Uncovering the Truth

By Ukume279

71K 2.7K 1.3K

The new school year at Domino High brings with it so much more than just homework. A quiet and mysterious new... More

New Student
So Mysterious
Stage Makeup
Cast List
Horror Movie Marathon
Physical Changes
A Little Swim
Shocking Rehearsal
Forced Transformation
Motorcycle Recovery
Lost in Nature
Of Magic and Revenge
Opening Night
Winter Formal
Freak Out
We Messed Up
Don't Fight It
Ocean Escape
Going North
It Worked
Panama Canal
Caribbean Clan
Sweat It Out
Mental Abilities
Trouble in the Indian Ocean
Crimson Waters
Gathering and Strategizing
Unexpected Allies
Chaos Reigns Supreme
Bath Party

Break In

1.3K 64 32
By Ukume279

A/N: Hey all! I hope you like this chapter. :) Thank you again for your support! Please vote and comment. 


*Mind Link*

"I am so bored," Marik complained. His head was resting in Malik's lap as the smaller dragon watched Tristan try his best to defeat Anzu at Just Dance.

The group had polished off the donuts in no time at all, save for the mayonnaise donut which found its way into the trashcan. Joey pouted as he watched the pastry be tossed into the trashcan.

"If only it wasn't mayonnaise filled," he wined.

"You can always eat around the mayonnaise. Good luck doing it though." Tristan chuckled. Joey made a face at Tristan.

"You eat around the Mayonnaise part," Joey grumbled folding his arms across his chest. 

"I am soooooooooo boooored," Marik announced again. Malik smiled down at him, his tan fingers running through the untamed blonde hair.

"What do you want to do?" Malik asked.

"Bakura?" Marik sat up to glance over at the albino elf. Bakura sat at the other end of the couch sharpening one of his knives.

"No. Doing me is not an option," the shadow elf chucked without looking up from sharpening his knife.

"No! That's not what I meant... sicko..." Marik grimmaced. 

"The what?" the shadow elf asked not looking up.

"Want to break in somewhere?" Marik's grimace was replaced by a large grin that spread across his face as the question left his lips.

"Where?" Bakura asked finally shifting his gaze from his knife to Marik.

"Let's break into the school. They have an indoor swimming pool and I want to swim!" The tallest Egyptian walked over towards Bakura. He grabbed the shadow elf and tried to pull him up off the couch.

Bakura growled as he pinned Marik to the coffee table; his knife held up against his throat, "Don't touch me, Psycho." The shadow elf sat on Marik's stomach leaning over him. The blade dangerously close to Marik's artery. His silver hair fell around his face and onto the Egyptian.

Marik nuzzled into Bakura's hair breathing him in deeply. He smelled of musk and...darkness. If darkness had a smell....it would smell like Bakura. Marik purred, "Aw Kura, don't be so pissy."

"First and foremost, don't touch me. Second, don't nuzzles me," Bakura stood and started walking towards the door, "And lastly, don't fucking call me 'Kura'." Bakura threw his knife at Marik. It landed on the coffee table in between his legs. Large dark lilac eyes glanced down at the knife with a smirk.

"But Ryou calls you Kura," Marik picked the knife up and twirled it in his tanned fingers.

"That's Ryou. You are not, Ryou," the shadow elf leaned up against the doorway, "Well, are you coming or not?"

Marik tilted his head to the side, his wild hair shifting slightly as he did so, "Where are you going?"

"I thought you said you wanted to go swimming. Let's go break into the school," A dark smirk passed over Bakura's lips.

"Yes!" Marik jumped up and strode over to Bakura handing him the knife before walking towards the front door.

"Kura, you're not really going to break in are you?" Ryou asked, his large milk chocolate eyes pleading for the shadow elf to be good.

"Yes, and so are you," the shadow elf crossed the room in a few strides. He picked Ryou up and flung him over his shoulder.

"Not again," Ryou sighed.

"Let's go losers. The psycho wants to go swimming," Bakura took his leave from the room and followed Marik to the door.

"What are we waiting for? Let's go!" Joey chased after them followed closely by Tristan, Anzu, Yami, and Yugi.

Anzu lived only a few blocks from the school, as such they decided to walk. The bitterly cold December air biting through their layers leaving them shivering and chilled to the very bone. The only two that did not seem to mind the cold were Yami and Yugi.

"Won't there be faculty roaming the halls?" Anzu asked as they rounded a corner, the school coming into view.

"Perhaps. I wouldn't worry about them though. We have more than enough power between all of us to figure something out," Bakura stated in a monotone voice.

"There will be no killing today, Kura," Ryou scolded.

"That is not what I meant. Don't worry about it love, we will be fine," Bakura gave Ryou as playful pinch to his sides. The light elf squeaked and squirmed finally breaking free of Bakura's grasp.

