Kylo Ren Imagines

By moonchild753

132K 2.9K 551


Song Imagine
Join me
For the first time
Join me p2
Baby talk (PS)
Wonders (PS)
The unknown
Unknown Part Two
Hiding Away
I promise
I promise Part Two
I Promise Part Three
Love me
Mr. Driver// Part One
Old flame
Force Sensitive (Part One)

Mr. Driver// Part Two

4.4K 106 68
By moonchild753

Ahhh late update! I'm so sorry but I hope you enjoy it. Part 3 should hopefully be up soon! (:

Finally the day came to a end and I found myself walking outside to meet up with Emiley, Peyton and Kenzie. All three of them smiled as I made my way over to them.

"So how'd it go?" Peyton asked with an excited look on her face.

I laughed, "If you're referring to Mr. Driver then it went great. We even talked." I said sending Peyton a wink. Peyton squealed and laughed, while Emiley starred off in the distance.

"Looks like he likes talking to Grace a lot too." She said, rolling her eyes. I turned my head to look over my shoulder and sure enough there was Grace twirling her hair and smiling up at him as they talked. I turned back to the girls and rolled my eyes, "When isn't Grace talking to a guy? Honestly it's not any different than before" I said. "Ugh she's such a hoochie" Peyton growled. Kenzie stayed quiet, staring at Grace the whole time and observing the situation.

"You're quiet today" I said, nudging her. She smiled slightly not taking her eyes off the two, "That bothers me, she bothers me. I freaking hate her." Kenzie said, a glare taking over her features. "Guys they're probably talking about homework or something" I said.

Emiley scoffed. "Yeah because we all look at our teachers like that when we're talking about homework." She said, gesturing towards Grace. I sighed giving up on the idea. I have to admit, it did kind of bother me too but there's nothing I can do about it.

"Well I'll see you guys later" I said walking off to my car. I got in and quickly drove out of there, glad to be out of school and on my way home. I pulled in the driveway and my mom wasn't home yet. She usually gets home at around 8 ish.

I got out of my car and made my way into my house, setting my keys on the counter and heading upstairs to do my homework. I opened my door and walked to my bed, sitting down and pulling out a blank piece of paper to write my paragraph on. After I finished I quickly got ready for bed, falling asleep quickly dreaming about that hot teacher of mine.

****Next Day****

I woke up the next morning and quickly made my way into my bathroom, getting ready for the day. I slipped on my clothes and ran down stairs sitting down at the stool and drinking a glass of Orange juice. There was a note on the counter from my mom,

'Hey baby, I'm going to be out super late tonight. Don't wait up! I'll call you if I end up staying at the office! Have a great day, I love you!'

I smiled, my mom's so cute but she works way to hard. I sighed setting my empty glass in the sink and grabbing my keys on the way out the door. I unlocked my car getting in and starting the engine. I sighed and took off down the road, ready for another day of school.

I walked in the classroom and sat down in my seat. Mr. Driver was sitting at his desk, bent over some papers. Some of the girls whispered about how hot he was in the back and I could clearly hear them so I'm 100% sure he could too. I saw his lips curve up in a small smile and he chuckled to himself. I couldn't help but smile at his little laugh because it was kind of adorable.

He was wearing a black button up shirt with black pants today and he looked good as always. He stood up in front of the class and cleared his throat, getting everyone's attention.

"Who wants to go first?" No one moved and they all looked around at each other waiting for someone to get up there and do it.

"No one?" He asked, slightly laughing. "Well I guess I'll just tell you guys about myself." He said pacing in front of the room. "My first name is Adam, I'm 32 years young" he smirked and the class laughed. "My favorite color is red and I love star wars" he finished off and some of the girls in the back raised there hands. He quickly called on them, and Grace just happens to be the one talking, "Are you married or in a relationship?" She asked innocently but we all know what she's getting at.

He laughed, "No I am not, anymore questions?" I felt his eyes flicker to me and I looked up to meet his gaze which he held for a few seconds before glancing around the class again. 5 minutes left in this period, and then we have to leave.

He clapped his hands together, "Okay well turn in your homework and that will be the first thing that goes in the gradebook. Have a good rest of your day" he said, dismissing us.

Everyone got up gathering there things and I did the same. Adam sat at his desk as usual and I walked up handing him my paper. He gladly took it and set it on the pile, "Thank you, (Y/N)" I nodded, flashing him a smile and walking out. I need to talk to him more, I mentally slapped myself across the face. Maybe I should ask for help after school or something..

