"Can I have a sip?" He asks, gesturing to my juice. I walk up to him and place the straw to his mouth while his hands are somewhat occupied.

"Yum that's good. Is it banana?"

"Yeah, it's the same one I get every time." I laugh. "How has your day been?" I ask him, sitting on the bench.

"Alright, I got home from work and realised the house was a mess so I've been cleaning since then."

"Do you need any help?" I offer, looking around the house to see not much mess.

"That would be great. There's not much left to do." He tells me.

"I can dry the dishes for you." I hop off the bench and grab a tea towel from the draw. I start drying mixing spoons and have to ask him where they go.

"Just over there in the thing that looks like a vase." He points to something in the corner holding other large cutlery. "You're going to have to get better at this." He muses.

"Hey at least I know where the tea towels are." I gesture to the cloth in my hand. "And the cutlery, and the cups and plates." I point out."

"Is this the last one?" I ask as I dry the big pot.

"Pretty sure yeah." He clarifies, cleaning the sink and moving onto the lounge room.

"What can I do?"

"Do you want to put all the cords in that box there and the games in the cupboard there."

"Ooh yes, I know where these ones go." I say, holding Assassins Creed and and Call of Duty. He disappears down the hallway as I pack away the cords and the DVDs that are left out.


I finish vacuuming the living area and turn the vacuum off, enjoying the silence. He told me I didn't have to do anything else after the lounge room was done, but I insisted on doing more.

I stretch my back out and yawn as I neatly attempt to push the vacuum into the corner. I walk down the hallway and see Jason scrubbing away in the bathroom. I stand in the doorway watching him as he washes the sink, and sees me once he turns around to grab the towel off the rack.

"All done?" He asks.

"Yup, anything el-"

"You're not doing anymore, you've already helped a lot." He smiles, pecking my lips as he walks past me to the laundry.

"But I like cleaning, sometimes." I assure him.

"I don't care, there's hardly anything else to do anyway." He walks past again and starts arranging the bathroom essentials along the sink in an ordered fashion.

I sigh as I walk up behind him and rest my head on his back, wrapping my arms around his waist. "You said that when I first got here." I smirk.

"Well now I mean it." I can hear the light humour in his tone.

"I think you should take a break." I say as I lift my hands underneath his shirt and feel the bumps of his abs against my fingertips.

"Why would I need a break? I'm perfectly fine continuing." He teases.

"I think a break is exactly what you need. You'll enjoy it." I tempt him, running my hands up his back as he turns around. I reach up and kiss his lips before he can protest. I deepen the kiss and he allows access of my tongue.

I feel him smile as I start to pull us back. He must be walking forwards as well as we walk out of the bathroom and somehow make it into the bedroom, not breaking the kiss at all.

I lift his shirt up over his head and he does the same to me before we continue the kiss.

"Will Blake be home soon?" I ask him.

"Don't know. We'll just have to make it quick then won't we?" He smirks against my lips.

"I can do quick." I smirk in return.

I trail my fingers down his stomach till I reach the edge of his jeans. I start to unbuckle them as he places his hands on either side of my head. I roll over so I'm on top of him, and I rip his jeans off his hips as he kicks them to the floor. He reaches under my shorts and squeezes my bum as I bite his lip, his hands move to the clip of my bra just as I hear the door to the apartment open and footsteps follow.

"Shit." I murmur under my breath, as I sit up, straddling Jason's waist.

"Was that the front door?" He asks, leaning up on his elbows. I turn around and realise the door is almost wide open. If Blake were to walk past he would get a clear view of us.


"Bloody hell, he's got great timing." He comments. "We could always just shut the door, he'd get the hint." He smirks at me, and grabs my arm as if to pull me back towards him. He touches the cuts on my arm and I slightly flinch. I quickly move before he can notice anything and hop from his lap.

"I'm not having sex with Blake in the next room." I scoff. I quickly lift my shirt over my head and see Jason pouting. "I don't understand how yo-"

"Hey guys what's going on?" I hear Blake's voice from the doorway and I look up and smile at him. He looks at Jason and back at me as if he knows something was going on, and I realise Jason's only just buttoning up his jeans.

"I was just about to head out. You
Missed all the cleaning fun though." I humour, as he looks around the house a bit from his position in the doorway.

"Nice job you guys did. Cheers for that, saves me having to do much." He comments and I chuckle.

"See you later." I say, touching his shoulder as I leave. I walk through the front door and jog across to my door. I don't know why I got out of there so quickly, after he touched my arm and saw me flinch I thought I had to get out of there.

I still haven't told him about my arm yet, or that night, I can't say I've planned to either for that matter. I place my keys on the bench and head to the bathroom to apply some cream to the deep cut. Jason had asked about it yesterday, he just saw only part of the bruise and I told him I had no idea what happened. He hasn't seen the whole thing yet, and I'm honestly a little scared to tell him.

"Hey have you seen my work top?" I suddenly hear Danielle's voice from down the hallway, as she emerges from behind a cupboard door.

"Did Louis just drop you home?" I ask in confusion, thinking she wasn't here when I walked in the door.

"Yeah, he's dropping me at work."

"Oooooh." I coo.

"Can you just tell me if you've seen my shirt please." She sighs, and I poke my tongue out at her.

"Last time I saw it it was in your washing pile on the couch."

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