I Hate You But...

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                     The family camp. Flies, heat, dust, and a dock leading to cool blue heaven. Dad could always be found in his collapsible aluminum chair with a fishing pole in one hand and a Budweiser in the other. Mom would be in the kitchen chopping a continuous supply of watermelon or making sandwiches. And Candice and I were usually trying to find some connection for our iPhone.

                My sister and I both knew about our secret. I've always keep my word about it. Even though we were so much alike. We were also different. I guess she inherited more of our moms genes because she was more cambion then werewolf.

                    I on the other hand was more werewolf then cambion. We've grown to love our "supernatural" abilities. I even use mines as an advantage. Sure Candy could do somethings I dreamt of doing but I felt like a man knowing I was half canine.

             My blonde hair covered my face and brought out my light blue eyes. I had a piercing beneath my lip and my lips were swollen pink.

          "Hey" I said throwing my phone down "I'll race ya". She winked and made a snarl while turning wolf form. I barked my laugh as we jetted off. My paws rammed in the dirt. I could feel the wind running through my furry pores. Looking at Candice I give her a growl.

                     She takes this as a challenge and sped her pace leaving her dirt behind. No way I was gonna let her beat me. Not star athlete Cole Price. I purred as I galloped more fiercely. I pass Candy noticing that she has stopped. I pounce on her playful as she gaps her teeth on me. I give her a mean growl as she nudges me to look where she has her eyes.

           Before me was a girl. She had easy blue eyes. Black candy curls. Her spirals feel on the rim of her breast. Her stomach was exposed showing her perfect flawless body. Her pixie nose and Rosemary cheeks burned in the light. She was more then beautiful.

            I knew me and my sister should have ran away. We were face to face with a human. A human on animal free land. But I was more confused she was here, because we rented the land for three days just so things like this didn't happen. But the girl who was staring back at use knew something about us. I could smell her scent. Her watery minty scent. My nostrils burned.

                        I peeped at Candice's eyes. She must have been mind reading because her intense stare never dropped. The girl walked closer and closer. Until she meet us. She ran her delicate fingers over our heads. We purred at her gesture. Bowing down I give her the satisfaction. But when I meet her eyes and she meet mines. She pulled away. Her mouth hung open as she was about to say something.

         I could smell how weak and vulnerable she was and I purred even more at the thought.

            "Angelina" shouted a weak voice. I could hear the leaves crunch as she got closer. "Oh Angelina" she called again like a cat owner. Finally the girl was in view. I was face to face with my current girlfriend. Mona. "What the hell are those werewolves" Mona shouted."Shhhh" hissed Angelina. "Before my parents here you". She rolled her eyes.

               "Angel you weirdo, they could be ..be.. killers". "What do you suppose I do when they eat you". Angel smirked. "Go buy yourself a Channel purse for your misery" she teased. I growled causing Mona to scream. "Mona" yelled two voices. Oh great more humans. Eyeing Candy I snarl.

                 We are in big trouble. Angelina's parents are by us now patting us down. In the distance I hear my name being called. Finally my mother is walking towards us with my father. They stop saying our names when they realize the problem. Rose gives me death glares. "Oh my gosh Cole is here" Mona exclaims.

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