Paradise City.

Bởi NecromaniacKat

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[{BOOK 4 IN THE DEAD & GONE SERIES}] Peasnie is all grown up and is moving to London! How will she cope with... Xem Thêm

Paradise City.
Chapter 1: California to New York.
Chapter 2: A Heart that'll Always Beat for You.
Chapter 3: Little Talks.
Chapter 4: Girl I Know.
Chapter 5: I'm Just a Kid
Chapter 6: Riot Girl.
Chapter 7: Eye Candy.
Chapter 8: Steal My Romance.
Chapter 9: And We Danced All Night to the Best Song Ever!!
Chapter 10: Mother May I?
Chapter 11: Mountains.
Chapter 12: Your Knife, My Back, My Gun, Your Head.
Chapter 13: Rosary Blue. Part 1.
Chapter 14: Rosary Blue. Part 2.
Chapter 15: Felling This. (RATED R)
Chapter 16: Chain Reaction.
Chapter 17: We Are Broken From the Start.
Chapter 18: Do or Die.
Paradise City: The Wedding part 1. Chapter 19: Coming Home
Paradise City: The Wedding part 2. Chapter 20: Say Yes to the Dress.
Paradise City: The Wedding part 3. Chapter 21: Dan's Loud Mouth.
Paradise City: The Wedding part 4. Chapter 22: A Party for Three.
Paradise City: The Wedding part 6. Chapter 24: If You Love Me, Let Me Go!
Paradise City: The Wedding part 7. Chapter 25: Love Story.
Chapter 26: It goes off at any Second Just like a Loaded Gun.
Chapter 27: Beam Me Up.
Chapter 28: Run.
Chapter 29: The Birth of Moon Child.
Chapter 30: You're Nobody Till Somebody Loves You.
Chapter 31: Counting Stars.
Chapter 32: Give Me Love.
Chapter 33: Don't Give Up.
Chapter 34: Hero.
Chapter 35: Full Time Mommy, Part Time Everything Else.
Chapter 36: White Line Fever.
Chapter 37: Coming Home.
Chapter 38: Bring Me To Life.
Chapter 39: Beast and the Harlot.
Chapter 40: You'll be in My Heart, Always.
Chapter 41: It's Always Darkest before the Dawn.
Chapter 42: Lost. Part 1.
Chapter 43: Lost. Part 2.
Chapter 44: Kink. [Rated R]
Chapter 45: The Fountain Wish.
Chapter 46: Living Life so Reckless, Tragedy Endless.
Chapter 47: Someone, Somewhere.
Chapter 48: California's Burning Down Tonight.
Chapter 49: Sleep Through the End of the World.
Chapter 50: Generations.
Chapter 51: My Super Hero.
Chapter 52: Gallery.
Chapter 53: Health Nut.
Chapter 54: Life in My Stomach.
Chapter 55: The Way You Look at Her.
Chapter 56: I Pray to God He Hears You.
Chapter 57: Acid Rain.
Chapter 58: Changes.
Chapter 59: Crazy.
Chapter 60: She's So Lovely.
Chapter 61: Things Are Better if I Stay.
Chapter 62: The Box.
Chapter 63: Lost in the City of Angels.
Chapter 64: American Noise.
Chapter 65: Ink Heart.
Chapter 66: Will You Be There?
Chapter 67: Hospital for Souls.
Chapter 68: 700 Days of A Week Long Tour.
Chapter 69: Wet Tee Shirt Contest.
Chapter 70: The Lost Letter Ends a Chapter.

Paradise City: The Wedding part 5. Chapter 23: St James.

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Bởi NecromaniacKat

Paradise City: The Wedding part 5.

Chapter 23: St James.

1 day until the wedding.


Tomorrow is my wedding day and I'm terrified, not because I'm getting married tomorrow but because today I'm telling my dad that I'm pregnant. I think I'm gonna break the news to him by giving him that Father's Day card that has a picture of his Grandson in it. And if he doesn't take that well then I'll tell him what Phil and I talked about last night at the party. I'm terrified though because after today only six or seven people in the entire world will know and it'll stay that way until after the wedding and honeymoon. So none of us are saying a word. The only people that know are.



