Why me (discontinued version)

By Dalton159

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Discontinued version of Why Me? More

Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 2

925 15 1
By Dalton159

Chapters 1 is still the same, so you just have to read that on the other book.

Damien p.o.v.

I wake up to a loud banging from my bedroom door. Who the hell is this? I live in my dorm so it can't be a roommate. Then I hear her voice and groaned.

"Get your lazy ass up. I need to tell you something," Diana says.

I try to get up and see Britney on me. We must have had sex yesterday because we're both naked. Britt is one of the people that I bang on a regular basis. Other girls I only bang once in a while but I do it with her the most. She was the one I lost my virginity to in freshman year and I wanted to keep her around. She on the other hand defiantly did not lose her virginity to me.

"Just come in," I yell which woke up Britt.

My sis unlocks the door with magic and runs onto my bed and starts jumping like a child.

"Woah what's got you all excited," I says.

"I found my mate yesterday," she says cheerfully.

My big brother instinct kick in and I ask her sternly, " who is it?"

"Oh, my Dame stop acting like over protective big brother. I'm older remember."

"Only by 1 minute and that's only because you got out first. Now tell me what's this guys name."

"Well you remember the Eros guy?"

Yeah, how could I forget the guy who tricked me. Yes I may have deserved it but still he could have just kicked me out instead of getting my hopes up.

"Yeah the guy who was able to fight my weak leader command. Next time I will try harder," I say.

"Well l good luck with that. His siblings can fight the command and he doesn't feel it at all. He doesn't even know you're the future clan leader."

"What how?"

She shrugs,"I don't know all I know is that his siblings feel a little bit of superiority but not a lot. Even with our clan there is only a little bit of a bigger superiority but not much, but Eros doesn't feel it at all."

This Eros kid sounds interesting. He isn't affected which is weird. Everybody even humans and casters from other clans can feel the superiority of a clan leader.

"Okay now back to my story. Well I went with Eros to his new dorm and as we get in I see Freya which apparently got messed up and got into a boy's dorm. She wrote Frey and they thought it said Fred but they left her there because Eros is gay and his brother is mated to me. So we walked in and the hottest guy I've ever seen walks in and I feel the mating pull and that's how we met. He's Eros brother Ryder Castillo," she tells me.

I'm still stunned that she is mated to a Castillo. They always seem to be the center of attention. JJ is my second in command and we are really close friends. He is always in sports. His sister Gabby is always student body president or something like that. Then there's Ryder which all I know is that he plays music and his twin sister Scarlett is a cheerleader and cliche popular girl but isn't mean though like in the movies.

"Oh I've heard of Ryder. He is a bad boy which is hot," Britt finally says which I almost forgot she was here. My sister doesn't like her that much but she pretends to be nice to her when I'm around. I look at my sister with a serious look.

"He isn't a bad boy Dame so don't give me that look. He is just a little rebellious," Diane says.

"I don't care I still want to meet him."

"You can't we barely know each other, but if you want to see him he might be at his dorm this morning and I am going to go pick up Eros right now so you might be able to see him."

"Fine. Let's go after breakfast." With that she leaves to start our breakfast. My sister sure knows how to cook.

Eros p.o.v

I am getting ready for school and waiting for Diane to pick me up. She told me to call her Diane instead of Diana because the extra a apparently too much extra work.

I walk out of my room to see Ryder watching tv while eating cereal. Why is he up so early? He goes to college here as do all my older siblings while I go to high school here and his first class isn't till 10:30.

I go make myself some cereal to eat. Usually I make bacon eggs and toast some waffles but today I had to get everything for the hell that they call school.

As I start to eat I hear a knock on the door. I get up and go open it and see the one guy I do not want to see. Dimitri. Wait that isn't his name. Was it Devon, Daniel, David, Demon, I don't know but the last one sounds about right.

"What are you doing here Dimitri," I say as I look up at him. He is pretty hot with his tan skin brown hair and brown eyes but his personality just had to ruin it. I then notice a blonde chick behind him wearing a way too mini skirt and a shirt that shows off too much cleavage. This girl must be the school slut Diane told me about yesterday.

