I Knew You Were Trouble

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                     AN:Sorry for any typos I always go back and edit,plus add pictures after I finish the story.This chapter was fun to write. The next chapter is tricky.Im writing on it now.It'll be long.

It's quiet when I wake.To quiet.I can hear the thumping of my heart. My hands are chained,as well as my ankles. A candle light illuminated the room with a blackened erie. Cole was slumbering beside me no attempt of wakeing up. The chamber doors opened and in came in Mona. Her lips were painted red, her face bewitched,and smirk sinister.

"Mona,thank God.Get us out of here."

She chuckled "Why would I do that?"

"Mona,you don't understand you could be in great danger."

"The only danger is you. Listen,you can leave here alive or dead,chose wisely.Cole,is not an option."

"Are you crazy?"

"Maybe just a little." she said with a wicked grin.

"Mona you don't-

"you're here because of me."

I eyed her.She sat on the stool furthest on the left closest to the chamber door.

"I'm the one changing the order of things.The one who will continue to change the order of things,and the one who will be ruler of the order of things."

"You can't do this."

"Oh,but I can." she scoffed. "After all,this is what you deserve."

"Mona,I'm sorry all the guys at school drooled over me and not you,look on the bright side.We've switched.I was your friend,those guys we're nothing."

"You were always prettier.You had the straight A's and the cute clothes.No one hated you.But me,your best friend.You-you left me for those preppy cheerleaders and hot jocks.You had everything I wanted and took it all for granted.Your parents were super rich,and cared about you.I had nothing but you.And when I lost you I snapped.I'll break you every chance I get."

"Mona I didn't- I didn't stop being your friend.Not even now.I'm sorry I had what you wanted.But,now you have it.And you've accomplished to torture me.What else is there?"

She looked over at Cole. "There's nothing you can say or do.It's final.I'm making the choice of your death tommrow.The Order of Things will change. I'll become ruler.And,Cole will forget you."

"Okay,fine.Just keep him safe,him Ana and Candice."

"Fine,it's the least I can do."

She files out the door.It slams shut behind her.Cole wakes out of his sleep in reaction.

"What?" he murmurs sleepily.A confused expression plays on his face

"Cole, I'm so sorry.I should have left you alone.I should have never fell in love.I should have hated you.I shouldn't have been a Day Breaker. I won't you to live,you and your sister,and Ana."

"Angel? What are you-doing?"

"It's been Mona this whole time.She's controlling everything."


I nod. "Where are we?"

"I dunno her lair I guess."

"You're wrong.This isn't anyone's fault.I love you,and you love me that's all that matters."

"She's killing me." I whispered 

"It'll be as if I never existed."

"She-she can't do that.You'll always there somewhere.In my heart."

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