For the rest of the day I thought to myself about this little idea in my head. As the last bell of the day rang I walked outside to meet up with the girls. All three of them waited patiently as I walked up, giving them a smile. "Hey guys"

Kenzie smiled, "Hey!"

"I was thinking.. should I go ask for help with my homework..?" I asked. They immediately looked confused, "From who?" Peyton asked.
"Hello, New hot teacher.. Mr. Driver of course" I said laughing, Peyton shook her head yes about 10 million times.

"Um yes? Is that even a question. Get close to him!" Emiley said winking in my direction. I rolled my eyes laughing a little, "Okay, like right now? Or tomorrow." I asked.

"Defiantly right now, and look there he is, Walking out! Go get him tiger" Emiley winked again pushing me in his direction and smacking my butt in the process. I looked over my shoulder at her and nervously laughed.

I walked over to him, my math book in hand and worksheet in the other.

"Hey, Mr. Driver!" I said as I approached him.

"Oh hey, (y/n). What's up?" He asked, looking down at me, considering he's practically a giant.

"Well I'm having some trouble with the homework and was wondering if you could help me out?" He nodded his head, "Yeah, um I'll meet you in the classroom I just have to go grab something out of my car."

"Okay, Thank you" I said, smiling and walking into the school. After Mr.Driver had his back to me, I turned around and gave the girls a thumbs up and they all burst into laughter giving me a thumbs up back. I smiled and made my way to his classroom which was conveniently in its own little hallway with few classrooms surrounding it.

I sat down at my desk and set my math book in front of me, along with the worksheet. I pulled out my phone and quickly text my mom telling her I was staying after to get some help. Even though she won't be home till later, just in case. Mr.Driver walked into the room, clearing his throat. "Sorry about that" he said, setting a few papers on his desk and grabbing a chair bringing it next to me and sitting down.

"Don't worry about it" I replied smiling.

"Okay well what can I help you with?" He asked, looking at the paper. I nervously laughed, "Well kind of everything I just don't get how it works." I mumbled. He bent over the paper, reading the first problem and he put his hand on his chin, seeming to be in thought.

I couldn't help but slightly stare as he did so because he looked so concentrated... and sexy. I bit my lip ever so lightly and he looked up at me, "Does that make more sense now?" He asked, my cheeks flushed. I didn't even realize he was talking I was so concentrated on him.

"W-What?" I stuttered. He laughed, pointing to the problem explaining how to solve it over again. "Got it?" He asked, I nodded this time knowing what he was talking about. "Why don't you try a few of them and if you need help I'm here to assist" he said, putting his hands on his knees and getting up.

I nodded and watched him walk over to his desk. He sat down and started to grade papers so I quickly started the problems. As the problems went on, they started to get harder so I stood and walked to his desk. I set it on the table pointing to number 10, and he quickly set aside his work following my finger to the problem.

"Alright what you do on this one is find the x and y then add them together to find the perimeter." He said. I nodded and got on my knees, doing the problem right in front of him. I felt his gaze on me the whole time, I looked up and he quickly looked away and started shuffling some papers around.

I smirked to myself "Do you have an eraser?" I asked. He nodded pointing to it on his desk, we both went to grab it and our hands touched in the process, our hands quickly pulling away from each other. "Sorry" we both mumbled at the same time. I laughed nervously looking up into his brown eyes, he has beautiful eyes... you could almost get lost in them.

He leaned forward and I did too hoping to have our lips collide but a voice came from across the room in the doorway, startling us both and he practically jumped away from me. I quickly stood up, collecting the paper and walking over to my desk.

"Hello, (Y/N). Hello, Mr. Driver." Mr. Y our principal greeted as he walled into the room.

"H-hi, Mr. Y. What's going on?" Adam stuttered out.

"I just wanted to remind you that we have a meeting tomorrow morning, I wasn't sure if you had gotten your calendar yet so I figured I would remind you before I left." Mr. Y explained. Adam nodded, "Thank you, I would have forgotten if you hadn't said anything."

"You're welcome, see you tomorrow" Mr. Y said, nodding at me as he walked out. Adam's eyes immediately found mine as soon as the principal left the room. I put the paper in my bag and walked past Adam to walk out. I quickly leaned up on my toes and placed my lips on his cheek, "I'll see you tomorrow, Mr. Driver" I said before walking out of the room a small smile tugging at my lips.

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