Daredevil// Kian Lawley (SLOW...

By o2l_1992

4.8K 130 58

Skylar is 17 when she moves to California, and she meets the YouTube famous Kian Lawley, but she doesn't know... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Not chapter but pls read !
Bleh :'(
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
1.06 K?!?!?!?!
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Hi friends

Chapter 20

84 2 1
By o2l_1992

Kian's POV

I go out to the back and grab the camera, Sky grabs one ring light, and Jc's girlfriend grabs the other for me. We bring them up to my room and set them down correctly. "Thanks, Al." I give Alli a nickname and she smiles, her teeth showing. She's really pretty. Not Skylar pretty, but I might date her if Jc wasn't and I wasn't dating Sky. "Babe." I realize Sky was trying to speak. "What?" I look down at her and she looks almost angry. "Stop looking at other girls when we're together." She pouts and looks away from me, speaking quietly. "Awe, baby, is somebody jealous?" I tease her and she just nods. "Well, don't be. I love you. You." I boop her nose and she tries to avoid smiling, but fails and then frowns again. "Smile." She refuses. "Smile. Smile." She forces a smile. "There you go. See, when we get an apartment together, I won't be looking at any other girls. Just you, baby. Just. You." I pull her to me by her waist and grab her butt, kissing her. She pulls away and seems a little happier now. "Why'd you start doing that," She asks and I smirk. "To show everyone that you're mine. Why?" I reply. "Because I like it." She smiles and sets her hands on my chest, kissing me once more. "Thanks for standing me." She sets her head against my chest. "Thanks for coming here instead of killing yourself." I say it to myself but she hears me and looks up. "H-how'd you know about that?" She stutters and her voice is a little shaky. "Your mom found the box with everything in it." I say quietly and we talk quietly for the rest of the conversation. I lead her to our bed and we sit. "Why were you going to-" I stop speaking and she starts. "I hated my life, Kian. My father was abusive. I was already depressed as fuck before. And then we moved," her voice is shaky, but she doesn't cry. "My life was shit. You know that, Kian. I'm sorry. I should've told you, but, it's just," she starts crying now and I turn and sit with my legs crossed. I wipe her tears with my thumbs and pull her into me. She wraps her arms around me and cries lightly into my bare chest. "I was doing so good, Kian." She cries more and I comfort her. "I know, Skylar. You are doing good, baby. It's okay. You're alive now and that's all that matters. I love you." She sniffles and nods, choking back a sob. "Go to the bathroom, get washed up, take all your makeup off, and then we will film, okay? Take all the time you want Sky." She nods and breathes deeply. I set up the camera so it's low in front of the bed. I put one ring light behind me and move the other one out of the way. The bathroom is shut and Alli walks in. "Hey," she says with a smile. "Sup," I say, popping the p. "Nothing." She sits in front of me, crossing her legs. "When do you think Jc will film with me? I mean, like I really wanna film with him, but he just puts it off whenever I hint it. I literally have to sit behind the camera and watch him. I mean, like, you've been dating Skylar for like, a month or something and I hear you doin' it almost every night. Jc doesn't even act like we are a couple in public. You show Skylar off like she's a fucking race horse or something. What's up with that? " I blush. She sounds kind of angry that I treat Skylar the way she wants treated, but I defend Jc. He's like my best friend. He may not make the best choices ever, but who does? "Well, with Jc, it's weird. Like, when he was dating Lia for the second time, he never told anybody. They dated for at least a month, and nobody besides friends knew. You've just gotta give him time. He will show you off, he's just looking for the right time to do it." She crawls towards me and tries to sit on my lap. "But," she walks her long, painted fingernails up my bare chest. "I want a relationship just like yours and Skylar's. Maybe even, instead of Skylar? I can make you feel better than that little Skylar." She bites her lip and I try to push her away. "I would ride you. All. Night. Long." She whispers in my ear. "Alli, what are you doing? Stop!" I try to exclaim, but she shushes me. "Nobody needs to know. It can be our little secret." She winks and I grab her interlocked arms, pulling them off of my neck. "Alli, seriously. I'm happily dating Skylar. Just, stop!" I stand up and she does too, replacing her arms. She's taller than Sky, almost as tall as Jc. She starts kissing my neck and I try to push her away. "Alli, stop. I'm not joking." I pull her away from me and see Jc standing at the door, but he doesn't look sad. He looks angry; and not at me. At Alli. "What are you going to do? Tell Jc? He won't believe you. Who's he going to believe? His douchebag best friend or his girlfriend?" I just laugh in her face. "See, even if I wasn't standing here for the whole fucking thing, I still would've believed Kian over you. You were never faithful in our relationship." Alli turns to see Jc and gasps loudly, slapping me in the face. "Jc! I can explain!" I grab my cheek in pain and can tell it's already red. "No, Alli. Just fucking save it." Jc walks put of my room and Alli