Pieces to the Puzzle

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Chaos,this was a bunch of chaos. I watched as Wrath and Lust danced together.Occasionally,squealing and snickering amongst themselves.Envy was watching them with hawk eyes,her eyes and nose snarled up in content. Sloth was discussing The Last Day with the waiter as if no one was in the room and Greed and Gluttony were chatting it up with Sophia,the servant. They all would gaze over at me a few times and continue to go on. Until a very beautiful woman with flowing hair,and bodacious hips sashayed towards me.

"Darling,do tell me how the daughter of Charity is so-so beautiful." she smiled. She handed her hand to me "Hello" her lips pursed into a smirk "I'm Lust."I looked her over and established that she was definatley her name.Everything about her could make any man fall under her. "I'm Candice." She nodded."It's a shame this has to happen,to such a furfilling girl like you." I see Wrath make his way over grabbing a glass of wine.His hair forms his face,and his milk chocolate eyes give off a warm tint."Yes" he agrees "and so-so fragile she is." I frown a bit before Sophia claps her hands together. We turn our heads to her as shes speaks.

"Lucifer is on his way,everyone have a seat."

I sit right next to Greed and Sloth,probably not the right choice for a dinner.Everyone stands to there feet as he walks in,he smiles curtley before acknowleging us to sit. Sophia and the waiters fill our dishes with diffrent foods.The portal door opens and a few more people walk in and sit. A boy with blonde hair slides in the chair beside me.It wasn't before long when they brought him a bowl of blood.The woman across from him smiled at his choice.

I looked at Greed's plate she had one of everything,while Sloth had a messy pile of what seemed to be garbage.We ate in silence until Lucifer spoke. "Hello everyone,is everything fine with your meal." he said slow and low.It was almost like a machine. Envy made a low moan to show that her dish was just fine.I looked down at mine. Pizza.I hadn't took a bite yet.

"Candice,dear" he said."Is your food fine." I nodded while clearing my throat. Envy was eyeing me with strange eyes,eyes that made me look away. I was wondering why there were only six people but,I realized Lucifer made it seven.He was Pride then.

After we ate Gluttony showed us a power he inherited along time ago from a God.He was very precice and carful with the glowing ball that emerged from his hand,saying it was to powerful,powerful enough to destory someone or something.He was looking at me when he said it,and I feared as if to know why. Wrath and Lust had another dance this time Envy joined. Around tweleve they were saying goodbye and leaving the portal. The blonde boy was eyeing me when I tuned.

"I need to talk to you."

Did I just read his mind? 

"No" he said "I'm in yours."

"You have to leave,before your brother comes here. It's a set-up."

"I cant leave." I cried "How?"

"Me and Gluttony will help."

"How can I trust you two?"

"You can't,but,you have no reasons not to."

I smiled at him before picking up the dishes to help Sophia.

"So here's the plan" he started

I sprinted through the tall white grass looking ahead for Temperance.He was where he said he'd be.Him and Gluttony where brothers.Opposites at that.They couldn't see me but they knew I waa there. "Okay,what now? "I asked.

"Here"says Gluttony.He holds his hands out as the blue light burns bright in his hands. He extends it to me. I causes my body to jerk back but,it makes me feel,stonger.

"Now,head that way" Temperance points west and I nod.Even thought he cannot see.

"No one should see you.Your invisible remeber? How long can you stay this way" he was looking around when he asked.

"Hours,it just requires enegy. He nods and tell me to go.I thank him and his brother before going through the field.I'm becoming exhausted but fear getting Gluttony,Temperance,and myself caught.Speeding up my hair plays in the wind. My eyes adjust to night vision where I can see things better.I continue to run.Gasping for air I sprawl into a flip. Landing I sprint down the grass.When almost immidatley a body slams into mines. I can not see who it is.

"Who's there?" the voice says shakly

"Who are you?" I ask

"Ana" she hisses.I almost smile before I realize there is no use. "Ana,it's me Candice.We have to keep running." I began to run when she grabs me."No,you won't find Cole or Angel that way."

"Why not?"

"She took them" Ana answered. "Who-who took them?"



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