The Legendary Six

By mystery_magic19

4.4K 657 139

"Stuck in a cage, my powers aren't working. Terrified of what I'm seeing in front of me. My friends battling... More

Chapter 1: The Attack
Chapter 2: The Dark Castle
Chapter 3: The Butterfly Effect
Chapter 4: The Magical Forest
Chapter 5: A New World
Chapter 6: Lucky's Big Move
Chapter 7: The Prophecy
Chapter 8: The New Kid
Chapter 9: Finding a Way Home (pt.1)
Chapter 10: Finding a Way Home (pt.2)
Chapter 11: Finding a Way Home (pt.3)
Chapter 12: Chaos Castle
Chapter 13: The Reunion
Chapter 14: A Ghostly Enterance
Chapter 15: The Spirit World
Chapter 16: Power
Chapter 17: Friend or Foe
Chapter 18: Winter is Coming
Chapter 20: Life or Death
Chapter 21: The Town of Darkness
Chapter 22: The Finale
Chapter 23: Time
Chapter 24: Hope
Chapter 25: Reborn
Chapter 26: A New Beginning
Epilogue/Thank You

Chapter 19: Disaster

144 21 2
By mystery_magic19

(Since we last talked about Manuel in ch.16, part of this is the result of that. After its all about.....)

Few hours before.....
(POV Manuel)

I can't believe I told her.....
It was a good move, I guess?
Now that I finally told her, I'm not scared anymore. I was worried for everyone's safety, even the lives of everyone I ever knew back in Mardaly. Watching out for bad butterflies and other creatures. I paid close attention to our surroundings. We have been walking in these forest for months and we still haven't find a way home. Sometimes I think that we're going in circles, but maybe it was just me.

Now I was really concerned for Arabia, I haven't seen her. Now it is afternoon and it was snowing. Really confused of why it's snowing. "Maybe winters here", Sabrina said.
"That means we have been gone for a long time", I said.
Then we saw Lucy and Connor running to us.
"What the commotion"
"It's snowing"
"Don't interrupt me, I just ran out of breath"
"Don't start fighting you two"
Then we all began to argue.
"Chill out guys" Adam said.
We looked at him and we all moved away from each other.

"What are you guys arguing about, I could hear it from there" He said as he pointed at the light post.
"We are loud"
"Yeah we are"
"We shouldn't make much noise or those monsters will come at us"
"Let's have a race to that bench"
"The one next to the light post?"
"No the one over there"
"Omg I was just kidding"
"Ok let's begin the race"

Then we all began running. I was staring out in the lead when I look behind me I see Adam catching up to me. I face forward and see that Sabrina was right next to me. I look behind me again and near Adam was Lucy. Connor was catching up to me. Now I ran even faster. I knew no one could beat me now. Then the light post was getting closer to me, as I few inches away Connor runs in front of me.

Then I see him reach it before I could even catch up.
"Dang your fast"
"I know I am"

Then I see Sabrina come in third and Adam and Lucy both came in fourth.
"Your fast"
"I know I am"
"I want a rematch"
"I'm tired"
"No I demand rematch, I want to prove that I can beat you, not get fourth"
"No Adam let's rest"
"Please Lucy"
"Ugh, fine"
"Ok let's race back to where we were"
"Ok ready"
"I'm ready"
"Me too"
"Me three"
"I'm ready too"
I got in my position
I bend down and had my hands on the cold ground. Now that was freezing.
We all began running.

Same as before I had a head start. I felt like I was going to faint; I could barely breathe and my legs were weak. The cold air around me prevented me from sweating.
Surprised I see Adam right next to me
"I'm going to beat you"
"No your not"
Then I tried running faster.

From the corner of my eye I see Connor catching up. Then I look in front of me. I see a rock. Trying to move it happened so fast that in one second I tripped on the rock. My face hit the ground. My toe was hurting a lot.
"Are you okay Manuel"
"Yeah I'm fine"
"Hurry get the others"
"I'm fine guys"
"Patricia come here"
"It's not necessary"
"Wait is it?"
"Manuel got hurt"
"I'm fine Patricia"
"Move your toe"
"Patricia I really don't....."
"Move your toe"
I obeyed and I moved it. Every toe I moved made a cracking sound, but it was a good thing that I could move them.
"You're ok"
"Thx Patricia"
"You're welcome"

Trees began shaking and some even fell. From above trees began to tip over us

Standing up I ran as fast as I could away from there. But something else happened....
The ground began to shake, like an earthquake.

Now we all had to watch were we stepped and we had to look above us.
"Lucy look out"
Then there was a scream.
I stopped.
Looking behind me I saw Lucy running faster. Trees were falling nearby her. I ran to her and grabbed her hand and I ran even faster now.
We were both falling behind from the others.
Then something happened.

The ground began to crack in front of us. That meant we had to jump. But first we had to get to the crack before it got bigger. Now getting bigger and bigger jumping would be risky. Then Vanessa came over with her powers.
"Grab my hand"
We both did.
Then in one second we were on the other side. Now everything was calm and quiet.

"We did it"


"What was that"
"Guys get down"
"Behind the bush"
We all ran behind the bush. Patricia and the other five looked up, but us little kids had to stay under.
"I don't feel so well"
"Are you okay Adam"
Then he passed out.

Then we heard a voice.
"There they are, capture them!!"
We stood up, grabbed Adam and we began running for our lives. Tigretes, bearwolves, orange hyenas, firecats, and waterbettles began chasing us.
"That is the army?!"
"Its their powers?"
"What do you mean?"
"It is actually people, but transform into animals"
"But I have that power too"
"I know you do, but these guys have more experience than all of you"
Now worried for our lives, we kept on running.

(POV Adam)

I saw him, the figure from the spirit world; his dark suit covered him, and his cold red eyes appears in front of me; Night Armor.
But I noticed that he was with someone else.
I want you to meet someone"
"My name is Chief Roger Darkness"
"Nice name?"
"Yes it is a good name. It is an evil name"
"So why am I here"
"Well we wanted to tell you that someone is going to die"
"We have come to ask you to choose who will die"
"Why me?"
"Because your the only one that can enter this world, and we just want your opinion"
"No. I don't no one dying"

"Since you won't cooperate we will choose"
Then they both turned around and began talking. 5 minutes later they turn back around in my direction.
"We choose Arabia"
I just stood there, didn't even say a word, not showing any facial expression.
"Your not surprised"
"Then it's done"
"Arabia will perish at the battle"
"What battle?"
"Find out when you wake up"
Then he snapped his fingers. Then I woke up in Pedro's arms.
From the running he was doing I can tell that we were being chased. Trying to look behind wasn't easy because from the running my vision was bumpy. But I could see big figures running at us. Then the running stopped. I jumped of Pedro's arms and I find that we are surrounded by all these kinds of deadly monsters. From the herd of monsters I see a man. I was surprised because I knew who he was,
It was Chief Roger Darkness.......
He puts his hands out, we were sent flying in the air. Then he dropped us in an open field.
"Now that I have you all, I just need one more person"
"Well look who it is, Adam the shapeshifter"
"Don't hurt anyone, please take my life instead"
"No, I want your friend"
"Because she is special"
"She has the power of stars and fire"
"That means I can use my zodiac and her powers combined to make a powerful star-animal"
"Are you guys talking about Arabia?"
"Yes we are little girl"
"I want to kill her"
"You'll never find her"
"I already did"
"Let me show you"
Then we saw a cage in mid air. It was Arabia in a cage. I couldn't believe he found her, now I'm worried for her. But where's Lucky?
"Surrender or your friend will perish"
I was scared I didn't know what to do. Even using my powers, it would be risky.
Then I heard a voice, I looked up to see Arabia saying a chant.

"Stars and galaxies all around
Bright as light,
Come down to earth,
To perish the darkness"

"Arabia no!"

She disappeared out of the cage, then she appeared in mid-air. She was surrounded by light. The sun began setting, and it was getting darker and darker, but Arabia's power made it brighter.
"Stop it little girl, surrender your power or else"
"Or else what"
"Tigretes now"
Then tigretes appeared out of nowhere coming straight towards Arabia. She began running as fast as she could. Those tigretes cases her off into the forest.

After she left, it became dark, I couldn't even see my hand.
"Now, those tigretes will kill her Adam"
"No they won't"
"Why not"
I didn't know what to say. I should have kept my mouth shut.
"Speechless again"
"Where are you"
"Try to find me"
"How I can't see a thing"
Then lights turned on, the light that was provided was torches. I see that I was alone with Chief Roger Darkness.
"Where is everyone?"
He pointed his finger. I look at that directions and see my friends hanging on trees. With there hands tied up it was impossible for them to move. At the bottom there were animals waiting to devour them.

Then I turned around, I couldn't believe I'm seeing right now, Patricia, Peter, Pedro, Angie, Timmy, and Stacy disappeared.
"Where are they?"
"They weren't real"
"They were spies"
"That means"
"Yes, all of your siblings died"
"I killed them"
"Your a monster"

And the second one was my friends trying to save themselves before the tree branch breaks.
Then there was a bright light, it was Arabia, surrounded by light. She was covered in scratches from her arms to her legs. She took a glimpse at me, then she ran towards the Chief. She began fighting with him, so I joined in, I couldn't just stand there and do nothing.

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