follows. "Fuck you." She yells at me before busting into tears. Skylar walks out after a few seconds. "Shit, that sounded crazy. Sad I missed it, but at least I got to hear it." She chuckles and walks to me. "I would ride you all night long." She mocks Alli and I laugh. "Skylar, I would like that so much more." She laughs and pulls me into a kiss. "Let's film." I nod and dump everything out of the bag and put it on a bench that we made into a table. I sit criss cross on the floor and Skylar sits on my lap after putting the camera on a ten second timer. She moves to the side a little so that I can speak. When the red light goes steady, I speak. "Hey guys! What's up? It's Kian and today I'm here with my girlfriend!" Sky opens her mouth wide and does jazz hands. I chuckle at her and she waves. "Hey guys! So I'm Skylar. I'm better than Kian in any ways you can imagine, but I guess I still love him." I look at her offended and grab her face, pulling her into a kiss. It lasts for a while and I forget the camera is there for a few seconds. I pull away and wink at her. I peck her lips a couple more times before going back to the video. "So," I clap and Sky jumps a little. "Today we are going to be doing the," I stop and Skylar yells. "THE BLINDFOLDED MAKEOVER CHALLENGE!" I laugh at her and she covers her mouth, realizing she practically screamed. "Sorry," she speaks in almost a whisper and I laugh more at her. She gets off of my leg and sits on the floor after grabbing a bandana from her dresser. "So," I start and Sky stares at me. "The blindfolded makeover challenge, if you don't know, is where you put on a blindfold, in this case we have a bandana," I point to Sky and she holds it up then sets it back down, looking at the camera again. "And you have to put makeup on the other person in front of you. So I'm gonna do Sky's makeup and Skylar will do my makeup." Sky nods along as if she doesn't know what the challenge is. "Any thoughts, babe? Also, I am just gonna do this video shirtless because I'm too lazy to get up and get a shirt," I ask and she nods and chuckles. "I can't do my own makeup in front of a mirror, so I can't wait to see yours. Also, Kian bribed me into showing myself with no makeup to the world by offering me anything I wanted from my favorite makeup store. All. His. Money." She whispers the last part but I still hear her. "Well how much is makeup from your favorite store?" She just smirks at my question. "That's for me to know and for you to find out, babe." I widen my eyes in horror but go back to the video soon after. "So, without further adieu, let's get right to the video!" Hazel comes in right as I finish my sentence and sits on top of Sky. She makes an oof noise and hazel turns around, licking her. "Alright, Hazel spoke. You gotta do her makeup. Not mine." Sky says from under her and I push Hazel away. She was to me and starts licking me like crazy. "Hazey! Come here baby." Sky speaks in a high pitched voice and Hazel walks over to her. She gets up and walks out the door, Hazel following. She runs back in and shuts the door as soon as Hazel leaves. "Alright, where were we," I ask. "Ah, yes, we were about to roshambo." Sky looks at me confused and I laugh. "What's ro-sham-bo?" She pronounces it slowly. "It's like rock, paper, scissors." She nods and holds a fist in her palm. "Alright, rock, paper, scissors, shoot!" We do this about four times and Skylar wins best two out of three. "Okay, so I do your makeup first?" I nod and help her tie the blindfold around her eyes. She reaches at the table and grabs a foundation, but she gets the one for her skin tone, which is about two shades darker than mine since she's tan. I hold back a laugh as she puts it on her hand and then her beauty blender. She pats it onto my face and finds the powder. She gets the powder in my skin tone and takes the little pouf out of it, applying it to my face. After she applies what feels like 2,000 pounds of makeup to my face, she grabs the blue pallette of eyeshadow. I make a weird face and she sticks the brush that came with the pack in the darkest blue. "Shit," I say as she pulls it to my face. She finds my eyelids using her fingers and smears the eyeshadow on one eyelid, getting my eyebrow as well. She goes to the same pallette and gets a neon green eyeshadow for the other eye. I smile goofily as she puts it on my eye and pull her in for a kiss as she backs away. When I pull her to me, though, she jumps back. "Hey! Let me do your makeup! No kissing until after," she exclaims and I stick my bottom lip out. She gets the pink lipstick and finds my lips. "Good, you've already got the pout down, Kian! You're a natural." She says and I chuckle at her. I make a kissy face and she puts the lipstick on my lips and around them. She finds the eyeliner and draws it across the middle of my eyelid, making a big wing at the end. She does the same for my other eye and grabs the mascara. She gets it all over my face and eyelid. Last, she grabs the eyebrow kit. She combs them correctly and fills them in, missing my eyebrow for most of the time. She feels around my face one more time. "Okay, I think I'm done!" She exclaims and takes the blindfold off. She bursts into laughter at my face. "You look like an Oompa Loompa that had to become a prostitute!" She speaks through her laugh and I walk to her mirror. I burst into laughter as well and show the camera. After our laughter dies down, Sky puts the blindfold on me.

