Casual Affair (Niall Fanfic)

By niall1D2013

157K 2.5K 615

Niall Horan, famous song writer/party boy, finds his image being portrayed terribly by media and is determine... More

*Authors Note*
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
I'm OLD!
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Ask me questions
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Update: Nov 6, 2018
Long time, no see

Chapter 39

1.3K 23 4
By niall1D2013

Almost two months later, Ella is back home with her parents, temporarily. She had to come back until Niall decided to drop Emily from the stunt. She knew it wasn't going to be easy to end the contract.

But Emily has agreed to end the contract with a mutual agreement. So this past month, they've been creating the story of them being too busy for a relationship.

Ella has been in contact with Niall since she left. She agreed move back to London, as long as she has her own place away from the city. And that she will have her own job to pay for it.
Currently, she's cooking some lunch for herself as her parents are away for the weekend. She shoves the pan inside the oven and sets the timer.

Suddenly her phone buzzes. Washing her hands really quickly, she grabs the phone.

"Okay, we have spoken with our reps. We decided to officially announce the split in two weeks." Reads Niall's text message.

"Okay, sounds great." She quickly replies and walks over to the living room.

She told her parent about her plans to help Niall. At first they were angry at why should she help. Then eventually they got over it and accepted the fact that Ella cares too much.

Her phone buzzes again.

"By the way, Louis asked me about you. I told him I haven't spoken to you since you left." Niall's text says. "So we really have to be careful."

"Sure thing!" She replies quickly. "No problem. I can be in the shadows very easily."


"Right, I have to go. I gotta do some writing sessions. Talk to you later."

Things between them are getting better. They're definitely keeping their distance from each other. Ella knows she can't let herself go easily. She has work to do, and that is to help Niall gain his truthful image back. Except without the help of a public girlfriend.


*Two weeks later*

Ella is back in London. She actually decided to get a flat just outside of London. And she got herself a job back at the floral shop, thank god for Becky.

Niall's "plan" was postponed due to scheduling conflicts. He is away in Sweden doing some writing, while Emily is away in Milan for some modeling.

So, until then, Ella has to wait it out.

Which she don't mind at all. It gives her more time to think about her plan to help Niall gain back his image.

"I think these roses will look great on that bouquet," says Becky, placing a pink rose in the middle. "Brings out the colors of the rest!"

"Yeah I guess that will work." Ella replies, fixing up the arrangement.

"So how are you adjusting to life back in London?" Becky asks.

"It's like I never left quite honestly," Ella cuts a stem. "Except the traffic. We didn't have that back home."

Becky laughs. "Oh? Well then, welcome to London! Ha. So, have you thought of dating?"

"Not really at the moment," Ella shrugs. "Not on my mind."

"I think it'd be nice. I mean, you are single and not attached to anyone." Becky smiles. "I'm sure there is a fine man out there for you!"

"I guess so," Ella ties a ribbon around the vase, making a bow. "But I'm in no rush. Love will find me."

"Again you mean?" Becky look at Ella. "Love will find you...again."

"Yeah...again." Ella snips one last stem. She takes one step back to look at the bouquet. "Eventually it'll happen."

"Oh darling, it will happen when you least expect it!" Becky smiles and grabs the vase. "Don't worry about it!"


Ella says her goodbye to Becky and leaves the store when it closes. She doesn't have a car yet, so she waits for the bus. She sits down on the bench and scratches her arm.

Her phone buzzes in her pocket. She takes it out and looks at the screen. It's a text from Niall...

"Louis is suspicious. He found out about my plan to break up with Emily. I think her people got in contact with him. I'm not sure what was said. Anyway, I'll be back in town tomorrow for two days. Would you like to go over your plan with me?" His text reads.

"Oh man :/ I'm not shocked though. He always find out. But yeah, i guess that'd be fine." She types and hits send.


"Okay sounds good! See you tomorrow."

His texts are very formal and short to the point now that they're...acquaintances. She wouldn't say he's her friend...and she's sure he wouldn't.

She sees her bus pull up and she gathers her belongings. She slides her bus pass and finds a seat in the back. She looks out the window, thinking about her plan...


The next day, Ella asks to get out early so she can get back to her apartment before Niall arrives to clean up a bit. Of course Becky agreed and let her out two hours early.

Her apartment is small. It's only a 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom with a small living room and kitchen. It has a small parking garage next to it as well. It's not the prettiest, but it'll do until she can afford to move into something bigger and closer to the city.

She wipes down her small two seater table when her phone starts ringing.

She quickly picks it up and presses the 'answer' button. "Hello?"

"Hey Ella," Niall says. "I think I'm outside your flat. Im not sure."

Ella walks over to the door and looks through the peep hole. "Yep! I see you!"

She opens the door just as he was ending the call. He walks towards her, hands crossed across his chest. "Nice place you got here."

"Eh, it'll do until I can afford something bigger." She shrugs and wipes her forehead. "I think it's cute."

"It is cozy, that's for sure." He smiles. "You're quite away from the city, aren't you?"

"Yeah I guess," she invites him inside. "It's nice though. Very quiet."