"He's with me Eros. Be on your best behavior Dame" Diane says as she walks down the hall and into my dorm with the slut and her brother.

Dame and demon. Oh now I remember his name is Damien. Well I'm still going to call him Demon.

"My name is Damien by the way," her brother whispers to me.

"Whatever demon," I say back.

I see Ryder beam when he sees Diane and Diane blushes. That's why he's up so early.

"So your the Ryder I have heard of," Damien says as walks to Ryder.

"What are your intentions with my sister," he continues."

"Well to be the best mate I can be to her," Ryder says.

I can see Damien glaring at Ryder trying to do the big brother thing. "You better not hurt her than or I will be after you and fuck you up."

I roll my eye," oh c'mon Demon don't be a hypocrite. You probably hurt a lot of girls so don't pull that act," I say.

"Hey shut Cupid. And my name is Damien."

"Wait. Your Damien," Ryder says angrily.

Oh shit. I just remembered two things. One that Diane told him what Damien did. And two how over protective my brothers are over me. They are more over protective of me then my sisters especially Ryder. He once beat up a high rank caster's son for trying to kiss me. That's why we aren't allowed Greenland anymore.

I tell them I can handle myself and they know I can. A guy called me fag once and I turned him into a cigarette and would put him near fire. I would have probably burned him alive if my mom didn't tell me to change him back. Afterwards the guy didn't remember anything but knew not to mess with me and was scared of fire. I fuckin hate that word and if somebody calls me that I could lose control and do something I might regret later.

"Yeah I am Damien why?"

"So you're the guy who asked my little brother to give you a blow job." I can see my brothers eyes turn from blue to a light brown which means his spirit animal is rising. Damien looks stunned but his composure back.

"So," is all he says before my brother jumps him and they both get into huge fight.

Before they can get into a really intense fight I cast a spell and push them apart. Ryder hits one wall and Damien the other. They both get up ready to fight again and Freya finally get out and says," what the hell is going on around here." Diane points to the two very angry men about to fight again.

Before they can attack each other again I yell, "aytreeya" a freezing spell. They can still move but they can't move from where the stand. I know they can easily break my spell since they're both strong casters but they both know I can cast a stronger spell that can hurt more.

"Now will you both stop fighting or do I have to hold you like this for the next two hours for you guys to cool off," I say.

"We'll stop," they both say simultaneously.

"Good," I say as I let go of the spell. Diane runs to Ryder and his slut go checks Demon to check if they're okay.

"Well it's time for school so come on my brothers lover, Demon, and Demon's slut," I say as I get my back pack.

"Hey don't call my girl names," Demon says as he glares at me.

"I'm not calling her names I'm just stating facts," I say.

They both glare at me but I know they won't hurt me with Ryder here. I hear the slut say, "c'mon Dame that cocksucker isn't worth it"

"Hey don't call him that," Diane says.

"I'm just stating facts," the slut says as she giggles.

Ryder and I start to laugh loudly. "Girl you are a bigger cocksucker than I am."

"And how would you know that," she says.

"Well first he is a virgin," says.

"Second he isn't a slut like you," Diane continues.

"And third I have never sucked a dick in life. I want to wait for the one. While you have had more than one too many," I finish.

"Okay now go along get to class you four," Freya says. Diane reluctantly leaves and we all get to class.


Today has been completely awful. Not with bad luck but with all the attention I have been getting. Apparently my siblings are really popular and people think if they hang with me they can get good with them. Luckily Diane is here to push them off. It's only been about a month since school started so I don't have any projects or hard homework to do.

I also had to introduce myself in every class today. I have had three so far and two more after lunch. I have also been asked out 5 times 3 girls and 2 dudes and I declined them. The girls because I'm gay and the guys because they were jocks and were total players. What was worse was that the 3 girls told more girls and now I have fan girls which is a first.

I am now in lunch sitting in the corner table as far away from people as I can. I know if I were to go there I would have a mob of people after me. The table is circular and can sit maybe 7 people. I not sitting in the very corner but on the outside chairs so nobody can see my face.