Skylar's POV

I help Kian put the blindfold on. I keep my eyes open as he grabs the incorrect skin tone for both the foundation and the powder. He puts it on my face using his hands and lightly smacks either cheek when he finishes. "Babe, stop!" I giggle and he grabs the neon pink lipstick, the same one he's wearing. He gets it all over my face and barely on my lips. Next, he takes the nude eyeshadow pallette and takes a shimmery nude colour. He gets most of it in my eyebrow on the one side and grabs the other pallette for the other eye. He picks out a blue green colour and wipes it across my eyelid. "Hey, that one felt like you actually got it." I say quietly and he shushes me, his finger flying to my mouth. "Great, you ruined your lipstick!" He says and I open my mouth wide. He takes the red lipstick and I close my mouth tightly, showing no lip. He smears it all over my face and I laugh. He gets the eyeliner and gets it in both of my eyebrows. He takes the mascara and tries to get my lashes, but instead gets my eyelids. He combs my eyebrows down and fills in my eyelid crease. "Done!" He drops the gel pencil and gets it on the carpet. I look at it as he takes his blindfold off. He looks down and just shrugs. "Look up." He says and I obey him. He lightly chuckles. "Other than your skin tone, I didn't do too bad." He looks impressed with himself so I walk to the mirror. "You did awful! Look at me, babe!" I walk back to him. "Well, you do kinda look like Miranda Sings, but worse. Love you Miranda." He looks at the camera with finger guns and I chuckle. "So, uh, can, I, uh, have that kiss now?" He says nervously. I shrug my shoulders and nod. He pulls me to him and kisses me hard, my lipstick going all over around his mouth and his lipstick on my lips. He pulls away. "Let's go see what the rest of the guys think." Kian says and I nod, grabbing the camera and filming. We walk to Jc's room and open the door, barging in on him and Alli making out, Alli straddling Jc. "Get the fuck out!" Jc yells after pulling away. "He's easy to forgive." Kian says and I nod, laughing. We walk down to Ricky and he screams. "You guys look ratchet as frick." He makes sure not to swear and we laugh. We see Connor and pose. "Skylar, you look great. Kian, eh." He shakes his hand and I scoff. "I can't tell if that is a compliment that I look good or an insult that my art skills are bad." I make tsk noises as we walk away. We run to the couch and see Libby is awake watching TV. "Kian, you look silly. So do you, Skylar." She giggles. We run upstairs and Jc is waiting in our room. "Quick to forgive and forget, huh?" Kian says cockily and I laugh. "You better edit that out or so help me God," Kian cuts him off. "You'll make out with my girlfriend too?" I burrow into Kian's side and laugh more. "It wasn't like that Kian." I keep the camera focused on Jc. "What do you mean, it wasn't like that? I literally walked in on you two making out. It was what it was. You were making out with the girl that literally just sat on my lap, told me that wanted to date me and 'ride me all night long', and then said you'd never believe me. I think it was what it was." He pats Jc on the back and Jc storms out of the room. I shut the camera off. "I think you should be given him a chance to talk, Kian." I say quietly and Kian falls back into the bed. I sit with one leg crossed and the other lying off the bed. I hear Alli and Jc yelling and then Alli run down the stairs, crying. "Babe, go talk to him." I say and he just shakes his head. "You. He's just gonna be super mad at me." I grab his hand and pull him off of the bed. He keeps his feet to the ground and makes me practically drag him to Jc's room. "Thanks a fucking lot." He mumbles when I walk in with Kian. "Me?! It's not my fault you can't actually show Alli you love her!" Kian sounds angry and mean right now; I don't like it. "Kian. Be nice." I try to grab his arm but he shrugs me off. "I'm sorry that I don't showboat my girlfriend around like she's a fucking doll I take everywhere! I don't need to go into public with my girlfriend for her to think I love her." He throws his arm out towards me and I feel tears prickling my eyes. "You don't fucking know what you're talking about! At least my girlfriend doesn't try to sleep with every Goddamn person she lays eyes on." He mutters but Jc hears him. Jc stands up and I see he's on the verge of tears. "You are literally one of the worst people I've ever met in my life! You're always a douche bag, you don't know when to shut the fuck up, and you don't even act like you love Skylar. You just parade her around so your fucking fans get jealous enough to say hateful things, just so you can showboat her some more." Jc is still yelling even though he's right in Kian's face when Kian says quietly, "Skylar and I are moving out anyways, so enjoy your damn alone time with your slut." He spits the word slut out and I jump slightly. Tears are falling down mine and Jc's faces now as Kian and I turn to walk out. "Kian, wait," Kian cuts Jc off. "Fucking save it. I'm glad to know that you hate me. It'll make moving out a shit ton easier." He turns on his heel and walks away from Jc.

