Adorn Me: Book 2

De Crvdee

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It was hard to be mad at a guy like Cole. He had bronze hair that clung to his face. Deep blue eyes, and full... Mais

Adorn Me
I Hate You But...
Thanks Alot Cole
Losen Up
This Is Bad
To Late
Gone With The Wind
Tag You're It
Set Up
Pieces to the Puzzle
I Knew You Were Trouble
Time Well Spent

The Last Day

386 8 3
De Crvdee


"Angel,I need you to stay safe. Whatever happens,don't do anything stupid or reckless."

"I can't promise you that."

He looked at me with a smile. "I love you."

I smiled.I couldn't say it back.I didn't want to lie.I didn't want him to think he had a chance.

"Relax,I know where you're heart is." 

"Time to transport.You ready?"

I nodded. "Always."

The wave of neon lights cover over us like a halo rim.We were sucked in like a straw sucking up a milkshake.We spun and swirled in the vortex.It was slow motion again.I could see all the places he had traveled.His old memorys.Continuing down the vortex my feet come into contact with the grass.

"Get ready."

The sky tuns a gray shade,then darkens to black.I see Supernaturals of all sorts line up on a side. I know this is just what keeps everyone busy from the real war. I stand upon the rock.Luke is looking over at Candice.

"Welcome,welcome." said Lucifer "Today embarks a new journey.We are all here to fight.To have power.To have freedom.For we don't know they day nor the hour in which a Supernatural will overcome.So we fight on the Last Day,over anger.And over greed."

He looked at me and smiled.Cole is walking up taking place at the rock beside me.

With a flicker of his hand,the war begins.

Everyone charges at one another.I see blood and dead bodies already covering the field."Look," said Cole "The Star."

Lucifer is by us. "Recite these words here my dears.And,I shall kill you all."

At the same time we chant. "Give us the power of the moon.So that good will conquer and,help us soon." We say it about five times until the star swims down and is bright in our faces.

"Now,give it to me." hissed Lucifer

"No." shouted Mona "I'm ruler.I get the power.Cole,babe.Give it to me."

Take it


Take it.Take the power.

I can't-


I reach my hands out into the angelic star as the power goes through me in jolts.I shake back from the electric current sinking inside me.

"No." screamed Lucifer."Now,I'll have you all killed.

I watch him run back towards the tower as Luke and Cole chase after him.

"Ahh" shouts Mona. "I can't wait to kill you."

She runs into me,causing me to fly back.I get up and through some waves at her.Getting used to the power. She grabs my head and smacks my skull against the rock."Your're nothing but a weak little whore."

I growl at her. I through her off and plow into her.Grabbing her by her neck I choke her. "Whore? Don't get cocky."

She uses her power to slide out of my hold and then uses another to trap me in a water bubble.She punches at it causing the water to singe my skin.

I grunt in pain,and use my invisibility to sneak up on her.I use my right hand to grab her hair.And my left hand to use my radiation power.She mumbles and makes it to where I'm on the ground and she's on top of me.She uses her telekinetic genes.To throw me into the nearest tree.A hit it with a thud.

Gaining some energy back.I charge at her.Grabbing her head.I dragged her to the rocks.Banging her head on it a few times.I rotate her to where I see her face.

"To bad you won't see what happens next."

I hold her head,still and pulled it from her shoulders.I thew the finished prize into the pool of flames.

"You killed her." shouted a boy's voice behind me.His eyes are angry he shoves me down and I hear a bone break.I grabbed some wind in my palms and grabbed his body with it.Clenching my hands together.I break his body into two.It cracked into pieces of glass and then disintegrated.

I watched as a bunch of other bodies were thrown and burned.

I watched.Life's wisp away.

But what broke me.Was seeing Ana's limp body sprawled out on the grass.My heart broke.And I think a tear dropped from my eye


"Its over,Lucifer."

"It's never over.She may have that North's Star power.But,I am more powerful in many ways."

Luke scrambles over to attack when all Lucifer does is shield himself from the hit,Luke soars back and slams into the wall.

"Look at you to.Fighting me when you should be fighting each other.Luke,my son,he has your prize.Finish him off,and we'll rule together."

"Don't listen to him." said Cole. 

"He doesn't care about you or her,Luke.Don't do that to her."

Luke tosses Cole against the wall.This knocks him out,he then turns to face,Lucifer.

"I want to kill you for myself." he hissed.

Lucifer laughs.Charging at him he wraps around him like a snake.

"It'll be as easy as snapping a twig." Luicfer hissed.