"Where is the bus stop?" He asks, walking inside the small flat. "I didn't see one here."

"Oh," she says closing the door. "About 5 blocks away from here."

"Wait, you walk to and from the bus stop? Why don't you take your car?"

"Because I don't have a car yet," she replies. She watches him as he sits down on her small brown couch. "I gotta save up for it. Plus it serves as a workout too."

He nods and takes off his blazer. "Right."

"Anyway," she sits down beside him. She only have 1 couch. Where else is she suppose to sit? "So, I've been thinking. Brainstorming if you call it. I think we should wait a few weeks after the break up to start. I know you said Louis is starting to get suspicious, so we have to be on the DL. Like no texting each other in front of him. He'd kill the both of us if he knew I was trying to help. Anyway, after a few weeks, we can begin the plan."

"Okay, and exactly what is the plan?" He leans back. "Do you have one set and ready?"

She looks down and shrugs. "Not reaallyyy. I've been really busy with work and the move, I haven't had time to properly think about it."

He laughs. "It's okay, no problem. This will give you enough time to think about it."

"That's true."

"Hey, I didn't get the chance to compliment on your new haircut. Looks good, shorter than usual." He points out.

"Oh? OH Yeaahh, much shorter." She grabs her now shoulder length hair. "I like it. Something different."

"I like it too, like a new beginning right?" He asks.

She blinks at him and nods slowly. "Yeah, sort of."

Very much like a new beginning...

"Do you think Louis will find out?" He asks, sitting straight. "Or he'll just ignore us."

"I think he'll find out and ignore it, like leaving it up to us. I think he's had enough interfering with our lives." She rubs her eyes.

"Are you tired? Do you want me to leave?" He asks, starting to stand up.

"No!" She almost yells. "I mean, no, I'm not tired. I actually got out early today. But I'm just-"

"Tired," he finishes it for her and grabs his blazer. "It's okay, i can leave. You need your rest. I think the both of us."

"Will you stay at home?"

"Yeah, I have to." He replies. "Would you like to hang out tomorrow?"

"Hang out?" She asks, raising an eyebrow. "Niall, you do know that we can't be seen together." She stands up and leads him to the door.

"I know, but I meant at my place." He leans against the door. "So we can catch up on things."

"I have to work tomorrow til 7pm." She replies.

"Damn," he says, furrowing his brows together. "Maybe another time, yeah?"

She isn't too sure if they should hang out.'s just business. Nothing serious.

"Yeah another time," she nods. "That's fine."

"Cool," he grins and turns around and opens the door. "See ya' later Ella."

Ella watches him drive away and closes the door behind her. Things are okay, right? They're just acquaintances. Nothing more...


Couple of days pass by. Niall has been busy in the studio that she hasn't had time to properly speak with him.

Ella has been working all day, everyday at the flower shop with Becky.

"So how are things going with you and Niall?" Becky asks while they were on a break.

"What do you mean? We're not dating. He's acquaintance."

Becky raises an eyebrow at her. "Acquaintance?   Why that?"

"Because I don't want to get into a relationship with him. After what happened...I don't trust him." Ella sips her water. "I don't see myself dating him again."

"Then why are you helping him?"

"Because I care about him as a human being, he deserves better. He knows he shouldn't have don't what he did after we broke up." Ella shrugs. "Plus, I know him....I know he isn't the way he portrays himself."

"He seems really sweet and charming," Becky takes a bite of her scone. "I remember when you two broke up, he came into my store asking if I've heard from you. I didn't know what had happened and I told him no. Little did I know that he had cheated."

"He didn't really cheat...I don't think." Ella wipes her mouth. "I was a misunderstanding."

"Have you told him that?" Becky looks at her. "Have you told him that you think he didn't cheat?"

"No, I don't want him knowing." Ella responds. "He doesn't deserve to know that yet."

Becky nods. "Okay. I can see why-"

Suddenly they hear the front door bell ring as it opens.

"Hello! Welcome, I'll be out there in a second!" Becky yells, scarfing down her scone and wipes her mouth. "I thought I put the lock on. Dammit."

"Oh, Becky?" Says a voice. "It's Niall. I'm looking for Ella."

Ella nearly drops her water. What the hell is he doing here?

Becky looks back at Ella. "Oohs! Hello darling! I'll go find her! Hang on out front!"

"Do you want me to lie so he can leave?" Becky whispers.

They can heard Niall walking through the aisles.

"No, I'll go. How do I look?" Ella straightens out her shirt.

"Why do you care? Hmm?" Becky smirks at her and gives her gentle nudge.

Ella rolls her eyes and walks out from the back of the store.


"Hey!" He says, setting down a vase. "Thought I could stop by and talk to you."

He's actually wearing a disguise. What the hell?! He is sporting a black shirt, black hat, sunglasses, red sweat pants, and black Converse.

"Oh? About what?" Ella steps in front of him, leaving space between them.

"I thought tonight we can hang out? The break up is going to happen sometime soon. I just need someone to talk to." He says, taking off the sunglasses.

"Ummm, I don't know. I might have to work tomorrow." Ella bites her lip. She really wants to but...