Jc's POV

I didn't mean to be so mean to Kian, it just all came out in a flood of lies. Kian actually does love Skylar, a lot, and though he is a douche sometimes, he's still my best friend. And I ruined that.

Skylar's POV

Kian walks into our room and immediately falls on the bed, crying. He puts the butt of his palm to his eyes and rubs them. I don't know if he wants comforted or not, so I don't do anything. I've never seen him cry about anyone else other than me, so I don't know what to do or say. "Is it true, what he said?" Kian says after a few moments of silence and stands up. I walk to him and hug him hard. "No. What he said about you isn't true. Was what he was saying about me true?" He hugs me back and shakes his head. "No, baby. I do love you. A lot. I promise. Mostesterest." I smile a closed mouth smile at him and he leans in, hesitating to kiss me. Once he does, I feel fireworks like I do every time we kiss. Our tears and makeup smash together and we pull apart. "I love you too. Let's go wash our makeup off." He smiles at me and I kiss his lips once more. We walk into our bathroom and he becomes confused. "I, uh, I've never worn makeup before. How?" I smile at him. "I'll get it off for you." I go out of the bathroom and grab the camera. I turn it on and start filming. "Cue the clip." He smiles goofily at me. "So I have no fucking clue how to get this off." He takes the camera and points it at me. "So, alas, I have to save the day again." He makes me hold the camera while he grabs the tripod. He brings it in and I film him as he sets it up correctly. I keep the camera set on his toned chest as he sets the tripod up. He clears his throat. "My eyes are up here." I smirk at him. "Yeah, but I don't like staring at your eyes." I say and he pulls me into a kiss that becomes awkward because of the tripod in the middle. I scrunch my nose and he pulls away, pecking my lips a couple more times before pulling away completely. "Mosteresterest." I have trouble saying it and Kian chuckles. I set the camera on the tripod so it's facing Kian. I get a makeup wipe out of its package and show Kian. "Makeup wipe." He nods and closes his eyes, letting me wipe it on his face. I keep it folded in half and do a few swipes before fixing the wipe so it's different. I finish cleaning his face with the wipe and he looks in the mirror. "Good as new," he states it like a question and I shake my head. I get a cotton ball and pour rubbing alcohol on the cotton. He holds his breath and closes his eyes, puffing out his cheeks. I quickly wipe his face down and he breathes out. "How can you hold your breath for so long?!" He just smirks at my question and puffs his cheeks out, kissing me. I imitate him and we look like two fish kissing. I pull away and see he got lipstick on him again. I chuckle and wipe it off with his earlier makeup wipe. "No more kisses until I wipe my makeup off." He frowns and turns the camera towards the mirror, making it watch me. He grabs me from behind and I feel his body heat join mine. He sets his head on my left shoulder, kissing my neck and jawline. I laugh as I'm taking my makeup off. "Kian, stop!" I squeal, but he doesn't listen. He pecks my neck a few more times before trying to kiss my face, but I don't let him. "Let me get the makeup off before you try that, Kian. I can't keep cleaning your face, ya nasty." He chuckles and kisses my neck more. I finish cleaning and try to grab a cotton ball. Kian keeps kissing my neck and doesn't stop. I finally grab the cotton ball and get rubbing alcohol, pouring it on the cotton and rubbing my face, getting the excess dirt off. Kian never stops kissing me, but as soon as I throw the cotton ball away, Kian turns my face and kisses me. I pull away each time but he keeps kissing me. "Babe," I say and he kisses me. "Stop." Kiss. "I can't," he says and kisses me again. "You're," kiss. "So," kiss. "Beautiful." He kisses me one more time and I