-Dan, but he didn't find out until the day that we left for California.

-Grandpa Joe and Bee-Bee, they found out because Dan is a big mouth.

-My dad.

-Bailey, because dad will probably tell her when he can.

This morning my Grandma or as I call her Bee-Bee; made a nice big breakfast for Phil and me. Last night was the last night Phil and I spent together until we leave for the honeymoon period. Bee-Bee's always loved cooking. She's always made big breakfasts for dad, Grandpa Joe and me. I remember when dad was at school and we'd bake cakes and chat all afternoon; I'd go for a nap after lunch and sleep until dad got home from school. I suppose you could say those were the golden years.

After a very good breakfast I had a quick shower and got dressed. I helped Phil pack up his suit case so Matt could take him to his house until tomorrow. I was rather surprised that Matt actually let Phil spend the night at his house that seems so unlike him. Phil was nervous, not to spend the night at my Uncle's house without me but they planned the stag party and Phil isn't much of a partier. And he doesn't really like strippers, he feels like it's almost cheating on me which both made me truly feel like I'm his bride but at the same time I want him to enjoy himself tonight. I told Phil that I wanted him to have fun tonight because my Uncles planned this party for him and he should enjoy it. I made sure Phil got a kiss before he left and then I got ready to spend the majority of the day with my dad to finish up the wedding details. Grandpa Joe and Bee-Bee gave me a speech about no matter how upset dad is about this, he still loves me. I pray to God that he doesn't get upset; that'd kill me. He's always told me that I have to be married for at least a year before even considering having a baby and when I tell him that this wasn't planned, he'll blow his lid. I just know it. Either that or he'll be disappointed in me which is worse. I can't stand having him being disappointed in me. I'd rather get yelled at.

I straightened out the Guns'N'Roses tee shirt that sat loosely over my body. I wore a pair of jeggings and my black Vans as I fiddled with my hair. I was so nervous, it was eating away at me and I can't stand it. I felt a gentle hand placed on my shoulder.

"Stop stressing, it's not good for the baby." Bee-Bee said sweetly with a kind smile. I knew she was right, I should stop stressing but a million things were rushing through my head all at once. It was madness in my mind and it was all rushing by before I could properly process it all. But everything stopped when a car horn was sounded outside. My stomach dropped when I looked out the front window to see my dad's truck waiting for me. My heart began to race as I looked at my Grandparents carefully. Grandpa Joe's blue eyes tore from the paper and shared a stern expression with me. That was his way of saying he loves me. He wasn't too pleased that I followed in my dad's footsteps and is having a child outside of wedlock. I mean technically no we're gonna be married but I suppose he means instead of getting married and then having a baby, we're having a baby while getting married; or the other way around. Bee-Bee shared a loving smile with me. She's excited she'll get to see her first Great Grandchild which is a boy.  She says what Phil and I are gonna do is a truly heart filled thing.

"Good luck, sweetie." She said as the car horn sounded again. I gave them both a reassuring nod and smile before swinging my bag over my shoulder and headed out the front door. I marched up to my dad's truck and hopped in, putting my bag between my feet. I had the blue envelope that had my dad's name scrolled across it in my hand along with my phone, I know my family's rules are I'm not allowed to have contact with the groom for twenty-four hours before the wedding which will kill me because I can barely go an hour without Phil around me. Dad turned down the loud music and faced me. His energetic smile made this so much harder.

"Hey kiddo, how're you?" He greeted happily as he pulled away from the curb. I smiled back at him and shrugged.

"I'm fine, stressed out and terrified but other than that I'm fine." I replied happily. His energetic smile faded and his eyes dashed away from mine momentarily before making strong eye contact again.

"Today is your last day as a Sullivan." His voice was shy and quiet. He looked sad and that made me feel bad. I gave him a sympathetic look and placed my hand on his cheek gingerly.

