Uncovering the Truth

By Ukume279

70.9K 2.7K 1.3K

The new school year at Domino High brings with it so much more than just homework. A quiet and mysterious new... More

New Student
So Mysterious
Stage Makeup
Cast List
Horror Movie Marathon
Physical Changes
A Little Swim
Shocking Rehearsal
Forced Transformation
Motorcycle Recovery
Lost in Nature
Of Magic and Revenge
Opening Night
Winter Formal
Freak Out
Break In
We Messed Up
Don't Fight It
Ocean Escape
Going North
Panama Canal
Caribbean Clan
Sweat It Out
Mental Abilities
Trouble in the Indian Ocean
Crimson Waters
Gathering and Strategizing
Unexpected Allies
Chaos Reigns Supreme
Bath Party

It Worked

966 48 11
By Ukume279

A/N: Thank you all for reading and voting. You are amazing as always! Enjoy the chapter.


*Mind Link*

*Yami, I have the clothes for you,* Yugi stood on the beach glancing out across the ocean. He held the clothing and towel in his arms close to his chest awaiting Yami's appearance. Several minutes later, Yami's tri-colored hair emerged from the ocean depths; his tan face and chest breaking the surface seconds after. The water running down his chiseled features glistened in the setting sun. Yugi's mouth fell open, /Holy Ra.../ He gulped his mouth becoming as dry as the desert.

Yami pulled himself onto the beach and flipped over onto his back smiling up at the angelic looking siren above him, "Hello."

Yugi knelt down next to the crimson tail and rubbed the towel on the scales. Yami's scales did feel harder than his. They reminded him of armor instead of the silk like how his felt. As the scales began to dry, Yami's tan legs formed. Yugi handed the towel to Yami before his lower half could fully transform back into his human legs. Yugi stood, turning his back to the crimson eyed siren to give him some privacy. Yami unfolded the pajama pants and chuckled. They were light blue with shooting stars on them.

"I'm sorry, Yami. I know those aren't leather like you prefer, but they were all I had that may fit you," Yugi blushed glancing down at the sand.

"Thank you for letting me borrow them," Yami's baritone voice was soothing. He pulled the pants over his legs and chuckled at how they fit.  They were a bit short on him and hung low on his hips, but they worked for now. He pulled the grey t-shirt over his head. The material stretched tight across his well toned chest. The shirt was too short as well, coming up just under his navel leaving his lower abdomen and his hips exposed. Another chuckle erupted from his chest. He knew he looked ridiculous in the little one's clothes; however, it was much better than parading around town in his birthday suit. Yugi turned to face Yami, his jaw dropped again as his eyes ventured over the tight clothing stretched over Yami's figure. His eyes landed on the tan skin of the toned stomach on display.

"Um.." Yugi shook his head trying to clear the fog that just rolled into his mind upon seeing the Egyptian in such tight clothing, "here, I grabbed one of grandpa's coats." He handed the article of clothing to the tanned siren.

Yami smiled, "Thank you. I wonder if the psychos brought my motorcycle home from the school."

"I don't know. We can call them and find out tonight. I'm sure they will all want to know we have returned. Let's head over to the Game Shop, my grandpa said he would make hot chocolate for us," Yugi began walking home; Yami caught up with the youth and wound his arm around Yugi's. The amethyst eyed siren felt his cheeks heat up again as Yami pulled him close so they could walk arm in arm.


"I can't believe that worked," Yugi's grin spread ear to ear as he listened to Anzu retell what had happened after they left.

The school was in an uproar, the rumors flying here and there about Yugi being a siren and how the fact that he ran off only proved the rumor to be true. Anzu and Ms. Davidson went back into the school building after Marik and Malik took flight with the others on their backs. Ms. Davidson called an emergency mandatory assembly for all to attend. Once the school population consisting of both students and staff gathered in the gym for the assembly, Anzu made her way to the center of the gym facing the bleachers. They gasped as they watched her skin pale, her hair grow and whiten, her eyes grow light, and her nail grow into long claws. Before any of them could panic and react she let out an ear piercing screech. Ms. Davidson smirked as she watched them stare bewildered at the banshee. They stopped talking and stopped panicking. They just stared at her. She let out one long final wail forcing her eyes to not make contact with any of the students. She only wanted to confuse them; not kill them. After a significant amount of screaming at them; they looked like a group of lost sheep that would believe anything you say. She transformed back into herself nodding at the siren standing next to her.

