Losen Up

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  I didn't want to like Angelina. I didnt want to think about her,or care for her but,when it came down to it. I did. I liked her. I thought about her and I cared for her. I wanted to be with her- I didn't want to be with anyone else because no one else seemed like her.She wasn't on me,like the rest.Fame meant nothing to her.Her ignorance to me was bliss.

I was more then sure she saw me on television a few hours ago and if she hadn't then she'd hear people talking about it at least.

I knew this was wrong. I kept telling mseylf.She's an Angel. She's an Angel.You can't like an Angel.Your half Demon,she's an Angel.

But my heart had its mind up. And hey, what the heart wants the heart gets. The interview was over and we were heading for the car.I pulled out my phone seeing the message in my notification bar.

1 Message.

Unknown: You could have asked me before you sang my song you asshole. But more importantly you should have asked me was I okay with liking you liking me!

   My face moved at the text. It was from Angel I knew it. She must of gotten my number from Mona.She was the only girl who was bad ass enough to actually call me an ass to my face . I texted her back more then eager for a reply.

  Angelina Bright: Yes,we can restart.

Me:Hi my name is Cole Price . I'm a demon.I like cake and I watch,Harry Potter, because I'm weird.

    Angelina Bright :Hi I'm Angelina, Angel or Ang for short, I'm an angel. I enjoy Starbucks. Long walks are cool. I eat cookies. Oh,and I think Harry Styles is my husband.

   I laugh at her text. We caught up that night. We became real good friends that week, and I didn't even care if that's all she ever wanted to be, I just wanted her in my life for some odd reason.

I let my fingers roam over to the add button that day.

**3 week later**

Beep beep. I hunk impatiently at the girl. We are going to be late. "I'm coming," shouts Angel from the top window. I was escorting her to the prom because her boyfriend,Alex had succumbed the flu. The girl's shoes clicked on the sidewalk. She swirled in the car her Japense Cherry Blossom fragrance blissfuly filling the car. "Thank you Cole, you really didn't have to do this." I grinned "Of course I did, that's what friends do."I swished the wheel around.

   Sure,I wanted to be more then her friend but I was still grateful. I knew I'd be patronizing her if I'd asked her out again. Rejection was not friendly and I'd wait for my chance.If I ever had one.

  I parked behind a red Sudan and escorted my date inside. "You first," I taunted while giving her my hand. She grabbed it and put her other hand on her heart "How nice of you dear." We both laughed before the music shut us out. The Techno beats along with a million students gyrating made my head spin. Inside we were already being welcomed. Angelina danced with her friends and I danced with mine.

The Electric Slide played loudly and it seemed as if everyone one was on the dance floor. I darted side to side and then back and fourth to the music.

  vPeople smiled and laughed at the fun that was pulsating up. As the song ended I ran over to the punch bowl. I chugged down the orange liquid,quenching my thirst.

Con los terroristas Ey Shake Ey Shake

  The crowd roared in triumph while rushing back to the dance floor.

    Do tha Harlem Shake.

   We all danced crazily and silly to the funky beat. I see Angelina do the burney and her other friend,Ana twerk. I laugh as I move my junk around and my fellow assholes fall in with me.

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