The Legendary Six

By mystery_magic19

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"Stuck in a cage, my powers aren't working. Terrified of what I'm seeing in front of me. My friends battling... More

Chapter 1: The Attack
Chapter 2: The Dark Castle
Chapter 3: The Butterfly Effect
Chapter 4: The Magical Forest
Chapter 5: A New World
Chapter 6: Lucky's Big Move
Chapter 7: The Prophecy
Chapter 8: The New Kid
Chapter 9: Finding a Way Home (pt.1)
Chapter 10: Finding a Way Home (pt.2)
Chapter 11: Finding a Way Home (pt.3)
Chapter 12: Chaos Castle
Chapter 13: The Reunion
Chapter 14: A Ghostly Enterance
Chapter 15: The Spirit World
Chapter 16: Power
Chapter 17: Friend or Foe
Chapter 18: Winter is Coming
Chapter 19: Disaster
Chapter 20: Life or Death
Chapter 21: The Town of Darkness
Chapter 22: The Finale
Chapter 23: Time
Chapter 24: Hope
Chapter 25: Reborn
Epilogue/Thank You

Chapter 26: A New Beginning

125 20 3
By mystery_magic19

(POV Arabia)

When I got home I saw my mom sitting on the couch. I put my hands on her shoulders and she turned around and saw me. I saw a big smile in her face and she hugged me. Tears ran down her face.
"I missed you so much", my mom said.
"I missed you too", I said.

My mom then  grabbed my hand and she dashed out the room. I kept up with her. She put her hands on my face and she said, "don't peak." I didn't until she said, "open your eyes." I did and I saw a beautiful fountain. It had blue concrete on it and it was covered with light green and blue flowers. Around it was beautiful orange flowers with white butterflies on them.

"This is beautiful", I said. I ran to my mom and gave her a big hug. I heard a knock on the door so I went to open it and I saw Lucky.
"Hey Lucky", I said.
"Hey", he said.
"Honey who's this at the door", my mom said.
"It's a friend I met during my adventure", I said.
"Adventure?", my mom asked.
"Yeah an adventure", I said excitedly.
"Well... What did you do on this "adventure"", my mom said.
"We defeated villains and we visited many beautiful lands", Lucky said.
"That sounds fun", my mom said
"It sure was", I said.

Then we kept on talking for a while then Lucky said he had to leave. I understood, since he is from another dimensions, but I was also sad because he was a nice guy. I gave him a hug and he left.

"I hope he gets home safe", my mom said.
"He will. I just know it", I said.
We stepped inside the house and I closed the door. I was happy to be home with my mom. But I won't ever forget Lucky because he was different from other boys. And that's what I liked about him.

(POV Vanessa)

I ran home. I see my mom at the front door. She was crying tears of joy to see me. I slowly began walking to her. Then I was in front of her. It was a long silence until my mom gave me the biggest hug ever. "I missed you too", I said. I walked inside. Everything was the same as usual when I heard a noise. I went into my mom's room to see a little dog. It was a brown white dog with beautiful blue eyes.

"Surprise", my mom said.
"Thank you mom", I said.
I slowly walked to the dog. It looked cute!!! The dog raised its head and looked at me and I looked back at it. Then the dog ran to me and jump on my face. I landed on the bed and soon I was attacked by licks on my face. The dog then jumped right next to me and cuddled with me. I cleaned the spit off my face and then I see the dog fall asleep on me.

"Maybe you should get some rest", my mom said.
"Yeah, I should", I said.
I cuddled up with the dog and then I went to sleep.
I heard the door slam and I woke up. I took a glance at my room. I missed everything that I had. And I was so happy to finally have a dog.

I never though we ever would get one, but here I am with a dog sleeping right next to me. I was so happy. Then I began thinking about if I should tell her about our adventure or thinking about telling her about my powers. I was tired. I had an idea; I should tell her tomorrow!!! I took one more glance at my room and then I really did fall asleep. I was glad to be home, sleeping in a comfortable bed, being with my mom and with my new pet.