"Dad, I'll always be a Sullivan. Forever and always. Just like your Grandchildren; they'll be Sullivan and Lesters." I explained. I even dropped a hint in there but it went right over his head. He laughed and shook his head as we stopped at a red light. His blue eyes moved back over to mine, he was still chuckling.

"Grandchildren, I'm barely breaking thirty. I don't want those until I'm at least forty and you and Phil aren't newlyweds and still children yourselves." His words struck me like lightning. I looked down at the blue envelope and found myself thoughtlessly tearing up. Tears ran down both of my cheeks. I quickly wiped away the saddened tears and sniffled. Dad took notice of this and frowned.

"Oh hey, what's wrong?" He asked curiously, stopping in front of a baby shop. He needed to get Tammer and Trystan their outfits for tomorrow and a couple extra outfits as well. I wiped the oncoming tears away and smiled.

"Nothing, I'm just really stressed out right now." I said as calmly as I could. He arched an eye brow at me and frowned again.

"Are you sure?" He asked for reassurance. I nodded and giggled through the tears.

"Yeah, don't worry 'bout me. I'm fine." I replied softly.

"Don't worry kiddo, after tomorrow all this will be over." He said to me with an unsure nod then got out. I followed him. We both entered the baby shop that was obviously full of baby things, this made me uncomfortable. I held the blue envelope in my hands as if it were a life preserver. Dad wandered around the toddler section while I mindlessly strolled through the infant area. My eyes wandered around but my mind was stuck on what he said. I thought I was terrified before, I wasn't. I'm terrified now though. I mean by what he said I know he'll be so upset with me, he'll do what he did when I said I was leaving California. He'll try and convince me that this isn't the best idea for me. But it is. I've never imagined a family with anybody else, I couldn't. But with Phil I see every possibility imaginable. My dad needs to understand that I'm no longer a baby, I'm twenty years old and I'm happy with where I am with life. I love living in London with my best friends, I love doing what I do. If he says I can't do it then he's a hypocrite because he did it and look how I turned out.

My eyes wandered over to see something that melted my heart. An incoherent smile crossed my face as I approached the beautiful white woven bassinet; it was all white apart from the pale yellow drapes that were lazily draped over either side of the small bed. They were attached to a pretty mobile that had teddy bears and moons and stars.

I ran my fingers over the edge of the bed and peered in to see a beautiful baby laying there. He had dark hair and Phil's brilliant blue eyes but he had my face.

I couldn't contain the smile that spread across my face. I enjoyed imagining that; it brought reassurance to me. I feel like I can finally tell dad about the baby with confidence.

"That's really nice." Dad's voice made me jump. I was snapped back to reality in an instant. I looked over at him with the smile still on my face. I nodded in agreement.

"Yeah it is." I replied simply. Dad dragged me away from the beautiful bed that I just needed. I needed that bed for my child. Have you ever seen something and wanted it so bad that it physically hurt to walk away from it? Yeah, a bit extreme but I wanted that bed.

Dad and I finished shopping in the store; I bought a pair of baby booties that matched mine and Phil's All Stars that had anchors on them. I told my dad it was for a co-worker back in London who is having a baby, I obviously lied. But he bought it. Dad and I then headed to Johnny's to finish up the table arrangements and catering. Then obviously we had lunch there. Bailey was chatting with Johnny the owner of Johnny's; obviously. She said that everything needed to be perfect and if anything were to happen to fuck up mine and Phil's wedding reception she'll shove her boot up his ass. Bailey then left to finish the flower arrangements at the florist. I'm so lucky to have the girls to help with all of this.

Dad and I sat in a booth near the back of the bar by the big windows. I had a Johnny's Deluxe which is a sloppy Joe with bacon and cheese with a side of curly fries. Don't judge my fat ass, please. I'm barely breaking a hundred and twenty pounds which in the UK is eight stone eight pounds. Dad had a veggie burger since Bailey has put him on a strict diet but he did sneak a regular coke instead of diet. I had the blue envelope sitting on the table between us, facing up. Dad kept looking down at it then up at me curiously.