Luke used his super strength to get him off.He lands on his feet and smirks at,Luke.

Lucifer uses his hands.He holds them in a high five position and,grabs Luke's nerves in his limbs.

Luke falls back in reaction.Moaning in pain.He clutched his hands,burning Luke's nerves.

He whimpers from the agony. Holding up his palms Luke collects some dust and slams his fist down on the ground.The floor suddenly separates into two.And Lucifer let's go over his limbs.

Flying over to the other side.Luke is on top of Lucifer.

"Luke?" called Angel.


"No," said Lucifer "Watch him die" He cracks Luke's skull.And tossed him a over to the other side.

"Luke!" she screamed. Lucifer did his laugh and said "Are you next."

She looked over to Cole and Luke.Anger swelling up.She nodded.And is instantly blown away by his hit.


"Come here,girl." said the wizard. He grabbed Candice's wrist and tugged on them. She hissed in reaction and grabbed his hand,swinging him to the ground. He smiles as he body makes a huge thud.

She runs toward the castle.Her hair kssing the wind. Her feet twist around the corner,she trots slowly. A metalic sound clanked off of the wall. She spun around quicky wondering who else could be here. Only,she was supposed to be here. Lucifer's orders. 

"Hello." her voice said shakily. "Who's there?"

"Candice,is that you." called the voice. She turned the corner looking for the voice."It's me.where are you?" she asked gazing at the empty cellars. It was silent for awhile.She paced foward her shoes never failing to sound soft. "I'm close" he whispered.

She paused. Turning back she jolted through the hallway. The night light bruned bright from the holes,drilled in the walls.

"Did he tell you to come here?" he asked,guilt and melachonly filling his deep tone.

She didnt answer but,found him and sighed. "Temeperacne,what are you doing here?"

"No!" he shouted at the girl. "It's a trap."

She stepped back fast,ducking before the blades were thrown in her skull.She turned to face Temperance noticing,Sophia was behind him,slowly pulling out the sword. Her blood painted hands dropped the sword. She panted in fear. "Temperance?"

"I-I'm sorry" he tried to say. "It was ethier you or me." he panted. Blood pouring out of the hole that dug into his stomach and came out his back. "Temperance," she said again.What else could she say? "Thank you." He nodded. "I know it's for a good cause,and I was never suppose to live in The Order of Things anyways." How could he still joke at a time like this. Sophia was still panting,looking at them with wide eyes.

"I did'nt..mean to." 

Candice looked at her. "I know,but,now he's going to kill you anyways."


"You thought he cared about you?"

Sophia was silent. Looking at the wound she created. Looking and the innocent boy and girl, knowing that Candice was right. Knowing he didn't care,he didn't need her.

"You can save him" she whispered before hurring out the cellar. She scurried down the hallway. Candice knelt down to the boys side.

"This is going to hurt."

She put her hands over his wound. Jolts of pain racketed through his muscual body.He was lossing to much blood.He was going to die anyways. He had to,he had to die so she could live.

"I love you." he whispered. She looked up into his eyes and laughed. "Yea,I know that's what friend are for." She pressed her hand over it helping him unto the bed.

He shook his head feverantly. "No.I-I love you."

"What? Tempe-"

"Listen.I knew you were coming. He told us. He wanted us,his family.To come eat with him. That's when I seen you. That's when I knew you were innocent,and I had to protect you.I feel in love that day I seen you looking at your plate in disgust."

"Oh,Temperance." she said. He smiled. "I have to die you see. One of us has to."

"Don't talk like that." She looked at her blood covered hands,and shivered. There was so much blood.He wasn't going to make it. She knew it. He knew it. But, she refused to let that happen. "You can't die for me."

"Sure I can" she chuckled,panting more."

She saw his eyes roll back. He was going to die right here in her hands. "I love you" she whispered.

He smiled. He grabbed her hand and held it. His eyed fluttered and then he was gone. Candice blinked. He's dead.No. Her eyes burned with tears.And she cried on his boody. 


Luke's eyes steady open he saw Cole's body on one side,and Angles on the other. He was saying some weird chant. Probably sacrificing them in oreder to reatin thier majic. He scotted over, burning and bruises throbbing. He gained some power to stand up and charged at Lucifer his hands grasipng his neck.

Angel was up to. Casting a spell on Lucifer.She moved her fingers over a water mug,collecting the water in her palms. She used this to lock him into the wall. Luke moved of him. Getting his powers ready to destory him. He was walking away when Lucifer said. "I killed your parents."

Angel watched Luke's face become pale. Cole was sputturing.luring himself up.

