My Only 'One'

By chocolatyangels

462K 19.9K 1.4K

You see I am a normal teenager with great over thinking, reading books twenty four hours, having crushes on t... More

Chapter 1-Vampire
Chapter 2-Erik
Chapter 3-Chance
Chapter 4-Family
Chapter 5-Possessive
Chapter 6-Training
Chapter 7-Dance
Chapter 8-Friend
Chapter 9-Werewolf
Chapter 10-Kids
Chapter 11-Nightmare
Chapter- 12-Hybrid
Chapter 13-Mate
Chapter 14-Wolf
Chapter 15-Fairy
Chapter 16-Sad
Chapter 18-Chitchat
Chapter 19-Almost
Chapter 21-Kidnap
Chapter 22-Trap
Chapter 23-Sentre
Chapter 24-Back Home
Chapter 25-Kiss
Chapter 26-Sleepyhead
Chapter 27-Gabbs
Chapter 28-Shopping
Chapter 29-Mall
Chapter 30-Silence before the Storm
Chapter 31-Love
Chapter 32-Pregnant
Chapter 33-Fake smiles
Chapter 34-Dream come true
Chapter 35-Blank
Chapter 36-Reasons
Chapter 37-Demon Princess
Chapter 38-Struggle
Chapter 39-Rescue
Chapter 40-Back Home
Chapter 41-Fairy Princess
Chapter 42-Family
Chapter 43-Anwers
Chapter 44-Distance
Chapter 45-Misunderstanding
Chapter 46-Together
Chapter 47-Breakdown
Chapter 48-Irritation
Chapter 49-Heat
Chapter 50-Wedding

Chapter 20-Ball

7.4K 343 21
By chocolatyangels

 Then I gasped shocked and my eyes went wide. I seriously didn't think this would happen.

Xavier noticed my reaction and asked me if I was alright. Everyone around me, I mean the group in which we are stopped talking. He sniffed and looked at my gown. I think he got an idea of what was going on. I chuckled seeing how unique and funny this situation is. All their eyes were on me. Currently we are talking with the Royalty of Angels along with their parents.

"You know when I said my gown is puffy that a child could hide in it,I didn't mean it and I didn't expect it to happen."

Xavier gave a smile in return and the royalty looked at me like crazy.

"Well! Who do we have here." I said in a sing-song voice and the grip on my leg tightened. I lifted my dress a little with dignity and made sure that it doesn't look gross, I don't know about anyone but I as sure don't want to go lifting my dresses in public. Xavier growled lowly. Yeah, his possessiveness decided to show up. There a kid stood clinging to my legs. He crouched a little and was up to my knees.  Glad that he decided to crouch and stand all the way up to reach further. Don't worry I wore white socks kinda thing, I don't know what you call that because as I said I never wore things like this before.

Xavier growled a little louder and said 'mine' trying to control himself from taking off the kid roughly from me. I noticed this and quickly lifted him.

"Hello there!" I smiled at him.

"I am sorry. I didn't think you would notice." He said smiling sheepishly.

"Yeah, I won't notice you going under my dress and holding onto my legs." I said raising my eyebrows.He blushed embarrassed. Good to know I am not the only one blushing today. I definitely didn't miss Xavier's growl when I mentioned holding my legs. Seriously, who will get possessive over a kid? Apparently my mate! 

"Daxton! What are you doing? That is so disrespectful to the princess." Elena, Queen of the angels scolded him. He cringed at her words.

" So I guess you are the prince of Angels." He puffed up his chest at those and I smiled at him.He is really cute. 

"You are so cute." I kissed his cheek.

"No, I am handsome." He said scowling. Aww! He is so cute.

"Yes, my prince. You are handsome." I said playing along with him and smiling.

"Thank you princess! You are beautiful too." With that he kissed my cheek and I giggled.

Immediately Xavier tightened his arms around me and pulled me into a side hug kinda thing. He gave me a tight lipped smile.

"That's enough. Hand him over to his parents."

I was shocked. He would be six or seven and he is becoming possessive over him.

"He is a kid."

"Who would grow up into a man." No words escaped my mouth. I stood frozen. He is not even a human so it would take centuries for him to grow up.

