Uncovering the Truth

By Ukume279

70.9K 2.7K 1.3K

The new school year at Domino High brings with it so much more than just homework. A quiet and mysterious new... More

New Student
So Mysterious
Stage Makeup
Cast List
Horror Movie Marathon
Physical Changes
A Little Swim
Shocking Rehearsal
Forced Transformation
Motorcycle Recovery
Lost in Nature
Of Magic and Revenge
Opening Night
Winter Formal
Break In
We Messed Up
Don't Fight It
Ocean Escape
Going North
It Worked
Panama Canal
Caribbean Clan
Sweat It Out
Mental Abilities
Trouble in the Indian Ocean
Crimson Waters
Gathering and Strategizing
Unexpected Allies
Chaos Reigns Supreme
Bath Party

Freak Out

1.5K 61 29
By Ukume279

A/N: Thank you every one for reading ! I hope you enjoy this chapter. Please vote and comment :)


*Mind Link*

The stretch limo pulled up to Anzu's house after the group ate their fill at a small 24/7 diner downtown. Yugi's petite form was leaned up against Yami's chest. His breathing becoming heavy as sleep threatened to drag him away.

"Wake up, Yugi! We are at Anzu's!" Malik yelled while his hands located Yugi's ticklish sides. The amethyst eyed siren squirmed and giggled as his sides were assaulted.

"Mercy, Malikl! Mercy! Please!" He gasped for breath. The Egyptian giggled as he climbed out of the limo and practically bounced into the house. "Who let him have caffeine again?" Yugi asked looking up at Yami.

Yami responded with a chuckle, "Joey and Tristan."

"Are you two coming or would you like to sleep in the limo?" Anzu asked peaking her head back into the limo. She smiled offering her hand to help Yugi climb out of the limo. The petite siren's body was sore and fought every little movement. He was so exhausted and could not wait for winter break.

Yami climbed out of the limo after Yugi and paid the driver, "Thank you." The driver bowed to him before pulling away from Anzu's place. Anzu, Yugi, and Yami entered the house and located the group already relaxing in the game room.

"I will be right back guys. I'm going to go change," Anzu commented.

"Yea okay, Anzu!" Joey waved her away while setting up her Xbox. She rolled her eyes as she turned to head upstairs to her room.

"Hey, Yugi, wanna play something?" Joey asked glancing at the droopy-eyed siren.

A wide yawn escaped Yugi's lips, "I'm going to pass tonight, Joey. I'm so tired." He took his tuxedo jacket off and hung it up on the coat rack.

"Come on, Yug!" Joey wined, "Please please please please!" Joey pinned Yugi attacking his sides. He was soon joined by Marik and hyperactive Malik. They removed his shirt and went after every ticklish spot on Yugi's torso that they were aware of.

"Guys, leave poor Yugi alone," Anzu chuckled as she returned into the room. Her dress replaced by comfortable grey yoga pants and a white t-shirt. She stopped immediately upon seeing the large scar on Yugi's chest. The scar that his father burned into him using the ring, "What happened there, Yugi?"

"Shit," Ryou swore as he stood. A few surprised blinks were directed at him before glancing back to Anzu.

"It's nothing, Anzu." Yugi quickly covered up his bare chest.

"Don't lie...to me, Yugi," She growled lowly. Her body beginning to tremble, "Where did it come from? Who hurt you?"

"Anzu, you need to calm down. You're about to lose control," Ryou eased his way over to her.

"Shut up, Ryou!" She screeched at him. Her cobalt eyes turning to a blue so clear and light, it looked like her irises did not have any color at all.

"Anzu?" Yugi asked concerned; her body trembled violently.

"Back up," Ryou instructed the others. Bakura was instantly at Ryou's side to try and calm Anzu down.

"Where did that scar come from!?" her voice going to an obscenely high octave. Her brunet hair grew down to her waist and turned silver. Her skin paled taking on a bluish tint, "Who hurt you, Yugi!?"

"What's happening to her?" Yugi whispered.

"Anzu is a banshee. She can kill with her scream. This is why I didn't want to get her involved when you went missing," Ryou whispered back to Yugi.

Anzu's icy gaze turned towards Ryou, "Well if Yugi's not going to tell me, maybe you will, Ryou. What happened to my best friend?"

"It's over Anzu. We have taken care of it. You do not need to worry about it," Bakura responded shortly as he moved in front of Ryou to protect him.

She turned her icy gaze to Bakura, "Silence Thief! I want answers now!" She screamed. Frustration raising within her; she stormed out of the house. She leaped into the breeze riding it into the night.

"We have to stop her!" Tristan hollered running towards the door.

"Her scream is deadly so we have to be smart about this," Marik commented folding his arms over his chest. "Tristan, Joey, do you think you can find her and bring her back?"

"We can find her alright, but man do her screams hurt the ears," Joey commented as he rubbed his ears, "My ears are still ringing from the last time she freaked out and lost control."