"You what?" he asked 

"I knew where they were hiding,they were powerful,the last two left besides you. I had them killed."

Luke charged at him. "Fuck you!" he shouted. "You'll never be like them anyways. I took you in because I thought you were going to be something. But,look at you. You look like how your father died,impulsive."

He grabbed his neck again.This made him laugh. "Sisters and brothers show yourselfs."

Evny,Greed,Gluttony,and Pride came out. Lunging at Cole and Angel. Angel went head down with a smack. She grabbed Envy and swung her around. Pushing her face into the wall.

Greed and Pride,gained up on Cole.Tossing him side to side like ball. He turned wolf,and took a snap at Pride's arm.

Gluttony was using her powers on Luke,as Lucifer freed hisself. Luke took a swing at Gluttony,but missed. Gluttony reacted that punching him square in his face. Cracking Luke's chin.Lucifer watched in excitment. Until he was slammed into the wall. He drawled back,looking deep into Candice's eyes.

"My favorite." He grabbed her blonde hair,shaking her violenty with his fist. His powers more stronger then they had been.

Envy had Angel pinned down. Angel tried to get up,but Gluttony was much stronger.She took a huge bite on his finger. Making him life off her.With her power she killed Gluttony and went to help Candice. "Candy,help Cole.She did as told. Pride was lounging for her already,she swung her first into his scuplted body.

Lucifer snacthed Angel up,throwing her into his thrown.She skidded until he back slammed agasint the metal. She did a spiral in the air. Landing behind him. She hops up,grasping his head with her knees. She was going to kill him.Piece by piece.

"Stop" called Sophia.Everyone turned and fixed thier eyes on her.She was a bloody mess. "Let my finish him."

Lucifer laughed. "Sophia,darling. C'mon." She came closer putting her left hand over his heart. "You took there souls,and mines.And alot of others.Now,it's time I take yours."

"We can work this out." he said. She frowned. Shoving her hand inside him she rips out his insides.She holds his heart,like a prize. Smiles to herself.Because she was they only one whocould have killed him,and vice versa. His body feel silent. Screams sprung from his lips. "This building will destory itself in fifteen mintues."

With that she turned.The heart still in her hand.She ran out the door. 

Angel turned back watching Luke. She watched as the sword was plunged in him three times. she waited to screa.To cry. It was fast. She never thought he could die. She never thought he'd die at all.But,there he was looking at her mouth open,as he feel to his knees.All she could do was stand there. Watch. Until something told her to move.She fled to his side.Looking down at me.

"You're safe"he whispered. She smiled."I know,but,you aren't.Just-hold on."

He looked at her,he saw in her eyes tear.She cared.He could feel her.Smell how she felt. "Let me show you something." he said in breaths. He pulled her into a vision.

"There's my boy" smiled the woman."We've been waiting for you." He smiled and turned to face her. He had waited so long fot this.So long to see her. "Mom!" he shouted.He ran towards her. Her face plastered with love. She soaked in her son. "Oh,Luke."

"Luke" called the man. Luke turned to face his father.He looked like him.The same since he could last remeber.They all hugged,tears filling the air that floated around them.

"You did your job,you protected her.She'll remeber that forever."

He smiled. "I know

Angel pulled out the dream looking at Luke. Tears pooling her eyes. "I love you too.Luke"

"I didn't say-"

"The other night.I didn't say it.Because I didn't want to lie.Now im saying it,because I-I always have."

Luke smiled and cupped her wet checks. "You're going to be happy.And,have kids of your own. Your still and Inccubsu?" She nodded,almost forgetting.

"The North Star. Cast it,reclaim yourself. Then you can visit me. And everyone else in heaven."

She smiled sobbing more. Why did everyone around her have to die? Everyone who was so good to her.Everyone who was so important."Bye,love" Luke took his last gaze at her,before his eyes dropped. She kissed his checks."Goodbye."

"You guys can him them off right?" she asked Cole and Candice. They nodded loooking back to him. They charged at him. Knocking him back with great force


Angel stood on the rock edge. Her head looking up towards the sky. "Give me the power of the moon.So that good will conquer and help me soon." She repeated it each time getting louder and louder until her body was placed into the air. She spun in the gold bubble,her body twisting and jerking in each way. 

She was getting closer and closer until she was in the clouds of heaven.

"Angel dear,Is that you." said God

She looked over to him. Fear and exciment sculpting her face."God?"

"Of course,are you looking for someone else?"

"No" she said

"Did-Did I die" she asked him. He smiled genuine before answering. "Heavens no child,The moon must of brought you here for a reaon thought. Tell me how may I apply your blessing."

