Why me (discontinued version)

By Dalton159

4.9K 131 6

Discontinued version of Why Me? More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 11

234 8 0
By Dalton159

Damien p.o.v.

When we get to the stables of unicorns and Pegasus I notice Jordan and Braydon getting really close to Eros. I don't know why but it is getting me really angry. Especially when they touch him. I just want to tear their heads off.

"Fuck off and leave me alone," we hear somebody yell. We all turn to see my mom, dad, Owen , and Owen's son Rick.

"No Rick. You have been getting more and more out of control," Owen tells his son.

"It's true Rick. You need to talk to us," my mom tells Rick.

"I'm fine. I just don't want to this ass," Rick says and points to his dad.

"What is going on," Hebe whispers to me.

"Rick is a little bit of a rebel and he treats his parents badly. He has been getting more and more rebellious lately and his parents are getting sick of it. My parents have tried to be understanding since what happened to him and his family but it is getting out of control," I tell her.

We hear a lot of yelling and arguing till Owen says,"if you can't learn it the easy way then I guess I have to teach you the hard way." He pulls out a syringe with some potion in it. He was about to hit it onto his sons neck when lightning came out of nowhere and knocked it out of his hand.

"That is no way to treat your son," Eros yells to them as walks towards them.

"Eros you don't know what is going on here," my dad tells him.

"I may not know but that doesn't mean that he deserves pomkay potion. All that will do is piss him off more," Eros tells my dad.

"He's right kid. This is none of your business," Rick tells him.

"Yeah it may not be my business but I don't want anybody to get hurt," Eros says.

"Well leave us alone. The potion is gone," Rick yells.

"Why are you being so mean to your dad anyways," Eros asked.

"He is an asshole, a jerk, a bastard. He doesn't let me do anything. He super strict and I want my freedom," he tells Eros.

"So if they were to die tomorrow you'd be happy because you'd be free."

"What? I didn't say that."

"That is what your implying. They take away so much of your freedom that when they're dead you'd be happy."

"No I wouldn't," Rick yells. I can see his eyes start to water.

"Eros stop," my dad orders in the Helio voice.

"There body's in a casket as they get lower into a grave. Never to see them ever again. You'd feel the greatest relief and happiness with them gone. To be completely free from those jerks, assholes, bastards," Eros says.

"No I wouldn't," Rick yells at the top of his lungs and falls to the ground on his knees. "They're all I have left," he whispers. Tears start to fall off his face. Rick hasn't cried in years or at least not in public. Eros walks over to him and kneels down too.

"Who did you lose," Eros asked.

"What do you mean," Rick asks. Eros wipes some of his tears and lifts Ricks face so he can see him.

"You said they are all you have left. That must mean you had somebody that you lost," Eros explains.

"My brother Tommy and sister Lizzy," he answers.

"What happened to them?"

"They died in a car accident."

"How did that make you feel?"

"Sad. Really really sad."

"When was this?"

"10 years ago."

"How did mom and dad react?"

"Mommy and Daddy were really sad. They were crying everyday over Tommy and Lizzie."

"How did them crying make you feel."

"I didn't want them to feel like that ever again."

"And how would you do that?"

"By making them angry at me. Then they would hate me and not love me so when I go away they wouldn't be sad," Rick sobs out.

"Oh honey," Eros says and gives Rick a hug. "Rick would you ever stop loving your parents if they acted like jerks to you," Eros asked.


"That's the same with them. They will love you no matter what you do to them"


"Yes really. All it will do is make them even more sad"

"Rick," Owen says. Rick and Eros look up. "Dad" Rick says. He jumps and gives his dad a bear hug and they both start crying. "I'm so sorry Pa, for everything," Rick apologizes.

"No, I'm sorry. I'm the parent I should have known," Owen says.

"How could you? I always pushed you out"

"How about we just forgive and forget then."

"Okay can we go home," Rick says as he pulls away from the hug.

His dad nods and they say goodbye to everybody.

"Wow Eros. You did more in 10 minutes than we could do in 5 years," my dad says.

"Ehh. I knew some people at my old schools that would tell me what is going on unless I get them really emotional so I tried the same with his," Eros shrugs.

"You would make a great Selene," my mom says.

"Let's hope I'm mated to a hot Helio than," Eros tells them and they all laugh.

Eros p.o.v.

After the incident we go to the check out place and they lead us to the horses.

"So who's up for a race," Tayla asks.

Everybody agrees to the idea. Damien picks first. He picks out a big black Pegasus that looks really beautiful. Everybody else picks medium sized brown Pegasus.

As I'm looking around for a Pegasus I notice there is a stall that nobody has looked in. I went to go check it out and I see the the most beautiful while Pegasus. It is a little smaller than the others but I don't care.