"Joey, if you don't do it, there could be a few deaths tonight. She can't control herself when she is like this," Malik reasoned.

"Okay, but if she kills me, I'm coming back to haunt your asses," Joey responded as he and Tristan stepped outside to transform into their werewolf forms. Their ears perked up hearing the banshee's high pitched wail off in the distance. They both took off running on all fours towards the scream and towards Anzu.


The front door burst open; Tristan and Joey pulling a thrashing Anzu along with them. They snarled and growled loudly as they pulled her into the house. Joey restrained her arms; as Tristan restrained her legs. There was a large cloth tied over her mouth muffling her deadly screams. Joey and Tristan transformed back into their human forms.

"We could use a little help here guys!" Tristan hollered. The group came running into the foyer. Anzu thrashed about freeing her feet just as Joey lost grip of her arms. She swung wildly at the group, her claws leaving behind four large bloody gashes on Marik's bicep. She clawed at the fabric gagging her; trying desperately to pull it away from her mouth.

"Don't let her get the gag out!" Bakura hollered dashing forward towards the banshee. The fabric fell to the ground in ribbons. She took a deep breath preparing to let out another wail. The shadow elf captured her arms behind her back and Malik covered her mouth with his hand; muffling any noise that may escape her deadly vocal cords. Joey took his belt off and tied it tightly around her wrists.

"Anzu, calm the fuck down!" Bakura growled.

Large amethyst eyes stared unblinking at the creature Anzu had become. He approached her slowly, "Aznu, please calm down. I will tell you what happened if you just calm down." She growled through Malik's hand. She swung her legs around trying to kick anyone else who attempted to assist with restraining her. Her leg made contact with the side of Yugi's head before Yami grabbed her legs pinning them against his muscular torso.

With endless struggle, Bakura, Joey, Tristan, Marik, Malik, and Yami were finally able to get the squirming and pissed off banshee tied down to a chair. Ryou lifted Yugi and carried him into the living room where the group sat panting and staring at Anzu who continued to struggle. She used all of her strength to try and break free from her bonds.

"Is he alright, Ryou?" Yami asked panting as he knelt next to Yugi's head. Ryou's hand hovered over Yugi's temple. His pale hand emitting a brilliant yellow glow.

"Yes, he will be fine. You have to sing, Yami," Ryou's hand shifted to a spot near the back of Yugi's skull.

"I didn't think the siren song worked on mythological creatures," Yami's blinked at the elf in surprise.

"It does not have much of an effect on many different mythological creatures including elves and dragons. I am almost certain that it works on banshees though. It is worth a try, Yami. We need to calm her down," Ryou responded as Yugi's large amethyst eyes fluttered slowly open.

Yami nodded, "Okay." He took a deep breath in; letting it out slowly his silken baritone voice reverberated in the large living room. The banshee paused from her struggling; her eyes falling on the siren. The icy blue narrowed at the siren; a growl rumbling deep within her throat. 

"It's not enough," Marik whispered holding his bleeding bicep.

*Yugi, I need your help. They are right, one siren alone is not enough to sway her emotions enough to calm her,* Yami's crimson eyes pleaded with Yugi.

Yugi nodded, *I can help.*

The two sirens approached Anzu, one standing on either side of her. Yugi began to sing along with Yami. Their voices mingling in an enchanting dance that filled the air. They circled her, keeping their eyes on her. Yugi brought his lips to her ear allowing his voice to enter her soul and work its magic. The group watched in silence while the sirens brought a struggling growling banshee into such a calm state that she began to doze off; her head falling to the side.

Ryou moved silently over to Marik, a bright warm golden glow flowing from his hand to heal the scratches on the blonde Egyptian's arm.

Both Yugi and Yami stopped singing. They watched as her hair went back to the short brunet bob she had previously. Her skin color warmed from the icy blue tones to her normal skin color. She groaned as she shifted in her chair.

"What happened? Why am I tied up?" She asked a dazed and confused expression crossing her once again calm features. 

"You lost control," Malik answered.

The banshee's face paled, "Did I.... hurt anyone?"

"Not too badly. Nothing Ryou couldn't fix," Bakura sighed.

"I'm so very sorry," her cobalt blue eyes glancing around to her group of friends. Her eyes fell on Yugi remembering what set her off in the first place, "Will you please tell me what happened?"

Yugi nodded, "It was my father. He despised mythological creatures and he thought it was a good idea to take his hatred of all mythological creatures out on me."

"That's terrible, Yugi!" She cried.

A soft smile formed on the petite siren's lips, "It is okay. Yami, Marik, and Bakura took care of him. From what I heard, he and his men became dinner for a dragon."

Anzu glanced over at Marik who just chuckled and responded, "The bastards gave me indigestion too."

Malik rolled his eyes, "You eat too fast that's why." Marik shrugged.

Yugi cleared his throat, "So while we are on the topic of the supernatural and mythological creatures, Ryou, what was the idea you had that would get rid of this hideous scar?"

