They're Coming To Get You

By TheWalkingDrunks

32.5K 909 74

Two girls decide to live their lifelong ambition to drive across the States and visit Comic Con the only prob... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42 [The End]

Chapter 17

756 27 5
By TheWalkingDrunks

Note: Ruby here. So the walkers got um trapped hey....this can't be good surely....Read on to find out what happens. Don't forget to vote and comment. Love to you all, Ruby xx

*Ruby POV*

‘I am seriously going to heave again’ Sarah mumbled as she knelt down with her head between her knees. We had been in the room for 30 minutes now and the stench from our clothes was overwhelming to say the least.

No one replied as we continued to search the two connecting rooms. Jon had already cleared out two lockers. He had found 3 shot guns, 6 pistols, 4 grenades, a set of flares and luckily ammo. He chucked them into a gym back that was lying under a desk.

Jensen had joined me in the small medical room that joined onto the security room. The second gym bag that we had found was already full with things like bandages, pain killers and antibiotics.

‘So falling in love with Kenzie, huh’ I said to Jensen, as I continued to search the cabinet for anything else that would be worthwhile grabbing.

‘’Yeah.’ He replied. I looked over to him to see a small smile spread across his lips.

‘You mess her up in anyway and I promise you, that these walkers won’t seem as scary as what could happen to you’ I laughed.

‘I know, and not for one minute would I let anything happen to her. I know we have only known each other for a few days but it feels right.’

‘Well they do say some people believe in Love at first sight. You should tell her’

‘What is she rejects me?’

‘Oh come of it. The girl adores you. There is so much chemistry between you both.’ I smiled turning towards him. ‘I know that this shit has just kicked off, but don’t lose her. Things can work out for you both. There is still time to wine and dine her. Maybe in the safty of the villa bit still. Romance isn’t dead.’ He nodded giving a light chuckle.

‘Yeah your right.’

‘Guys!’ Jon shouted from the next room. We both looked at each other briefly before running through the doorway.

‘What’s up?’ Jensen questioned with a worried tone. I noticed Sarah was still sat down looking at the floor. I passed her a bottled water that I had found in the medical room for her to drink. She just nodded before taking a small sip.

‘Those things are going to get in here.’ He pointed towards the door. They were still holding but around the frame there were cracks appearing in the wall. So much for them deciding that we weren’t a meal.

‘How the hell do we get out?’ Sarah asked with a cough.

‘There. At the back, there is a window.’ We all walked towards the blinds peeking through. We were now on the exhibit floor level and the window led directly into the hall. Straight opposite us was a door.  However in the hall there must have been at least 35-40 of the walkers in there. Some feeding, some just walking arouns.

‘Oh shit.’  Jensen sighed running his hair through his hands.

‘Wait’ I looked up to the next level towards the right of the hall. There peeking out of one of the windows was Andrew. ‘Up there.’ I pointed to the others. ‘If we can get them to create some kind of diversion, attract their attention, we would be able to make a run for it.’

‘Great idea, but if we get their attention then we will get theres too’ That was true. I though about it for a moment before remembering about my phone in my back pocket.

*Kenzie POV*

I sat on the floor with Melissa as she asked me about mine and Rubys lifes back home when I felt my phone begin to vibrate in my pocket. I snatched it out to look at the ID. Ruby.

‘Shit, its Ruby.’ I told the group as I got to my feel. ‘Ruby are you ok? Is Jensen’ Norman rushed over to my side and told me to put my phone on loud speaker.

‘We are all fine. Stuck but fine.’ It was only then I was holding my breath as I let out a huge sigh.

‘Where are you? And what do you mean stuck?’ Andrew asked into the phone as he appeared next to me.

‘We are down in the security room. We got a good few weapons and ammo, but we didn’t get in here without a bunch of them following us. There are surrounding the door.’

‘Fuck.’ Norman yelled as he walked away, rubbing his hair and face.

‘We think we have a way out. Can you guys walk over to the window and pull back the blinds. It don’t matter if they see you or not, your upstairs so they can’t get to you.’ Jon asked taking the phone from Ruby. Laurie walked over and opened the blinds. ‘Now look down and to your left’ He explained. Sure enough we saw a set of windows, one with a little hand waving.

‘There, there’ I yelled pointing.

‘You got us?’ Jon asked.

‘Yeah we got you bud’

‘We need you guys somehow to create a distraction for us. We can make it out of the window and there is a set of doors straight opposite us, so to your right. There is too many of them walkers in there for us to just make a run, they would be on us before we even made it hallway across.’

‘Alright we can do that’

‘There anymore of them fire axes up there?’

‘We got three’

‘We may need you to clear the stairwell for us for when we got there. We got the guns, but don’t want to attract unwanted attention.’

‘No problem Jon we got this side covered. 5 minutes and go.’ Andrew said as he passed the phone back to me.

‘Kenzie?’ Jensen was on the otherside of the phone now. ‘How you holding up babe’

‘I’m better now that I know you are both alive.’ I smiled.

‘I will see you in a minute I promise’ the phone line died.

‘Before any of you say anything. I’m going.’ I said pushing my phone back into my pocket. ‘I should have gone with them in the first place.’

‘I’m going too’ Norman said as he returned to the group, picking up one of the axes from the table. ‘Daryl gotta go get his woman’ He said in his Daryl voice making the group laugh.

‘I’m in.’ Andrew stepped forward. ‘You guys alright creating the distraction?’ He asked Melissa, Laurie and Michael.

‘We can smash the glass, throw stuff, scream, shout. We’ll get them’ Laurie smiled confidently as she stepped towards the glass.

We waited for the 5 minutes to pass before we left the room. I had one of the axes clasped firmly in my hold a I looked towards Norman and Andrew. Andrew nodded towards the others before they smashed the glass and begin to shout. That was our cue to leave.

We were going to have to go through the set of chained up doors, that I saw when we first came into the building. Andrew who was leading peered through the window in the door. ‘It’s clear’ He said unclasping the lock before pushing one side of the doors open. We stepped through closing the door as quietly as we could behind us. The stairwell was almost silent apart from the moans and grunts of those things below us. Norman grabbed hold of my shoulder before we began our dissent.

‘You gonna be ok?’ he asked in a hushed whisper.

‘Please, give me some credit. Yeah I freaked out when we first got here, but trust me im fine now. We’ve got to be Jensens and Rubys knights in shining armor.’ He smiled before letting me go.

‘Does that mean Jensen is your princess, and you’re going to marry, have babies and live happily ever after?’ He teased as we slowly stepped down the stairs. I tried not to laugh.

‘In a way. Who knows if it’ll be a happily ever after. But these walkers aren’t going to spoil shit for me. Or Ruby. She won’t let them get in the way of what she wants.’

‘And what does she want.’

‘Her knight in shining armor of course’

*Ruby POV*

As Jensen handing me back my phone I turned to Jon. ‘I don’t suppose there was any clothing anywhere that you came across?’ I asked. He nodded and pulled out two security shirts and two vest tank tops. ‘We should change. If only our tops. Otherwise we are going to be even sicker. If they are creating the diversion for us then we shouldn’t worry about our smell too much.’

Sarah quickly agreed as she grabbed one of the security shirts and quickly changed, discarding her dirty top on the floor. I took the second shirt, leaving the men with the tank tops. I did have some self-respect so I went into the other room to change into the shirt. When I came back in Jensen and Jon were both in there vest tops. If muscles could scare off the walkers I’m sure the men would have scared them miles off by now. I laughed in my mind. We each took a hold of a weapon, just in case. I picked up a pistol, the same as Jensen, Jon had a shotgun and Sarah grabbed the axe again. Jensen chucked the medical bag over one shoulder and Jon shouldered the other, giving the nod before opening the window wide.

There was a loud crash and the sound of shattering glass followed by shouts. This was our cue to leave.

Jon was the first to leave, he quickly climbed through the window holding his shotgun up, scouting the close area. He signalled it was all clear before helping me climb though. I followed him and pulled my pistol up taking a mental note of where the nearest walkers were. They didn’t seem interested as they were just following the shouts of Michael, Melissa and Laurie. Jensen joined us and there was a loud cracking noise from in the room, we all turned to look just as the door fell into the room and the walkers entered the room. ‘Shit Sarah!’ She was still in the room. She ran towards the window but not before a walker grabbed the axe she was holding before she could raise it to take a swing and pulled her towards him. She let out a shrill scream and before any of us could react to help her, he bit a chunk of her arm clean out. Blood began to spill from the wound, before another walker joined and bit her too.

‘We have to run.’ Jon yelled, I turned to look, and the walkers in the room no longer had any interest in those above us, Sarahs screams had attracted their attention towards us. We looked towards the set of door, and a smile spread like wildfire across my face. There was Kenzie, Norman and Andrew, waiting at the doors, holding them open. Without another moment we all took off in a sprint to the other doors. The walkers were fast but we were faster. As soon as we made it to the doors, Norman snatched me pulling me into the room before slamming the doors shut, tying them with rope. I found myself on the floor in the embrace of Kenzie as I wept into her shoulder. I couldn’t quite work out whether it was tears of upset or joy, but I think it was mostly joy.

‘You bitch don’t ever leave me again’ Kenzie was also crying but smiling as she pulled away from me. ‘You stink by the way’ She laughed as she crinkled her nose. I looked around to see Norman and Jensen sharing a hug and Jon and Andrew in a bro hug. My eyes caught Normans who looked at me before coming towards me and dropping to his knees , holding me and kissing me passionately. Kenzie was up in Jensens arms, holding him tightly.

‘Need a smoke?’ Norman asked as he looked at me trying to catch my breath. I couldn’t help but laugh.

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