The Last Day

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"Angel,I need you to stay safe. Whatever happens,don't do anything stupid or reckless."

"I can't promise you that."

He looked at me with a smile. "I love you."

I smiled.I couldn't say it back.I didn't want to lie.I didn't want him to think he had a chance.

"Relax,I know where you're heart is." 

"Time to transport.You ready?"

I nodded. "Always."

The wave of neon lights cover over us like a halo rim.We were sucked in like a straw sucking up a milkshake.We spun and swirled in the vortex.It was slow motion again.I could see all the places he had traveled.His old memorys.Continuing down the vortex my feet come into contact with the grass.

"Get ready."

The sky tuns a gray shade,then darkens to black.I see Supernaturals of all sorts line up on a side. I know this is just what keeps everyone busy from the real war. I stand upon the rock.Luke is looking over at Candice.

"Welcome,welcome." said Lucifer "Today embarks a new journey.We are all here to fight.To have power.To have freedom.For we don't know they day nor the hour in which a Supernatural will overcome.So we fight on the Last Day,over anger.And over greed."

He looked at me and smiled.Cole is walking up taking place at the rock beside me.

With a flicker of his hand,the war begins.

Everyone charges at one another.I see blood and dead bodies already covering the field."Look," said Cole "The Star."

Lucifer is by us. "Recite these words here my dears.And,I shall kill you all."

At the same time we chant. "Give us the power of the moon.So that good will conquer and,help us soon." We say it about five times until the star swims down and is bright in our faces.

"Now,give it to me." hissed Lucifer

"No." shouted Mona "I'm ruler.I get the power.Cole,babe.Give it to me."

Take it


Take it.Take the power.

I can't-


I reach my hands out into the angelic star as the power goes through me in jolts.I shake back from the electric current sinking inside me.

"No." screamed Lucifer."Now,I'll have you all killed.

I watch him run back towards the tower as Luke and Cole chase after him.

"Ahh" shouts Mona. "I can't wait to kill you."

She runs into me,causing me to fly back.I get up and through some waves at her.Getting used to the power. She grabs my head and smacks my skull against the rock."Your're nothing but a weak little whore."

I growl at her. I through her off and plow into her.Grabbing her by her neck I choke her. "Whore? Don't get cocky."

She uses her power to slide out of my hold and then uses another to trap me in a water bubble.She punches at it causing the water to singe my skin.

I grunt in pain,and use my invisibility to sneak up on her.I use my right hand to grab her hair.And my left hand to use my radiation power.She mumbles and makes it to where I'm on the ground and she's on top of me.She uses her telekinetic genes.To throw me into the nearest tree.A hit it with a thud.

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