(POV Adam)

I immediately ran home. As I was about to approach the door step, the door opened. I saw my dad looking at me with surprise.
"Honey you need to see this", my dad said
"Coming", my mom said. When my mom comes at the door and she sees me, she gave me the tightest, longest, and breathless hug ever.
"Are you okay. Did you get any bruises", my mom said.
"No mom I'm fine", I said.

They both grabbed me by the arms and took me inside my house.
"Is it me or does the house look different?", I asked.
"It's just you", my mom said.
I walked in the house like I just bought it. I couldn't believe I was gone for so long I don't even remember my own house!!! Then hands went on my face.

"What's going on", I said.
"No peeking", my mom said.
Then my dad takes his hands off my face.
"Say hello to your little brother", my mom said.
I was surprised. I see a little baby sleeping in my mom's arms.

"We found him 3 weeks ago", my dad said.
"I didn't want to leave this beautiful baby boy in the streets so I took him and brought him home", my mom said.
"I can't believe I missed out on so much", I said as I began tearing up.
My parents came and hugged me. It was interrupted because the baby began waking up.

"Hey little guy, meet your brother", my mom said.
I looked at the baby and began waving at him. The baby was smiling.
"Can I pick him up?", I asked.
"Sure", my dad said.
"But be very careful and be gentle", my mom added.

I couldn't believe it, I was holding my baby brother in my hands. I felt so proud to come home in one piece and I felt so happy to see my family again.
"What's his name?", I asked.
"His name is Mason", my parents said.
My parents and I played with Mason the whole day. And I will never forget this day, never in a million years.

(POV Sabrina)

I couldn't wait to go home. But first I had to do something that had been on my head the whole adventure. I went to Manuel.
"Can I ask you something?", I said.
"Sure", Manuel replied.
"What will you do when you finish school?", I asked.
"I actually haven't though about that", Manuel said.
"What will you do?", he asked.
"I don't know", I replied. It was a long silent moment when I said;
"I need to do something."
"And what will that be?", he asked. I grabbed him by the shoulders and I leaned in.
"Ummmmm....... What are you doing", he said nervously. I was going to kiss him, but I got nervous and ran off home.

"I can't believe I just embarrassed myself", I said.
I quickly forgot about that as I approached my doorstep. I pushed the door bell. I waited for a while until I hear the door open. I look up and see my mom's face. Tears went in her eyes. She gave me a big hug.

Then she said, "Wait here." She closed the door. I waited and waited until I heard,"Close your eyes." I did. I head the door open and I hear a very strange noise. I felt a hand on my shoulder. She took me inside the house. "You can open your eyes now", my mom said. I opened them and I see a small kitten. It was white and had big light grey eyes. I heard it purr.

I gave my mom a big hug. I saw the kitten run around our feet. She leaned on my leg and purred.
"It tickles", I said.
"Yeah... it does", my mom said.
I gently picked up the kitten and began petting it. It closed its eyes and continued to purr.
"What do you want to name her?", my mom asked.

"What about Snowflake", I said.
"That sounds adorable", my mom said.
"Then it's official. Your name is Snowflake", I said as I was looking at the kitten.
We played around all day with the kitten.
It was nighttime and I had to go to bed, when I heard a knock on the door, I opened it and I saw Manuel.
"Hey Man---"
I was interrupted by a kiss. It lasted for a couple of seconds. Then Manuel ran out.
"Who was that?", my mom asked as she came into the living room.
"It was no one mom", I said.
I blushed.
"Today was the best day ever!!!", I said to myself.

(POV Lucy)

I had something on my mind as I was running home..... Why did Connor and Lucky make us leave??? It was on my head for so long that I couldn't take it anymore. I ran back when no one was looking. I hid behind a tree. When I turn back I see Arabia talking to them. Then she ran off. I was quiet so I could here what they were saying. "Do they know that we have to leave?", Connor said. I turned back around. I couldn't believe this at all. Maybe it was just a terrible dream. I hit myself to make sure I was awake and sadly I was. I began crying and ran back home as fast as I could.

I reached the door steps of my house. I didn't want them to see me like this so I wiped my eyes. When I was finished with that I rang the doorbell. The door creaked open and a familiar voice said, "Who is this?"
I whistled and snapped my fingers.