"I thought it would be nice if we could talk some things about." He says, giving her a small smile. "What do you say?"

"Ummm..." She thinks. Should she? It would be a great opportunity to see how he truly is at home, comfortable.

"I guess that would be nice." She says softly, pushing a strand of hair behind her ear. "Yeah."

He smiles. "Awesome! Ummm, I'll send someone to pick you up then. Around what time? 7pm?"

"That would be fine." She says, seeing his eyes light up.

"Great! I'll see you later then? Yeah?"

She nods, agreeing.

"Okay! I'll see you later, I gotta go see someone for a meeting. Text me later!" He says as he leaves, bell ringing as he shuts the door.

Well...this is going to interesting.


"Is this his place?" She asks the driver as they pull into a driveway.

"Yes ma'am." Sean, the driver, responds. "He just bought it."

Bought it? What happened to the condo? OHHH...right...the plan. Meaning he has to get new place before the "break up."

They pull in front of a two story brick house with a long row of bushes in front.

"Okay, just chill. It's just before." She tells herself. "Breathe."

The driver opens the door and she steps out. She walks up the stairs to knock on the door.

He opens it slowly and immediately grins. "Ella!!"

"Hey?" She says, offering him a warm smile. "Sorry for the wait. I had to go home and change quickly."

Instead of her work clothes, she's now wearing black skinny jeans, black leather jacket and a blue tshirt with her white vans.

"It's okay, I've been busy. Doing the usual." He says, inviting her inside.

"It's a nice place you have here." She says, walking inside. "New home?"

"Nah, renting it. I'm not here enough to buy it. Plus, it feels better to have a house than a condo." Niall leads her to the kitchen. "It's actually really simple. I haven't done much to it."

Ella nods. The house itself is nice. It's large, dark wood floors, double living room, and a winding stairs that leads to the bedrooms.

"Wine? Tea? Water?" He asks, opening his fridge. "I don't have much, so it's not officially stocked."

"It's okay, just water." She leans against the wooden island.

He hands her the water. "Here you go." He grabs himself a water as well.

"So, how are you adjusting to life back in London?" He asks.

"It's fine, besides the traffic. I'm having fun." She takes a sip. "It's better than being home."

"I reckon," he sits on the counter top. "So, there is this thing I need to talk to you about."

Oh shit...


"Are you sure this will work? Don't you think this will be weird? Post break up,I'm out and about, alone??" He gives her a questioning look. "You sure?"

Ella tilts her head. "What do you mean? Niall, trust me. It will work!"

"I'm just saying because things will probably be rough at first. Trying to transform from a party boy, to...myself....that will be interesting." He runs a hand through his hair. "You know??"

"Niall, it will be just like last time-"

"Yeah but you were there." He interrupts. "You were there so I wasn't alone."

"And I'll still be there," she says, resisting the urge to reach out. "I'll just be behind the scenes."

"I guess." He sighs and crosses his arms. "This is going to be tough, I just know it."

"It will be all right, okay?" She smiles. "I won't let you go through this alone."

He looks at her and shrugs. "I guess."

He hops off the counter. "Want to watch a movie or something?"

A movie? Uhhh...

"Sure thing," she replies quickly and he leads her to the living room.

At least they're not on that awkward topic any more....

"Hm, that was strange but cool." Niall says, switching channels after the movie was over.

"I still don't get why she killed her sister." Ella replies, stretching out. "She's literally crazy."

"Exactly, the madness and jealousy drove her crazy that she killed her to end her." Niall switches the TV to National geographic. "What time is it?"

Ella looks at her phone and curses. "It's almost 11pm. I have to work tomorrow."

"Ah okay, I can drive you home?" Niall starts standing up. "If you want, I mean."

Ella looks at him. "Yeah, that'd be fine. It's too late now to walk home anyway."

He smiles and fixes his hair. "Cmon then, let's get you home."


The ride to Ella's house was quiet, considering they're both tired.

"Thanks for the ride," she says, grabbing her phone from the cupholder. "I really appreciate it."

"No problem Ella, you know I don't mind." He says, putting the car in 'Park.' "I'd rather drive you home than to have you walk alone at night."

She nods. "Well thanks, I guess I'll see you later then?"

"Yeah, maybe. I don't remember how my schedule will look like but I'll let you know. Thanks for hanging out too. " he shrugs, smiling. "I haven't had good company in a while."

Good company? Oh god...

"Ah, well then, you're welcome. I had fun tonight." She reaches for the door handle and slightly opens it. "Goodnight Niall."

He looks at her, almost not realizing the night has come to an end. "Oh? Goodnight Ella."

She steps out of his Range Rover and shuts the door behind her. She picks out the key from her jacket and unlocks the front door.

She turns around and sees Niall is still there. Probably waiting for her to walk inside and turn on the lights. She gives him a small wave and opens her door. She immediately turns on her lights and hears the Range Rover drive away.

The day is getting closer...

It's my 22nd birthday today! So I decided to treat y'all ;)

Thanks for reading! Ah cliff hanger! ;) please like and comment so I know to keep writing!

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