Mrs. Rockstar

By RunAwayCircus

18.7K 478 30

Stage and Jake are madly in love until they have a fall out involving their band, Run Away Circus. It leaves... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 11

648 21 1
By RunAwayCircus

"You can do this." Reassured Cody as he held my hand and the tears streamed down my face.

"I don't want to hurt him." I said and looked over at the phone I held in my hand. Tyler was on speed dial. One click away.

"He cheated on you with another girl and hurt you! He deserves to be hurt. I hate to say this but he clearly doesn't feel the same way that you feel about him if he cheated on you." His words hurt but they were true. He wouldn't have hurt me if he cared.

I clicked the button and it began to ring. I had it on speaker so Cody could listen with me.

"Hello?" Answered another voice. I wiped my tears and began to act normal.

"Hi Tyler. It's Stage." I said in a confident voice.

"Oh hey Stage. What's up?" He acted casual.

"I know what has been going on." I managed to say without breaching the wall I made to hold back my tears.

"What are you talking about?" Concern consumed his voice. He knew he did something wrong and I had just found out.

"You cheated on me Tyler." I said and bit my lip to prevent any of the crying. I had to do this.

"They told you, didn't they?" He didn't even try to deny it.

"If you mean my friends, then yes." I held it in for so long but now my rage came out. "How could you even do that to me? I thought you cared and you even told me that you loved me!" I yelled.

"Look. I cared about you but there is only so much I can take. I showed you that cared and we always were together and even in love but you still wouldn't have sex with me. That's how you show you care and you clearly didn't care as much as I did if you always held off." He was actually trying to pin this on me! What the actual fuck!

"No!" I shouted. "You can't pin this one me! If you cared then you would have waited till I was ready and you didn't. You couldn't wait because you are no different than the guys who only care about sex! Fuck you!" I yelled and waited for his comeback.

"You didn't have to make any of this complicated but you already did. I'l take my shit and leave." Witht that, he hung up.

I began to cry and Cody took me in to his arms.

"Don't worry. He wasn't right for you." He said and he played with hair.

"Thanks Cody." I said with a smile that I propped on my face. "I just feel dumb for trusting him."

"Your not dumb and you never will be. You didn't know he was going to do this and took a chance which is what life is about! You will find someone who will wait and who will love you for who you are so don't let him ever discourage you!" Cody said as he ran his fingers through my hair.

"Thanks Cody." I said with the best smile I could fix on my face.

"We need to do something to get your mind off of this idiot." Cody said frowning.

Then, an idea came to mind. Something that would fix at least one of my problems.

"I have an idea!" I shouted and stood up from the bed.

"And what would that be?" Cody asked.

"Just come with me. I will explain on the way." I said with a huge smile that wasn't fake. 


"I don't know about this." Cody said in a nervous voice as I neared the door.

"This was bound to happen sooner or later." I said and continued to drag him by one of his arms.

I got to the front steps and took a deep breath. It's going to go according to plan. I know it will.

I got the confidence and knocked my fist on the hard wood door. I looked back at Cody who was staring at his shoes and he clicked them together. He was funny when he was insanely nervous. I giggled a bit and looked up. He gave me a crooked smile and I knew he was having thoughts of just running away in fear.

The door opened and Jake stood there. "Hey Sta-" He stopped when his eyes drifted to the figure in back of me.

"Cody." Jake's voice said with no emotion. I didn't know if that was bad or good.

Cody looked up and his face was just a black expression. Not something I liked to see because Cody usually always found a way to prop a smile on his face. I knew he was scared and probably so nervous he couldn't talk.

"Jake." I started. "I brought Cody because you said you wouldn't to say something if you eve got the chance. You have a chance." I stared at Jake but his eyes were set on Cody who wasn't even looking at Jake.

"Yeah... ummm..." Jake's voice was trailing off and he couldn't get the words out.

"Jake, you have your chance. Don't waste it." I encouraged him to talk to Cody and make right with him. This could be the last chance he sees him.

"Ummm..." Jake's voice trailed off again but then he laughed. "I can't say much I guess. I'm just sorry." He scratched the back of his head and began to talk again. "I was a jerk. I mean I couldn't help that you guys wanted to a go a different way with the band and I should have accepted it. It's not like you guys were bitches about it." He stopped and took a slow deep breath.

 Cody looked up and smiled and I knew it had worked. I never really had any doubt about this.

"I forgive you man." Cody said and Jake breathed as a sign of relief. Cody let out a small laugh and his grin was bigger than I think his face could handle.

"Thanks." Jake said and he also had a huge grin painted on his face.

"No." Cody said. "Thank you."


"No!" I screamed as Jake and Cody were running after me.

"Were going to get you!" Cody screamed back and Jake laughed.

We had been messing around half the day and now they were chasing me because I refused to stop poking them. They said they were going to make me pay but I never thought they would chase me.

"I'm never going to stop running!" I shouted and then Jake wrapped his arm around me and we both fell forward.

"You didn't need to." Jake said laughing so hard.

"Woahhhhhh!" Cody said and held out his hand. "You two kids need to break this up." He laughed and then I realized Jake's arm was still around my waste. He pulled it away and you could tell he was embarrassed. I got up and smacked Cody when Jake wasn't looking.

"Owww! What was that for?" He asked and I just looked at him with the stare that said 'You know what you did'.

"Well i should probably be going. I have work tomorrow." Jake said and still wasn't looking at me. He must of felt awkward.

"Oh okay." I said and smiled but he didn't see it. "We should hang out again soon."

"Yeah." Jake looked up and produced a smile. "I would like that."

"Bye man." Cody said as he still rubbed his wounded area of where I punched him. He was such a baby sometimes.

Jake walked away and I took Cody in to a hug.

"Thank you." I said to him.

"For what?" He questioned but did not question the hug and just hugged me back.

"For forgiving Jake. I feel like some of my problems are gone now. I feel better." I said.

"No problem." He assured me and we began to walk home.


"You should really call Evan and Dria. I haven't given them an update on everything and they think you are still pissed off." Cody said as he flopped on to the bed and began to text away on his phone.

"Well you could of told me this sooner! We have been out all day and I ran so much and I'm just tired." I said and flopped down next to him.

"Well I will just text them then because I'm way to tired to do shit myself." He said and I gave out a small laugh.

I got under the covers and Cody laid of top of them.

 I let out a big breath. "Do you think anyone wants a girl who isn't ready yet? Does that make me unlikable?"

"What are you talking about! Yes! You just have to wait for the right guy who is willing to wait for you and I like you so what does it matter if anyone else does?" He said with a smile as always and I couldn't help but smile to. He did this to me sometimes.

"I mean a guy who wants to be with intimately. Cody, you're my best friend." I said and grabbed me and pulled me in to a hug.

"That makes me me feel good when you say I'm your best friend. It makes me feel like I have a purpose." He said and I just laughed. "What's so funny?"

"Your just so sweet. It's impossible not to laugh." I said and giggles a bit. I don't know what I would do without my best friend.


Note: Okay so I uploaded and I know I need to get more on the whole Jake and Stage situation but I was trying to make this a wider range of things going on I guess. Tell me what you think? Comment, text, or vote! :D

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