"I want to be an angel again.I think."

God looked at bis child. Picking her up with his hand he sat her in the seat beaside me. People we lined up.waiting for God to invite them into his gates,or to banish them away to hell."

"Why do you think?"

She gasped. That question threw her off. Why did she think that? If someone had asked her that she would know.She would tell them that she wanted to be an Angel,that it was in her blood.But ont thing was in the way.One thing she loved.Cole.Could she be with him like that? What if the same thing happened? Another war? She couldnt lose new people all over.

"I wanna be with him."

God nodded."Its up to you,you will always be my child.And I'll always let you visit."

She smiled.Telling him what she wanted to be.Knowing she'd be that way forever


Greed held Candice in her hands. Throwing her every way she could. Cole slammed into Greed,knocking his sister out of her hands. She snarled at him annoyed. She picked up the sword and Clamped it in her hands. Doing tricks with it making a move on Luke. She ponited to him and aimed. His wolf body jerked back.She missed,but,she was still close.

While Greed was being greedy with Cole,Candice snook up behind her.Getting her power ready for major destruction,until it all back fired. Instead Greed plunged the sword in Candices neck and ribs. It was fast,on beart.She landed on her back,promptly.

Cole growled and poncing in the air lands on grabs her head with his teeth,and rips it clean from her body. It cracks into pieces and he shifts to human at his sisters side.


"Cole,you the best big brother."

"You can't die okay?" he demanded panic coming of him on waves.

"I have to,you see.Someone taught me life is about sacrifice.I have to die.For him."


"Oh,you love him.His name is Temperance."

Cole smiled. "Your're a good sister. I remeber how we used to race each other."

"Tell mom and dad. That I-I love them" she whispered.Her words coming out as pants or in breaths

"I will."

"And,I love you. Cole,be happy."

He smiled. "I will because I love you to."


"I'm sorry,about everything." she apologized to Cole.

"Don't,it was'nt anyones fault.That's just how love and hate work."

They laid in the bed. Snuggling one another for the first time in a long time.They could fianlly be together. To think they did it all for love. She couldn't imagine being anywhere else,with anyone else. He looked her into her eyes. Love and passion filling the cores. He loved her,that's that mattered. He would always love here. Thick and thin. "So whose place is this anyways?" he asked

She smiled and looked out the window at the stars. "A very close friend." Somewhere in her heart she heard Luke laugh. Her eyes flew open as a vision played in her eyes.

Temperance wacthed as she strided up the golden streets.That can be her he said. He watched as the blonde looked around.Her blue eyes wandering. "Candice?" She turned a huge smile radiating from her face. "Temperance!"

He engulfed her into a tight,deligent hug. "What are you doing here?"

"Love is about sacrifice."

"Eww," said Ana "sounds like a soap opera romance. Luke was beside her. "I know right."

They both laughed together. Making fake throwup sounds as they kissed. 

Angel pulled back and smiled. Everyone was fianlly happy. "Whad you see?" asked Cole. She smiled and pecked him on his lips



She was on the beach beside Cole. His hand grabbed hers  and they were staring up at the stars. He walked her over the sand pulling her into the water.

"Get in the boat,love" his voice was sweet as usual. Angel smiled at him as his hands gripped her waist and he moved her to the boat. His massive body threw himself in.

He paddled them silently as her eyes roamed the scenery. Vines and roses. A soft blue lake. White doves and silk petals.

"My dream" she whispered. Ang turned my eyes. He was focused but she seen him smile.

She kissed his check before darting away. "Catch me Cole". She was giggling and leaping through the grass.

He chased after her. Picking up flowers as he did.

She laughed again "Na na na boo boo, you can't catch me" she taunted. This was the Angelina he loved. He ran harder this time. His feet making prints in the meadow.

Cole tackled her. "Gotcha bogger". She smiled as they rolled over. She was by my side "I'm your boggery girlfriend so,hey,its okay". He  grinned. He remebered when this wish a dream.

He held out the bouquet of flowers. "Awww Cole". She smelt them. "I love our meadow".He sat up as he put his arm around her. "I love you" he snuck.

She smiled once more. She leaned in for a kiss. Her lips soft on his. Thier breathing fastened. And she turned him over so that she was on top. IHe pulled her ribbon from her hair.

"I love you to".

He kissed her again.

"So Luke,knew our future all along?"

"Yea." she said "he knew all along."

Vote && COMMENT I have ONE MORE CHAPER to write and an Epilouge for  the end!

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