House of Anubis: The Grail of...

By cherrypepsii_

14.7K 224 34

For three years, the first and original Sibuna have been solving mysteries and finding ancient Egyptian artfi... More

House of Family/House of Death
House of Attics/House of Sneaks
House of Conversations/House of Feelings
House of Trouble/House of Breakups
House of Yearbooks/House of Faints
House of Emergency/House of Business
Author's Note
House of Visits/House of Questions
House of Sibuna/House of Surprises
House of Auditions/House of Tutors
House of Deals/House of Shadows
Author's Note #2
House of Trades/House of Planners
House of Dates/House of Grails
House of Parks/House of Theives
House of Answers/House of Time
House of Labor, Pt. 1/House of Cowardice
House of Labor, Pt. 2/House of Ages
House of Labor, Pt. 3/House of Babies
House of Members/House of Returns
House of Weather/House of Lock-Ins
House of Kisses/House of Distractions
House of Secrets/House of Trophies
House of Covers/House of Plays
House of Discovery/House of Rivals
House of Playoffs/House of Warnings
House of Cheaters/House of Calls
House of Accidents/House of Proof
House of Sign-Up/House of Cameras
House of Gran/House of Coughs
House of Meetings/House of Baking
House of Tests/House of Allergies
House of Easiness/House of Cats
House of Deletion/House Ingredients
House of Wrong/House of Brothers
House of Punches/House of Maps
Author's Note #3
House of Anger/House of Babysitters
House of Initiation/House of Bluff
House of Forgiveness/House of Snorers
House of Letters/House of Overhear
House of Sabotage/House of Corners
House of Election/House of Saviors
House of Generations, Pt. 1/House of Lures
House of Generations, Pt. 2/House of Deceit
House of Generations, Pt. 3/House of Masks
House of Generations, Pt. 4/House of Shoves
House of Generations, Pt. 5/House of Endings

House of Preparation/House of Realization

258 1 0
By cherrypepsii_

"Okay, so we'll invite everyone from her church." Nina started a list. "She went to physical therapy, didn't she? She must've made friends there." Fabian suggested.

"She went to bingo, she had a lot of friends there." Robert added. "Alright. Fabian, you take Robert and handle the invitations. I'll take Sarah and deal with the casket, flowers, and the rest." Nina ordered.

Nina held Sarah's hand and they walked away. "How come she's seems so unaffected by this, Dad?" Robert wondered.

"This isn't her first time having to plan a funeral, Robert. Come on."


"No way! You have to let us see her!" Riley demanded. "The doctors specifically stated that no more than a family member and one friend are allowed to see her. Not the entire house." Trudy explained.

"But, she's all of our best friends! We're all practically cousins! How are we going to decide who's going to see her?" Arielle asked.

"Since Rhys her brother, you should allow him to decide who else gets to see her." Trudy walked off.

"August." Floyd answered. "August?" They repeated.

"He doesn't even talk to her!" MacKenzie yelled. "Much." She muttered the last part.

"Sorry, you guys." Rhys apologized. He and August left the house.

"Unbelievable." Riley shook her head.


After Rhys and August left, Arielle and MacKenzie headed upstairs.

"Do we even know what happened to her?" Arielle asked, sitting on her bed. "Nope. But I'm sure we'll find out. When Leslie comes back." MacKenzie assured, as she was turned away from Arielle, putting away her laundry.

Arielle gulped. "Can to you?"

"I'm your sister. You can talk to me about anything." MacKenzie chuckled.

"After the play-after the kiss with Duncan-I've had this weird feeling in my stomach I can't shake that..I have feelings for him." Arielle explained.

MacKenzie froze in place. "Mack?"

"Are you lying?" MacKenzie began to laugh. "Because the Arielle I know would never be a boyfriend stealer."

Arielle looked her in the eyes. "No, I'm not lying." MacKenzie gasped. "But, I'm not a boyfriend stealer either, I-I would never!"

"Are you going after my boyfriend just because I liked yours?" MacKenzie frowned.

"Liked? You were practically in love with August! You tried to steal him! Multiple times!" Arielle responded.

"Maybe, sometimes, I wanted him all for me and me only. But, at least I had the decency to keep my secret to myself. Because I didn't want to hurt you. Like you've hurt me." MacKenzie walked out of the room, and slammed the door.

Arielle sighed.


Rhys and August sat and waited to hear what happened to Leslie in the waiting room.

"So, I don't think we've ever discussed how to find the real Osirian. Or, the Osirian at all really." August stated.

"Well, there's not much to go on of. The Osirian is meant to be a protector. It comes from a long line of dudes, apparently. And no one else is born on December 21, at 12:00." Rhys explained.

"But, it's not just any random person. I know it, in my instincts, the Osirian is someone we know." August declared.

Rhys furrowed his eyebrows. "Something that Sarah and Riley told us once, about someone being deceived. Could that someone be in the house? There are only four people to choose from. You, Jax, Duncan, and Robert. But, I highly doubt that the Osirian could be the Chosen One's brother."

"Ugh, I wish the answer would just be there, and we could just know who the Osirian is. And we still need the water of the Nile River. And to get the riddle back from Charles."

"Something tells me that Charles has been planning to use the Grail of Anubis for awhile. I mean, why else would he need the riddle for?" Rhys said.

"1874." August mumbled. "What now?" Rhys asked.

"That family, that was blown up in 1874. All except for Charles. They were all 'the Hannigans'." August started off.

"I don't see where you're going here." Rhys shrugged. "Those coffins we saw back in the antechamber. Caleb Hannigan, Penelope Hannigan, Cooper Hannigan, Charlotte Hannigan, Atticus Hannigan. Charles doesn't only want to use the Grail of Anubis on himself. He wants to use it on his entire family." August explained.

"But all those people. They're dead." Rhys said. "I know, I know. But the Grail of Anubis has the power to bring eternal life to anyone who drinks from it-"

"Wrong. It can only work for one person." Rhys corrected. "The blessing of the Chosen One. Sarah, she changes the rule!"

"They didn't have the Chosen One back in Egypt, because Amneris was long and dead."

"She's the key."


MacKenzie bit her lip. She put her long, brown hair into a ponytail.

"I have to put something."

She was getting ready for the school website topic, and she was on her computer. She was determined to win. She sighed.

Arielle Clarke and Duncan Campbell-dating?

There's the chapter. Hope you enjoyed it! Don't you love the part where Rhys and August figure everything out? It's like you could actually hear the suspenseful music playing as they talk. You know, like on House of Anubis, when they're in trouble, some suspenseful music comes on?


What will Duncan and Arielle think of MacKenzie's topic?

Should Arielle have told MacKenzie about her feelings?

Is the Osirian Jax? Or August? Or Duncan?


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