Ryou's milk chocolate eyes lowered, "I don't even know if it would work, Yugi. You would also have to undergo excruciating pain."

"I don't care, I don't want this reminder on my chest." Yugi unbuttoned his silk shirt again exposing the scar that his father burned into him, "Any chance is better than no chance at all. What was your idea?"

Ryou gulped, "To have Marik or Malik burn it off and me heal it. My theory is if Malik or Marik use their heated breath on that spot to loosen the skin a bit, I might be able to heal it enough to where the skin is pulled tighter and there wouldn't be any scar..or at least not much of one. Granted, it is only a guess. There is no proof that it would work."

Yugi threw his shirt off, "Let's do it! I want this thing off!"

"You do it Malik, you are better at controlling your fire and heat than I am," Marik's dark lilac eyes fell on the smaller blonde Egyptian.

"Thanks, Marik, make me torture my friend," Malik narrowed his eyes at Marik before turning to the smallest siren, "Yugi..I..." Malik started.

"Come on, Malik. Where do you want me? Do you want me to go outside or is this something you can do in human form in here?" Yugi asked.

Malik sighed, "Lay on the floor. I can do it in human form." Malik approached Yugi's petite form as the amethyst eyed siren positioned himself on the floor. Ryou jumped up and went to the other side of Yugi. He had to be ready to heal him at a moments notice. Both Malik and Ryou sat on their knees on either side of Yugi.

Ryou took one of Yugi's hands. Yami slid off the couch and took Yugi's other hand. A reptilian sounding growl erupted from the depths of Malik's chest; steam poured out his mouth. He met the amethyst orbs of Yugi; giving him a look that read, 'Please forgive me.' He took a deep breath and slowly let the hot air and steam roll onto the scar located on Yugi's chest. Yugi's shrieked in pain; his hands tightening around Yami's and Ryou's in a death like grip. Tears that brimmed in his amethyst eyes; broke free and rolled down the sides of his face.

"Do it! Heal him!" Malik snapped coming back up quickly.

Ryou released Yugi's hand and hovered both of his hands over Yugi's trembling body. Yugi's free hand flayed around searching for something to grasp. Malik grabbed it and held on tight. Tears streaming down his face, he brought Yugi's hand up to his dusky tan lips and gently kissed it, "I'm so sorry, Yugi."

The blood curling screams emerging from the amethyst eyed siren died down. His breath came  in ragged gasps, "Don't apologize, Malik," he whispered. "Did it work?" his eyes located on Ryou's.

Ryou nodded, "You still have a very small pink scar there now, but nothing like what it was."

"Thank you. Both of you. I know that was not easy. I wouldn't have asked you if I had any other choice. I could not live with that reminder on my chest" Yugi smiled weakly at his two friends.

"Please...never ask me to do that again," Malik stood wrapping his arms around himself; a failed attempt to control his shaking body. He walked over to the couch and slowly lowered himself. Ryou and Yami helped Yugi to his feet before Ryou curled up on Bakura's lap and Yami pulled Yugi over to an empty armchair. Yugi climbed into Yami's lap; resting his head on Yami's shoulder. He breathed in Yami's scent deeply. The smell of musk and ocean flooding his senses.

"Um...will someone untie me? Please?" Anzu asked quietly. Marik removed the restraints holding Anzu captive in the chair. "Thank you," she glanced over to Marik who only nodded.

"Can I get any of you anything? Pizza, water, soda,....vodka?"

"I'll take a double shot of the last," Malik was hunched over on the couch his head buried in his hands.

Anzu sighed. She disappeared for several minutes. When she returned, she carried regular glasses, shot glasses, water, and vodka. She poured the double for Malik and handed it to him. He tossed the alcohol back and winced as it burned going down his throat.

Anzu turned the television on before going back to the armchair she was sitting in earlier. She had a feeling the group was not in a mood to do or say much of anything. They all just stared blankly at the televisions not really watching it until they decided to head to bed.


The door opened and closed abruptly. An overly happy Marik stood in the doorway holding a large pink box, "Who wants sugar? I figured this would be a good way to start the day."

"Are those donuts?" Joey drooled.

"Yes, they are," the Egyptian opened the box and took one out handing it to Joey. The blonde werewolf took a bite and instantly spit it out.

"What is in that thing? That's not cream or jelly," Joey cried scrapping at his tongue trying to get the vile taste off of it.

"Most of them are cream or jelly filled except yours, Joey. Yours was mayonnaise filled," the Egyptian prankster smirked.

"Oh Marik! That's gross!" Joey howled, "Please tell me you have a regular donut in there I can have."

The dark lilac eyes laughed as he held out another donut. Joey cautiously took it; turning it over in his hands as he eyed it. He nibbled at it to ensure it was safe.

"I promise, that one is a normal donut." Marik chuckled handing the others each a sugar coated pastry.

"Thank you, Marik!" Joey exclaimed as he gobbled the rest of the donut down, his face turning into a sticky mess, "You are the best!"

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