Chapter 64: American Noise.

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Chapter 64: American Noise.


I sighed as I walked down Hollywood Boulevard alone; I just saw my sister and Phil drive past me. They were probably going home. I wanted to go home too but I couldn’t go home, not yet. There’s too much going on right now for me to go home and have to face it all at once. I still couldn’t believe he was gone. I didn’t want to believe it. He leaving has driven this family apart and to the breaking point. Alfie is angry, she’s being selfish to try and hide it but she’s angry and hurt. The twins are pretty sad that dad’s gone but they still don’t fully understand that he’s not just gone on tour for a little while, he’s gone for good. Mom is in a tough spot right now, she has a lot on her plate and I don’t blame her for practically kicking me out. I know I’ve let my temper get the best of me on more than one occasion since dad died. I blame myself, I knew something wasn’t right and I didn’t say a word. It’s my fault dad’s gone. I should’ve used my voice and saved him. Peasnie seems to be the only voice of reason here. I know she went through a couple days of utter sadness but she needed to keep going for the sake of James and Nevaeh. Y’know I find it kind of ironic that the day that Nevaeh was born is the same day that dad died and they named her Nevaeh which is heaven spelled backwards. It’s like some greater power took away someone important to the entire family but at the same time they gave someone important to us as well. Nevaeh is the first Granddaughter and in every way she reminds everyone of dad.

I shook my head, ridding my mind of these thoughts as I walked down the streets with my hands in my hoodie pockets. I knew that walking up and down these streets was a good way to help think. Peasnie thinks I’m with my friends but I’ve really just been sitting at the docks all afternoon, drawing.

I kept my head down but I knew I was passing by the street performers, the fairly famous ones that I’ve seen in magazines and in interviews. This is why I love Los Angeles, you can be anybody you want to be and nobody can stop you. If you want to pick up a guitar and sing on the corner, you can.

I stepped into the 24 hour cafe and looked at the almost empty place. Music played softly as staff stood behind the counter. I sighed and stepped towards the cash register. A Native American girl smiled at me and bounced in place.

“Hi, welcome to Cafe Nero, what can I get for you?” She twanged with a Southern accent. I smiled shyly at her and looked in my wallet to see a couple bills and some spare change.

“Can I get a large black coffee, please?” I asked kindly in a little voice. She nodded with a large smile as she tapped in my order.

“That’ll be $2.50.” She said kindly. I handed her the two one dollar bills and fifty cents. She tossed the money into their slots and went along to make me my coffee. It was late in the evening, early night. I’d say its eight-thirty, nine o’clock. The streets were still filled with people but not the day time people, the children of the night, the ones that have nowhere else to go. The ones that remind me of me.

The girl came back with a large coffee cup and handed it to me with a cheerful smile. I nodded and went towards the bay window near the front of the shop and sat down on the comfy bench. I put my backpack at my feet, it had all my things in it, my sketch book and notes. It has my future in it. I looked out the window to watch the hills of Hollywood burn brightly with red and orange flames dancing. It’s tragically beautiful, just like life. The Hollywood hills are something everyone should see at least once in their lives because they’re beautiful, just like life. It’s a beautiful gift that can be taken away from you with the spark of a match.

I sighed and picked up my backpack from between my feet, I pulled out the big brown envelope that I got today. I have no idea what’s inside, I haven’t opened it yet. It could be anything but what can top a Scholarship, internship, an apartment and a truck plus $15,000? That’s literally everything that I’ve wanted in my life. I knew I didn’t want to leave California because no matter how big the blow out is, this is my home and I’d never leave home. I wanted to go to this school since I first started drawing and being the outcast of the family. I’m the only one who doesn’t want to be in music, I can play music and read and write it but I will not do it as a career.

Paradise City.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora