By xoxo_annie_exo

1.6M 37.3K 12.9K

What if there was a school for the magicals, in Korea? Park Sarang is suddenly transferring to Park Cha... More

introductions and characters
New Powers
D.O~ Park Chan Jae High
Kai~ developing feelings
Chen ~ the past inside him [ part 2 ]
Chen ~ the past inside him [ part 3 ]
$uho ~ shopping
$uho ~ shopping [part 2]
Sehun ~ bubble tea café
Sehun ~ trouble ahead
Tao ~ halloween
Tao ~ Costumes
Lay ~ Halloween
Baekhyun ~ Lights out
Kris ~ Fighting the enemy
Kris ~ The Monster
Hyun Woo ~ The Past
Hyo Ra ~ My so-called Brother
Luhan ~ Hurt
Luhan ~ Story Time
Xiumin ~ Frost
Xiumin ~ Caught
Chanyeol to the Rescue
Chanyeol ~ Dessert & Idols
D.O - @maecah10
Chanyeol & Luhan
Lee Hyunwoo ~ Revenge ?
Hyo Ra ~ All Messed Up
Minhyuk ~ Red Light
Sarang ~ Captain Hook & Hanboks
Sarang Special: Wake Up Call
Sarang ~ Dangerous Charmspeak
Sarang ~ Missing Person
The Change
You Reap What You Sow
The Unknown Truth Revealed
Hopeless ; He's Back
Scarlet Diamondé
Beginning of Chaos
Tree of Life
His Façade
The Blonde Wolf Awakes
The Wolves Bark - Her Comeback
The Black Pearl
Kris ~ The Dragons
Sehun ~ Who?
Sehun & Baekhyun ~ Fire
The Start of a New Journey
Planet of Peace
Q & A
Hyde & Jekyll
Fanfiction Revamp
Lost & Found
The Seal
KaiSoo ~ Suffocate
Lay ~ Hide & Seek
Right Back
Pre-War Chant
# tagged
Breaking News ; Announcement
and so it begins. . .
battle cry × xiumin
recap + not a chapter
run × luhan
blood shed × kris
defense × suho
wounded × lay

Chen~ The Past Inside Him

50.6K 939 284
By xoxo_annie_exo

Last Chapter:

Kai quickly pulled me into a small alley, hiding us behind some boxes. Luckily the girls didn't seem to notice where we went. I heard shrill voices of confusion as the girls ask each other where Kai was.

But Kai pulled me closer to him, hugging me with my head on his chest. His left arm was around my waist, and the other hand was holding the back of my head. I could hear his heartbeat, and it was beating really fast.

I blushed and turned away from Kai so he wouldn't see me. We were in such a romantic/ awkward position like the ones I would see in my mangas. •////////•


Kim Jongdae ~

I went to pick up Kai and Sarang when Kai called me 20 minutes ago.

Kai said that he was spotted by fans. Stupid dongsaeng. He should've been more careful in public; there could be rumors that will spread because of a little mistake such as this.

I went to pick them up and dropped Sarang near her house.

"So.... what happened Kai? Is Sarang alright?" I asked.

"After Sarang woke up, I took her to eat some food since she was exhausted. Don't worry hyung, Sarang's fine. The nurse told me that her energy was drained after not eating and using too much of her powers on the first day."

'That's a relief.'  I thought.

"Ah kudo kuna?"


"Chen hyung, is practice over yet?" Kai asked as I shook my head.

"Ani. There's still some time left. I just quickly came to pick you up."

"Oh ok hyung."

"You know you're 30 minutes late right? Instructor Lee's gonna be mad at you Kai."

"So what hyung? You know that Lee hyung likes me the best because I'm the dancing machine of the group."

"No he doesn't. But you're gonna get a punishment from him dongsaeng. I heard that he's gonna make you do some extreme dancing boot camp."

"Yah hyung! Stop trolling!"

"I'm not."

"Yes you are!"

"No I'm not!"

"You are!"

"No I'm not!!"

Kai and I kept arguing about the boot camp thing, even though we both knew that I was trolling.

As we arrived at the company, we practiced for a few hours, ate dinner, and went back to our dorm.

And now here I am in bed, wondering about Kai and Sarang.

"♪ I'm so curious ~ yeah ♪"

I decided to sing Shinee sunbaenim's song Sherlock since it matched my.... curiousness.

"Chen-ah, what are you so curious about?" Suho hyung asked, drying his wet hair as he sat down on his bed.

"Nothing hyung."

"You sure it's nothing?"

"Ne hyung."

"Hyung, you're curious about Sarang kudechi?" Kai asked, overhearing my conversation with Suho hyung as his head popped through the door.

"A-aniya dongsaeng. What are you talking about?" I stammered.  

"Yeah sure hyung. You're curious alright." Kai smirked.

"Shut up Kai."

"Admit it Chen hyung. Or shall I say Kim Jongdae hyungnim."

"Yah Kim Jongdae, do you wanna die?" I asked, throwing a pillow at him.

"Chen, don't throw the pillow." Suho said.

"No I don't want to die! I'm too young to die!" Kai playfully said, throwing the pillow back as I dodged it.

"You too Kai." Suho warned.

"You're gonna die Jongin!" I said loudly and threw the pillow again.

"Try hitting me hyung!" Kai said, a pillow landing in his place. Kai was now standing near me, a smirk on his face.

"Hey, no powers are allowed!" Suho hyung commanded.

Kai teleports and grabs the pillow. I catch it in midair as he threw it, and threw it back at him, giving the pillow a little lightning shock.

It hits Kai, and he yelps.

"Oww hyung, that hurts!" Kai laughed and the pillow was flying in the air again.

Suddenly, cold water splashes on our faces and we saw a pissed off Suho hyung.

"Did you two not hear me saying that no powers are allowed? What if the lightning sets the pillow on fire and it burns the dorm down? What if a human saw you teleporting in the dorm? The window isn't covered for god's sakes Jongin." Suho hyung said, pointing towards the open window without looking. "Although our dorm is in the school, it is still considered very close to humans. Be thankful that we live on the twelfth floor, where no one can see us. And I said no pillow throwing!

We both immediately shut up, not making a noise. Suho hyung was scary when he was angry.

The good part of sharing a room with the leader is that he keeps the room clean and helps with our troubles. But the down side is that he has a mean temper when angered.

But Suho hyung doesn't show that side of him when he's an idol. He shows his 'motherly' kind side.

However, when we're at school or in the dorms, Suho changes into a bipolar leader. One minute he's really nice, after a few minutes he's pissed off at someone or something.

And that's what I get for being his roommate.

"Now I don't want to see another flying pillow in this room ever again, or anyone using their powers, understand?" Suho hyung asked, softening as we nodded.

"Ne hyung." Kai and I chorused.

"Good. Now go to sleep. We have school tomorrow." Suho hyung said, his hair dry and pulling the blanket over him.

"Good night hyung, Kai." I said

"Good night hyungs." Kai said, closing the light as he left.

"Good night." Suho hyung said before I fell asleep.


The Next Morning. . .

I woke up from bed tired. Even though we didn't practice that much, I was still tired.

Besides, learning a new dance is hard for me since I'm more of a singer than a dancer unlike Kai. He's the other way around.

Anyways, I brushed my teeth and changed into my uniform and everything. When I went into the kitchen, my hyungs and dongsaengs were silent, looking at something.

That's weird. Normally, we're pretty loud. What's happening?

"What's all this about?" I asked, munching on a piece of bread.

"Oh hyung!" Sehun called.

"It's for the upcoming school performance." Xiumin answered.

"And there's auditions for a male and female lead." Suho added.

"And I'm going to win this for sure. You guys have heard my beautiful voice right?" D.O touted.

"Sure we did Squishy. But I'm going to win this." I said as I saw his glare.

The entire group bursts into chuckles and laughter. I looked to D.O who was across from me, scowling.

"Come on dongsaeng. it's a joke." I said, chuckling.

"Don't you ever call me that again hyung. And I'm serious." D.O said with a straight face, walking away.

That dongsaeng sometimes scares me... because he rages easily and he's strong. Really really strong. As strong as the beast as he told us once.

D.O even came back one night, clothes partially in shreds, a bloody scratch across his chest; he had a large scratch on his forehead that was diagonal and near his left eyebrow.

Lay immediately began healing D.O, who had 'fire' in his eyes. He said that he took on a large beast somewhere far away in the forest, and had succeeded.

I wasn't so sure about that, but Kai, who went along with D.O said that it was all true. Kai was terrified for weeks. Same thing with everyone else.

And it even took Lay 5 days just to heal the huge scratch on D.O's chest. Lay hyung was drained out for a week after because he used too much of his power.

I sat down on the table and started eating breakfast, which was cooked by D.O.

Even though he's a strong, mean, and a rough magical, he can cook some really good food. Like it's his secret hidden talent.

I then grabbed my backpack and started waking to school after I finished eating.

I realized that everyone left me in our dorm alone... what great friends I have.  

So, I was walking all alone to school without my other 11 'brotherly' members.

I looked in front of me and saw a bright sun ray which made me squint, followed by the figure of a familiar new friend.


Park Sarang ~ you

This morning was wonderful. I woke up energized, and I didn't complain when I had to wake up. I quickly got ready for school, and grabbed a chocolate muffin for breakfast.

I wanted to go to school earlier because of the school performance. I wanted to participate since I liked singing. I hope I'm picked as the lead female singer!

The paper that I received by mail yesterday said that there will be an audition today and tomorrow.

The lead female and male singer are picked to be the main characters for the musical.

I really wanted to be the female lead, it must be nice to be in a musical...

I was walking towards school and eating a muffin at the same time, until someone poked my shoulder.

"Annyeong!" Chen greeted happily with a wave.

"Oh annyeong Chen Chen! Morning!" I smiled.

"Morning to you too, lovely." He smiles.

'Ugh the nicknames I'm being called...'  I thought as I made a face.

"What's wrong Sarang?" Chen asks me, worried.

"It's nothing." I replied.

"Did you get the paper about the audition?"

"I did. Are you trying out?"

"Of course. Singing is my passion. Are you trying out?" Chen asked as I nodded excitedly.

"Totally. I like singing so I thought why not give it a shot?"

"You sing?!" Chen asked loudly.

"Of course I do. What's with the sudden look?"

"I just didn't expect you to be the singing person, but a dancing person."

"Well... I guess I'm ok at dancing, just not that good. Singing's easier and better for me."

"Well, good luck on getting the lead." Chen nods.

"Same here Chen Chen." I smiled.

"Fighting!" We both said, fists in the air.

"So where's the rest of EXO?"

"They left me alone and they all went to school without me." Chen said sadly.

"Ah so that's why. Are you ok alone? You must've been sad and lonely."

"I'm ok alone. It's just too quiet and a bit lonely."

"Well if you're ever lonely, tell me and I'll be here for you. Arasso?" I asked as he gave me a look.

"Gomawo lovely Sarang-ah." Chen told me a few moments later.

"Yah Kim Jongdae stop calling me that." I whined.

"Lovely?" He asks as I nodded.

"Ne. Naneun shiroyo."

"But you call me Chen Chen." Jongdae pointed out.

"Well I'll stop calling you that if you d-"

"Aniya! Just continue calling me that."


"I like it. Even though it sounds like a childish name." Chen says, smiling.

"Arasso Chen Chen. Just call me lovely or whatever." I agreed.

"Ok lovely."  

"You want to listen?" I asked Chen Chen makes a confused face as I laughed, pulling out my phone and earbuds.

"Sure." Chen says as he takes the left side of the earphone.

As I played EXO-M songs and started singing along, Chen looked at me, bewildered.

"H-How do you?" Chen says with a shocked face.

"What? Oh your songs? I was just trolling the entire time. I do know you guys and I just wanted to see your reactions."

"Ohhhhh. Nice trolling." Chen says as he high fived me.

"I know right?! Just wait until EXO knows about this." I laughed.

"Let's tell them later arasso?" Chen asked.


My phone shuffles to EXO-K songs, and we both start singing to Peter Pan.

Here we are, a famous Korean idol and I walking next to each other on a sidewalk; singing and listening to music from his group.

Chen Chen and I arrive in the classroom a few minutes later, with us greeted with very loud whispers from the girls (monsters).

"What is she doing with Chen oppa?!"

"How is she so special? She's not even pretty or anything."

"I know, right? I should be in her place! She's just using him to boost her reputation as a newbie!

'How rude. Can you two not use my hurt feelings to boost your self esteem?'  I thought, upset.

"Ahem." Chen cleared his voice as the girls turned to look at him. "Excuse me, girls?"

"Ne Chen oppa?" the girls ask, eager that their oppa spoke to them.

"Please don't talk to my friend like that. She has done nothing wrong. Apologize to her please."

"O-oppa..." the girls whimpered.

"Apologize now." Chen Chen said sternly.

"We're s-sorry Sarang-ah." the girls stuttered.

"Thank you." Chen says and turns to me.

The two girls go to their desks whispering and whimpering to each other quietly this time.

I turn to Chen, who has a smile on his face.


"Ne. But why'd you do that Chen Chen? I can take it."

"I just didn't want to see you hurt. You're my friend. And I don't want to see my chingu get hurt."

"Gomawo." I smiled at him, thankful for having a friend like Chen Chen.

"No problem. Any time Sarang." Chen says as he smiles brightly.

'Chen Chen and his cute smile~ And he actually called me by my name. He's not so bad after all.' I thought, happy.

"Hey guys!" Xiumin says enthusiastically, waving his hands as him and EXO entered the classroom.

I take a quick glance at their faces, who all had bright expressions.

"Annyeong!" I said to the group.

"Annyeong sweetie, Chen hyung." Chanyeol greeted.

"You guys left me alone..." Chen said, pretending to be hurt.

"We're sorry hyung. Do you need a hug ?" Sehun asked sarcastically.

"No it's ok Sehun-ah. I don't want your hug."

"You ok Chen-ah?" We didn't mean to leave you like that." Suho apologized.

"Yeah right, you guys just wanted to ditch me to go to the audition."

"Sorry. Mian-ne hyung." Tao said sadly this time. Was he actually pouting?

"We're excited for the show that's why. Hyung you can understand right?" D.O asked.

"No, I can't. I'm hurt that you guys left me alone!!!" Chen says with all the feels.

Chen fake cries, runs over to me, and wraps me in a bear hug.

Most of our classmates are shocked and everything, especially the girls. I could see heads turning to where EXO and I sat.

Whispers spread through like wildfire in the class as everyone turns silent and watch what was happening. But there were occasional whispers that could be heard.

But I'm the one mostly shocked, since I'm hugged by the only Kim Jongdae of EXO.

"C-Chen-ah w-why are you doing this? You're attracting attention." I whispered into his ear.

"It's part of the trolling lovely. Wait patiently ok?" Chen whispered back, giving me a smile.

"You guys are not my friends anymore! I've never felt so lonely before!" Chen said, 'crying'.

"Hyung, don't cry. You're making me feel guilty!" Sehun said, frantic.

"That's what I'm trying to do! You guys left meeee! Lovely, can't you see that these 11 guys who I call my friends and brothers leave me alone and don't care about me?!!"

"Uhhh y-yeah..." I stuttered, put into a weird position.

"We're sorry hyung, we really are." Kai apologized.

"Sorry saeng. Mian-ne." Kris said, a thin line formed on his lips.

"Dongsaeng-ah don't be sad. How do we make this up for you?" Suho asked.

"If you guys want to make it up to me, then... can I be the lead in the talent show then?" Chen sniffed.

"Yah Chen hyung! Did you do this just to get the lead?!" D.O asked, angry.

"No.. I just wanted something in return because my friends left me alone!" Chen says as he 'cried' on my shoulder.

 I pat his head; and out of the corner of my eye, I could see Chen smirking and trying not to laugh at his own foolish act.

"Fine, we'll let you." Suho spoke immediately, feeling guilty. I knew how strong their bond was. I'm pretty sure everyone knows how strong their friendhip is. I mean, the twelve of them are never seen apart from each other before.

"You guys promise? Yakseo-kae?" Chen said sadly.

The rest of the group starts a group huddle and they talk to each other. I could make out some 'Aniya-s' or 'Waeyo hyung' or 'he's trolling hyung!!' and some 'I wanted to be the lead singer!' from their quiet little chat.

I put my hand over my mouth, trying not to laugh at their conversation. This was just too funny for the both of us.

'Chen Chen's a good actor. No wonder he's a troll.' I thought. 'He should be in a kdrama soon.' 

11 heads turn to look at Chen hugging me for a moment, their eyes filled with worry and sympathy. Then, they look back and continue their chat.

'Fine hyung.' I heard from D.O. He must've been sad to say that. I caught D.O's eyes for a quick moment, and from his eyes, I could tell that he was really upset.

I take a glance at Chen, and his eyes tell me that he really wants the lead singer too.

Gosh, this is really complicated. What should we do . . .

"Chen?" Suho asked.

"Ne hyung?" Chen says, turning around to look his group almost too excitedly. He lets go and stands next to me.

"We decided to let you have the role." Luhan said calmly.

"Thank you h-" Chen smiled.

"On one condition." Xiumin interrupted.

"Ne, what is it hyung?" Chen asked.

"Umm what was it again guys?" Xiumin asked, turning back to the group.

"The condition- is that you, Kim Jongdae must not troll us for a week." Suho spoke in a commanding manner.

"Ok. done." Chen said quickly.

"And- wait what? Did you just say yes?" Suho asked in disbelief.

"Yes I did. What's wrong hyung?" Chen asked.

"You would never ever give up trolling. What's wrong with you?" Lay asked, eyebrows furrowed.

"Hyung has a fever!!!" Sehun stated loudly.

"Chen hyung are you ok? Are you sick?" Tao asked, putting a hand on Chen Chen's forehead.

"No I'm fine guys. I promise. No trolling for a week. Got it." Chen said.

I look at Chen, who was next to me, eyes filled with determination.

Giving up trolling for a week just for a school performance. Is Chen really that determined? I know how much he loves trolling, but what's his reason?

Well, it's his choice. I shouldn't bother him.

"Ok then Chen. We'll let you be the lead.... if you win of course." Kris added.

"B-bwo?!!" Chen said, his eyes wide.

'Chen really looks like D.O with his wide eyes, haha.'  I thought.

"Well didn't you hear us hyung? We said that we'll let you be the lead. But only if you win. We didn't say that we weren't going to audition." Chanyeol spoke.

"You should've been more careful Chen-ah." Baekhyun laughed.

"So. . . I've been trolled?" Chen asked, his face dropping.

"Heck yeah! Did you guys see his face? It's priceless!" Suho laughed, clapping.

"Sorry hyung! We just had to!" Kai laughed like a seal, hitting D.O.

"Argh these kids. . . . ." Chen muttered, walking away from class.

"Chen-ah!" I yelled after him, ready to follow him.

"Sarang-ah, I don't think you should follow him." D.O says as he puts his hand on your shoulder.

"Well I'm going to. I know it's a joke, but why'd you guys do this? He really wants to be the lead too."

EXO stops laughing, and turns to you two, wondering what the heck was going on.

"Why are you taking his side? He's the one who's been trolling us all these years." D.O mumbled.

"Well he's one of my friends. That's why, Kyungsoo, I'm going to comfort him." I stated, jerking my shoulder form D.O's grasp. I glared at him and quickly ran outside, looking for Chen.

'He must've went on the roof...'  I thought.

I teleported to the roof, and saw the campus beneath me. I then spotted a figure on the grass, who slowly fell to the ground.

Eyes wide and adrenaline pumping, I quickly teleported to the grass, and there was Chen, lying in front of me. 

Suddenly, dark clouds appeared and the blue sky turned ominous. The wind howled loudly and pushed me from side to side. I could smell something burning...

And when the blue-white bolts of lightning stung the ground, I was taken by surprise. I yelped, seeing the many bolts of lightning surrounding Chen Chen. A bolt is then sent through his body, covering him with a streaks of blue-white.