blush. "Great. Now that we caught Kian being the horniest bastard ever on camera, I think this video's good." I smile and he chuckles, turning the video off. "I love you," he says, emphasizing the u and pulling me to him by my waist. I set my head and arms on his chest. "I love you too." He pulls me off of him. "Let's go look online for apartments, I mean, if you want to." I nod and we go to his laptop and set it on his bed. We both lie on our stomachs and I tangle my feet in his. He looks up apartments for sale in LA and I rest my chin on my hands. "You're so cute." He says to me. "No I'm not." He bumps his shoulder into mine. "Yeah, you are." "No," I bump his shoulder again. "I'm not." "Take the damn compliment. You're cute." I shrug my shoulders and shake my head. "I'm not, but okay." I see him roll his eyes. "Don't roll your eyes!" I exclaim. "Learn to stop downgrading yourself and take the compliment and I won't roll my eyes." "Just look at apartments." He turns back to them. After a few seconds, he points at one on the screen. "What about this one? Two bedrooms, one bathroom, pool, kitchen slash dining room, little living room, pool, washer-"He repeats the word pool for emphasis and I cut him off. "Babe, that's really expensive. You know, we don't have to live in LA, right?" It's about $1,500 a month to rent, and without a job, Kian would pay for it all. I couldn't make him do that. We look at more. I see a nice condo for rent just outside LA that seems big enough for us two. "Look at the condo. It's got a bedroom, one bathroom, kitchen and dining room, living room, washer and dryer over there," he nods. "And it's only 850 a month." I point out. "Let's look at more." I nod and we sit up. Kian sets the laptop in front of us and controls it. He clicks on a flat that has a big balcony, a washer and dryer set in a room on the balcony, two bedrooms, one and a half baths, a kitchen and dining room in one, and a big living room. "Look," he points at the screen. "It's only $2,500 a month to rent and it's big enough for us and a guest. It's perfect. Even still in LA." "It's still expensive, Kian. More expensive than the first one. I don't want you to pay for the whole apartment. I need a job." He nods and lightly kisses me. "Do you really wanna get a job?" I nod and he keeps pecking my lips. "Why don't you get a YouTube?" I pawn it over and shrug my shoulders. "I'll try it." He smiles and kisses me more and more. I pull away after a few seconds. "What's gotten into you today, Kian?" He smiles and tries to kiss my lips, but I'm smiling so he kisses my teeth. "Baby, let me kiss you," he whines and I shake my head. "We have to look at apartments babe," he sticks his bottom lip out. "I thought we found 'the one'." He puts quotations around and I shrug my shoulders again. "I guess, but we have to go see it in person so it is what it looks like; see if it's all it says it is." "I'll email them right now." "Okay, I gotta see you do it though." He nods and clicks on the business email. The email reads:

Hi, my name is Kian Lawley. I'm emailing you in interest of your flat for rent in LA; my girlfriend and I would love to come and see it. Email me anytime at kianlawley@gmail.com Thanks.

"Babe, you write cute emails!" I exclaim and he chuckles. "Okay, can I kiss you now?" I shake my head. "Why not?!" He whines. "Stop whining," I say and he makes a growl noise. "But I love you," he whines again. "Show you love me by reading the email you just got," he looks at his screen and sees an email from the lady that is renting the flat. He opens it and it reads:

Hi Kian, my name is Patricia Young. I'm very busy this week but I can schedule you for next week to look into it. Call me at (661)-555-2836 for any more information. Thank you,

Patricia Young

Sent from my iPhone

"Should I call her?" I nod and he grabs his phone, putting the contact information in. First he texts her about it. She replies almost immediately.