"Who's the card for?" He asked curiously taking a bite of his veggie burger. Butterflies fluttered in my stomach nervously as my heart began to race all over again. I swallowed the bubbly drink hard and blinked away the tears it caused. I slid the card into my hand and read it carefully, contemplating weather or not if this was a good idea. I know I need to do this because he's gonna find out sooner or later. Plus I can't keep a human being's life hidden from him until he's ready to be a Grandparent, this is happening right here, right now; weather he likes it or not. I licked my lips and handed him the card shakily.

"It's for you." I said softly. "-Happy belated Father's Day, dad." I added shyly. He took the card from me with an arched eye brow. He was unsure about something; maybe he's mentally asking why I'm so shaky and nervous. He opened the envelope and painfully slowly pulled the card from it. On the front it has a picture of me as a baby and him and it says 'It's a special day for a certain daddy!' And then on the inside it leaves a place for me to write something above the picture. I wrote 'it's the day you see your first Grandchild.'

He smiled at the front of the card and blushed lightly. When he opened the card the blush and smile was wiped from his face. He swallowed hard and looked up at me with a blank expression. I think at that exact moment my heart just exploded and I died. I shared a shy smile with him as he lowered the card.

"Peasnie," He choked lowly. "-Is this," He couldn't finish his sentence. I thought when he'd start speaking I'd burst out crying but oddly I'm okay; I'm very confident in this. I smiled slightly and nodded pointing to a spot on the card that showed weather it was a boy or girl.

"Your Grandson, yes. See it's a little boy, his thingy is right there." I said pointing directly at it on the black and white picture. His jaw dropped as he gaped at the picture. His eyes got glassy and distant, his lower lip quivered slightly. He placed the card down and covered his face with his hand while he had the other one sprawled on the side of his rib cage. I could see he was clearly crying. Seeing him cry made my heart ache inside my chest. I could feel the tears form in my eyes as I watched him break down. I knew he was upset with me and he was going to let out all the anger soon. I had to tell him about what Phil and I talked about last night.

"We're naming him James Owen but he'll have Phil's last name, we're naming him after you, dad." I announced making a loud sob come from him. He uncovered his tear filled face that was pale apart from his nose and around his now puffy eyes. He stood up and motioned for me to get up as well. I did so, hesitantly. As soon as I was on my feet he pulled me into his chest, giving me the biggest and tightest hug I've ever received from him. He sniffled and sobbed as he hugged me. I wrapped my arms around him and smiled shyly.

"How far along are you?" He asked between sobs and sniffles.

"Fifteen weeks." I replied as he held onto me tightly. He pulled me away from him and wiped his face with the palms of his hands.

"Jesus fucking Christ, I can't believe I'm sobbing in public but fuck-it I'm getting a Grandson." He said happily laughing as tears of joy ran down his face. I smiled widely at him and sighed a breath of relief. That was so close. I can't believe he's this happy about getting a Grandchild. He placed his hands on either side of my face and smiled widely as the tears still streamed down his face.

"My baby is getting married and having a baby, my God I feel old." He commented happily. I know my dad still thinks of me as some fourteen year old who can't take care of herself and needs help with everything. But I'm a very independent twenty years old who is successful in almost every artistic industry there is, tomorrow I'll be a wife and in January I'll be a mother. I'm building a very nice life for myself and I can't deny it.

I smiled widely at him; his wide smile was wiped from his face as he dodged down to his phone that sat on the table.

"We need to tell everybody!" He exclaimed. I grabbed his phone from him before he could do anything. He was taken aback by this as I shook my head.

"We're keeping it a secret until after the wedding, you can tell Bailey but no one else." I scolded him like he was child who’s done something bad. He nodded once at me and frowned slightly.

"What about the bachelorette party tonight, isn't there gonna be alcohol?" He asked. I nodded in response and smirked up at him.

"Don't worry, I'm not gonna drink anything." I said proudly. Dad smiled down at me and then pulled me in for another hug that was nice and comforting. I rejoiced in the feeling of his arms around me, like I have since I was a little girl.

"I still can't believe you're gonna be a mommy. My baby is having a baby." He said happily into my ear. Neither can I.

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