"Hey buddy," I tell the Pegasus.

'Hello' it says to me. Yeah I know how to speak Pegasus. Well more like I can listen to it but not actually speak it.

"What's your name," I ask.

'Snow white but you can call me Snow' he tells me.

"But aren't you a dude?"

'Yeah but they said look as beautiful as Snow White whoever she is'

"Yes you are beautiful, but what are you doing here," I ask and the horse scoffs.

'I don't want to around that cocky mule' Snow tells me.


'Prince Charming'

"Which one is he?"

'The black horse'

"Does he flirt with all the other Pegasus and unicorns," I ask.

'Yeah why' Snow asks confused,

"Well you called him Prince Charming so.." I trail off.

'No his name is Prince Charming'

"Oh," I say in realization.

'Yeah all the girls swoon over him. Why can't he realized that I'm the one who understands him, been here all along, why can't he see, he belongs with me'

(A/N: I don't know if horses can be gay so just go with it)

"You've heard of Taylor Swift but not Snow White," I ask.

'Yeah we get a lot of her fans here'

"How about we make him notice you" I suggest.


"Well me and my friends are about to go on a race and if you win he will notice you."

'Let's do it' he says.

I get us ready and go outside where everybody is waiting.

"aww he's so beautiful," Tayla coos and I swear Snow turned a little red.

"C'mon let's get ready," I tell everybody.

"Okay on 3," Braydon says. Braydon and I have gotten on good terms after the first day we met. He apologized and everything and now we are friends.

"1..2...3" Kyle says and we go.

I didn't realized how fast Snow was. He was way ahead of the others the only competition is Prince Charming. We fly right next to each other head to head. I can see the fire in his eyes literately and I know he wants to win but I need to help Snow win. I tell Snow to go faster and he obeys. We start to speed up and so does Prince Charming.

"Can you go any faster" I ask. I feel like he is holding back.

'Yeah but its dangerous for me to go that fast with a passenger' he tells me.

"It doesn't matter just go and get yourself a boyfriend" I tell him. He seems to think about for a sec.

'Are you sure' he asks.

"Hell yeah," I say immediately. He then goes way faster like faster than a jet fast. I scream in excitement. I look back at Damien and see he also went faster but not nearly as fast as Snow. I see the finish line and we rush over there. Right as we are about to hit the finish line I realized that we are about to crash.

"Snow slow down" I yell but its too late. Snow crashes into the ground and I fall forward into the bushes and everything goes black.


"Hello my name Eros," a 5 year old me says shyly to a class.

"Arrows like the things Cupid uses to make people fall in love," a little boy says. I see mini me blush when he sees the boy then glares at him.

"No that is arrows my name is Eros," mini Eros says.

"But you look just as cute as him," the little boy counters and mini Eros blushes harder.

"I think I will call you Cupid from now on," the little boy says.

"Damien that's mean. Call him by his real name." the teacher miss Roseheart says.

"Your name is Demon," I ask.

"no my name is Da-mien not Demon," Damien says.

"But you just as mean as one," mine Eros says and the whole class laughs even Damien seems to smile a little.


"Cupid wake up....Cupid...Eros," I hear a voice say. I open my eyes and see the guy of my dreams. Wait I mean the guy I was dreaming of. Yeah that's it.

"I see your okay," he says as he caresses my cheek. I then realized something is on my leg.

I look down and see Gaby using water to heal my leg.

"How long was I out," I ask them.

"3 hours," Damien answers. Wow three hours. That's when I realized we are still outside.

"Why are we still outside," I ask. Why didn't the take me to the hospital or something.

"Well for most of us the race took us 1 hour and not 10 minutes. Then when we got here Damien here casted a healing spell which only stopped the wounds from getting worst. Then when we got here we realized that we shouldn't move you a lot in case we make it worse so the others went to get help but that wasn't going to help because we were still an hour away from civilization so I got some water and started to healing you which took a long time because I'm still a novice at healing," Gaby tells me.

That's when I realized something. "Where is Snow," I ask.

"Snow white is with Prince Charming. When he fell Charming immediately went to him and hasn't left his side. Charming has a huge crush on Snow and thought he could impress Snow if he won the race," Damien says and whispers the last part.

"Snow has a crush on Charming too but you didn't hear that from me," I whisper to him and we both chuckle a little.

"Really then why didn't he get jealous when Charming would talk to other horses," he asks me.

"He did but didn't show it," I say. He oh's and then he looks at something. I turn to see what and I see Snow and Charming nuzzling their heads together.

"You guys make great match makers," Gabby says. We laugh and then continue looking at Snow and Charming,

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