House of Anubis: The Grail of...

By cherrypepsii_

14.8K 224 34

For three years, the first and original Sibuna have been solving mysteries and finding ancient Egyptian artfi... More

House of Family/House of Death
House of Attics/House of Sneaks
House of Conversations/House of Feelings
House of Trouble/House of Breakups
House of Yearbooks/House of Faints
House of Emergency/House of Business
Author's Note
House of Visits/House of Questions
House of Sibuna/House of Surprises
House of Auditions/House of Tutors
House of Deals/House of Shadows
Author's Note #2
House of Trades/House of Planners
House of Dates/House of Grails
House of Parks/House of Theives
House of Answers/House of Time
House of Labor, Pt. 1/House of Cowardice
House of Labor, Pt. 2/House of Ages
House of Labor, Pt. 3/House of Babies
House of Members/House of Returns
House of Weather/House of Lock-Ins
House of Kisses/House of Distractions
House of Secrets/House of Trophies
House of Covers/House of Plays
House of Discovery/House of Rivals
House of Playoffs/House of Warnings
House of Cheaters/House of Calls
House of Sign-Up/House of Cameras
House of Gran/House of Coughs
House of Preparation/House of Realization
House of Meetings/House of Baking
House of Tests/House of Allergies
House of Easiness/House of Cats
House of Deletion/House Ingredients
House of Wrong/House of Brothers
House of Punches/House of Maps
Author's Note #3
House of Anger/House of Babysitters
House of Initiation/House of Bluff
House of Forgiveness/House of Snorers
House of Letters/House of Overhear
House of Sabotage/House of Corners
House of Election/House of Saviors
House of Generations, Pt. 1/House of Lures
House of Generations, Pt. 2/House of Deceit
House of Generations, Pt. 3/House of Masks
House of Generations, Pt. 4/House of Shoves
House of Generations, Pt. 5/House of Endings

House of Accidents/House of Proof

180 2 0
By cherrypepsii_

"Well, I hope she gets better! I really can't believe she's lived this long. She can't give up now." Leslie farewelled to Sarah. She headed towards Robert.

"Same for you, Robert. Great-Gran is a strong woman. It's not her time to die." Leslie gave him an empathy smile, and they hugged. When they released, they accidentally dropped Robert's bag.

"I'm so sorry!" Leslie apologized. "It's okay. I was born clumsy, it was my fault."

When they were getting up, they bumped heads, and kissed.

Sarah widened her eyes. They gasped.

"Alright, so good luck!" Leslie ran as fast as she could up the stairs. Robert was frozen in state.

"W-w-w-we-" Robert stuttered.

"Come on, Stutter Rutter." Jax helped him out the door.

Robert regained his sense. "Oh, is that back?!" Robert yelled.

Robert and Sarah were outside, where their parents were waiting for them.

They walked towards their car. "What was that kiss about?" Sarah giggled.

"Don't even." Robert shook his head.


August and Rhys sat down in the common room. "So, Jax and Riley know that you know, but they don't know that I know?" August asked.

"...Yes." Rhys answered. "Have they...been out on a date yet?" August inquired.

"They are tonight."

August smirked. "Watch this." "What-no!" Rhys yelled.

August got up, and grabbed Jax and Riley.

He placed them beside Rhys on the couch.

"I know." August whispered. "Know what?" Riley frowned. "I know." August stated, more directly.

"Wh-aa-t?" Jax responded.

"I know that you two," He made a hand gesture, "are dating. Rhys told me."

"Dating? Jax and I? Really? What story did you tell him, Rhys?" Riley started to laugh.

"Yeah! Rhys, what did you tell him?" Jax growled.

"Uh..." Rhys looked at his wrist. "Would you look at the time?! I have to go. Good luck with that!" Rhys raced out of there.

"You don't even have on a watch!" Jax screamed.

The doorbell rung. "We're not done here." Riley stated.

She and Jax went off to the front door, as did August.

They opened the door. "I-it's-" Jax stuttered.

"It's the coffin I stole." August finished. He walked towards the note on it.

Consider this a gift. Now you owe me a favor. -R

"Rebecca." August walked out into the hallway, Jax and Riley staying behind him. They almost opened the coffin, when Charles walked in.

"What do you think you're doing?" He asked.


Duncan walked in the school. "There has to be something." He whispered.

"Hey." Arielle greeted. Duncan jumped. "What are you doing here?" Duncan asked.

"Are you not happy to see me?" Arielle frowned. "I just saw you at the house-" Duncan became nervous.

"Relax. What are you looking for?" Arielle wondered. "Proof." Duncan answered.

"Because everybody looks for that...?" Arielle said sarcastically, but came out as a question.

"Can you help?" Duncan asked. "Um," Arielle looked around, "can't you get MacKenzie to do it?"

"She's busy. Look, I understand if it's too 'awkward' for you to help-"

"I'll help." Arielle smiled.


"Shall I repeat myself? What do you think you're doing?" Charles repeated.

"W-w-w-we heard the doorbell ring, and we opened the door, and found this. We were going to open it-why, is it yours?" Jax asked.

Charles walked out, and stood by the coffin. "Did you find a note?" He asked.

"No, sir." August responded.

"Off to your rooms. I want everybody in bed by 9:00." Charles commanded.

"But, it's a Saturday-"

"Off to your rooms!" He yelled.

August, Riley, and Jax departed.

"We're still going on that date, right?" Riley asked.

"Of course. I'll pick you up at 7:00."

Another chapter for you Cookie Monsters! I know it seems kind of short, but I'm still trying to cut down on the long chapters. So, from now on I'll be writing long, but not too short, chapters. I'll probably always stop at 600 words.

Will Ariuncan/Duncelle find any proof?

Do you like the idea of Roblie? (Robert and Leslie)


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