I put my hand to my mouth, shocked that something like this could happen to my friend. But thankfully, I see Chen Chen wake up. I watched him slowly stand up. Was he still alive?

"Chen Chen?" I asked, my voice quiet against the howling wind.

With this, Chen turned around with a bewildered, dark look. He starts walking towards me with flashes of lightning over in the dark sky.

"Minyoung? I-Is that you?" Chen asks, his entire body shaking.

"Minyoung? Is that you?" Chen asks again, taking a step closer to me.

"Aniya. I'm not Minyoung. I'm Sarang." I replied.

"No. you're Minyoung! I know it! Where did you go?! Did you know what you did to me?!" Chen yelled as I took a step back, shocked.

It starts raining hardly, and just by standing here, I was already drenched.

"I'm not Minyoung! It's me Chen Chen! I'm Park Sarang! Are you ok, Chen Chen?! I yelled back, my voice loud enough for him to hear in the deafening rain and wind.

"Chen Chen? Who's that?" I heard him say with empty eyes.

"It's you Chen. It's you! You're Chen Chen! Don't you remember? It's the nickname that you said you liked!" I yelled, trying to knock some sense into the lost boy.

"I'm not Chen. I'm Kim Jongdae. Jonggie. Just like how you called me before, Minyoung." He spoke as I shook my head.

"I'm not Minyoung!" I yelled back.

"Yes you are. You've come back for me, haven't you? Well it's too late now Minyoung." Chen Chen's expression turned dark.

"Chen Chen, I'm not Minyoung! I'm Park Sarang! Why are you being like this?!"

"Aniya! You're Minyoung!"

Flashes of lightning strike near me; making me jump to avoid the dangerous lights of mother nature.

"I'm not! Why can't you understand?!" I said with tears starting to fall.

"I-I. . . know you're Minyoung. Admit it."

"I'm not Minyoung Chen Chen. I'm your friend, Park Sarang!" I said, tears spilling.

"No. You're Minyoung. And I'm going to show you how much you've hurt me." Chen says, rising his arms to the sky.

Chen points his right index finger to where I stood.

'Please, Chen Chen. I'm not Minyoung. Please don't hurt us.'  I thought.

"Sarang!" someone yelled behind me.

"Stay back!" I yelled at the voice.

I calmed myself down, wiped my tears, and got ready. A flow of something unusual was running through my veins. I couldn't explain it, but that unusual flow was there every time I tried to use my powers.

I slowed time down, just in time before a flash of lightning struck where I stood.

I looked at Chen, and he didn't look like his usual happy self. In fact, he looked dangerous now.

What happened to him? Why's he calling me Minyoung?

"Sarang mei mei!" Tao said as he ran over.

"Ge ge. what's happening to Chen?!" I asked him.

"He. . . . . he's kinda stuck in his past. At random times, his brain will remember his painful past, and it makes him really angry. The first girl Chen hyung sees he'll start calling her Minyoung for some reason."

"So Chen thinks I'm Minyoung." I stated as Tao nodded.

"Yes. But we have to work quickly mei mei. We don't have much time."


Kim Jongdae ~

I went outside to calm myself down. I needed it.

'Argh my immature hyungs and dongsaengs. They set me up! I swear I'm going to intensely troll them once this week is over.'

"Arghhhh!!!" I yelled as my brain suddenly started hurting.

Then I snapped.

I saw the world differently. That scene from long ago kept on playing over and over again.

"Stop it!" I yelled, grabbing my head. But nothing worked. Everything hurts like hell.

"Make it stop!" I yelled once again.

Lightning flashes and thunder rumbles. It starts to rain and the wind howls.

And now I lost control of my very own body, just like that.

I don't know why this happens randomly,

Or why I keep remembering this.

Year after year, I get breakdowns like this.

I can't even control my own body and emotions.

All I remember is that it all started after a painful heart break.


i'm still cringing at the low quality of this. i'm sorry if this chapter made no sense when you first read it. but hey here's the updated version.

i'm so glad that i finally finished editing this chapter like dang this took forever to edit ouo

gomawo + saranghae + annyeong ~


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