(WWE) My Love or My Dream?

By _RomanLove

147K 3.1K 416

all Christie ever wanted was to be divas champion. But what happens when sparks begin flying outside the ring... More

My Love or My Dream? (WWE love story)
The real reason, & the promise.
First Encounter?
Confession...of love
Unexpected Guests Pt.1
Its Official
I Knew All Along
I Never Stopped Loving You
Losing Focus
Everything is falling apart pt.1
Everything is falling apart pt.2
Shock and the big surprise
#1 Contenders Match
Road to survivor series
Closure? Or not..
The first step
New Approach
The Fallout
Jeff's Voice
Pt. 2
This is what's best
Getting used to this
Bad Night
Survivor Series
Putting It All On The Line
Quality Time
Practice & Planning
Preparaing & Compromising
Smackdown Showdown
Suspicions From N. Carolina
Emotions Running Wild
Emotions Running Wild (Part2)
Moving Forward
Future talk
Family Bonding
2 months Later
Love birds, wedding bells
Money In The Bank Weekend
Money In The Bank; Continued
Big steps & Baby steps
Drastic Desicions
Tough Decisions
Vegas; & Preparations
Night of Champions
Secrets & Suspicions
Final Chapter!!

Sparks Flying

4.6K 90 1
By _RomanLove

Christie P.O.V

: Are you okay Christie?

"Yeah I'm fine" I look up to see who I had bumped into. As soon as I did our eyes met... it was..

.....Roman Reigns.

"That was quite some fall aha, you sure your okay?" He said as he helped me up.

"Yeah, I'm fine, I can handle one little fall" After I spoke there was a moment of silence between us; we were just staring into each others eyes. And wow, does he have gorgeous eyes; the colour was so rare and I couldn't even describe it, but I loved it. He had a slight grin on his face, and I did too.

Jeff P.O.V

Sky was taking long to get back from the bathroom (sky is. The last name of her wwe character, Jeff likes to call her that)

I decided to go look for her. I had just turned the corner to the next section of the gym to see her with that guy from The Shield. It was Roman Reigns...? Something was different though. "This is the first time I've seen her smile like that with a guy since she was with that jerk cm punk" I said to myself.

"What did you just say about me Jeff?!"

CM Punk P.O.V

I saw Jeff look at me from when he was talking to Christie, I realized that he was trying to avoid me. So I decided to follow him when he got up.

Jeff: What do you want?!

"I WANT my name to stop coming from your f*****g mouth. And also stay out. of. my. way.

Jeff: And how is it that I'm in your way?

He said this with a cocky grin, I can't stand this guy. "You! Are part of the reason why My little sparkle won't even speak to me anymore!

Jeff: Your the only one to blame!! You broke her heart! I love that girl like she's my own little sister.

"But I--

Jeff: NO, BUT NOTHING!.... I knew you weren't right for her the day I found out you asked her out on a date.. you were the same then, and you're the same now.

I couldn't believe it. The audacity of this guy. He must have thought I had nothing else to say cause he looked really confident. "Listen.. you know very well the reason I ended things. It was definitely not because I didn't love her, because I do. I Made A Mistake! And I've been paying for it ever since, but I will get her back no matter what it takes."

Jeff laughed almost uncontrollably.

Jeff P.O.V

This was hilarious! punk actually thought he would be able to get sky back. time to crush his pathetic fantasy, I'm gonna enjoy this.

Punk: What's so funny?!!

I knew he was getting very aggravated. "I think it's hilarious that you actually think you can get her back when by the looks of things she's FINALLY ready to move on from you."

Punk: What are you talking about?!

"See for yourself." I motioned for him to look right around the corner; and it was better than before!

Punk: :O They're working out together and laughing together!!


Punk: Now they're holding hands!! I can't believe this, I've never seen her this close to any guy since we broke up...

"Well with the way he's flirting and making her laugh, I'm guessing he's interested."

Punk: ugghh!! *shoves Jeff* move out of my way! *storms off*

"Hey! Where you going? your done lookin' already? haha" That will teach him. "EVE!!"

Eve: Yeah Jeff, what's up?

"Come look at this, I think there's some sparks flying!"

Christie P.O.V

I noticed Roman was still holding my hand after showing me a technique... But I didn't mind, I actually didn't...want him to let go. I guess he realized he was still holding my hand because he let go slowly and looked a little embarrassed.

Roman: uhh..sorry aha *looks down*

"It's okay, I don't mind. For a guy that's so intimidating on screen your pretty gentle, and your very kind."

Roman: Thanks Christie, that's really nice of you to say.

*Eve comes walking with Jeff*

Jeff: Hey Sky you left me worried haha.

"Sorry about that, I got a bit sidetracked" *smiles*

Roman: yeah sorry guys, my fault. We kind of bumped into each other, literally. Aha, so much for a first encounter.

Eve: Don't even worry about it! seems like you two are happy and got to know each other well! *Smiles at Christie* Roman I'm sure you made a great first impression.

*blushes* "Eve!.. stop haha"

Jeff: Sky.. are you blushing?? hmm? ahaa

Roman: *grins*

"Okay!! Uhmm, we need to go. what time is it?

Jeff: Almost 1, why?

Eve: We're gonna go shopping. Uh, Jeff, why don't we leave these two alone. Ill wait for you in your room. I've got your keycard.

Jeff: Okay, I've gotta head back to my hotel anyway, ill be at Raw for your #1 contender match.

"That's great! okay ill see you then *hugs him*

Jeff: Alright you take care of yourself, nice meeting you roman.

Roman: You too!

Eve & Jeff leave.

"Sorry about that"

Roman: it's okay. I didn't mind. You've got great people looking out for you...well I know you've gotta get going so maybe we can hang out sometime?

"I'd like that a lot. Here, hand me your phone"

Roman hands over his phone and I put my number in. "Call me anytime you'd like; and we can make plans."

"That's perfect! so ill see you around." To my surprise he kissed my cheek before walking away. Oh. My. Gosh!!! Did that just happen?!! I gotta go find Eve and Layla

"-I can't believe he kissed her!! you better stay away Roman." *leave*

A/N-- awweee!! it's Roman! And poor punk, I kinda feel bad for him.. What do you think punk is gonna do? Will Christie actually give Roman a chance, or is punk going to give her a chance...maybe there's a possibility of a mystery man joining in ;) Comment, Vote, Share my story!

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