Before I can start eating I feel a pair of arms pick me up and start taking me somewhere. I yelp and start wiggling and say, "unhand me you fool before I turn your testicles into marshmallows and feed them to my dog."

"First of all we don't own a dog," I hear JJ say. I turn around and look up to see JJ carrying me.

"JJ," I asked confused.

"Yep, and please don't turn my mates balls into marshmallows please," Freya says from behind him carrying my lunch.

"Wait you have mate?" I ask my brother.

"Yep I've known for about a year right babe," he says as he kisses his mate.

I hit him I the back of the head.

"Ouch what was that for."

"Well to start why didn't any of you told me we had mates? And also how could you have known for a year and be away for so long? And why the hell haven't you introduced me to her."

"Sorry, first we thought you knew about mates, second I was going to come here the next year without the accident, and third because you never came here and it was never brought up at home," he explains.

"Well whatever. Where are we going anyway."

"We're going to meet the most popular in a lounge room that they built for us," Frey says.

"I don't want to go," I say in an angry little kid voice.

"There won't be many people only about 12," my brother says knowing how much I hate being around people.

"Well why didn't you start with that. Hurry up horsey," I say.

"How about you walk on your own now," my brother suggest.

"Nah I feel too good right now," I say and he doesn't fight me.

We get to the lounge place and only see two guys, my siblings, Diane, Demon and his slut, and Freya.

"Demon what are you doing here," I say as my brother puts me down on a couch. He gives me a weird look and looks at my brother who carried me. "They kidnapped me and forced me to come," I explained.

"Well I am here because the four of us Freya, Keith, Derek, and I are the most popular people here and they built this place for us. Today we only decided to bring our mates or close significant other here."

"Wait. These guys are your mates," I ask my siblings and they all nod in response.

I turn to Demon and ask, "and slut is your mate."

"Hey I have a name. My name is Brittany," she says.

"Oh sorry. So slutty Brittany is your mate," I ask.

He chuckles a little and says, "cute," which makes me blush a little. Yeah he is a jackass but it's not everyday you get called cute by a hot guy.

"And to answer no she isn't my mate just a close 'friend'," he says. Yeah more like a fuck friend but I'm not going to say it aloud.

"Also when are you going to stop calling my demon," he asks.

"When you start acting like a gentlemen," I answer.

"So never," he says and we both burst out laughing.

As the laughing goes down I remember something,"oh yeah that reminds of something," crawl over to his side of the couch and hit his head and I crawl back.

"Ouch what the fuck?"

"That's for calling me Cupid. My name is Eros you got the wrong myth."

"Well I'm going to call you Cupid as long as you call me Demon," he says.

"Do you want me to hit you like that again," I retort.

"I don't know, I kind of liked you on all a fours on the couch," he says with a smirk. Which makes me blush and glare at him.

"Shut up Demon"

"Whatever you say Cupid."

I just walk away to my sister Gaby and see what she is reading. It is a spell book.

"What you reading sis," I ask.

"Oh, it's a what does my future hold spell. I want to know if I should run for the elections or not and this spell will give me a sign."

I could use that to find out what element I am before Saturday. "Can I borrow that later I want to study a few spells after school," I ask.

"Sure. Oh and let me introduce you to Keith." She turns to the hot guy next to her and says, "Keith this is my other brother Eros. Eros this is Keith," she tells us.

"Nice to meet you Eros," he says.

"Likewise," I say while shaking his hand.

"So how long have you two been together," I ask.

"Since last time I was here," Gaby answers. So about 2 months.

"Hey Gabs do you know how long Scarlett and the Derek guy have been together," I ask.

"Since this morning in there English class."


So the rest of lunch was filled with people talking and laughing. I found out that Derek and Keith are also clan leaders but they weren't like the ones I've met before. Maybe finding their mate changed them. If that's true then I wish Damien was a council leader and had his mate. I also found out that other than me Diane and Damien are the youngest out of all of them.

Now I am excited for school to end and me to find out what caster I am.

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