"Did you just say what I think you said." 

Elena laughed at this though I don't understand what's funny in this. This is not funny at all.

"I am sorry. Supernaturals are so possessive. Vampires are the most possessive ones. After them wolves, witches and next angels. My mate is an angel and I have a damn time managing his possessiveness. You are in for much more than me because your mate is a vampire and the king. So he will be possessive. It  is just his nature. Don't worry too much, in the end his love and need for you is also the strongest."

"But he is kid. It would take centuries for him to grow in to an adult."

"I know!" She laughed again. Oh! At least someone is having fun. "Like I told you all his emotions towards you would be stronger. Seeing that you still haven't mated I don't think you will be able to walk for a week after mating." She did not just say that. My ears are just deceiving me. I am hearing things. But she laughed smirking at me. If earlier I said I blushed then scratch it, by now if you place a tomato beside me you will see no difference except for the size.  Xavier pushed me some more into him and growled which sounded like an yes from him. I still don't understand why every supernatural growls. So far angels and witches didn't. All werewolves and vampires are all I-growl-you-growl type. Just a casual look at your mate and there comes a growl, even when they know that their friends are doing it playfully. God help them.

"You are so cute when you blush." Elena cooed and that got me out of my trance.

"Elena! There is a kid here." I said dumb stuck and scolding her a little.

"He has to learn in the future any ways. It's not like he won't do it in the future."

I probably looked like a gaping fish now.

"Elena, Queen of angels or not, you spoil his innocence by telling these things to him I will kill you personally." His mate stood protectively before her.

"Yeah, yeah, you go and stand before her protectively. You too mister this child has to stay pure. Understand."

"Yes!" They both nodded chuckling.

"And why were you hiding my prince?" I asked the kid Daxton.

"This ball is boring. So I wanted to escape and got under you to go unnoticed."

"Yeah, you go hide under the hosts of the ball to escape it." I grumbled lowly but being the supernaturals they are they heard it.

"Okay then, since you are bored how about I introduce you to someone and you play with them." He nodded enthusiastically.

I looked around and found Elsa and called her to me. She came to me a little slowly looking at the boy in my hands. As soon as she came near I put Daxton down.

"I think both of  you  metalready."

They both shook their heads.

"How come since  Roman is the son of Sarah's brother?"

"Duties of Royalty." Roman sighed. Oh, Roman is Elena's mate, angel's king.

"Such that you people couldn't meet for centuries?" They nodded and I sighed.

"Okay then. Elsa he is Daxton and Daxton she is Elsa."

They both blushed bright red. Oh my god, they are embarrassed to meet each other. So cute. They both started talking shyly and left with Daxton holding Elsa's hand and of course Xavier would growl again. Over-protective brother mode on. I slapped his arms slightly.

"They could be mates." Elena said.

"Think straight for once. Are you really an angel?"

"Hey! I am."

I laughed in response and shook my head.

"Now that you mention it, they could be. But let us wait like I it would before they can find out and please keep him away from girls since I think he could be Elsa's mate. I don't want her hurt." 

Elena smiled and nodded. "Of course. I won't have my son do that." She said with fierce determination. I could see Sarah in her eyes and felt satisfied knowing that Elsa wouldn't be hurt if he happens to be her mate.I smiled contently.

"Well, we will meet the King and Queen of witches. See you later. And by the way I really meant what I said earlier. You might not come out of your room for a week or two after you people first mated." She said obviously teasing me again. Ready to embrace the perverted part of your brain and show it? I think it is.

"Who said I don't like horny mate? In fact I will be sad if I get out of the bed before a week." I said smirking. Ha! Take that! If you think you can make some comments and I will keep quiet then you are wrong. This girl here has a mouth you know. All they would think is that it is a joke or may be not. Let them think whatever they want. I don't want to prove them right or wrong. May be I will prove just to my mate. Hey! Too much hugging of perverted part.You can after mating. Now stay cool. Again perverted mind. I blame it all on mate bond.

Just as I expected Elena's mouth fell open. I shrugged. "No kids." I remarked casually.