(K- Kian, P- Patricia)
K- Hi, Patricia. It's Kian. I was wondering what day we could see the flat?
P- Hi, Kian. We have an opening for the 17th of January. Is that okay?
K- That's great! Thank you!
P- I hope you consider buying it :)

He quits texting her after she sends him the last text and looks at me. "Let's make you a new YouTube and an Adsense account." I nod and he goes onto his computer, logging out of his YouTube. "What's your full name?" I look at him and he shrugs. "Skylar Urie." He types it in. "DOB?" I sigh. "January Twenty third, Nineteen Ninety Eight." "Email?" "Skylar.U@Gmail.com" he types it in quickly and I double check it, making sure it's okay. I nod. "Password?" He raises his eyebrows and I take the laptop out of his hands, entering it secretly. I give it back after I reenter the password and make sure it's the same. He clicks the next button and then sets it up for monetization. He gives it to me after it's all set up and I look around. "Thanks babe," I peck his lips and he pulls me to him, longing the kiss. I pull away for what seems like the millionth time today. "Babe, stop," I giggle on his lips. "You're so cute though," he pecks my lips one more time. "Yeah, but I already took a shower today," he winks at me and I make a silly face at him, sticking my tongue out. He opens his mouth around my tongue and kisses my lips, biting my tongue. "Babe, I told you to stop!" I start giggling and pull away from Kian, rolling to the edge of the bed. He comes over to me and I swat him away, laughing crazily. "Why do you hate me," he asks and I laugh. "Why are you so horny?" I fire back at him and he smirks. "Because of you." He wiggles his eyebrows and grabs my bare hip, pulling me to him. I finally give in and let him kiss me. The kiss lasts a while when I hear a knock at the door. "Knock knock," I hear Jc say and smile at us sheepishly. Kian pulls away from me and stands up. "Skylar went crazy." I look at Kian in disbelief and Jc laughs. "I heard her telling you to stop, can't work on me." I nod my head once, my eyebrows knitted together and Jc chuckles, his teeth showing. "Look, Kian, I just wanted to say that I'm really sorry. I didn't mean any of it." Kian nods along with him and I can almost see the lump in his throat. He doesn't speak until I nudge him lightly. "No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't've been so mean and cocky to you. You're right, about everything." "Forgive me?" They say in unison and then chuckle. I push Kian lightly to Jc and they hug each other tightly. They do a weird handshake that goes side five, backwards side five, Kian throws his fist down and Jc throws his fist up so they fist bump and then they jump back and crouch, wiggling their fingers. They laugh after and hug once more. "I'm sorry, dude." Kian just nods at Jc and Jc walks out. "I'm proud of you, babe," I say and walk to Kian, throwing my arms around his neck. He pulls me into a kiss and grabs my butt again. He finds the wall and lightly pushes me against it, making sure not to hurt me and deepening the kiss at the same time. His tongue parts my lips and makes its way into my mouth; I bite it and he smiles into the kiss. "I love you." He says as he pulls away from the kiss and I see his face is red from sucking mine for so long. "You have to stop sucking my face so often," I complain but Kian shakes his head. "But I don't wanna," he complains. "I look like my lips are really chapped though. It's not cute." He shrugs and pecks my lips once more. "Everyone will either think that you don't use ChapStick or they'll think that I kiss you a lot. I don't know what's wrong with the second thing." I grab his hand and walk downstairs just to see Alli sitting on the couch. I let go of his hand and walk to Alli, sitting next to her. "What do you want," she grumbles and I just lean into her, giving her an awkward side hug. "Did you and Jc just break up?" I look up at her and see she has been crying. She just nods and more tears fall. "Okay, Alli. The thing you've gotta do is, just act like it doesn't faze you. Pretend that you never dated him. Just think, would you rather be all mopey and sad over a guy or happy and cheery over a free life of clubbing and alcohol?" I smile and she chuckles a little bit. "I guess the second one." She sniffles loudly and I pull away from her so she can stand. She walks upstairs and I can hear Jc and her talking quietly. I walk to Kian and he grabs my waist. I set my palms on his chest and he kisses me. I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket and look at it. It's unknown, but I answer it anyways. Couldn't be any worse than answering your rapist. "Hello? Who is this," I ask and put the phone on speaker.. "Hi, this is Officer Smith with the LAPD, is this Skylar?" "Mmhmm," I reply and he clears his throat. "Hi, yeah, I'm calling in reference of what you said the other day when I came to your house. Could you come down to the station for a little bit?" I look at Kian and he looks slightly scared and nervous. "Uh, yeah, sure. When?" "Now." I hurry and grab Kian's keys, not caring what I look like and hop in his car, Kian following closely behind.

Pt 2!

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