The door swung open and I see my younger brother. I ran to him and gave him a hug. "What's all the racket abo--" I look up to see my older sister. "Hey sis", I said. She dropped her bag and ran to me. She gave me a hug too. It was nice seeing them again. After the hug was over I walked inside the house. I felt like I just moved in. I can't believe that I'm actually home.


"That must be the trap", my brother said.
"What trap?", I asked.
"Oh. Well we had some animal sneaking into our house and taking food so we decided to put a trap and get it", my sister said.
"Well. Let's go see what it is", my brother said.
We ran outside to the porch and we see a cute brown little bunny. "Awww", my sister and I said. "Girls", my brother said.
We all looked at the bunny. I slowly took the door off so I wouldn't scare the bunny. And when I completely opened it, I put a stick to keep the door open. The bunny ran away.

"Let's go back in", my sister said. My brother ran inside the house, but I stayed outside. "Aren't you coming in?", my sister said. "In a minute", I replied. "Alright. But be careful and don't wander off", she said. "I won't . I promise", I said. Then she went back inside the house. I looked at the view in front of me; the pile of colorful leaves, the big trees, and the wind blowing on my face. I was thinking about what Connor said earlier today.

It bugged me a lot, but I have to understand that he isn't from around here. Even though it was sad I had to understand, besides he must be missing his home as much as I did.
As I was going back inside  I heard a whisper calling my name. I turned around and saw no one. I turned back around and kept on walking when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I slap the person in the face. "Stay away from me", I said nervously. The person slowly turned around and put his hands in the air. I couldn't believe who I saw..... it was Connor.

"I'm sorry", I said as I grabbed his hand. "It's not your fault, it's mine. I'm the one who scared you", he said. We both laughed a little and then stopped. "Ummmmm........ I have to tell you something", Connor said. "I already know", I replied. "You do. Did Lucky come by?", he asked. "No........ I overheard what you and Lucky we're talking about.......

"And I understand", I said. "Don't mean to say this but what exactly are you talking about?", he asked. "That your leaving", I said. He looked at me and he put his head down. I lifted his head up and gave him a hug. He hugged me back. When we both looked at each other in the eyes for a while. "Thanks for understanding", he said. I smiled at him. "I will never forget you", he said. "I won't forget you either", I replied. "Here have this in memory of me", he said as he put something in my hand. He gave me a kiss on the cheek and then he left. I looked at my hand and I see a silver moon necklace. It was beautiful. I put it on and then I went back inside

I enjoyed the rest of the evening with my brother and sister, but what was still in my mind was Connor. I will never forget a guy like him.

(POV Manuel)

My heart was panting as I ran home. I was trying to forget that awkward moment with Sabrina earlier, but I knew what she was going to do. I saw many kids around and animals too. I was glad to see my happy community again. Then I stopped. I turned around and saw my small house. I slowly went up the steps and was about to knock on the door when it swung open.

I looked up and saw my brother. He looked down at me and gave me a hug. I felt tears on my shoulder. "Don't cry big bro", I said. He let go of me and he rubbed his eyes. He took me inside the house. As soon as he locked the door he grabbed me by the shoulder and took me into the family room. He sat me down on the couch. "This is strange", I said to myself.

I looked behind me and see my brother grabbing something out of the cabinet. When he was done looking he went back to the couch and sat next to me. "I got this in the mail a few days ago......It's for you", my brother said. I grabbed the note from his hands and I opened it. I silently read it and I couldn't believe it, I was accepted into St.Peter's, one of the best schools in Mardaly.

"Good job little bro", he said. "Thanks", I replied.
"Wanna celebrate by eating cocoa cookies and dating up late, partying?", he asked.
"Sure, why not", I said.
My brother and I walked to my room and began goofing off.

I then realized something.....
"I'll be right back", I said.
"Don't be out for to long", he replied.

I began running out. I passed by many houses til I stopped at the destination. I knocked on the door. Sabrina opened it. I immediately gave her a kiss, I interrupted her. I then ran away. I couldn't believe what I just did. I stopped blushing.

I entered the house and sat on the couch with my brother.
"What did you have to do", he asked.
"Oh nothing", I said.
"Then let's keep on playing", he said.

We played for a long time. That was the best day ever.

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