She shook her head smiling and left with her mate just when I noticed that I was left with Xavier. I gulped internally. I just told I wanted him horny and in bed for a minimum of one week or I would be upset. No big deal there. If I don't get out of here I will be in deep trouble. I looked around and found Gabbs speaking with someone. That's it! Now is your chance. Or face your death here.

 I started walking towards her without looking at Xavier. The key word here is started. Before I could take a step Xavier squeezed me slightly and whispered "If you are thinking you can escape then you are wrong, you should have known by now." He grazed his lips slightly along my neck. Not touching but hovering and teasing. "I planned on keeping you in bed for two to three weeks but now I know that you like me horny we can make it a month or two. As your mate I am supposed to keep you happy and I will do it. Your wish is my command."He whispered huskily and placed a feather light kiss on my neck.

But before he could continue any further fairies started flying into the hall from the doorway. I knew that I could on them to keep him from me. Luck is on my side and preventing any further advances. I smirked  but that immediately faded when I remembered my gutt feeling and a question raised what if you can't do it ever. Is this going to be the last day of my life? I hope not. I don't want to leave all these people. I love them. Supernaturals are so good hearted. They are so sweet The hall became so noisy because of their arrival which I assume  is because of the fact they never attended a ball in a very very long time.

I spotted  Angelina making her way to me. I smiled brightly at her and Xavier groaned frustrated with the interruption which caused my smile to grow wider. "We are not finished with this." Xavier said smirking  when he noticed that my grin widened with his frustration. I gulped.

"Sorry for being late. Just caught up in some things." Angelina said.

"That's fine. You came and that's all matters. I am sure you have a reason to be late." I smiled at her.

"You look beautiful. So gorgeous." She smiled at me  and I returned.

"Thank you. You look beautiful too."

Another  fairy approached us and Angelina introduced her.

"Sophie, this is my mom Amelia, Queen of fairies and mom this is Sophie, Xavier's mate." She said.

Amelia smiled and looked at me with so much love in her eyes. Now that I mention it Angelina too looks at me with much affection. Guess they really love humans.

"Hi Sophie. You look beautiful my child."

"Thank you. You look beautiful too." I said and we talked for a while. Angelina and Amelia are so good. As promised I introduced them to Gabbs and Elsa. They got along well but both of them stayed with me. I think they like me more than others and I am not complaining at all. What is more awesome than two fairies liking you and following you every where?

The music started and the dances were in the order like Sarah said. First Sarah and Ben danced, then all the Kings and Queens of the four realms. Amelia didn't dance and I haven't seen any male near her. There are male fairies too. I don't know whether they have mates are not and I didn't her about this because that could be a touchy subject and I planning on getting into trouble. Then the last main dance in which all the Royalty is supposed to dance started.

We went to the area and I was so nervous because I haven't perfected the dance and me being in the puffy dress and killer heels is not a help at all.

"Stay calm and follow my lead." Xavier whispered. I nodded but I am still nervous. A slow song with beautiful music played. The music relaxed me a little and so did Xavier's hands around me. He lead me and I followed him lost in the music. All thoughts of me tripping and sucking flew out of my mind and I danced loosing myself in the music. That is a very good feel. Being in the arms of Xavier. The music stopped and I blushed seeing that all the people eyes were on me and Xavier. Xavier kissed my forehead and said I did well. That is a very sweet gesture. I saw Gabbs grinning like a cherish cat. She is so gonna tease me.

The music started again and this time everyone joined. As much as I wanted to dance again my heels are killing and I need to pee. I told Xavier that I have to go to washroom  and I walked out. Due to my amazing sense of direction I found it after a good ten minutes. I seriously have to get a tour of the castle and try to remember my way. I went in and did my work. I came out and washed my heads. I turned around and ran into someone's chest. I know that it is not Xavier because I know his touch. Before I could back the man started talking.

"Hello princess! Nice to meet you." The voice sent a shiver down my spine and it is not a good shiver. Before I could move back and see his face a cloth was brought to my nice and I started feeling dizzy. Chloroform my brain said before I passed out.


Tell me if you know a nice slow song that suits the ball where Xavier and Sophie danced. I will put it up. Anyways how is the chapter? Tell me what you guys think. Till next update! Read, vote and comment! Bye lovelies! Have a nice time!

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