The shadow elf plastered himself to the brick wall directly outside of the school grounds, "I will be back," he chuckled as he disappeared into the shadows. The group stood in silence awaiting his return. "Coast is clear, let's go." Bakura performed a few intricate movements with his hands. The shadows stretched outward away from him towards the school. They climbed the school walls.

"What are you doing?" Yugi asked curiously.

"Killing the cameras. We don't need anyone seeing you and Yami grow scales and a tale. Nor do we want them seeing me shadow walk," a dark espresso colored eye winked at the petite siren. "Follow me." Bakura instructed the others. The crept to the side door where the shadow elf reached into his pocket for a pin. The lock did not take him long to pick. He scoffed at the lack of challenge, "Child's play. And they call this school secure."

Bakura used the shadows to creep down the hallways and attack the cameras once again. He led them down one hallway and into the next. The door to the school's swimming pool was unlocked. A ray of light shone into the pitch black room as the shadow elf cracked the door open.

"Wait here," he whispered as he disappeared once again into the shadows. He moved swiftly and silently throughout the room killing each camera before turning shadow walking over to the light. A flip of the switch launched the room into bright florescent lighting, "Come on in!"

The group filed into the room, "Nice work, Bakura!" Marik smirked. This will be fun!" He wasted no time in stripping down to his boxers and jumping in.

"How's the water?" Anzu asked dipping her toe into the clear blue liquid.

"Warm, they heat it during the winter." Marik responded as he kicked his long bronze muscular legs up and began to float on the water's surface.

Anzu's cobalt eyes widened, "I'm going to get to see your tales!" She turned to Yami and Yugi glancing at each of them excitedly. They glanced at each other before shrugging. "I bet they are beautiful!" She cooed at them.

"Mine is alright, but Yugi's is gorgeous," Yami smiled at the amethyst eyed siren.

*Yami!* Yugi flushed; his cheeks turning bright pink.

*What? It is the truth.* Yami smiled at him.

*Well everyone is here so we have two choices on how to get in,* Yugi commented through their mind link as his amethyst gaze watched the others strip down to their boxers and jump in. Anzu left her t-shirt on and her underwear.

*What choices?* Yami's eyebrow arched.

*Well, we can dive in with our boxers. We would lose our boxers, but at least we would be covered. The other thing we could do is strip naked and then dive in. We would save our boxers but not our dignity.* Yugi blushed.

*I opt for option one,* Yami's rich baritone voice chuckled in his head.

* I agree,* Yugi slid his shirt and pants off leaving only his boxers. He went over to the diving board at the opposite side of the pool from the others. He dove gracefully off of the board; plummeting himself into the warm water of the swimming pool. His amethyst tale instantly forming. A small flick of it had him across the pool with the others. Yami fallowed suit diving into the pool with his boxers on. His crimson tale forming instantly as he came into contact with the liquid. Yugi swam circles around the others and drifted past Anzu.

"Wow, Yami's right. Your tale is gorgeous, Yugi. Can I touch it?" She asked her cobalt eye meeting Yugi's amethyst; requesting permission to touch the beautiful scales.

Yami swam up and floated next to Yugi. Anzu's eyes fell on the large strong looking crimson tale of Yami, "And can I touch yours too?" She asked. The group gathered around the two sirens.

He sighed softly and nodded, "Go ahead." Yami nodded his agreement as well.

Her hand reached out and gently caressed the amethyst scales of Yugi's long elegant tale, "Wow," She breathed in awe, "Yugi, your scales feel like silk. They are so soft and smooth."

"Thank you," Yugi smiled at her.

"Yami, your scales are not quite as smooth, but I don't think they are suppose to be. They feel a bit closer to dragon armor than fish scales. Regardless, you both have beautiful tales."

Yami nodded his gratitude to her before diving down to the bottom to float and think. It was much easier to think without anyone interrupting you.

*Are you okay?* Yugi swam to the bottom near Yami. He slowly circled Yami. Little flicks of his tale creating waves for the others at the surface.

*I am fine. Just thinking about our destiny again. I just don't know where to start," Yami rubbed his eyes with the palms of his hands.

*Don't worry about that now. Just try to have fun. How often do we get to swim in warm water at this time of year,* Yugi smiled.

*That is true. I will try to enjoy myself,* A smirk played across his lips. He spun to grab a hold of Yugi. The siren squirmed against him eventually freeing himself. Yami grabbed at Yugi's hands before he could swim back to the group. He wrapped Yugi's arms around his shoulders as he pulled the petite siren into a passionate underwater kiss. Their tongues waging a war against each other. Yami won the battle for dominance and began devouring Yugi's sweet tasting mouth.

"Two sirens kissing underwater..now that is hot." Marik chuckled.

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