Ms. Davidson removed the earplugs from her ears and cleared her throat in preparation to sing. Anzu reached in her pocket and took out some ear plugs for herself. She placed them in her ears and nodded once again to the siren. Ms. Davidson opened her mouth and sang a beautiful operatic performance. She swayed them to believe they were all there to watch a performance and that they had not seen anything out of the ordinary. When her song ended, the students and faculty alike had a happy dazed expression on their faces.

Yami chuckled after hearing the story, "I am thrilled to hear that worked. I was worried it wouldn't."

Anzu smiled, "It took everything I had not to lose control."

"But you didn't lose control. Wonderfully done, Anzu. I am so proud of you," Ryou smiled at her.

"Thank you," the banshee blushed bright pink. 

"Oh," Yami glanced at Bakura and Marik, "Did one of you two bring my motorcycle home from school?"

They nodded, "I did. It is parked at our apartment," Marik smiled, "Don't worry, no one has touched it. Your bike is as good as when you left it."

Yami smiled breathing a sigh of relief, "Thank you."

"What about the principal? Is anyone looking for the principal?" Yugi asked remembering what happened to the greedy principal.

"He is considered to be a 'missing person," Bakura chuckled, "The vice principal was promoted to the principal role. He actually seems to be doing much better than the other greedy bastard."

Tristan turned to Yami and Yugi, "How did the trip north go?"

"Very well," Yami explained what they had learned from the ice sirens.

"A war is starting?" Joey commented rubbing at his chin, "Well I will help in any way that I can. The others in the group nodded in agreement. They wanted to help too.

"Thank you everyone. I'm sure we will need all of the help we can get when the time comes," Yugi smiled at them.


"Please! I need you two! There is one more night left of the play! I know you need to go and search for the other clans, but please stay long enough to finish the play," Ms. Davidson pleaded with the two sirens.

Yugi smiled, "I don't see how that could hurt. I would like to preform it one more time as well."

"I agree, it would be fun," Yami smiled.

"Thank you both!" Ms. Davidson sighed in relief her tense shoulders dropping as her body relaxed, "I will see you both tonight for the show!"

"It's tonight?" Yami gaped at her. She nodded confirming his question.

"Don't worry. This will be fun," Yugi grinned at his crimson eyed look-a-like.

"Yugi?" Yami began a light pink dusting his cheeks.


"Will you please do my makeup? You are amazing with stage makeup and makeing the scars look so real," Yami asked hoping the petite youth would agree.

"Of course! Just let me do mine first and then I will work on yours," Yugi chuckled.


"Hold still! This is probably the last time you are going to wear stage makeup anyway so just let me finish and make it look good," Yugi giggled as he held Yami's chin with one small hand, the other applying the liquid latex.

"I hate the feeling of that stuff. It feels like you are rubbing snot on my face," Yami pouted.

"I know. It is the last time you have to wear it though," Yugi smiled placing the liquid latex down and exchanging it for a triangle sponge and makeup base blending the liquid latex to match Yami's complexion.

Yami's crimson eyes could only drink in Yugi's beautiful features as the youth leaned closer to him concentrating on the task at hand. Yugi was already in the chorus girl costume for Christine. The corset laced up tightly and exposing his soft creamy stomach. Yugi leaned in even closer focusing on the details of the scars; adding highlights and depth to the makeup. Yami shuddered as he felt Yugi's hot dance across his skin. The crimson eyed siren pulled the petite form off of the vanity. Yugi stumbled forward into Yami's chest and landed in his lap. A smirk passed over the Egyptians lips as the surprised amethyst met mischievous crimson. Yugi's face turned a bright red; his entire face rivaling the color of Yami's eyes. Yugi's hands rested on the firm shoulders as he went to stand. Yami grasped Yugi's hips and held him in place long enough to crush their lips together. The petite youth moaned into the kiss his body melting into Yami.

"No, Yami! I have to finish your makeup!" Yugi stood and went to sit back on the vanity in front of Yami.

"Not my fault you are so irresistible," Yami smirked again. Yugi smiled shyly as he continued to work on Yami's makeup.

"Alright! You are done. Get dressed and come out. I have to put my costume rack closer to the stage," Yugi smiled taking his leave from Yami's dressing room. He pushed the full rack of costumes to rest just offstage and out of sight. The cast had gotten his costume changes down to an art.

The music blasted through the theater as Yugi took the stage one last time for his performance as Christine.

Ryou glanced to the side to see Bakura holding up his cell phone, "What are you doing?" he whispered to the shadow elf

"I'm recording the performance. I'm sure the shrimp will want a copy of it later. Plus, Yugi..in a dress. Enough said," the shadow elf cackled. Ryou rolled his milk chocolate eyes before returning them to the stage.

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